Concurrent update of bit-fields in C - c

Section 3.15.3 of the C standard states:
"it is not safe to concurrently update two non-atomic bit-fields in
the same structure if all members declared between them are also
non-zero-length bit-fields, no matter what the size of those
intervening bit-fields happen to be."
Consider the below example:
struct S {
unsigned a: 8;
unsigned b: 4;
unsigned c: 4;
unsigned d: 8;
Based on the standard, it's not safe to update bit-fields a and d concurrently.
Why not?

Bit fields aren't individually addressable, so to set a bit field, the compiler makes machine code to:
Read the byte that includes the bits to set
Set the required bits in that byte
Write the whole byte back.
Sometimes this is done in a single instruction, but then the processor does the same job.
Either way, if another thread is simultaneously doing he same sort of thing on other bits in the same byte, then the operations of the two threads can interfere with each other.
Note also: you can't rely on the unit of access being a byte, it could be a whole int or unsigned, for example.


convert uint8_t* to uint64_t

What's more recommended or advisable way to convert array of uint8_t at offset i to uint64_t and why?
uint8_t * bytes = ...
uint64_t const v = ((uint64_t *)(bytes + i))[0];
uint64_t const v = ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+7]) << 56)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+6]) << 48)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+5]) << 40)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+4]) << 32)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+3]) << 24)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+2]) << 16)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i+1]) << 8)
| ((uint64_t)(bytes[i]));
There are two primary differences.
One, the behavior of ((uint64_t *)(bytes + i))[0] is not defined by the C standard (unless certain prerequisites about what bytes point to are met). Generally, an array of bytes should not be accessed using a uint64_t type.
When memory defined as one type is accessed with another type, it is called aliasing, and the C standard only defines certain combinations of aliasing. Some compilers may support some aliasing beyond what the standard requires, but using it is not portable. Additionally, if bytes + i is not suitably aligned for a uint64_t, the access may cause an exception or otherwise malfunction.
Two, loading the bytes through aliasing, if it is defined (by the standard or by compiler extension), interprets the bytes using the memory ordering for the C implementation. Some C implementations store the bytes representing integers in memory from low address to high address for low-position-value bytes to high-position-value bytes, and some store them from high address to low address. (And they can be stored in non-consecutive orders too, although this is rare.) So loading the bytes this way will produce different values from the same bytes in memory based on what order the C implementation uses.
But loading the bytes and using shifts to combine them will always produce the same value from the same bytes in memory regardless of what order the C implementation uses.
The first method should be avoided, because there is no need for it. If one desires to interpret the bytes using the C implementation’s ordering, this can be done with:
uint64_t t;
memcpy(&t, bytes+i, sizeof t);
const uint64_t v = t;
Using memcpy provides a portable way of aliasing the uint64_t to store bytes into it. Good compilers recognize this idiom and will optimize the memcpy to a load from memory, if suitable for the target architecture (and if optimization is enabled).
If one desires to interpret the bytes using little-endian ordering, as shown in the code in the question, then the second method may be used. (Sometimes platforms will have routines that may provide more efficient code for this.)
You can also use memcpy
uint64_t n;
memcpy(&n, bytes + i, sizeof(uint64_t));
const uint64_t v = n;
The first option has two big problems that qualify as undefined behavior (anything can happen):
A uint8_t* or array of uint8_t is not necessarily aligned the same way as required by a larger type like uint64_t. Simply casting to uint64_t* leads to misaligned access. This can cause hardware exceptions, program crashes, slower code etc, all depending on the alignment requirements of the specific target.
It violates the internal type system of C, where each object in memory known by the compiler has an "effective type" that the compiler keeps track of. Based on this, the compiler is allowed to make certain assumptions regarding if a certain memory region have been accessed or not during optimization. If your code violates these type rules, as it would in this case, wrong machine code could get generated.
This is most commonly referred to as the strict aliasing rule and your cast followed by dereferencing would be a so-called "strict aliasing violation".
The second option is sound code, because:
When doing shifts or other forms of bitwise arithmetic, a large integer type should be used. That is, unsigned int or larger - depending on system. Using signed types or small integer types can lead to undefined behavior or unexpected results. See Implicit type promotion rules regarding problems with small integer types implicitly changing signedness in some expressions.
If not for the cast to uint64_t, then the bytes[i+7] << 56 shift would involve an implicit promotion of the left operand from uint8_t to int, which would be a bug. Because if the most significant bit (MSB) of the byte is set and we shift into/beyond the sign bit, we invoke undefined behavior - again, anything can happen.
And naturally we need to use a 64 bit type in this specific case or otherwise we wouldn't be able to shift as far as 56 bits. Shifting beyond the range of the type of the left operand is also undefined behavior.
Note that whether to pick the order of bytes[i+7] << 56 versus the alternative bytes[i+0] << 56 depends on the underlying CPU endianess. Bit shifts are nice since the actual shift ignores if the destination type is using big or little endian. But in this case you must know in advance which byte in the source array you want to correspond to the most significant. This code you have here will work if the array was built based on little endian formatting, since the last byte of the array is shifted to the highest address.
As for the uint64_t const v = , the const qualifier is a bit strange to have at local scope like that. It's harmless but confusing and doesn't really add anything of value inside a local scope. I would just drop it.

"Bit-fields are assigned left to right on some machines and right to left on others"- unable to get the concept from "The C Programming Language" book

I was going through the text "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie. While discussing about bit-fields at the end of that section, the authors say:
"Fields are assigned left to right on some machines and right to left on others. This means that although fields are useful for maintaining internally-defined data structures, the question of which end comes first has to be carefully considered when picking apart externally-defined data; programs that depend on such things are not portable."
- The C Programming Language [2e] by Kernighan & Ritchie [Section 6.9, p.150]
Strictly I do not get the meaning of these lines. Can anyone please explain me with a possible diagram?
PS: Well I have taken a computer organization and architecture course. I know how computers deal with bits and bytes. In a computer system, the smallest unit of information is a single bit which can be either 0 or 1. 8 such bits form a byte. Memories are byte-addressable, which means that each byte in the memory has an address associated with it. But usually, the processors have word lengths as 2 bytes (very old systems),4 bytes, 8 bytes... This means in one memory cycle, the CPU can take up a word length number of bytes from the main memory and put it inside its registers. Now how these bytes are placed in registers depends on the endianness of the system.
But I do not get what the authors mean by "left to right" or "right to left". The words seem like they are related to the endianness but endianness depends on the CPU and C compilers have nothing to do with it... The question which comes to my mind is "left to right" of "what"? What object are the authors referring to?
When a structure contains bit-fields, the C implementation uses some storage unit to hold them (or multiple storage units if needed). The storage unit might be one eight-bit byte or it might be four bytes, or it might be other sizes—this is a determination made by each C implementation. The C standard only requires that it be addressable, which effectively means it has to be a whole number of bytes.
Once we have a storage unit, it is some number of bits. Say it is 32 bits, and number the bits from 31 to 0, where, if we consider the bits to represent a binary numeral, bit 0 represents 20, and bit 31 represents 231. Note that Kernighan and Ritchie are imprecise to use “left” and “right” here. There is no inherent left or right. We usually write numerals with the most significant digits on the left, so we might consider bit 31 to be the leftmost and bit 0 to be the rightmost.
Now we have a storage unit with some number of bits and some labeling for those bits (31 to 0 or left to right). Say you want to put two bit-fields in them, say fields of width 7 and 5.
Which 7 of the bits from bit 31 to bit 0 are used for the first field? Which 5 of the bits are used for the second field?
We could use bits 31-25 for the first field and bits 24-20 for the second field. Or we could use bits 6-0 for the first field and bits 11-7 for the second field.
In theory, we could also use bits 27-21 for the first field and bits 15-11 for the second field. However, the C standard does say that “If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit” (C 2018 11). “Adjacent” is not formally defined, but we can assume it means consecutively numbered bits. So, if the C implementation puts the first field in bits 31-25, it is required to put the second field in bits 24-20. Conversely, it it puts the first field in bits 6-0, it must put the second field in 11-7.
Thus, the C standard requires an implementation to arrange successive bit-fields in a storage unit from left-to-right or from right-to-left, but it does not say which.
(I do not see anything in the standard that says the first field must start at one end of the storage unit or the other, rather than somewhere in the middle. That would lead to wasting some bits.)
When you write:
struct {
unsigned int version: 4;
unsigned int length: 4;
unsigned char dcsn;
you end up with a big headache you weren't expecting because your code is non-portable.
When you set version to 4 and length to 5, some systems may set the first byte of the structure to 0x45 and other systems may set the first byte of the structure to 0x54.
When I went to college this thing was #ifdef'd as follows (incorrect):
struct {
unsigned int version: 4;
unsigned int length: 4;
unsigned int length: 4;
unsigned int version: 4;
unsigned char dcsn;
but this is still rolling the dice as there's no rule that the order of the bits in the bytes in a bitfield corresponds to the order of bytes in the word in the machine. I would not be surprised that when you cross-compile the bit order in the struct comes from the host machine's rules while the bit order of integers comes from the target machine's rules (as it must). In theory the code could be corrected by having a separate #ifdef for BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD but I've never seen it done.
Here is some demonstration code. The only goal is to demonstrate what you are asking about. Clean coding etc. is neglected.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t Everything;
uint32_t FirstMentionedBit : 1;
uint32_t FewOTherBits :30;
uint32_t LastMentionedBit : 1;
} bitfield;
} Demonstration;
int main()
Demonstration.Everything =0;
printf("%x\n", Demonstration.Everything);
Demonstration.Everything =0;
printf("%x\n", Demonstration.Everything);
return 0;
If you use this here
the output is
But in other environments it might easily be
This is because compilers are free to consider the first mentioned bit the MSB or the LSB and correspondingly the last mentioned bit to be the LSB or MSB.
And that is what your quote describes.

When to use bit-fields in C

On the question 'why do we need to use bit-fields?', searching on Google I found that bit fields are used for flags.
Now I am curious,
Is it the only way bit-fields are used practically?
Do we need to use bit fields to save space?
A way of defining bit field from the book:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
unsigned int is_extern : 1;
unsigned int is_static : 1;
} flags;
Why do we use int?
How much space is occupied?
I am confused why we are using int, but not short or something smaller than an int.
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
A quite good resource is Bit Fields in C.
The basic reason is to reduce the used size. For example, if you write:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword;
unsigned int is_extern;
unsigned int is_static;
} flags;
You will use at least 3 * sizeof(unsigned int) or 12 bytes to represent three small flags, that should only need three bits.
So if you write:
struct {
unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
unsigned int is_extern : 1;
unsigned int is_static : 1;
} flags;
This uses up the same space as one unsigned int, so 4 bytes. You can throw 32 one-bit fields into the struct before it needs more space.
This is sort of equivalent to the classical home brew bit field:
#define IS_KEYWORD 0x01
#define IS_EXTERN 0x02
#define IS_STATIC 0x04
unsigned int flags;
But the bit field syntax is cleaner. Compare:
if (flags.is_keyword)
if (flags & IS_KEYWORD)
And it is obviously less error-prone.
Now I am curious, [are flags] the only way bitfields are used practically?
No, flags are not the only way bitfields are used. They can also be used to store values larger than one bit, although flags are more common. For instance:
typedef enum {
NORTH = 0,
EAST = 1,
SOUTH = 2,
WEST = 3
} directionValues;
struct {
unsigned int alice_dir : 2;
unsigned int bob_dir : 2;
} directions;
Do we need to use bitfields to save space?
Bitfields do save space. They also allow an easier way to set values that aren't byte-aligned. Rather than bit-shifting and using bitwise operations, we can use the same syntax as setting fields in a struct. This improves readability. With a bitfield, you could write
directions.alice_dir = WEST;
directions.bob_dir = SOUTH;
However, to store multiple independent values in the space of one int (or other type) without bitfields, you would need to write something like:
#define ALICE_OFFSET 0
#define BOB_OFFSET 2
directions &= ~(3<<ALICE_OFFSET); // clear Alice's bits
directions |= WEST<<ALICE_OFFSET; // set Alice's bits to WEST
directions &= ~(3<<BOB_OFFSET); // clear Bob's bits
directions |= SOUTH<<BOB_OFFSET; // set Bob's bits to SOUTH
The improved readability of bitfields is arguably more important than saving a few bytes here and there.
Why do we use int? How much space is occupied?
The space of an entire int is occupied. We use int because in many cases, it doesn't really matter. If, for a single value, you use 4 bytes instead of 1 or 2, your user probably won't notice. For some platforms, size does matter more, and you can use other data types which take up less space (char, short, uint8_t, etc.).
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
No, that is not correct. The entire unsigned int will exist, even if you're only using 8 of its bits.
Another place where bitfields are common are hardware registers. If you have a 32 bit register where each bit has a certain meaning, you can elegantly describe it with a bitfield.
Such a bitfield is inherently platform-specific. Portability does not matter in this case.
We use bit fields mostly (though not exclusively) for flag structures - bytes or words (or possibly larger things) in which we try to pack tiny (often 2-state) pieces of (often related) information.
In these scenarios, bit fields are used because they correctly model the problem we're solving: what we're dealing with is not really an 8-bit (or 16-bit or 24-bit or 32-bit) number, but rather a collection of 8 (or 16 or 24 or 32) related, but distinct pieces of information.
The problems we solve using bit fields are problems where "packing" the information tightly has measurable benefits and/or "unpacking" the information doesn't have a penalty. For example, if you're exposing 1 byte through 8 pins and the bits from each pin go through their own bus that's already printed on the board so that it leads exactly where it's supposed to, then a bit field is ideal. The benefit in "packing" the data is that it can be sent in one go (which is useful if the frequency of the bus is limited and our operation relies on frequency of its execution), and the penalty of "unpacking" the data is non-existent (or existent but worth it).
On the other hand, we don't use bit fields for booleans in other cases like normal program flow control, because of the way computer architectures usually work. Most common CPUs don't like fetching one bit from memory - they like to fetch bytes or integers. They also don't like to process bits - their instructions often operate on larger things like integers, words, memory addresses, etc.
So, when you try to operate on bits, it's up to you or the compiler (depending on what language you're writing in) to write out additional operations that perform bit masking and strip the structure of everything but the information you actually want to operate on. If there are no benefits in "packing" the information (and in most cases, there aren't), then using bit fields for booleans would only introduce overhead and noise in your code.
To answer the original question »When to use bit-fields in C?« … according to the book "Write Portable Code" by Brian Hook (ISBN 1-59327-056-9, I read the German edition ISBN 3-937514-19-8) and to personal experience:
Never use the bitfield idiom of the C language, but do it by yourself.
A lot of implementation details are compiler-specific, especially in combination with unions and things are not guaranteed over different compilers and different endianness. If there's only a tiny chance your code has to be portable and will be compiled for different architectures and/or with different compilers, don't use it.
We had this case when porting code from a little-endian microcontroller with some proprietary compiler to another big-endian microcontroller with GCC, and it was not fun. :-/
This is how I have used flags (host byte order ;-) ) since then:
# define SOME_FLAG (1 << 0)
# define SOME_OTHER_FLAG (1 << 1)
# define AND_ANOTHER_FLAG (1 << 2)
/* test flag */
if ( someint & SOME_FLAG ) {
/* do this */
/* set flag */
someint |= SOME_FLAG;
/* clear flag */
someint &= ~SOME_FLAG;
No need for a union with the int type and some bitfield struct then. If you read lots of embedded code those test, set, and clear patterns will become common, and you spot them easily in your code.
Why do we need to use bit-fields?
When you want to store some data which can be stored in less than one byte, those kind of data can be coupled in a structure using bit fields.
In the embedded word, when one 32 bit world of any register has different meaning for different word then you can also use bit fields to make them more readable.
I found that bit fields are used for flags. Now I am curious, is it the only way bit-fields are used practically?
No, this not the only way. You can use it in other ways too.
Do we need to use bit fields to save space?
As I understand only 1 bit is occupied in memory, but not the whole unsigned int value. Is it correct?
No. Memory only can be occupied in multiple of bytes.
Bit fields can be used for saving memory space (but using bit fields for this purpose is rare). It is used where there is a memory constraint, e.g., while programming in embedded systems.
But this should be used only if extremely required because we cannot have the address of a bit field, so address operator & cannot be used with them.
A good usage would be to implement a chunk to translate to—and from—Base64 or any unaligned data structure.
struct {
unsigned int e1:6;
unsigned int e2:6;
unsigned int e3:6;
unsigned int e4:6;
} base64enc; // I don't know if declaring a 4-byte array will have the same effect.
struct {
unsigned char d1;
unsigned char d2;
unsigned char d3;
} base64dec;
union base64chunk {
struct base64enc enc;
struct base64dec dec;
base64chunk b64c;
// You can assign three characters to b64c.enc, and get four 0-63 codes from b64dec instantly.
This example is a bit naive, since Base64 must also consider null-termination (i.e. a string which has not a length l so that l % 3 is 0). But works as a sample of accessing unaligned data structures.
Another example: Using this feature to break a TCP packet header into its components (or other network protocol packet header you want to discuss), although it is a more advanced and less end-user example. In general: this is useful regarding PC internals, SO, drivers, an encoding systems.
Another example: analyzing a float number.
struct _FP32 {
unsigned int sign:1;
unsigned int exponent:8;
unsigned int mantissa:23;
union FP32_t {
_FP32 parts;
float number;
(Disclaimer: Don't know the file name / type name where this is applied, but in C this is declared in a header; Don't know how can this be done for 64-bit floating-point numbers since the mantissa must have 52 bits and—in a 32 bit target—ints have 32 bits).
Conclusion: As the concept and these examples show, this is a rarely used feature because it's mostly for internal purposes, and not for day-by-day software.
To answer the parts of the question no one else answered:
Ints, not Shorts
The reason to use ints rather than shorts, etc. is that in most cases no space will be saved by doing so.
Modern computers have a 32 or 64 bit architecture and that 32 or 64 bits will be needed even if you use a smaller storage type such as a short.
The smaller types are only useful for saving memory if you can pack them together (for example a short array may use less memory than an int array as the shorts can be packed together tighter in the array). For most cases, when using bitfields, this is not the case.
Other uses
Bitfields are most commonly used for flags, but there are other things they are used for. For example, one way to represent a chess board used in a lot of chess algorithms is to use a 64 bit integer to represent the board (8*8 pixels) and set flags in that integer to give the position of all the white pawns. Another integer shows all the black pawns, etc.
You can use them to expand the number of unsigned types that wrap. Ordinary you would have only powers of 8,16,32,64... , but you can have every power with bit-fields.
struct a
unsigned int b : 3 ;
} ;
struct a w = { 0 } ;
while( 1 )
printf("%u\n" , w.b++ ) ;
getchar() ;
To utilize the memory space, we can use bit fields.
As far as I know, in real-world programming, if we require, we can use Booleans instead of declaring it as integers and then making bit field.
If they are also values we use often, not only do we save space, we can also gain performance since we do not need to pollute the caches.
However, caching is also the danger in using bit fields since concurrent reads and writes to different bits will cause a data race and updates to completely separate bits might overwrite new values with old values...
Bitfields are much more compact and that is an advantage.
But don't forget packed structures are slower than normal structures. They are also more difficult to construct since the programmer must define the number of bits to use for each field. This is a disadvantage.
Why do we use int? How much space is occupied?
One answer to this question that I haven't seen mentioned in any of the other answers, is that the C standard guarantees support for int. Specifically:
A bit-field shall have a type that is a qualified or unqualified version of _Bool, signed int, unsigned int, or some other implementation defined type.
It is common for compilers to allow additional bit-field types, but not required. If you're really concerned about portability, int is the best choice.
Nowadays, microcontrollers (MCUs) have peripherals, such as I/O ports, ADCs, DACs, onboard the chip along with the processor.
Before MCUs became available with the needed peripherals, we would access some of our hardware by connecting to the buffered address and data buses of the microprocessor. A pointer would be set to the memory address of the device and if the device saw its address along with the R/W signal and maybe a chip select, it would be accessed.
Oftentimes we would want to access individual or small groups of bits on the device.
In our project, we used this to extract a page table entry and page directory entry from a given memory address:
union VADDRESS {
struct {
ULONG64 BlockOffset : 16;
ULONG64 PteIndex : 14;
ULONG64 PdeIndex : 14;
ULONG64 ReservedMBZ : (64 - (16 + 14 + 14));
Now suppose, we have an address:
union VADDRESS tempAddress;
tempAddress.AsULONG64 = 0x1234567887654321;
Now we can access PTE and PDE from this address:
cout << tempAddress.PteIndex;

Handling bit arrays in C without padding

I'm writing a C program that runs on the Altera NIOS II processor. The program has to interface to a VHDL module on an FPGA test board through a specific memory location. My interface is provided through a Macro, which specifies a base memory address. The VHDL programmer has allocated 32-bits of memory off of that base address, which I'm to fill with binary data separated into four "elements", i.e. [0-11|12-15|16-23|24-31].
My question is, what is the best way to handle these array "elements" as separate data types. I'd like to declare the entire array as a structure to handle the data and declare the different fields using bit-fields, but it's my understanding that this will introduce padding into the 32 bit array.
it's my understanding that [using bit fields] will introduce padding into the 32 bit array
Using bit fields will not introduce padding, unless you explicitly request it: language standard prohibits the compier from padding in between bit fields:
C99 Standard, section If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains, whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined.
You can force padding to happen by specifying a bit field of zero width, like this:
struct hw_reg {
int a:10;
int :0; // Yes, this is legal.
int b:6;
In your case, sufficient space remains after the first 12 bits to allocate the next four, so there will be no padding. If you needed to split the register differently (say, 12-5-7-8), the use of padding would be implementation-defined.
binary data separated into four "elements", i.e.
I'd try as
struct vhdl_data {
uint32_t a : 12; // bits 0-11
uint32_t b : 4; // bits 12-15
uint32_t c : 8; // bits 16-23
uint32_t d : 8; // bits 24-31

Bit field manipulation disadvantages

I was reading this link
I could not understand this following statements from the link, Please help me understand about this.
The programmer just writes some macros that shift or mask the
appropriate bits to get what is desired. However, if the data involves
longer binary encoded records, the C API runs into a problem. I have,
over the years, seen many lengthy, complex binary records described
with the short or long integer bit-field definition facilities. C
limits these bit fields to subfields of integer-defined variables,
which implies two limitations: first of all, that bit fields may be no
wider, in bits, than the underlying variable; and secondly, that no
bit field should overlap the underlying variable boundaries. Complex
records are usually composed of several contiguous long integers
populated with bit-subfield definitions.
ANSI-compliant compilers are free to impose these size and alignment
restrictions and to specify, in an implementation-dependent but
predictable way, how bit fields are packed into the underlying machine
word structure. Structure memory alignment often isn’t portable, but
bit field memory is even less so.
What i have understood from these statements is that the macros can be used to mask the bits to left or right shift. But i had this doubt in my mind why do they use macros? - I thought by defining it in macros the portability can be established irrespective of 16-bit or 32-bit OS..Is it true?I could not understand the two disadvantages mentioned in the above statement.1.bit fields may be no wider bit field should overlap the underlying variable boundaries
and the line,
Complex records are usually composed of several contiguous long integers
populated with bit-subfield definitions.
1.bit fields may be no wider
Let's say you want a bitfield that is 200 bits long.
struct my_struct {
int my_field:200; /* Illegal! No integer type has 200 bits --> compile error!
} v; bit field should overlap the underlying variable boundaries
Let's say you want two 30 bit bitfields and that the compiler uses a 32 bit integer as the underlying variable.
struct my_struct {
unsigned int my_field1:30;
unsigned int my_field2:30; /* Without padding this field will overlap a 32-bit boundary */
} v;
Ususally, the compiler will add padding automatically, generating a struct with the following layout:
struct my_struct {
unsigned int my_field1:30;
:2 /* padding added by the compiler */
unsigned int my_field2:30; /* Without padding this field will overlap a 32-bit boundary */
:2 /* padding added by the compiler */
} v;
