Embed Small Gatsby App into a Wordpress Page? - reactjs

I have an existing Wordpress blog. I coded a Amazon booklist app in gatsby that sources content from contentful. I am hosting the gatsby project on Netlify.
Is it possible to embed that app into a page on Wordpress? I feel like this should be simple but I can't think of a solution.

You could just add it as a subdomain through Netlify on your domain and then they can be separate. I don't know that I would embed the page there as their underlying technology is different.
Then just create a link in your Wordpress site to the subdomain page.

I'm currently exploring options as well. Currently, I have a Gatsby app hosted on Netlify and used an iframe to embed it on my WordPress page:
<iframe src="https://your-netlify-domain.netlify.com"></iframe>


Loading react code into index.html file in flutter web

I have a flutter web application. Things are working smoothly with few impediments.
So recently I got a new requirement that we have already few modules which we developed in react. You can consider like launch pages with signin and signup buttons. I wanted that same react code into my flutter web code. And when we click on sign in and signup it should load flutter web code. Is there is ay solutiom apart from webview? Like something we can do with flutter web folder adding css file into index.html file etc..
Please let me know the best approach for this...

How can I get the google analytics website css, js

How can I get the analytics website css, js
I would like to put the tables, charts, and grap shown on the analytics website into the page I develop website . I am importing it through API, but I need a design that shows it. How can I get css html javascript?
You can use Google Analytics Embedded API, it is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed a dashboard in your system with the same design of Google Analytics:

Angular.js github pages SEO

I have created very simple portfolio website using Angular.js, and I'm hosting it on GitHub Pages. I use Angular.js because I'd like it to have a SPA feeling. It contains mostly images, as it is an artist portfolio app, but also it contains a description page with text, which is (probably) not crawled by Google bot.
Is there a way to SEO my Angular.js website, when it's hosted in static website hosting like GitHub Pages? I've read about prerender, but it's a server-side tool, which can't work on GitHub Pages. I don't control server side (GitHub Pages doesn't allow that). So I cant use anything like server-side rendering.
I use some seo-friendly markup in my index.html file, like meta title with words of value for me, description, etc., but I'm afraid this is not enough.

Deploy Ionic App as Website

I needed to know whether ionic app can be deployed as a website or not? If yes are there any security issues or impediments in doing so? Please share the steps or link for the same.
Just put a www folder on your web server, and put in an <iframe> like this to showcase your app demo:
<iframe src="http://www.example.com/myapp/" width="320" height="568"></iframe>

Doing a web live-preview of an Ionic Application

I was browsing ionic themes and I found a plugin on their pages which showcase their mobile application based on Ionic.
I was wondering where does this script come from and if there is a possibility to do the same on a website to showcase the demo ?
Actually, you don't need any special script to do this.
Just put www folder to your web server and put <iframe> on your website like this to showcase your app demo:
<iframe src="http://www.example.com/myapp/" width="320" height="568"></iframe>
