I created a batch file that allow to move a file from a folder to another.
My issue is that my bat file should also browse source subfolders in order to find files that have a specific pattern.
Actually :
SET SourceDir=C:\Users\me\Documents\source
SET CopyDir=C:\Users\me\Documents\repository
SET FilePatterName=*pattern*.pdf
FOR %%A IN ("%SourceDir%\%FilePatterName%") DO (
ECHO F | XCOPY /Y /F "%%~A" "%CopyDir%\"
DEL /Q /F "%%~A"
For example : in my source folder, if i have sub1, sub2, sub3 folders and a sub1-1 folder in sub1, i would like to check each folders, check the files and move them without creating any folder in the repository
As per my comment, use for /r which will recurse through the directories:
for /R "%SourceDir%" %%A in ("%FilePatterName%") do...
if it feels too ugly then first pushd to the directory, then recursively search from there:
#Echo off
Set "SourceDir=C:\Users\me\Documents\source"
Set "CopyDir=C:\Users\me\Documents\repository"
Set FilePatterName=*pattern*.pdf
Pushd "%SourceDir%"
For /R %%a in ("%FilePatterName%") do (
Echo F | Xcopy /Y /F "%%~a" "%CopyDir%\"
Del /Q /F "%%~a"
Here's an alternative, using the same structure but robocopy instead of xcopy and del:
#Set "SourceDir=%UserProfile%\Documents\source"
#Set "CopyDir=%UserProfile%\Documents\repository"
#Set "FilePatterName=*pattern*.pdf"
#If Exist "%SourceDir%\" For /R "%SourceDir%" %%# In ("%FilePatterName%")Do #"%__AppDir__%Robocopy.exe" "%%~dp#." "%CopyDir%" "%%~nx#" /Mov>NUL 2>&1
If you really needed to see the filenames, I suppose you could include additional RoboCopy options like /FP, /NDL, /NS, /NC, /NJH and /NJS.
I'm doing some BATCH scripting looping through files to copy. But I came to a problem where I need the path relative to the current .bat execution folder (%cd%)
So if I have files like this:
How can I get just "subFolder1\test1.txt" so I can copy the file with the sub folder?
My current code:
for /r %%a in (*) do (
echo "%%a"
You can try this:
#Echo Off
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
For /r %%a In (*) Do (
Set p="%%a"
Echo !p:%__CD__%=!
The for /R loop always returns absolute paths, even if the (optional) given root directory behind /R is relative.
A possible way to get relative paths is to (mis-)use the xcopy command together with its /L option that prevents anything to be copied:
xcopy /L /S /I ".\*.*" "%TEMP%"
To remove the summary line # File(s) apply a filter using find using a pipe:
xcopy /L /S /I ".\*.*" "%TEMP%" | find ".\"
To process the returned items use a for /F loop:
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('
xcopy /L /S /I ".\*.*" "%TEMP%" ^| find ".\"
') do (
echo Processing file "%%F"...
If you just want to copy files including the sub-directory structure you do not even need the above stuff with for loops, you can simply use xcopy:
xcopy /S /I "D:\Source\*.*" "D:\Destination"
or robocopy:
robocopy /S "D:\Source" "D:\Destination" "*.*"
Hi all and thanks for the answers,
Firstly, I tried to find the answer to my problem but I did not find anything.
I have a tree of folders and sub-folders and I want to use 7zip to compress the files within those folders separately.
I have got this piece of code from this very website, it does what I want to get but it places the compressed files on the main folder:
set extension=.*
for /R %%a in (*%extension%) do "%sevenzip%" a -mx "%%~na.zip" "%%a"
I wonder if I can get a zip file of every file and have it in the sub-folder containing the source file. Or doing the process above and place every zip file inside the appropriate sub-folder.
I tried with a double 'For /d' but I was unable to get it:
cd /d %~dp0
rem 7z.exe path
set sevenzip=
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe" set
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe" set
if "%sevenzip%"=="" echo 7-zip not found&pause&exit
for /D %%O in (*) do (
for /R %%I in ("%%O\*") do (
"%sevenzip%" a -mx "%%~na.zip" "%%a"
:: rd /s /q "%%I" **Because I do not want to delete anything by now.
Again, thank you.
If you have somewhat complex folder structure then you probably better use plain list from dir:
dir /a:-d /s /b /o
Just use its output in for:
for /f %%f in ('dir /a:-d /s /b /o') do (
echo %%f <-- %%f is a full path to a file, do something with it
Btw, 7zip has useful option -sdel to remove the source file when archive has been created successfully.
This is the final code:
#echo off
cd /d %~dp0
rem 7z.exe path
set sevenzip=
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe" set sevenzip=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe" set sevenzip=%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe
if "%sevenzip%"=="" echo 7-zip not found&pause&exit
#echo searching...
for /R %%I in (*) do (
"%sevenzip%" a -mx -mmt4 "%%I.7z" -r -x!*.bat "%%I"
del "Compressing_files_7zip.bat.7z"*
del *.7z.7z
del *.zip.7z
::::::::::::::::::::::::::For setting up shutdown 60' after the end of the process.Remove colons in the line below.
::shutdown.exe /s /t 3600
Thanks all for the support, especially to Frost.
For a simpler version without using 7zip:
for /f %%f in ('dir /a:-d /s /b /o *.mdb') do (
zip -r -p "%%f.zip" "%%f"
I want to write a batch file that creates a folder (if it does not exist) and copies a certain file into that folder. So far so good.
The problem is that one folder in the path varies slightly from time to time, so a wildcard becomes necessary.
The following code works just fine but obviously misses to create the folder (Reports). So if the folder is not there, it simply does nothing.
for /r "c:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages" &&G in ("LocalState\acn\Reports") do #if exist %%G xcopy /s /i /y c:\temp\Reporting "%%G"
The full path is:
Any idea?
Add /d switch in for to indicate you're looking for a directory, not a file
Add * and omit quotes in the wildcard to indicate it's actually a wildcard
No need for if exist now
for /d /r "%LocalAppData%\Packages" %%G in (LocalState\acn.*) do xcopy /s /i /y c:\temp\Reporting "%%G\Reports"
Next script could help.
SETLOCAL enableextensions
set "_fldrtop=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages"
set "_fldrsub=LocalState\acn"
if not "%~1"=="" set "_fldrsub=%~1" :: my testing data, remove this line
set "_fldrlow=Reports"
if not "%~2"=="" set "_fldrlow=%~2" :: my testing data, remove this line
for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /AD "%_fldrtop%"') do (
if exist "%_fldrtop%\%%G\%_fldrsub%\" (
if exist "%_fldrtop%\%%G\%_fldrsub%\%_fldrlow%\" (
echo echo "%_fldrtop%\%%G\%_fldrsub%\%_fldrlow%\"
) else (
echo md "%_fldrtop%\%%G\%_fldrsub%\%_fldrlow%\"
rem echo xcopy /s /i /y c:\temp\Reporting "%_fldrtop%\%%G\%_fldrsub%\%_fldrlow%\"
==>D:\bat\SO\31672436.bat "LocalState\Cache"
md "C:\Users\UName\AppData\Local\Packages\winstore_cw5\LocalState\Cache\Reports\"
==>D:\bat\SO\31672436.bat "LocalState\Cache" 2
echo "C:\Users\UName\AppData\Local\Packages\winstore_cw5\LocalState\Cache\2\"
I am looking to find all folders with the name "Logfile" inside slightly different folder structures. For example how would I find the Logfile folder inside C:\ECU\ECU1\Logfile, C:\ECU\ECU2\Logfile, C:\ECU\ECU3\Logfile and C:\ECU\ECU4\Logfile? I then want to zip the .txt contents of this folder in each case. I currently have a batch file running which allows me to zip the contents of a folder which has the same folder structure each time but need to combine the above all together. Any help would be great...
#echo off
pushd "C:\ECU\ECU2" || goto :eof
REM zip all files in the backup directory
FOR %%A IN (*.TXT*, *.cpi*) DO "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -r "%%~nA.zip" "%%A"
FOR %%A IN (*.TXT,*.cpi) DO DEL "C:\ECU\ECU2.cpi*" "%%A"
Try this as a test first to see if it prints the correct folders:
#echo off
for /d /r "c:\ecu" %%a in (target*) do (
if /i "%%~nxa"=="target" (
echo "%%a"
and if it's ok then this should work - test it with dummy files, but your DEL command is odd in the first term. I replaced it with what might work.
#echo off
for /d /r "c:\ecu" %%a in (target*) do (
if /i "%%~nxa"=="target" (
pushd "%%a"
REM zip all files in the backup directory
FOR %%A IN (*.TXT* *.cpi*) DO "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -r "%%~nA.zip" "%%A"
FOR %%A IN (*.TXT *.cpi) DO DEL "%%A"
I need a batch script to copy files from a random subfolder of a specific directory into a destination directory.
For example, there will be a number of files in their own subdirectory, for example
So there a number of these files, and I would like to randomly select one of them and have it copied into the new directory
So the file.txt in the destination is just being overwritten with other files that have the same name but different content.
I'm new to batch scripting and I can't quite figure out how to select each file from a random subfolder. I'd also like it to repeat every 30 seconds until I terminate the script, but I think it should be easy enough to just make a second script that calls this .bat file every 30 seconds once I get it going.
This can do what you request. Just set your source directory, destination directory, and your file name filter.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd "...\source\"
:: Enumerate Files. Method 1
set "xCount=0"
for /r %%A in (file.txt) do if exist "%%~A" set /a "xCount+=1"
echo %xCount%
:: Select a Random File.
set /a "xIndex=%Random% %% %xCount%"
echo %xIndex%
:: Find an Copy that File. Method 1
set "xTally=0"
for /r %%A in (file.txt) do if exist "%%~A" (
if "!xTally!" EQU "%xIndex%" (
xcopy "%%~fA" "...\destination\file.txt" /Y
goto End
set /a "xTally+=1"
Type xcopy /? to see all of its options.
Here are some alternate loop methodologies for the file enumeration.
:: Enumerate Files. Method 2
set "xCount=0"
for /f %%A in ('dir *.txt /a:-d /s ^| find "File(s)"') do set "xCount=%%~A"
echo %xCount%
:: Find an Copy that File. Method 2
set "xTally=0"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir *.txt /a:-d /b /s') do (
if "!xTally!" EQU "%xIndex%" (
xcopy "%%~fA" "...\destination\file.txt" /Y
goto End
set /a "xTally+=1"
Enjoy :)
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Enter into the directory that contain the folders
pushd \Fullpath\source
rem Create an array with all folders
set i=0
for /D %%a in (*) do (
set /A i+=1
set folder[!i!]=%%a
rem Randomly select one folder
set /A index=(%random%*i)/32768 + 1
rem Copy the desired file
copy "!folder[%index%]!\file.txt" "\Fullpath\destination" /Y
rem And return to original directory
The features of batch script is
It copies all files from source to destination folder with similar structure(even retains empty folders).
Can retain N number of days recent files in Archive folder(source) remaining files will be moved to backup folder(destination).
Can be scheduled to N number of days to N number of years.
Can be used in any Source to destination folder backup.
Source folder can add N number of folder any time and delete folder or files, but Destination folder always adds the folder and never deletes any folder or file.
#echo off
Set "sourcefolder=E:\Interfaces"
Set "destinationfolder=E:\BackupInterface"
If Exist %sourcefolder% (
For /F %%* In ('Dir /b /aD "%sourcefolder%" 2^>nul') do (If Not Exist "%destinationfolder%\%%*" ( RD /S /Q "%destinationfolder%\%%*")
xcopy /e /v /i /y /q "%sourcefolder%\%%*" "%destinationfolder%\%%*"
forfiles /p "%sourcefolder%\%%*" /s /d -30 /c "cmd /c del /Q /S #file" )
) Else (echo.Source folder could not be found)
:end of batch