Issue with duplicate Manifest ID in Microsoft AppSource - office-addins

I received the validation error below in my seller dashboard validation test results:
The Add-in Manifest ID used in your add-in's manifest appears to be a duplicate of a different add-in already submitted to Microsoft AppSource. This ID must be unique.
This is likely due to me accidentally submitting a validation request to Teams App first. Could someone from the Microsoft validation team please help me remove the manifest id from the system so I could re-submit my app package for validation? Or please let me know how I should proceed?

This failure is unrelated to submitting a review request to Teams via email. The manifest ID in the manifest uploaded to SellerDashboard must be unique. The validation team cannot delete manifest ID's for any app or add-in.
If you have previously submitted your add-in via SellerDashboard, then subsequently created a new listing you would encounter this issue. If this is the scenario, then either submit your app on the original listing, or else alter the manifest ID on the second listing.


Source ID is Missing For Embedded Signing in Salesforce

I have embedded signing configured in a Salesforce community. The whole signing process works(i.e. envelope is sent and signed), but there are some field updates that I configured within the Envelope Template that are not working. I noticed new DocuSign log entries with the following error message - Cannot perform data updates because source ID is undefined for envelope
I'm not sure how the source ID is missing because my envelope gets sent to the right SF contact and the signed document is attached to the contact record.
I followed the instructions here to create a Lightning Component to launch the embedded signing session -
I thought the problem might due to this line of code because mySourceId is not being set anywhere.
new dfsle.Entity(mySourceId)
I modified the code so that mySourceId is set to the Id of the contact. Unfortunately that did not solve the problem. What am I missing here?

Azure AD B2C Internal Error uploading Custom Policy

I am experiencing an issue where a set of custom policies that upload without issue to one tenant (development tenant), fail to upload to another (production tenant). The policies function correctly on the (working) development tenant.
I upload the files in the following order:
TrustFrameworkBase.xml uploads OK
TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml uploads OK
SignUpOrSignin.xml fails with above error
ProfileEdit.xml fails with above error
PasswordReset.xml uploads OK
The only clue I have is that if I query the extension claims in the B2C app for the failing tenant, it only shows 2 out of 8. If I run the same query against the working tenant, it shows all 8. I am doing this querying using this example app:
As far as I can tell, the two tenants are configured the same, and I have checked the various IDs etc are configured correctly. But it is always possible I have missed something!
Can anyone help?
The xml files:!ApxUZQaL9hp0h1ACYgWzgzsGwCOc
More info
I can actually run the policies that upload with an error. But when I try to create an user account via running the policy I get a message saying "Unable to validate the information provided." at the top of the page, inside the <div> with the id claimVerificationServerError. This may tie-up with the missing extension claims in the B2C app. So it looks like the problem is with creating the extension claims. But the same policy uploads and works on another tenant. How could the extension claims be valid on one tenant, but not on another?
In your base policy, there is the following claim of dateOfBirth:
<ClaimType Id="extension_DateOfBirth">
<DisplayName>Date of Birth</DisplayName>
<UserHelpText>Date of birth</UserHelpText>
<PredicateValidationReference Id="DateOfBirthDateRange" />
Since this claim starts with "extension_" and it is used in a technical profile with "AAD-" as prefix, it will be automatically created as an extension attribute in AAD during the policy uploading. However, the DataType "date" is not supported (only DateTime is supported) in AAD. This is causing policy uploading failure.
Regarding how to map "date" claim in B2C policy to AAD "DateTime" attribute, I will reply back to this thread after more investigation on these policies is done.
Edit: I was trying to find this doc: when I first replied but could not find it. Thanks Mat for sharing. Hope this link is helpful for solving issues related to datatype of extension attributes in AAD.
Extension attributes need to be created at a per tenant basis. So if your policy requires extension attributes, you need to create them explicitly.

Docusign status and Docusign recipient status in salesforce doesn't gets record when we send doc to the user

I have integrated Conga with Docusign in Salesforce. I ran the process of generating and sending the document to the user for signing. This has worked very well without using the background mode Conga parameter(&DS7=17) with docusign status updated in salesforce(with signed date and time) but, when I use background mode enabled, docusign status of that object(Contact or Opportunity) in salesforce doesn’t gets updated(no record gets added).I'm very much new to all these tools. Sorry, if i'm asking a silly question over here. Button url used:
Sign into DocuSign admin
Click connect
Click salesforce
Scroll to the connected objects section
Edit dsfs_DocuSign_status
Add a new field
If it is the Account object use the Account reference Id and map it to the Envelope External Source Id
Try that the rest of the settings are located there. It took me forever to figure it out too!
Here is my example of setting it up to the Order object
enter image description here

backand : issues with user creation, deletion, update

I'm creating an app using ionic/angularjs using Backand as the backend service. I have it setup to use a MySQL database.
1) When I create a user through the SDK (version 1.8.2 from the CDN), the user shows up in Registered Users area but does not get a row in the 'users' table. Someone mentioned that I should have Anonymous Access set to User as they said this is a permissions issue but that did not solve the issue for me.
2) I can manually add a user through the Backand GUI and the user gets a row in the 'users' table as I would expect.
3) I can not manually delete users or rows in the 'users' table through the Backand GUI. I get an error stating that the "Delete My App User" failed to perform. You can't specify target table 'users' for update in FROM clause. I haven't modified the Security Actions at all. They're all default. Updating a user receives a similar error.
4) I created a blank app in Backand and updated my app with the new tokens and app name. I was able to login to that app using login credentials that were created on the original app but were not a part of this app. Does this mean users can access any Backand once registered with one app on the system?
Am I just really missing how 'users' registration and logins are suppose to work in Backand?
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
You can read more on the Back& security concept here.
User can only access to the app he was registred into. In your case I believe the second app has anonymus access, so you have signed in to the first app and got access token, and using the anonymus header you accessed the second app.
Please use incognito window mode for the second app and then you could debug two apps.
You can also review Back& User example to play around with the security.

Service Account Name was not generated

I've created several GAE applications but failed to retrieve "Service Account Name" - there is no gserviceaccount mail on a 'Application Settings' page. My goal is to add service accounts of those applications to a list of members of the main application with edit permissions.I've tried to add account to a list of members of main project just by following pattern <appId> but it failed with following error "The email account you invited is not a valid Google account".My second idea was to create service account member on non-main project first following same pattern it didn't lead to an error but it has a following status "Invitation sent. Waiting for response".Have no idea how to fix it. I would greatly appreciate any help.Just for your notice: main application has billing enabled and has generated service account. Non-main applications have default version deployed and marked as "running".
Services account are always created by default when you create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform.
So there's no need for you to add them or re-create them in your project.
You may find them in the Permissions page under the main project section in the Developers' Console.
Or by using the URL and using your real project name.
Older apps/projects didn't create service accounts.
Add the service account by
Going to
Press Add Member
Add this email
