External Bug Tracker Configuration - Redmine - How to configure It - kiwi-tcms

I have read - Configure external bug trackers
And - module-tcms.issuetracker.types
And used configuration - enter image description here
But it doesnt works, Is there a working example?


Error - Failed to register Fiddler as the system proxy

When I try to run FiddleApplication.Startup(startupConfig)
FiddlerCoreStartupSettings startupSettings = newFiddlerCoreStartupSettingsBuilder()
In my log events I see:
Starting FiddlerCore/4.6.20191.7809 (NoSAZ)...
** LogString: !WARNING: The DefaultLAN Gateway information could not be obtained.
** NotifyUser: Error - Failed to register Fiddler as the system proxy.
I'm running the process as administrator.
Note: When I run the normal Fiddler UI application everything works fine. Even running an older FiddlerCore version (2.3) is able to register itself as the system proxy.
P.S - I also see a warning in Visual Studio - "Please use Telerik.NetworkConnections.NetworkConnectionsManager to register the FiddlerCore Proxy as the system proxy." But I couldn't find any documentation/examples using NetworkConnectionsManager and I couldn't figure out how to use it.

how can i establish bgp connection using opendaylight nitrogen version (karaf-0.7.1) and my router

I need to establish bgp session between my router and odl. I have installed nitrogen version (karaf-0.7.1) and installed bgp feature using command feature:install odl-bgpcep-bgp.
After googling i found that in order to establish setup i need to edit a file (41-bgp-example.xml) which will be generated after installing bgp feature mentioned above, but i couldn't find the file in (\etc\opendaylight\karaf) and not seen in other locations. There is a file 31-bgp-example.xml and some other bmp file.
I am also not able to install feature (odl-bgpcep-bgp all).
What steps should be followed to do it via rest?
I installed the feature odl-restconf.
How can i proceed further? which file should i edit and how to run?
odl version: karaf(0.7.1)
The feature naming convention changed between Carbon and Nitrogen. To install the relevant bgpcep features, install "odl-bgpcep-bgp" instead of "odl-bgpcep-bgp-all".
Managed to configure using advanced rest client (use this -localhost:8181/url).
Changed content type to application/xml.still open and notification packet(bgp) is only flowing and session is not established,ODL is sending tcp packet with reset flag set.

WLP :: Worklight :: Can't install runtime

I'm using Worklight 6.2 server edition and I can't deploy a working runtime (of other environments) on my server.
I'm using webpshere liberty profile v8.5.5 and when I deploy the runtime via GUI it says success and on server.xml I can see the new configuration for the app.
However when I go to the worklightconsole I don't see my runtime to upload the app.
On messages.log there is a error regarding JMX connection.
The quoted error is
Failed to obtain JMX connection to access an MBean. There might be a JMX configuration error: No JMX connector is configured
I'm refering this because I've seen some post on SO saying that these issues might be connected. However I have the restConnector-1.0 on my WLP features.
Reference: No runtime on my Worklight 6.2 Console after installing analytics
On messages.log there is some other things that I found interesting, like the correct start of the runtime I've deployed
[11/12/14 5:50:45:177 CST] 00000012 com.worklight.server.bundle.project.JeeProjectActivator I FWLST0002I: ========= Project /HelloWorld started. The project WAR file version is,running on server version [project HelloWorld]
and two erros while starting my server
[11/12/14 5:50:49:911 CST] 00000012 SystemErr R 24 WorklightPU WARN [Scheduled Executor-thread-1] openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightPU', root URL [file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/usr/shared/resources/worklight/lib/worklight-jee-library.jar]. The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
Second error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up
I don't know what these are but I think it might be related to my problem and this errors eventually appear when I start my server.
Does anyone have any tips for troubleshooting this issue?
Thanks in advance.
This is a known issue from Websphere.
There is a APAR to fix that, a workaround is to restart the server with the --clean option to force a refresh onto the shared libraries.

PHPStorm + XDebug Setup Walkthrough

Up until recently, I've been writing code in PHP (via Notepad++) and debugging by checking the logs in IIS (gotta love that web-platform installer); I've since decided to update to a more efficient code-writing / testing environment, and after playing around for several moments with PHPStorm, decided to purchase it and give it a try. Since then, I have realized that in so far as tutorials and walk-throughs are concerned, PHPStorm is coming up a little short. Having given the manual a glance (RTFM, I know), and come up wanting, I'd like to ask if anyone out there would like to hand hold me through setting up PHPStorm with XDebug so I can stop hating myself for not studying the underlying systems well enough, and get back to coding.
TLDR; Could someone post a detailed walk-through for setting up PHPStorm + XDebug? Assume maximum level of stupidity on my part (I"m usually more than capable in the ASP.NET world, but I am approaching the intelligence level usually associated with some forms of sea-faring sponge in the PHP world).
The environment is Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) with IIS & PHP installed.
I've found a more modern and easier solution partially based on CrasyCoder's post.
The steps you need to do are the following:
If your brand new php installation doesn't contain php.ini, rename the php.ini-development to php.ini
Install xdebug with help of the wizard: http://xdebug.org/wizard.php Follow its recommendations literally.
Put in your php.ini the string: xdebug.remote_enable=1
Go to PhpStorm's settings: settings->php. Select or reselect directory containing php. Make sure you see 'Debugger: Xdebug x.x.x' string (where x.x.x stands for installed version)
Install an extension for your favorite browser from here: http://xdebug.org/docs/remote
From the main menu (not the settings window) go to 'Run->Edit configurations' and add new 'PHP Built-in Web Server' configuration. Point the 'Document root' to your project's directory. Note the port number.
Chrome browser: enable the extension pressing on the little bug in the rightmost side of the omnibox and selecting the Debug option. Other browsers' extensions should work similarly.
In PhpStorm's menu enable the 'Run -> Start Listen for PHP Debug connections' option.
Set a breakpoint in your code in PhpStorm.
Run (not debug) the configuration you created in step 6.
In your browser go to localhost:port where 'port' is the port from step 6. Your PhpStorm should stop on the breakpoint and you can start squashing bugs in your code.
Considering that:
Steps 1-5 are made once per php installation.
Step 6 is made once per PhpStorm project.
Steps 7-8 are made once per debuggin session.
Steps 9-11 are made each program run.
It's really simple to get Xdebug working with PhpStorm, just follow this guide carefully. (NOTE: Updated version of the guide is here)
For more advanced topics read this.
1. install xdebug module (MAC installation steps)
1.1.1. check what PHP version u r using php --ini (see the loaded file)
1.1.2. brew search xdebug
1.1.3. brew install phpXX-xdebug
1.1.4. see details: php -i | grep xdebug
1.2. restart server
1.3. configuration
1.3.1. sudo find /usr -name 'xdebug.so'
1.3.2. copy the path of the exact one you need
example: /usr/local/Cellar/php56-xdebug/2.3.2/xdebug.so
1.3.3. edit the extension related configuration file which should be injected to the main php.ini automatically:
subl /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini
1.3.4. add the zend_extension to be = the path copied above
Normal file should have something like this:
2. check your PHP version
php --ini
3. setup the IDE settings
preference > languages and framework > PHP >
3.1. set the language level to the correct PHP version of this project
3.2. set an interpreter (set the parent directory of where the bin directory of PHP executable is loaded)
3.2.1. click the … button > click the + button > other local > set PHP Excitable path,
to find the path type in the terminal: $ which php
example: /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.5/bin/php
4. restart phpstorm
5. now let’s make it work
5.1. run > edit configuration > click the green + button on the left > select b. php web application
5.2. name: anything example ur {application name - debugger}
5.3. server: localhost (browse > + > name: whatever | host: localhost or
5.4. click ok
5.5. start url: the link of ur project homepage:
5.6. click ok
6. now set the break point and click debug
I had quite some troubles when I touched XDebug remote debugging the first time yesterday.
A few general hints, you are overflown with various tutorials and guides anyway.
Your XDebug configuration on PHP/Aache side:
You need to either use remote_connect_back as given above (be careful, this means other people can debug your server too while it is enabled) or you specify your IP address (remote_host).
On Client Side you need to have your router forward the Port 9000 !
You need to allow PHPStorm for incoming connections in your Firewall (was not enabled by default on Windows 8 for me). Either open Port 9000 or the app itself.
On PHPStorm make sure to go into Debug configuration and not use the default debug (PHPUnit!) Use "PHP remote debug" (Run/Debug Configurations -> The PLUS sign on upper left)
You will need to tell PHPStorm the absolute path of your project on the webserver, if you make an error here (and forget that) you will get a prompt anyway.
Now Debug your project in PHPStorm while having "Listen for connections" enabled and put a breakpoint into your code.
With your webbrowser open your website/php file while having a cookie enabled that starts the debugger. (cookie is the best approach in most cases). You can use a bookmark (google for phpstorm debugging bookmark) or an extension.
Even following the guides, I missed several of the above points. I hope I could save some hours of struggling :)
If you don't need remote debug, you can easily debug your project.
First check your php.ini settings.
Be sure that your xdebug dll exists and the settings are on.
xdebug.remote_enable = on
xdebug.profiler_enable = on
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = on
xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t.%p
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "c:/wamp/tmp"
Then go to Run menu in top navbar. Then select edit configurations and add new configuration ( do not change your default settings for another project )
Click add new item button.
After adding new php web application
If you do not have any server ( generally points the localhost with 80 port on windows or linux ) click the button shown as below.
Add a new server with xdebug.
Then click ok and check your configuration
Finally, you will see the configuration at the right side of ide.
Click RUN or DEBUG button.
install xdebug on your local PHP - actually update your php v with xdebug included:
setup your xdebug.ini
xdebug.var_display_max_children = 128
xdebug.var_display_max_data = 512
xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 3
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.idekey = PHPSTORM
xdebug.show_error_trace = 1
xdebug.file_link_format = phpstorm://open?%f:%l
Install Xdebug helper to your Chrome browser:
Install Xdebug helper
in your PhpStorm go to Settings/Preferences->Languages & Frameworks->PHP->Debug
Update your Automatically detect IDE IP if needed, and press OK
You are done.
More detailed "step by step" guide you can find here:

Remote debugging with XDebug and PHPStorm

First things first:
Server is an Apache running on Debian in a VMPlayer
Host is Windows 7
Debugging-Server is XDebug
Files are directly accessible via a shared folder
Important: XDebug is properly configured on Apache and my Win7 firewall as well. I know that b/c I can debug using Eclipse.
So what I am failing at seems to be the basic configuration of PHPStorm.
Let me give you some more details:
IP of Server:
IP of my host:
the file that I want to debug is index.php:
location on my Win7 host: C:\dev\sf\Symfony\
location on Debian: \mnt\hgfs\sf\Symfony\
No matter what I fiddle together ... I get weired error messages like "Waiting for connection from JetBrains PhpStorm..." or PHPStorm asks me for Mozillas profile.ini, even though I configured Chrome as Default in Web Browsers.
So I will just set up a new project and hopefully someone tells me what is wrong with my configuration.
Run / Edit configurations / Defaults / PHP Remote Debugging:
Server: "Debian"
IDE key: -
Break at first line: yes
Name: "Debian"
Port: 80
Debugger: Xdebug
use path mappings: yes
one path mapping configured:
C:\dev\sf\Symfony => /mnt/hgfs/sf/Symfony (also tried /Symfony - b/c PHPStorm shouldn't care about anything above /Symfony !?)
Run / Edit configurations / Defaults / PHP Web Application:
Server: "Debian"
Start URL: /Symfony
Browser: Chrome
Break on first line: yes
Now I choose: Run / Debug ... / 1.index.php
And I get asked for: Mozilla's profile.ini ... but I can't find it
Where is it ... ?
I already got so far that PHPStorm started Chrome. But maybe I first sort this out. So how can I get Firefox up and running? I also use Firefox with Eclipse ... no questions asked for a profile.ini.
Okay, there are three things I'd like to share with you. It's not the full recipe but the key ingredients that were first confusing me are:
The important sections to configure are "Servers" and "PHP Remote Debugging".
To configure "PHP Remote Debugging" you have to first add a new dataset using the [+] in the top left corner. The panel you get from just clicking on the "PHP R D"-button just keeps the default settings!
Absolute path regarding the VM actually means the absolute path starting from root (\mnt\hgfs\sf\Symfony). This was confusing to me cause I am still not sure why PhpStorm cares about directory levels above the shared folder. but it does.
If you are still having problems, there are two blog posts by the makers on how to set things up correctly.
First should work in most cases and requires zero-configuration other than a working xdebug install
Second details all of the configuration settings in detail
To 'see' the profile.ini in the PHP Storm 'Select File' Dialog simply rightclick inside of it and choose 'Show hidden files' then (in WIn7) move to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox or the equivalent in your OS
Ensure that remote debugging is enabled in php.ini
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
Your server "" should be in PHP-> Servers
Add PHP Web Application Debug Configuration, and use added server
Set a breakpoint and start debugging using this configuration
