Emit role's permissions as claims in JWT with AAD (Azure AD) - azure-active-directory

I need to emit a role's permissions as claims in the JWT.
The aim is to get a certain user's permissions as claims in the JWT for authorization purposes.
The user belongs to a group which is assocciated to a certain role which has certain permissions in the Azure Active Directory.
If I add some items to the appRoles array in the app's manifest, the role names are emitted as role-type claims in the JWT in the following format:
http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role: [value property in the appRole item as appears int he manifest appRoles array]
But I couldn't find any way to emit role's permissions' names (or any other property) as claims.
I've been googling and digging in MS docs for days but couldn't find anything. I hope that it's possible.
If it isn't possible, a clumsy workaround may be to represent the permission we need to be emitted as an AAD role, and to represent the role (in the meaning of "a set of permissions") as an AAD special group, and then to associate the groups we wanted to be associated with the role (in an ideal world) to that special "role"-group.
But it's very clumsy as we will actually lose the natural meaning of role which is a set of permissions, and the natural meaning of group which is a set of users and/or groups
Thanks for any help :)

The value property is the custom role name you configured and will be returned in JWT. It's by design.
The permission name won't be returned in the JWT. After you have added an appRole into the Azure AD app, you need to assign users and groups to the role.
You need to add the needed permissions in Azure AD APP and then control the permissions in your code.
We assume you have assigned a custom role in an Azure AD app and added a user to this role.
When a user signs in, a token which includes the role claim will be returned. You can judge the user's role in the code. If it matches a custom appRole, he is allowed to perform an operation. If the user does not match any of the appRoles, he does not have permission to perform any operations.


Adding custom claim to id token based on group ownership existence on Azure AD

I have an (external to Azure) application to integrate with AzureAD through OIDC. The requirement is to add a custom claim to id_token with a list of groups where the user is an owner in AD.
For example if the user is in the owner of group with id = "123abc", I need to add the following custom claim to id_token.
"ownedGroups": ["123abc"]
If this is not possible is there at least option to add sth like this
"hasOwnedGroups": true
I could not find any relevant example for this in docs. Can you share an example for doing this? If this is not possible in the exactly same way, I 'd like to know the alternative solution for putting information about ownership in id token.
Azure AD does not support Groups as source for custom claims or claims mappings. You can however create directory extensions, update them with any data you want and get them in the token as optional claims.

Inviting a consumer to Azure AD B2C with custom in-app attributes

Inviting a consumer user to Azure AD B2C has been covered by other Stack Overflow questions & answers, and AFAIK requires the use of custom policies that entail a signed JWT being created and used during invite redemption.
What I'm trying to figure out: In our application, we have differently permissioned user groups and different organisations managed by internal RBAC logic. We identify & authorize users based on their oid claim in the access token that's returned to msal-react/msal-browser and used to authenticate against our backend's API.
In Microsoft Graph, a user can be invited and the API will respond with the created user's oid. However, this is the wrong type of user and not appropriate for B2C scenarios.
With the custom policy route not creating the user object in AAD B2C at the time of invite, and therefore without knowing the user's oid at the time of inviting them to the application, what might be the best way to configure their in-app profile and have them identifiable to the application itself upon first login?
My thought at the moment is to have the application store the emails of users that are invited who have not yet redeemed/signed-in. We can configure the emails claim to be returned upon login, which is checked against the invited emails store when an oid claim is returned that isn't present in the database. This can then trigger a function to update the user's internal id with the oid in their first login's claim.
If this is inadvisable or if there's a better way, I'd be very grateful to hear it.
It would work, or just pre create the user up front via MS Graph API. Then you have an email and objectId available.
You could also put an extension attribute on the account indicating whether the user has redeemed their invite. That would allow you to monitor who has redeemed, and also be a way to provide a different experience depending on if the user has redeemed or not redeemed the link.

Getting user role in Team or channel

I have a Microsoft Teams group tab and I'd like to implement a permission system in which users can do different things in the tab depending on their role in the team (or channel). The context I get from the Teams JavaScript API cannot be trusted, so I have to check group/team/channel role through the MS Graph API.
The only way I've found to check whether a user is an owner or only a member of a team is to call /teams/{groupId}/channels/{channelId}/members. In the response I can see which roles users have and I so I can find out if the current user has owner privileges.
The problem is that this endpoint requires admin consent (I guess because it displays data of other users). I'd like to avoid having to ask for admin consent, however. Is there another way of finding out about the role of a user in a team without admin consent? (As private channels behave differently in Teams, this would be the same as finding out about the role in a channel)
I know that I can get if a user is in a group through the optional group claims that are added to the ID token but this doesn't include the rule inside the group/team/channel.
To read a user's role in a channel currently requires admin consent, the permission needed is ChannelMember.Read.All see list conversation member documentation here. Admin consent is also required to get a member of a team or list members in a team. For your particular use case, I would recommend asking your admin to grant these permissions.

Restricting claims in Azure App Registration?

Within Azure Active Directory, I have created an App Registration.
For most users, this works great. They can login to my application via federating in from Azure AD, and their claims are coming through.
For some users, however, they have over 150 group memberships in Azure AD. For them, they receive an HTTP 400 bad request. I've increased the maxRequestBytes and maxFieldLength of my server according to this post: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/820129/http-sys-registry-settings-for-windows, but it didn't solve the issue for all users. Some received access after this, but there's a handful that still cannot login.
My application only has ~10 groups in Azure AD that it cares about. I customized my App Registration's manifest to have "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup".
Is there a way I can restrict the claims coming out of Azure AD to only the 10 groups that I care about?
Per my understanding, this issue is due to too many groups claim in some your Azure AD user access token and you want to limit the group claims.
As far as I know, there is no way to do that. But there will be two workarounds here :
1. this official doc which indicated claims about groups and hasgroups, maybe provides some tips to handle your scenario. As the doc indicated, it suggested you to call an API to fetch all user groups if a user has too many group claims.
In your scenario, you will need to check about 10 groups membership with a user. To avoid the issue that too many group claims in your user's token, you can just remove group claims in token and check groups membership with a user with this API.
2. Using Azure AD app roles claim instead of groups claim. In Azure AD application, we can create Add app roles and assign the role to users or groups. Once be assigned the role , role claim will be added in users' token.
As you only care about 10 groups, you can create corresponding app roles and assign the roles to your groups that you cared about(i,e role1 assign to group1).With this,users in groups will have corresponding role claim(i,e , users in group1 will have a role claim:role1) so that we can use this claim to replace groups claim .
What's more
except for increasing maxRequestBytes and maxFieldLength of your server, you can try to modify maxAllowedContentLength , details see this post .

Authentication Process Get Azure AD group the user is a member of and do logic

Is there a way to get the Group the User is member of so we can process the authentication, or even throw exception so the token will not be created.
The reason we need groups is that we can not create OU in Azure AD whereas we could before in LDAP. We retrieved the distinguished name and therefore had very rich information about said user.
Lastly, we do see that you could create an OU on-premises but read that Graph API would not recognize it or could not retrieve it.
We are attempting to do logic within the SecurityTokenValidated stage of Authentication process and we break the process whenever we try to use:
string UPN = context.AuthenticationTicket.Identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value
Is this because we are using MSAL?
The best approach for you to take here is to make use of the group claims capability of Azure AD. (And for get OUs. OUs are not represented in Azure AD at all.)
Dushyant Gill's blog post on this is relatively old, but still very much relevant: http://www.dushyantgill.com/blog/2014/12/10/authorization-cloud-applications-using-ad-groups/. In short, the process is:
Enable group claims for your application by setting the groupMembershipClaims property in your application. After setting this, when a user signs in to your application, the list of groups they are a member of will be included in the token (if the number of groups is smaller than the limit).
Update your application's authorization code to make use of the group membership claims (if present).
Update your application to query the Azure AD Graph API if the groups membership claim is not present (i.e. if the "overage" claim is present). This happens only when the user is a member of more than 150-250 groups. (Use the _claim_name and _claim_sources claims as indications that the Graph API needs to be called directly.)
As described in the documentation for Azure AD Graph API permissions, in order for your application to call the getMemberGroups method, the app must have the "Read all groups" permission (Groups.Read.All). This permission requires admin consent, but once consent has been granted, the request can be made using the signed-in user's access token.
