How to use react context with nested mobx stores? - reactjs

I have two stores: formStore and profileStore
export class ProfileFormStore {
#observable editing = false;
profileStore = new ProfileStore(this.roleId);
originalValue?: ApiModel | null;
startEdit() {
// this.originalValue = this.profileStore.toJson();
/* if uncomment above, next error thrown
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at initializeInstance (mobx.module.js:391)
at ProfileStore.get (mobx.module.js:381)
at ProfileStore.get
this.editing = true;
export class ProfileStore {
#observable userProfile: ApiModel = {
userProfile: {
newsAndUpdates: false,
email: "",
phone: "",
lastName: "",
firstName: "",
#observable email = "";
fetch() {
// this.fromJson(this.actions.fetch());
console.log("start"); = "qwe";
toJson(): ApiModel {
return {
userProfile: {
firstName: this.userProfile.userProfile.firstName,
lastName: this.userProfile.userProfile.lastName,
newsAndUpdates: this.userProfile.userProfile.newsAndUpdates,
And I want to use contexts
const formStore = new ProfileFormStore();
export const profileFormContext = React.createContext({
profileStore: formStore.profileStore,
export const useProfileContext = () => React.useContext(profileFormContext);
And there are two components: form and formControl
const controls = {
admin: (<><ProfileName /><Email /></>),
user: (<><ProfileName /></>)
export const Form = () => {
const { formStore, profileStore } = useProfileContext();
// this.fromJson(this.actions.fetch()); // if uncomment throws 'Missing option for computed get'
return <form>(controls.admin)</form>
export const ProfileName = () => {
const { formStore, profileStore } = useProfileContext();
formStore.startEdit(); // check form store, when assigning from profileStore get overflow error
return formStore.editing ? <input value='test' /> : <label>Test</label>
So there are two kinds of errors:
When accessing observables from ProfileStore that is part of FormStore
When updating observables in ProfileStore that is part of FormStore
the FormStore working well
both stores injecting via React.useContext have followed these example , however their stores are not nested. I made them nested, beacuse I wanted to get access to profileStore from formStore
What do these errors mean? How to fix them?

Actually it is not the answer :) But the solution I have used
export class ProfileStore {
#observable editing;
#observablt userProfile: UserProfile;
That's all - instead of using two stores, now there is one store, I happy that solution is working. I assume that error was that I forgot to write get at toJson. If in future I encounter same error and understand why it happened. I will try not to forget to update this answer.


Problem with Mobx (TS) using with React Functional Components

Here is the problem.
I have simple todo store:
import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx";
import { Todo } from "./../types";
class Todos {
todoList: Todo[] = [
{ id: 0, description: "Погулять с собакой", completed: false },
{ id: 1, description: "Полить цветы", completed: false },
{ id: 2, description: "Покормить кота", completed: false },
{ id: 3, description: "Помыть посуду", completed: true },
// Input: Add Task
taskInput: string = "";
// Filter: query
query: string = "";
// Filter: showOnlyCompletedTasks
showOnlyCompleted: boolean = false;
constructor() {
setShowOnlyCompletedState(value: boolean) {
this.showOnlyCompleted = value;
changeCompletionState(id: number) {
const task = this.todoList.find((todo) => === id);
if (task) task.completed = !task.completed;
addTask(text: string) {
if (text !== "") {
const newTodo: Todo = {
id: Number(new Date()),
description: text,
completed: false,
taskChangeInput(value: string) {
this.taskInput = value;
queryChangeInput(value: string) {
this.query = value;
export default new Todos();
In the app I have some tasks, which I can make completed or not-completed (by clicking on it) and also I do have some filters to filter my todo_list.
Here is the code:
of posts:
import { Todo } from "../types";
import { useMemo } from "react";
function useFilterByQuery (list: Todo[], query: string):Todo[] {
const filteredList = useMemo(()=>{
if (!query) return list
return list.filter(todo => todo.description.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()))
}, [list, query])
return filteredList
export function useFilterByAllFilters (list:Todo[], query: string, showOnlyCompleted: boolean):Todo[] {
const filteredByQuery = useFilterByQuery(list, query)
const filteredList = useMemo(()=>{
if(!showOnlyCompleted) return filteredByQuery
return filteredByQuery.filter(todo => todo.completed)
}, [filteredByQuery, showOnlyCompleted])
return filteredList
So the description of the problem is so: when I choose show me only-Completed-tasks (setting showOnlyCompleted to true), I get expected list of tasks which are all 'completed'.
But, when I change the state of 'todo' right now, the shown list isn't changing (uncompleted task doesn't filter immediatly), it's changing only after I set showOnlyCompleted to false and back to true.
I assume it's not happening, because I don't 'update' the todoList for MobX, which I provide (using function useFilterByAllFilters) by props in My TodoList component.
In my opinion the problem is with the useMemo or with something in Mobx.
Please, help me out.
Yes, it's because of useMemo. useFilterByQuery only has [list, query] deps, but when you change some todo object to be (un)completed you don't really change the whole list, only one object inside of it. And that is why this useMemo does not rerun/recompute, so you still have the old list. Same with useFilterByAllFilters.
What you are doing is not really idiomatic MobX I would say! MobX is designed to work with mutable data and React hooks are designed to work with immutable data, so to make it work with hooks you need to do some workarounds, but it would be easier to just rewrite it like that:
class Todos {
// ... your other code
// Add computed getter property to calculate filtered list
get listByQuery() {
if (!this.query) return list
return this.todoList.filter(todo => todo.description.toLowerCase().includes(this.query.toLowerCase()))
// Another one for all filters
get listByAllFilters() {
if(!this.showOnlyCompleted) return this.listByQuery
return this.listByQuery.filter(todo => todo.completed)
And just use this two computed properties in your React components, that's it! No need for hooks. And these properties are cached/optimized, i.e. will only run when some of their observables change.
More info about computeds

update values in the Reducer in Redux

i got two values and id from navigation.
let id = props.route.params.oved;
let company =;
i got two values as a integer like this:--
Description of the image:---
if i am giving input 1 in that textInput and click on the card(lets say first card i.e.465 then i am getting those two values in navigation as in interger that i have mention each time i am getting updated values.
i am getting updated values from navigation.
so i want to store those values in redux.
import { CHANGE_SELECTED_COMPANY } from "./action-constants";
export const changeCompany = (updatedCompany, updatedId) => {
return {
import { CHANGE_SELECTED_COMPANY } from "../actions/action-constants";
const initialState = {
company: "",
id: "",
const changeCompanyReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
company: {
company: action.updatedCompany,
id: action.updatedId,
return state;
export default changeCompanyReducer;
import changeCompanyReducer from "./reducers/change-company-reducer";
const rootReducer = combineReducers({changeCompanyReducer});
How can i store the update values getting from navigation in Redux?
could you please write code for redux??
in the component create a function that updates the values
const updateReducer = () => {
then call the function in react navigation lifecycle event
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
return unsubscribe;
}, [navigation])
its possible that a better solution would be to update the reducer before the navigation happens and not pass the data in the params but rather pull it from redux but this is the answer to the question as asked

React - Error: Maximum update depth exceeded - useReducer

I'm facing an error:
react-dom.development.js:23093 Uncaught Error: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
I understand that the problem may be due to the fact that I'm calling the checkError and validationPassed functions that modify the state through the useReducer, within the checkValidations function that is called through the useEffect hook, but I don't know how to solve it
The code is as:
interface ValidationField {
errorMessage?: string;
focused: boolean;
hasError: boolean;
interface ClientEditorState {
client: Client;
validations: { [key in keyof Client]: ValidationField };
enum clientEditorActions {
interface UpdateEntityAction extends Action<typeof clientEditorActions.UPDATE_ENTITY> {
name: string;
value: string | boolean;
interface UpdateFocusedAction extends Action<typeof clientEditorActions.UPDATE_FOCUSED> {
name: string;
interface ValidationErrorAction extends Action<typeof clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_ERROR> {
message: string;
name: string;
interface ValidationPassedAction extends Action<typeof clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_PASSED> {
name: string;
type ClientEditorActions = UpdateEntityAction | UpdateFocusedAction | ValidationErrorAction | ValidationPassedAction;
const clientReducer: Reducer<ClientEditorState, ClientEditorActions> = (prevState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case clientEditorActions.UPDATE_ENTITY:
const clientUpdated = _cloneDeep(prevState || ({} as Client));
_set(clientUpdated, `client.${}`, action.value);
return clientUpdated;
case clientEditorActions.UPDATE_FOCUSED:
const validationField = _cloneDeep(prevState);
_set(validationField, `validations.${}.focused`, true);
return validationField;
case clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_ERROR:
const errorField = _cloneDeep(prevState);
_set(errorField, `validations.${}.hasError`, true);
_set(errorField, `validations.${}.errorMessage`, action.message);
return errorField;
case clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_PASSED:
const passed = _cloneDeep(prevState);
_set(passed, `validations.${}.hasError`, false);
_set(passed, `validations.${}.errorMessage`, undefined);
return passed;
return prevState;
const getInitialState = (): ClientEditorState => ({
client: entity as Client,
validations: {
firstName: {
focused: false,
hasError: false,
const [state, clientDispatch] = useReducer(clientReducer, getInitialState());
const checkError = useCallback((name: string, message: string) => {
type: clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_ERROR,
}, []);
const validationPassed = useCallback((name: string) => {
type: clientEditorActions.VALIDATION_PASSED,
}, []);
const checkValidations = useCallback(
(c: Client) => {
let validation = false;
const { firstName } = state.validations;
if (!c.firstName && firstName.focused) {
validation = false;
checkError('firstName', f('client.requiredFieldClient'));
} else {
validation = true;
[checkError, f, state.validations, validationPassed],
const [clientUpdateHandler] = useDebouncedCallback((clientUpdated: Client) => {
}, 800);
useEffect(() => {
if (!_isEqual(state.client, entity)) {
clientUpdateHandler(state.client as Client);
const { firstName } = state.validations;
if (firstName.focused) checkValidations(state.client);
}, [checkValidations, clientUpdateHandler, entity, state.client, state.validations]);
I understand that the problem may be due to the fact that I'm calling the checkError and validationPassed functions that modify the state through the useReducer, within the checkValidations function that is called through the useEffect hook
Yeah, exactly. Try to reduce your dependencies in the useEffect and the associated functions in useCallback. Any one of these changing will cause the useEffect to rerun.
Back to the question, your useEffect currently depends on state.validations. So whenever state.validations changes the useEffect will rerun. Consider doing
const { firstName } = state.validations;
outside the useEffect and the checkValidations callback. This will stop it from rerunning every time state.validations changes.

Make a common function to store the local storage data

I am a newbie in react-native. I have a folder structure like below:
In page1.js, I have a function to store data to localStorage
let obj = {
name: 'John Doe',
email: '',
city: 'Singapore'
AsyncStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(obj));
Now I have to display these data in few of my other pages. This is my code.
class Page2 extends Component {
state = {
username: false
async componentDidMount() {
const usernameGet = await AsyncStorage.getItem('user');
let parsed = JSON.parse(usernameGet);
if (parsed) {
} else {
username: false,
email: false
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.saved}>
export default Page2;
This is how I display data in page2. I may need to show these in other page too.
I dont want to repeat these codes in each page.
Any suggestions how to do it in react-native?
You can extract the data you need to display into it's own component and re-use it in any page that you need to display it in.
Another option is to use a higher-order component, that way you can wrap it around any components that need the data and it'll be passed down as a prop.
You can make your Constant.js where you can put all your common required utils and constants, reusable anywhere n your app.
In your Constant.js:
export const USER_DATA = {
set: ({ user}) => {
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(obj));
remove: () => {
get: () => ({
user: localStorage.getItem('user'),
in your any component, you can import it and use like this :
import { USER_DATA } from './Constants';
let user = {
name: 'John Doe',
email: '',
city: 'Singapore'
// set LocalStorage
// get LocalStorage
That's you can make Constant common file and reuse them anywhere to avoid writing redundant code.
Simplified Reusable approach of localStorage
export const localData = {
add(key, value) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
remove(key, value) {
load(key) {
const stored = localStorage.getItem(key);
return stored == null ? undefined : JSON.parse(stored);
localData.add("user_name", "serialCoder")
console.log( "After set 👉", localData.load("user_name") )
console.log( "After remove 👉", localData.load("user_name") )

Apollo seems to refresh, when state is mapped to props, how can i prevent it?

I've build a component which basically list entries in a table, on top of that, i have another component to which filters can be applied. It all works really great with Apollo.
I'm trying to add deep linking into the filters, which on paper seems incredible simple, and i almost had i working.
Let me share some code.
const mapStateToProps = ({ activeObject }) => ({ activeObject });
#connect(mapStateToProps, null)
name: 'filteredTasks',
options: (ownProps) => {
const filters = queryString.parse(, { arrayFormat: 'string' });
return {
variables: {
id: ownProps.match.params.reportId,
export default class TasksPage extends Component {
static propTypes = {
filteredTasks: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
activeObject: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
match: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
constructor(props) {
const filters = queryString.parse(, { arrayFormat: 'string' });
this.state = { didSearch: false, initialFilters: filters };
this.applyFilter = this.applyFilter.bind(this);
applyFilter(values) {
const variables = { id: this.props.match.params.reportId };
variables.searchQuery = values.searchQuery === '' ? null : values.searchQuery;
variables.categoryId = values.categoryId === '0' ? null : values.categoryId;
variables.cardId = values.cardId === '0' ? null : values.cardId;
pathname: `${ this.props.history.location.pathname }`,
search: '',
return null;
this.setState({ didSearch: true });
..... Render functions.
Basically it calls the apply filter method, when a filter is chosen.
Which all works great, my problem is that when the activeObject is updated (By selecting a entry in the list). It seems to run my HOC graphql, which will apply the filters from the URL again, ignoring the filters chosen by the user.
I tried to remove the query strings from the url, once filters are applied, but i get some unexpected behavior, basically it's like it doesn't fetch again.
How can i prevent Apollo from fetching, just because the redux pushes new state?
I actually solved this by changing the order of the HOC's.
name: 'filteredTasks',
options: (ownProps) => {
const filters = queryString.parse(, { arrayFormat: 'string' });
return {
variables: {
id: ownProps.match.params.reportId,
#connect(mapStateToProps, null)
