Can i have a vsphere metric as both tags and fields in telegraf? - vsphere

I Need to perform count of tags like vm, datastore, host , cluster .
show tag values cardinality from with key="clustername" where dcname = ''
This query takes a lot of time to process, as we have huge data. Was thinking , the problem could be solved if these metric were fields. i could just use count on them. but we need them as tags also.
Is there a better solution to this ?


store the number of times a document was seen in a given time period

I am parsing documents on the web and storing them in solr database. Every day I see thousand of documents and some of them are repeating.
I'd like to give user an option to see which document was most seen on a given date, or in a given timespan. Queries of interest correspond to:
-show me which documents were seen the most on 16/10/2022,
-show me which documents were seen the most between 16/10/2022 and 23/10/2022
When writing solr queries, you specify field name to search on. What field type should I use and in what format should I store the number of times the document was seen on a given date?
How I would try it:
Create a separate collection - very simple collection with fields:
view time
doc id
title or body (whatever you're querying)
... do this for EVERY view.
you can query it by the gap you want:
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/query -d 'q=title:abc&rows=0&json.facet={
per_month: { range : {
field : last_modified,
This would return all views by MONTH (can change it to DAY, YEAR, etc).
But your doc is probably too big for this solution. If you want to normalize this:
a JOIN query. Since solr 8.6, you can now do cross-collection joins on multiple shards. this is a good article about how to do those queries. this is a decent video of how to set this up It's not that hard to do.
The JOIN query would be much faster.
If you don't want to do the JOIN query:
If the views change often, do not store them in the document store. There's no notion of partial updates in solr. If you're updating views every day, you'll need to update every document that's been viewed. That's going to cause a lot of unnecessary disk thrashing.
Other thoughts:
can you use a database? This is a far better use of views. Solr isn't good as a master record for views.
Another suggestion is to make the views go to an analytics engine - a far better solution since you can get rich analytics about the actual users. An analytics engine does a lot that rendering views does not - especially filtering out false positives (like bots!). It's not fun to maintain an accurate view count if you have a high-trafficed site.
In the past I've used an analytics engine to collect the data and used the analytics engine to export that data into solr. This way you can have the view logic be done by the software component that knows views best (the analytics engine like Google analytics or Salesforce marketing engine) and run an hourly process to update the views in solr using one of the above tactics.

Updating documents with SOLR

I have a community website with 20.000 members using everyday a search form to find other members. The results are sorted by the last connected members. I'd like to use Solr for my search (right now it's mysql) but I'd like to know first if it's good practice to update the document of every member who would login in order to change their login date and time ? There will be around 20.000 update of documents a day, I don't really know if it's too much updating and could alter performances ? Tank you for your help.
20k updates/day is not unreasonable at all for Solr.
OTOH, for very frequently updating fields (imagine one user could log in multiple times a day so you might want to update it all those times), you can use External Fields to keep that field stored outside the index (in a text file) and still use it for sorting in solr.
Generally, Solr does not be used for this purpose, using your database is still better.
However, if you want to use Solr, you will deal with it in a way like the database. i.e every user document should has a unique field, id for example. When the user make log in, you may use an update query for that user's document last_login_date field by its id. You could able to know more about Partial Update from this link.

Filtering Functionality Similar to Ebay SQL Count Issue

I am stuck on a database problem for a client, wandering if someone could help me out. I am currently trying to implement filtering functionality so that a user can filter results after they have searched for something. We are using SQL Server 2008. I am working on an electronics e-commerce site and the database is quite large (500,000 plus records). The scenario is this - user goes to our website and types in 'laptop' and clicks search. This brings up the first page of several thousand results. What I want to do is then
filter these results further and present the user with options such as:
Filter By Manufacturer
Dell (10,000)
Acer (2,000)
Lenovo (6,000)
Filter By Colour
Black (7000)
Silver (2000)
The main columns of the database are like this - the primary key is an integer ID
ID Title Manufacturer Colour
The key part of the question is how to get the counts in various categories in an efficient manner. The only way I currently know how to do it is with separate queries. However, should we wish to filter by further categories then this will become very slow - especially as the database grows. My current SQL is this:
select count(*) as ManufacturerCount, Manufacturer from [ProductDB.Product] GROUP BY Manufacturer;
select count(*) as ColourCount, Colour from [ProductDB.Product] GROUP BY Colour;
My question is if I can get the results as a single table using some-kind of join or union and if this would be faster than my current method of issuing multiple queries with the Count(*) function. Thanks for your help, if you require any further information please ask. PS I am wandering how on sites like ebay and amazon manage to do this so fast. In order to understand my problem better if you go onto ebay and type in laptop you will
see a number of filters on the left - this is basically what I am trying to achieve. I don't know how it can be done efficiently when there are many filters. E.g to get functionality equivalent to Ebay I would need about 10 queries and I'm sure that will be slow. I was thinking of creating an intermediate table with all the counts however the intermediate table would have to be continuously updated in order to reflect changes to the database and that would be a problem if there are multiple updates per minute. Thanks.
The "intermediate table" is exactly the way to go. I can guarantee you that no e-commerce site with substantial traffic and large number of products would do what you are suggesting on the fly at every inquiry.
If you are worried about keeping track of changes to products, just do all changes to the product catalog thru stored procs (my preferred method) or else use triggers.
One complication is how you will group things in the intermediate table. If you are only grouping on pre-defined categories and sub-categories that are built into the product hierarchy, then it's fairly easy. It sounds like you are allowing free-text search... if so, how will you manage multiple keywords that result in an unexpected intersection of different categories? One way is to save the keywords searched along with the counts and a time stamp. Then, the next time someone searches on the same keywords, check the intermediate table and if the time stamp is older than some predetermined threshold (say, 5 minutes), return your results to a temp table, query the category counts from the temp table, overwrite the previous counts with the new time stamp, and return the whole enchilada to the web app. Otherwise, skip the temp table and just return the pre-aggregated counts and data records. In this case, you might get some quirky front-end count behavior, like it might say "10 results" in a particular category but then when the user drills down, they actually find 9 or 11. It's happened to me on different sites as a customer and it's really not a big deal.
BTW, I used to work for a well-known e-commerce company and we did things like this.

Form autocomplete field - slow response

I have a form that has an autocomplete field like this
$f = $this->add('Form');
When I test the form, the response of the autocomplete field is very slow ( 3-4 seconds to bring the information of the table, and the screen gets freezed.), the same when I delete the first field to do a search.
The concat is to allow to search by the item number or the item name.
Is there any limit with this kind of fields in size of data that it takes from the table?
I have tried making some index but with no luck.
I have tried passing the array via session variable (setValueList($array) that I get with a previous query to the database).
Try to use latest ATK version (at least from 4.2.x branch).
Don't use setValueList for big arrays! Define Model and use $field->setModel($model) instead.
It is slow in PHP basically because you parse all records in array and then set this array as data source of autocomplete field. If there are many records, that will consume big amount of processing time and RAM.
It is slow in SQL because you search not in unmodified table fields, but in concatenation. That means, MySQL can't use any optimization and it should concatenate theses values for all records of your table and only then start to evaluate WHERE. That said WHERE nroitem LIKE '%abc%' OR detalle LIKE '%abc%' should work much faster than WHERE concat(nroitem,'-',detalle) LIKE '%abc%'
In theory there's no limit of records for autocomplete field. All depends on your database structure, server performance, indexing and mostly on your own code :) I would say 100`000 records should still work fine.

Solr - Indexing products with attributes as Key / Value pair

I’m currently looking at developing a solr application to index products on our e-commerce website.
Some example fields in the schema are:
Categories (multi-value)
Attributes are a list of key-value pairs.
For example:
Type = Rose
Position = Full Sun
Position = Shade
Colour = Red
I am going to store the fields, so that my pages can be generated from a search result.
How is it best to represent these?
I was thinking of maybe having some dynamic fields for indexing:
attribute_* for example (attribute_position)
And then “attribute” for stored value (For returning, for displaying) - storing multiple fields
The value of an “attribute” field could be (for example) Position|Full Sun - then let the client handle the displaying?
Are there any better ways of doing this?
As a footnote- I will be using Solrnet as a client for querying (probably not relevant)
First, I would not recommend storing your entire document in your search engine. The only thing you should store in Solr is those things that you wish to search on. Yes, it supports storing more, however, taking advantage of this can cause issues down the road with index size, master/slave replication time, etc. Ideally, the only thing in Solr is things you wish to search/sort on and a document ID that is unique enough to fetch document data with from another source that is optimized for storing .... documents.
However, if you decide to ignore this advice, then you can easily store your name value pairs in a single field. If your name value pairs have a limited character set, you can easily concatenate the name value pairs into a single string. Then, parse them on the way out when you are forming your web page for display. There's no need to come up with a more complex schema to support this. Multiple fields for storing these will only increase your index overhead, which buys you nothing.
