React Native Can't nest View Inside Text - reactjs

{/* Adding notification if exists otherwise ignore */}
{post.hasNotification ? post.notifications: ''}
How could I wrap a View component around post.notifications? When I do this I get an error Nesting View withing Text is not currently supported. I need to wrap it with a View component so I can style it.

You can't use View component inside Text component. Try this,
{post.hasNotification ? <View><Text>post.notifications</Text></View> : ' '}


React Native Modal Positioning

I'm using the Modal built into React Native (and specifically I'm using the React Native Paper variant). By default this seems to open in the middle of the screen. However if you're doing some text input in the Modal then it would be more useful if it opened either at the top of the screen, or was aware of the keyboard. However I can't find a way to get this to work.
My (simplified) modal code is:
<Modal visible={visibleModalNew} onDismiss={closeModalNew} contentContainerStyle={styles.modalContainer} >
style={{alignSelf:'center', width:'95%'}}
onChangeText={newData=> setNewData(newData)}
onSubmitEditing={() => handleDone()}
<Button onPress={() => doSomething()}>Do something</Button>
Ah, figured out a way round. I wrapped the modal in a KeyboardAwareView, removed the visible prop from the modal, and then wrapped it all in a conditional render and put the visible prop there instead. Seems to work as hoped.

How to create a scrollable box in React Native?

I want to create a box of Terms and conditions in which data can be scrolled. I tried it using TextInput like below but it doesn't scrolls.
second alternative
I also tried it this way, it works but it gives me a yellow screen warning which says - You are binding a method component to the component. React does this for you automatically in a high performance way, so you can safely remove this call. See ScrollView.
<ScrollView style={styles.termsAndConditionsStyle}>
// some large text
Solution - Actually I imported ScrollView from react-native-gesture-handler instead of react-native
Did you try <ScrollView>?.
You can use this to create scrolling functionality.
well its pretty simple, just warp your components in <ScrollView> ... </ScrollView>and
style it as per your need.
if height of components together exceeds for <ScrollView>, it becomes scrollable.
see docs at react native
Its importing mistake, import scrollview from react-native rather than react-native-gesture-handler
render() {
<View style={styles.container}>
Add your text
Its importing mistake, import scrollview from react-native rather than react-native-gesture-handler

How to do WebView in react native?

I've tried different methods to render an html content from json response to react native.But I got failed in these methods
Because there is no package that support table tag of html. So I thought to use WebView in react native.But that also disappointed me. There is no field to give html content from json response in WebView. I've tried the following.
But these are not working
source={{uri: `<h1>Hello World</h1>`}}
style={{marginTop: 20}}
In my case I'm fetching server response.I've double checked whether response is coming ,the response from server is fine.
return (
<Container style={styles.container}>
{ =>
style={{marginTop: 20}}
Is there any other method for rendering html content other than these. Please I'm stuck with this.I don't know what to do.This cause delay in my project.So I'm really disappointed.Please any help would be really appreciable.
I've solved the problem.I was using native-base ui kit.So when I tried to render WebView within Container or Content it won't render.So I removed it with View component but ScrollView don't work.So I've made some changes to Container and it is working perfect.But still remains a problem that border of html table is not displaying.But otherwise it is perfect
This is my working code
<Content contentContainerStyle={{ flex: 1 ,padding:15}}>
{ =>
source={{ html:}}
style={{backgroundColor: 'transparent'}}

React Native, I can't tap without closing keyboard

Here is my phone screen I tried ScrollView with keyboardShouldPersistTaps, but it didn't work. I have a ScrollView for Autocomplete suggestions, and when user can types there, they should also be able to select from suggestions. However, without closing keyboard, it is not possible in my case. Here is my work
<View style={{ maxHeight: 220 }}>
<ScrollView style={Style.suggestionContainer}
scrollEnabled={true} >
private renderSuggestions(option: MultiInputQuestionOption) {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.addSelection.bind(this, option)} >
<Text style={Style.suggestions}>
</TouchableOpacity >
Is there any possible solution?
You need to pass the key keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’ on scroll view which contains the TextInput:-
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’>
<TextInput />
And if you are having issue inside of a modal then You need to pass key keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’ on All scrollview which are in component stack for the screen. In the ancestors/parent of the Modal also.
Like in my case:
const CountryModal=(props)=>{
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’>
In Parent class:
In the parent class where ancestors of modal is there. You need to pass key keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’`.
class Parent extends Component{
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps=‘handled’> // pass ‘handled’ here also
<CountryModal /> // Its the same modal being used as a component in parent class.
Try adding
to the second ScrollView as well.
Use the 'handled' value for keyboardShouldPersistTaps property because the true value is deprecated. use the keyboardShouldPersistTaps in two ScrollViews and handle your keyboard state in somewhere else by using Keyboard.dismiss() function.

react-native onPress() toggles automatically on a loop component rendering

I'm looping through a native-base <Card dataArray={data} /> component rendering some components with Buttons. It was working alright (Listed all components as expected) but I soon added an onPress event to the Button and got an automatic onPress bug, weird enough it runs (clicks hence runs the bounded function) only once while components suppose to render with those buttons are many.
//- Inside constructor I bind testLogs
this.testLogs = this.testLogs(this);
//- Outside render...
testLogs(value) {
//- Inside return of render()
<Card dataArray={devices}
renderRow={(theme) =>
{(theme.picture) ?
<Thumbnail size={100} source={theme.picture} />:
<Thumbnail size={100} source={defaultImage} />
<Text style={{fontSize: 16}}> {} </Text>
<Button primary style={{marginRight: 10}}> Command </Button>
<Button success onPress={this.testLogs} > Edit </Button>
I should also say all the rendered components don't run the onPress={this.testLogs} bound function when i click them after they render.
What could be triggering this? Or is loop rendering not the best approach to this?
Thank you.
Use onPress={this.testlogs.bind(this)}
