Snowflake - how to display column name using function? - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I did not get much help from Snowflake documentation about how I can take give column names using snowflake functions.
I have automated report which will do calculation for the given dates. here it is
sum(case when logdate = to_date(dateadd('day', - 10, '2019-11-14')) then eng_fees + data_fees end) AS to_date(dateadd('day', - 10, '2019-11-14'))
from myTable
where logdate = '2019-11-04'
I am getting following output for my column name below
to_date(dateadd('day', - 10, '2019-11-14'))
My expected output for my column name
how can I print expected date as column name in Snowflake?

Your statement is using an AS to name your column. Snowflake will treat that as a literal, not a calculation. In order to do what you're requesting inside a function, you'll need to use a Javascript Function, I think. This will allow you to dynamically build the SQL Statement with your calculated column name predefined.

You can't have dynamic column names without using external functionality (or TASK scheduling).
You can create a JavaScript Stored Procedure that generates a VIEW where the column names can be set by dynamic parameters / expressions.
The normal way of handling this is to use a reporting tool that can display your fixed column result set with dynamic headers or run dynamic SQL altogether.

I see 2 paths of getting close to what you want:
1) you can simply use UNION to have your headers displayed as the first row and change the actual column aliases into 1....N - so that they provide the number of column - this is going to be the fastest and the cheapest
2) you can use dynamic SQL to generate a query that will have your alias names dynamically filled and then simply run it (and you can use to example PIVOT to construct such query)


How to match a substring exactly in a string in SQL server?

I have a column workId in my table which has values like :
W1/2009/12345, G2/2018/2345
Now a user want to get this particular id G2/2018/2345. I am using like operator in my query as below:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' .
It is giving me both above mentioned workids. I tried following query:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' and s.workId not like '_2345'
This query also giving me same result.
If anyone please provide me with the correct query. Thanks!
Why not use the existing delimiters to match with your criteria?
select *
from u_table
where concat('/', workId, '/') like concat('%/', '2345', '/%');
Ideally of course your 3 separate values would be 3 separate columns; delimiting multiple values in a single column goes against first-normal form and prevents the optimizer from performing an efficient index seek, forcing a scan of all rows every time, hurting performance and concurrency.

How to query multiple JSON document schemas in Snowflake?

Could anyone tell me how to change the Stored Procedure in the article below to recursively expand all the attributes of a json file (multiple JSON document schemas)?
Craig Warman's stored procedure posted in that blog is a great idea. I asked him if it was okay to refactor his code, and he agreed. I've used the refactored version in the field, so I know the SP well as well as how it works.
It may be possible to modify the SP to work on your JSON. It will depend on whether or not Snowflake types the JSON in your variant column. The way you have it structured, it may not type everything. You can check by running this SQL and seeing if the result set includes all the columns you need:
with MAIN_TABLE as
select * from identifier($VARIANT_TABLE) sample (1000 rows)
select distinct REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(f.path, '\\[(.+)\\]'),'[^a-zA-Z0-9]','_') AS path_name, -- This generates paths with levels enclosed by double quotes (ex: "path"."to"."element"). It also strips any bracket-enclosed array element references (like "[0]")
typeof(f.value) AS attribute_type, -- This generates column datatypes.
path_name AS alias_name -- This generates column aliases based on the path
where TYPEOF(f.value) != 'OBJECT'
AND NOT contains(f.path, '[');
Be sure to replace the variables to your table and column names. If this picks up the type information for the columns in your JSON, then it's possible to modify this SP to do what you need. If it doesn't but there's a way to modify the query to get it to pick up the columns, that would work too.
If it doesn't pick up the columns, based on Craig's idea I decided to write type inference for non variant (such as strings from CSV log files without type information). Try the SQL above and see what results first.

Possible to replace digits in T-SQL

SQL Server 2008 (but have access to higher versions too)
I'm getting a string from another database on the same server. Using the below code i get some data and replace the content
INSERT INTO [DestinationDatabase].[DBO].[Table](ID, XML)
(SELECT ID, REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="1234"','PropertyID="2468"')
FROM [SourceDatabase].[DBO].[Customers]
This works as expected but every record has a different ReferenceID so is there a way to remove the current ReferenceID value as in the 4 digits (theres around 1000 records with different values) and replace it with another 4 digit value?
I will get the replacement value from another procedure but at this stage i need to know if it possible to find and strip the 4 digits and replace them.
If you want to use the replace function you can do it like that
REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="'+cast(table.field as nvarchar)+'"','ReferenceID="2468"')
REPLACE(XML,'ReferenceID="'+cast(table.field as nvarchar)+'"','ReferenceID="'+cast(table.another_field as nvarchar)+'"')
You can use xml function to do so but it seems like your XML column is not xml data type. is that correct.

How can I dynamically select a list of several columns from a MSSQL table, without concatanating Strings?

I have taken some search but ether the examples only use one parameter / columnname or they just add Strings together.
I have a table describing projets. There are unchangable columns like an id, projectnumber and such, and several 'dynamic' columns, which a user / admin can add through an interface in the application.
After that a user should see a List of all 'dynamic' Colums, and can decide to display them through checkboxes.
So what I need now, is a query as this
SELECT id, projectname, <LIST_OF_COLUM_NAMES> FROM project
I would like this to be safe from malicious Queries, like someone very clever naming a column
; DELETE TABLE projets --
and then displaying it.
I found several solutions where the querystring is just concatenated ether on the programm side or inside a stored procedure.
I found several examples for stored procedures which get one colum name and create a query statement from it.
I found this article
How to pass an array into a SQL Server stored procedure
on which I must admit I am not sure if it applies to my problem.
Is there a way to achive this without creating a security risk throug SQL-Injection?
There are several easy way to resolve this without risk of sql injection.
Write SELECT * FROM query and limit number of columns that are seen on application, this way all columns are returned and it is up to application to decide which ones to display.
Instead of passing string of columns to stored procedure, have user pass list of column indexes and based on integer value, you can have dynamic sql that generates SELECT statement only with columns that user wants back.
If you just want to display list of columns that exists in a table to the user you should select list of columns from Information Schema Views, this way you are sure which column exists in database.
In SQL-Server you can assign parameter datatype of sysname which has is how all system objects names are stored as, this could give you extra data validation.
No matter what you decide to do, you should never concatenate strings in application or stored procedures.
I tried to work with the Information Schema Views but I was not able to avoid conatenating Strings alltogether. This is what I came up with:
When the user wants to add a Column he can enter a display name, and select from a range of Datatypes. Then I create an internal unique internal column name (like DATETIME_67).
Then I create my query like this:
String querystring = "ALTER TABLE projects ADD " + internalname + " " + typestring;
Note that the String internalname and typestring are both generated inside my code, with no input from the user (so this should be safe against injection, I guess).
Then I write the internal name and the display name to a lookup table:
String querystring = "INSERT INTO lookup (tablename, displayname) " +
"VALUES (#tablename, #displayname)";
using (SQLCommand command = new SQLCommand(querystring, con)) { //con is a SQLConnection object
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tablename", internalname);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#displayname", displayname);
Here the actual Input from the user is inserted, but it is parameterized, so it should also be safe.
When I retrieve the columns I want to display I do also use the (hopefully) safe internal names:
List<String> selectedColumns; //the list of internal col names
String query = "SELECT id, projectnumber, projectname {0} FROM projects"; //projectnumer and name a mandatory fields
if (selectedColumns.Count > 0)
fieldstring = String.Join(",", selectedColumns);
fieldstring = ", " + fieldstring;
query = String.Format(query, fieldstring);
Please comment on this. Is is working exactly as I need it. The user can add (and remove) custom field to the datatabe and provide display names for them. He can also define, which of the present custom field are to be displayed, and he can enter data for the created fields. I am just not sure, if this save against malicious injections.

how to pass this information to SQL Server 2008?

Please visit
It asks you what interests you.
I would have a similar thing on my website except I would need to have 4 of such non-identical blocks. When a user has not selected anything in a section, it means s/he has selected all of them. 1 of these blocks would have around 10 options while the other 3 would have 2-3 options each.
How do I pass what all a user has selected to SQL Server 2008? Please note I would have 4 sets of multiple params, and these 4 sets are basically 4 different columns in the row all containing integer id's. If and only if one param per section was passed, I would have done something like
select * from table where column1 = #param1, column2 = #param2 and so on.
but that is not the case, because a user could pass multiple values for #param1 and so on.
I can get this done, but I want to know the most efficient way.
If my post is not clear, please let me know.
Basically, if I am storing articles in the database, I have 4 columns in the row, each integer. And I want to query these articles based on these 4 columns, but the catch is to pass the multiple values for these columns NOT just one value per column.
If your client language supports it, you should look into table value parameters:
if you can't use those, look into one on Arrays and Lists in TSQL:
this is a very comprehensive list of dynamic search conditions in TSQL:
this may also help:
Sane/fast method to pass variable parameter lists to SqlServer2008 stored procedure
Try dumping all parameter values into the XML, then pass it to SQL Server, then parse it in the query.
Won't such a query work in this case?
WHERE COLUMN1 IN ( #param11, #param12, #param13 )
AND COLUMN2 IN ( #param21, #param22, #param23 )
and so on.
