Live Streaming with react js and antmedia - reactjs

I need to create a two way communication app with ant media and reactjs web. Can anyone give some examples or tutorials for this?


Is it possible to integrate React components with existing Wordpress websites?

as the title suggests I was wondering if it's possible to integrate a component built in React with an existing Wordpress website. The component is only about 80 lines long, consisting of a with an image. The component itself was built as part of a create-react-app project. Any insights greatly appreciated!
What is the react component your using if its available in html5 like bootstrap components for example its unnecessary to use react app and craco together due to multiple issues in polyfills and webpack so its harder to maintain if your looking for something simpler it still works and has around 85kgithub users in 2022 .
examples of recent issues in stackoverflow
Yes, React can be used with WordPress, where the content on the front-end built with React is managed by WordPress CMS using the WP Rest API.
Just use the WP Rest API. Hope it helps.

OpenTripPlanner on React Native

I am writing my bachelor's thesis on cross-platform applications for transport management systems.
The idea is to create a React Native application with OpenTripPlanner. I have found this - and am wondering if it would be possible to open the example application through React Native on iOS and Android, possibly even web. I have opened it through WEB right now with the steps described and everything works perfectly.
Because I am very new at this, could any of you maybe help me with this? What would I need to do to open / develop the example application with React Native.
Thank you in advance. :)
Its React project, its not possible to open this project in React Native.
The suggestion is to create the react native project and then implement the code by referring the code from example library.

Exporting React Native app for web (HTML/JavaScript)?

I’ve built a small app with React Native and it looks awesome, but I was wondering - can I just export it for web (HTML/JavaScript) instead making a separate code in ReactJS for it? And if it’s possible, what are the pros and cons? BTW I used a free UI kit for the developing. Thanks!
You have two options:
Use react-native-web and share 90% the same source code, between native and webapp.
Good for non-complex projects;
If your app have native/complex navigation, then it will have issues, because this can't work on web.
Use web react and share some components.
Recommended for complex projects;
If you have a complex native app, share the components can be the best option; can be useful to achieve this solution.
More info:
You can use Expo to build for any platform: IOS, Android, Web
For the web, you can use expo build:web
It creates a production ready static bundle in the web-build/ directory
Here is the full document for the web

Templete engine vs ReactJs

I have a question about templting engines and ReactJs. First of i'm a beginner to web development and I don't know a lot but hopefully you will get the point. Can I use React and not any other templeting engine to render pages from the server?
any help would really be appreciated.Thanks
React is a javascript library for building UI (
And because it is in javascript, the pages will be rendered in client side.
You don't need a template engine when you work with React.

building blog using react.js and express.js

I am a web developer tries to learn React.js. I am thinking about a blog for my first React project. Based on articles and tutorials I have read in the past few days, I am thinking about to use Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for my server side and React.js for the front-end. Before I start, I want to be clear on few questions I have.
Are those enough to build a blog? Can React.js be used for UI without other template library such as Handlebars?? I have seen few articles using both React and Template engine and confused if I am going to need another template engine.
Can I use Json as communication method(Restful API) between the UI and the server?
Yes for all. But I suggest to use Redus(or Flax) to control all states.
