Azure AD B2C no javascript notice - active-directory

I am suddenly experiencing a brief flash of the following after I log into my site utilizing Azure ADB2C. However, I do have javascript enabled. Any ideas?
Here is one of the properties of the policy I'm using. Enforcing javascript is off.


Login not working using Azure Active Directory for ASP.NET Core app

I have a web app that uses the Azure Active Directory (AD) login (Microsoft login), where I have a development environment, staging, and production environment.
The AD login works for my development environment, but I am getting an error when I try to use the same login for my staging environment.
The error I am getting is
Your sign-in was successful but did not meet the criteria to access this resource. For example, you might be signing in from a browser, app, or location your admin restricts
I am attaching the screenshot for more details. Any help is highly appreciable.
Best Regards,
Janak Darji
I have tried to enter my public IP under the network tab as an allowed IP but that didn't work.
You can follow steps below to find which policy cause the issue.
your azure portal, and click Azure Active Directory.
Find the user, and click it.
Find the sign-in logs.
Then you can find the login record. And Click it to check the Conditional Access. You can find which policy block it.
You can disable all the policy for test.
You are being blocked by a conditional access policy
In your Azure AD you can use the What If tool to troubleshoot Conditional Access policies
The Conditional Access What If policy tool allows you to understand the impact of Conditional Access policies in your environment. Instead of test driving your policies by performing multiple sign-ins manually, this tool enables you to evaluate a simulated sign-in of a user. The simulation estimates the impact this sign-in has on your policies and generates a simulation report.
You can find the What If tool in the Azure portal under Azure Active Directory > Security > Conditional Access > What If.
Before you can run the What If tool, you must provide the conditions you want to evaluate.
The only condition you must make is selecting a user or workload identity. All other conditions are optional. For a definition of these conditions
Hope this helps!

Azure AD B2C Application Change in Manifest shows Internal Server Error

I have recently Registered a Keycloak Application on my Azure AD B2C tenant, one of my colleagues accidentally deleted the registration, so i have restored the application on the Azure portal, Later i tried changing the Redirection URI, but the Azure portal doesn't allow me to do so and shows the below error
"Failed to update KeyCloak application. Error detail: Encountered an internal server error."
I have tried to change the same in the Manifest and tried to upload file, even it shows the same error.
Did my application restore made any difference here, if it was so please suggest me some check points to solve this.
Note : The other applications in this tenant allow me to do same changes, I have issue only with this application registration.
A bug has been filed and the product team is working on it. In the mean time for the work around Please re-create another app if possible.
You could also try to change "SignInAudience" to "AzureADMultipleOrgs" (if it works) - than you'll be able to modify reply urls and switch "SignInAudience" back.

OnLoadevent JavaScipt support for Azure AD B2C

Our customer is facing some issues to send some Performance Metrics and Health Check from an Azure B2C Journey to the New Relic. They already tried adding a javascript code on a custom B2C Journey, but it did not work because the New Relic Browser Agent do NR cannot intercept the 'on page load' event inside the web view. Wanted to know if this is supported. and if yes, any pointers to troubleshoot this.
(Moving from comment to answer)
OnLoad event in Javascript is supported. I don't think New Relic is supported for Azure AD B2C user journey Please refer the document

AADSTS700054: response_type 'id_token' is not enabled for the application

Using adal.js v1.0.17 and Web API via JavaScript.
Running a custom tab within Microsoft Teams and getting this error when trying to authenticate.
Looked at the app registration within Azure portal and not seen anything there that could help. Tried to edit the manifest file and change the value of oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true but still getting error.
Found the solution.
Need to access the Azure portal using Chrome.
Go to Azure Active Directory and choose App Registrations (Preview).
Open up the app registration and choose Authentication on the left.
Under Advanced Settings, Implicit grant check the box "ID tokens".
That will add the property oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow to the manifest file with the value set to "true".
you can try by enabling the 'ID Token'

Azure AD SAML authentication signing certificate change

We uses Azure AD for the SAML Authentication process. Azure is set up as the trust provider using the Federated Metadata that is published by Microsoft here:, we configure X509Certificate value in our system to validate the trust so to authenticate the login. We observe the signing certificate changes, that incurs to the change in the certificate value in turns leads to login issues on our system.
Any clue to fix this? Thanks in advance.
You're right.This is changed by Azure. It's called Signing key rollover. It will affect your application indeed.
For security purposes, Azure AD’s signing key rolls on a periodic
basis and, in the case of an emergency, could be rolled over
immediately. Any application that integrates with Azure AD should be
prepared to handle a key rollover event no matter how frequently it
may occur. If it doesn’t, and your application attempts to use an
expired key to verify the signature on a token, the sign-in request
will fail.
How to resolve this:
I understand what you mean and why. But currently, Azure doesn't have notification for this signing key rollover. I also came across this issue. Acutlly, the best resolved method is make my application to handle key rollover automatically by code.Here is some examples.
Otherwise, you need to write scripts to monitor the chagnes if your application does not support automatic rollover .This GitHub repository contains scripts and instructions on how to do this.
I have reported this issue to the Azure PG Team.
Hope this helps!
