ws2812b on ATTiny85 - c

I have ATTiny with 1MHz clock. I'm trying to light up some ws2812b led strip. I conected everything without any resistors and capacitors. I think everything should works but it doesn't :)
I'm useing light_ws2812 library
Below is example code. I have hanged only F_CPU frequency, numper of output pin and reset time in config file. Could You help me find the problem and advice how can I fix it?
#define F_CPU 1000000
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "ws2812_config.h"
#include "light_ws2812.h"
struct cRGB led[2];
int main(void)
uint8_t pos=0;
uint8_t direction=1;
uint8_t i;
#ifdef __AVR_ATtiny10__
CCP=0xD8; // configuration change protection, write signature
CLKPSR=0; // set cpu clock prescaler =1 (8Mhz) (attiny 4/5/9/10)
led[0].r=255;led[0].g=00;led[0].b=00; // LED 0 is red
led[1].r=255;led[1].g=16;led[1].b=16; // LED 1 is White
for (i=0; i<pos; i++)
ws2812_sendarray((uint8_t *)&led[0],3); // Repeatedly send "red" to the led string.
// No more than 1-2µs should pass between calls
// to avoid issuing a reset condition.
for (i=0; i<(16-pos); i++)
ws2812_sendarray((uint8_t *)&led[1],3); // white
_delay_ms(50); // Issue reset and wait for 50 ms.
if ((pos==16)||(pos==0)) direction=-direction;
* light_ws2812_config.h
* v2.4 - Nov 27, 2016
* User Configuration file for the light_ws2812_lib
#ifndef WS2812_CONFIG_H_
#define WS2812_CONFIG_H_
// Define Reset time in µs.
// This is the time the library spends waiting after writing the data.
// WS2813 needs 300 µs reset time
// WS2812 and clones only need 50 µs
#define ws2812_resettime 50
// Define I/O pin
#define ws2812_port B // Data port
#define ws2812_pin 3 // Data out pin
#endif /* WS2812_CONFIG_H_ */

I think 1Mhz is just too slow to be able to generate the signals required by the WS2812B.
The most timing critical WS2812B signal - the TH0 pulse - must be less than 500ns wide, and at 1Mhz, each MCU cycle is 1000ns.
More info on the the WS2812B timing constraints here...

Series resistors and parallel capacitors do help decrease noise that causes inexplicable behavior. But you're right, it should not stop the WS2812bs from working completely.
I suggest you try another pin on your attiny. Pin 3 is used for usb communication. If you are powering your attiny through a usb cable connected to your computer this will cause trouble. Try pins 5 and 6 for example.
You can try the Adafruit_NeoPixel library. I tried and it compiled for attiny85 without modification. I did not actually try to run it since I do not have an attiny lying around.
Also, some of the cheaper WS2812b ledstrips that are around on ebay got their Din and Dout labels switched. This means you have to connect the Dout pin to your attiny. This has actually happened to me once.
I don't know about pulse lenghts in WS2812bs but if that is not the issue I'm pretty sure it's one of the three I mentioned above.
Hope that helps.

According to README I've included config file before header in my MAIN source code file. It was a mistake because the two files are part of different compilation units and DEFINEs are not shared between them. It causes that my configuration settings was ignored and program used default (not correct in my case) ones.
To fix this bug You should include Your ws2812_config.h within light_ws2812.h

You should use the library FASTLED,you can download it on arduino ide .It's very easy to light WS2812 with ATTINY85 by using this library.


freeRTOS doesn't work properly on atmega32A

I am new to Free RTOS, and I was following some tutorial line by line but things didn't sum up correctly, I used free RTOS to toggle 3 LEDS but it lights just 2 of them without toggling! random 2 LEDs, whatever I change the priorities or the delay time of toggling. random 2 LEDs just switch on and nothing more, I tried the code on proteus simulation and on real hardware and the same problem exists. can someone help me with this?
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
/* FreeRTOS files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "croutine.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
/* Define all the tasks */
static void ledBlinkingtask1(void* pvParameters);
static void ledBlinkingtask2(void* pvParameters);
static void ledBlinkingtask3(void* pvParameters);
int main(void) {
/* Call FreeRTOS APIs to create tasks, all tasks has the same priority "1" with the
same stack size*/
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask1,"LED1",
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask2,"LED2",
xTaskCreate( ledBlinkingtask3,"LED3",
// Start the RTOS kernel
/* Do nothing here and just run infinte loop */
return 0;
static void ledBlinkingtask1(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask1*/
const uint8_t blinkDelay = 100 ;
/* make PB0 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<0); //PB0
/* Start the infinte task 1 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<0); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
static void ledBlinkingtask2(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask2*/
const uint8_t blinkDelay = 100;
/* make PB1 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<1);//PB0
/* Start the infinte task 2 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<1); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
static void ledBlinkingtask3(void* pvParameters){
/* Define all variables related to ledBlinkingtask3*/
const uint16_t blinkDelay = 100;
/* make PB2 work as output*/
DDRB |= (1<<2); //PB2
/* Start the infinte task 3 loop */
while (1)
PORTB ^= (1<<2); //toggle PB0 //PB0
vTaskDelay(blinkDelay); //wait some time
ps: every task works well alone but not together!
As already mentioned in comments - the major problem seems to be that access to the port register driving the LEDs is neither
PORTB ^= (1<<0); // in task 1
PORTB ^= (1<<1); // in task 2
PORTB ^= (1<<2); // in task 3
protected (by disabling interrupts during access, or by RTOS measures such as a mutex)
deployed to one unique task:
It may be misleading that the access to HW register is performed using a single instruction in the C code every time.
Still, this doesn't help because the compiler generates several assembler instructions (e.g., load previous port value to register, modify that register value, write it back to the port). This way, one task can interrupt another between those assembler/CPU instructions and modify the intermediate value.
Several tasks writing back "their" register value to the port in turn can revert what other task(s) may have just written to the port, so you miss a blinky event (or several, if this happens systematically).
The solution is therefore to protect the assignments against each other.
In the same order as numbered above, this may mean either of the following:
Check if the hardware offers a "set value" or "reset value" register beside the main PORTB port register. If so, writing a single bit to that port would be an atomic way to have the LED toggle.
I'm sorry that I don't know the hardware interface of Atmega. Maybe, this isn't possible, and you have to go on directly to 2. and 3.
a. Disable interrupts before changing the port register, reenable it afterwards. This way, the task scheduler won't run during that period (= critical section) and nobody disturbs the task that accesses the hardware.
c. Use a mutex or similar.
Create a fourth task which waits (blocking) at a mailbox/queue.
Whenever it receives a value from the mailbox, it processes it (e.g., by XOR-ing it to the port register).
The three existing tasks don't access the LED port register themselves, but instead send such a value (= request message) to the new task.
Assign a higher priority to the new task in order to get a smooth blinking pattern.
If option 1. is possible on your controller, it is fastest (but it requires certain features in the hardware platform...). Otherwise, I agree with the hint from #Richard, option 2.b. are fastest (2.a. is as fast, but not as clean because you break the layering of the FreeRTOS lib).
Option 2.c. may introduce a notable overhead, and option 3. is very clean but a complete overkill in your situation: If your question is really only about blinking LEDs, please leave the bulldozer inside the garage and choose option 2.

How to configure correctly a PIC18 port D for output direction?

I'm developing a firmware to control a PIC18F45k80 pinout on a customized board.
Before loading and programming this pic with the final version I was testing my program/debug environment (MPLABX IDE + Pickit3) with the simplest user code: toggle some portD outputs with a 50 ms period.
3 pins of them works propperly (RD6, RD5, RD4) but it's not the case of RD3 and R2. They have no signal, they never turn on. The pin stills with 0 all the execution time. All the pins are configured and activated with the same way at the same time, as you can see in the next code:
main.c file:
//C libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pic18f45k80.h>
#include "18f45k80_mainconfig.h"
#include <xc.h>
//Application dependent libraries
#include "gold_whyl_task.h"
/*outputs defines*/
#define CADENZA PORTDbits.RD2 //problem with this bit
#define CAPW PORTDbits.RD3 //problem with this bit
/*inputs - debug*/
#define PGC PORTBbits.RB6
#define PGD PORTBbits.RB7
int main()
TRISDbits.TRISD1=1;//input CLACSON
TRISDbits.TRISD2=0;//output CADENZA //problem with this
TRISDbits.TRISD3=0;//output CAPW //problem with this
TRISDbits.TRISD4=0;//output FREQFIJA
TRISDbits.TRISD5=0;//output FIJAWAIL
CAPW=1; //this assignment has no effect --> it stills 0
CADENZA=1;//this assignment has no effect--> it stills 0
What can be happening?
Is there something wrong with defines, port configuration, etc?
You should always check datasheet
Your mcu has an A/D port and, unfortunately for you, by default it uses RD2 and RD3.
You can see at page 364, ADCON1 reg that enables those pins as analog.
At page 92 you can see configuration at ADCON1 register at the startup: -111 1111
This means that at powerup/browout/WDT/reste... RD2 and RD3 are set to be analog inputs.
You must disable pins for A/D converter to use those pins as I/O.
I don't have Microchip SDK but you must do something like
ADCON1 &= 0x9F;
To set bit 6 and bit 5 to 0 and enable RD2 and RD3 as I/O
All of them are identically connected, internal pull up connected with these pins but turned off automatically when output is configured. But now I have found the kit of the question. PORTDbits.RD2 allows you to read from pin and maybe write on it, but without guarantees (this is the reason why some pins works and not the other). Instead of this I have used LATD option that writes the pin when pin is configured as ouptut. Now it works.

Stopwatch using a ATMEL 2549 Microcontroller

i am trying to understand a program but i have some questions, maybe you can help me. The microcontroller used is a ATMEL 2549 - 8bit. Thank you in advance.
Atmel-2549 8-bit AVR Microcontroller ATmega640 1280-1281-2560-2561 datasheet
Set up a stop watch with the following features:
• There are three push buttons: START, STOP, and RESET
• Your system generates an interrupt every 100ms by using Timer1.
• There is an LCD at port A. Use the usual library for controlling the
• On the LCD, you display the time that has elapsed since the START
button was pushed. Show minutes, seconds and tenth of seconds.
• After 59 min 59.9 s, the display starts from scratch again.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void timer1_config(void);
void exinterrupt_config(void);
void send_string(void);
display myLCD;
volatile char text[20];
volatile uint8_t minute=0,sekunde=0,zehnt=0;
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { //Interrupt for a timer with minute, second and decisecond.
zehnt++; //from 0 to 59min 59,9sec. After that time is elapsed,
if (zehnt>9) { //it should be showed on LCD display.
if (sekunde>59) {
if (minute>59) {
ISR(INT0_vect) { //Interrupt for starting the timer.
// --- No. *1 ---
TCCR1B|= (1<<CS11);
ISR(INT1_vect) { //Interrupt for stopping the timer.
ISR(INT2_vect) { //Interrupt for resetting the timer.
minute=0; //Sets everything to 0 and shows time on LCD display.
int main(void) {
// --- No. *2 ---
timer1_config(); //Load all three functions.
lcd_init(&myLCD ,&PORTA); //Start the LCD display on port A.
void timer1_config(void){
// --- No. *3 ---
void exinterrupt_config(void){
EIMSK|=((1<<INT0)|(1<<INT1)|(1<<INT2)); //Enable all 3 interrupts.
// --- No. *4 ---
void send_string(void){ //Sends text to LCD display.
sprintf(text,"%i.min %i.sek %i.zehnt",minute,sekunde,zehnt);
1: I understand this is the command to make the timer start counting, but on the description from the datasheet it says "clkI/O/8 (From prescaler)" for setting the bit CS11 high. I cant understand it and how it works.
2: Is it setting the bits from DDRD to input (0)? If so, why is it being done if port D inst even being used?
3: I dont understand what it does!
4: The description from the datasheet says "The falling edge of INTn generates asynchronously an interrupt request", but i dont really get what it does. Whats the difference to "The rising edge of INTn generates asynchronously an interrupt request"?
Thank you again!
1: Setting CS11 High
From Table 17-6, it really sets the clock to clk(I/O)/8. That means it will increment the internal counter on every eighth tick of the internal I/O clock. Maybe you couldn't count every tick in the timer's register in a second, so you need to prescale it.
2: Setting DDRD bits to input
Those are for the buttons. The buttons must be on PIND of your panel, one bit for each button. Although the program does not read PIND, the external interrupt handler does, so the data direction must be set up accordingly.
Buttons, switches are inputs, leds are outputs. It depend's on your developer panel on which ports are they wired.
3: Setting up TIMSK1
• Bit 1 – OCIEnA: Timer/Countern, Output Compare A Match Interrupt
Enable When this bit is written to one, and the I-flag in the Status
Register is set (interrupts globally enabled), the Timer/Countern
Output Compare A Match interrupt is enabled. The corresponding
Interrupt Vector (see “Interrupts” on page 101) is executed when the
OCFnA Flag, located in TIFRn, is set.
The timer peripherial can operate in different modes. This setting is related to output compare mode, and it will tell the hardware to issue an interrupt when the timer's internal counter reaches a limit (the limit is set in OCR1A).
The timer is set to CTC (Clear Timer on Compare) mode in TCCR1B (Table 17-2), so it restarts counting when the limit is reached.
4: Falling edge
A falling edge is when a signal goes from high to low. A rising edge is when the signal goes from low to high. These buttons are usually Active-LOW, so a falling edge means the button is pressed. (and a rising edge means the button is released)

Using Input Capture Register on Timer1 of ATmega328 to determine signal frequency

I am trying to get an Arduino UNO to read a 64cpr quadrature encoder. I specifically want to use Timer1 to measure of the frequency (and hence speed) of one of the encoder signals.
I ultimately want to store 10 measurements in an array to compute a moving average filter, but one thing at a time. I first need to be able to measure the clock cycles between two rising edges.
Here's what I've got so far. Any help or comments are appreciated:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
const int inputCapture = 8;
void setup(){
TCNT1 = 0;
TCCR1B = (1<<CS10)|(1<<ICES1); // No prescaling
TIFR1 = 1<<ICF1;
pinMode(inputCapture, INPUT);
thisStep = ICR1;
TCNT1 = 0;
void loop(){
Right now I'm not even jumping into the ISR, which I don't understand. I think I have set everything up correctly. Interrupts are enabled. ICES1 should default to 0, or falling edge trigger, which is fine (just want to measure one period). I'm picking a pin on port B to receive the (input) signal, which should be fine. From Atmel's documentation, I think Timer1 is connected.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Understanding How DelayMS Function Works With PIC18F Microcontroller

I am trying to use a PIC18F45K22 to flash an LED on for a second, then off for a second, repeating indefinitely. The code incorporates a delay function that keeps the PIC busy for one second but I am not sure how it works (it was done through trial-and-error.) To achieve a 1 second delay, tWait should equal 125,000. I am using a 8MHz MCU clock frequency with PLL disabled. I know that 8MHz is 125nSec but after that, I am stuck. Can anyone please explain to me how it works? I've been at it for a few hours and it's driving me bonkers.
#define SYSTEM_FREQUENCY (8000000) // 8MHz
// Prototype Function
void delayS(unsigned int sec);
void main()
// Sets RA0 to output...
TRISA.RA0 = 0;
// Turns RA0 off...
LATA.RA0 = 0;
// Turns RA0 on...
LATA.RA0 = 1;
} while(1); // Repeat...
// My attempt at writing the function...
void delayS(unsigned int sec)
unsigned long tWait, tStart;
To achieve a 1 Second On 1 Second Off cycle, tWait should be 125,000.
How? Why? 64 is arbitrary to achieve 125,000.
tWait = Sec*(SYSTEM_FREQUENCY/64);
for(tStart = 0; tStart < tWait; tStart++);
The clock frequency is 8MHz, so there are 2.10^6 cycles per seconds since a cycle takes 4 clock ticks. Any assembly operation of the microcontroller takes at least one cycle. There is still a factor 16 to explain.
The factor 16 must correspond to one pass of the loop. Since unsigned long are used in this loop, it is not surprising that it takes a few operations. You will need to look at the assembly code to understand what is happening and get a precise count, like here.
If you are working with MPLAB and the xc8 compiler, there are some functions you can use, such as Delay10KTCYx(unsigned char);.
The microcontroller spends 99.99% of its time counting, wich is not critical if you flash leds. But, to use efficiently a pic, you will need to avoid these functions by using timers and interruptions. Have fun !
