I am using a query on import range to pull relevant data from one spreadsheet into another. It was working fine, then all of the sudden it started combining the first 8 rows into one row, but the rest are importing as normal. The columns are spaced correctly, but each column is concatenating the first 8 rows for some reason.
Here is my formula:
=query(importrange("other_sheet","Sheet1!$A$2:$O"),"Select Col1,Col7,Col2,Col3,Col4")
What can I do to make sure the first 8 rows each return into their own rows from the query?
try to force it with 0 header rows like:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("other_sheet", "Sheet1!$A$2:$O"), "select Col1,Col7,Col2,Col3,Col4", 0)
I'm using this formula =IF(B24="","",IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3,,MIN(IF(Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23=(Sheet2!C24&$K$18),COLUMN(Sheet3!$C:$EE)))-2),"NF")) to return a cell value in the top row of an array - a date in this case.
The search criteria is a combination of a unique project number and a 2 digit status alphanumerical code for the project. The array consists of 23 rows where combinations of the unique numbers are found, each with different status codes.
So essentially, I'm building a FILTERED project status dashboard that returns dates linked to the relevant project status.
The code above is inspired from ( LINK ) that uses a very similar layout, but it uses town suburbs linked to postal codes instead of project numbers and status codes. The formula works well (though, not entered as an array formula), but I don't have a single formula in the sheet, I have 3 300 occurrences of this formula.
The problem comes in when the user changes the FILTER - Excel recalculates the entire dashboard and that takes anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes to run. You hit the escape button and cancel the calculation after setting the filter, but Excel just starts calculating again after a few seconds. After that, Excel's response is sluggish and almost unusable. Yes - our hardware is pretty weak ...
I tried XLOOKUP as well, but can't set the "lookup_array" to an array ( Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 ) because it doesn't match the "return-array" ( Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3 ) Concatenating the lookup arrays with & works, but then you'd have to do that for all 23 rows, and again, multiply that by 3 300.
I thought of creating a UDF, but the function will still be called every time Excel recalculates after filtering... 3 300 calls ...
Any ideas on how to make the INDEX version run faster, or make the XLOOKUP accept the lookup_array as Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 in the hopes that it'll run faster?
Thank you!
Not really an elegant solution, but it works.
I imported the dataset into a helper sheet, where I combined the cell value with the corresponding value in Column A for each row ( a name in this case ) and the date from row 1 for each column, using underscore as a delimiter.
This new data range was then given a unique name, EE in this case.
On a second helper sheet, using this formula =INDEX(Filtered,1+INT((ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1)/COLUMNS(Filtered)),MOD(ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1+COLUMNS(Filtered),COLUMNS(Filtered))+1) and drag it down till it returns an REF! error and going back one row before the error.
This transposes all the data into a single column G. Using =UNIQUE(SORT(FILTER(B3:B3240,B3:B3240<> "",""))) then gives me a filtered list of unique values in column H that I then run
=IF(H3="","",LEFT(H3, SEARCH("_",H3,1)-1)) for the first data value in I, and
=IF(H3="","",MID(H3, SEARCH("_",H3) + 1, SEARCH("_",H3,SEARCH("_",H3)+1) - SEARCH("_",H3) - 1)) for the middle data value in J, and
=IF(H3="","",IFERROR(TEXT(RIGHT(H3,5),"yyyy-mm-dd"),"NF")) for the last data value in K.
Then just run XLOOPUP across columns I, J and K.
Runs quick and easy and solves a few of the other issue I had as well.
The second data set has just over 35 000 rows - still works well and fast.
The question is difficult to describe. If it is relevant, my Tableau is connected to Salesforce. Here are the steps I've taken and result I am looking for -
I have a text field where up to 37-categories can be listed in any order:
Example of Original Dataset
Each row can have 1 - 5 records, delimited by ";" which I can split. The result of the (custom) split gives me a different column for each separated string:
Result of Custom Split
What I am looking for is a single column used as single dimension showing results over a Time dimension. The result would look similar to this, but row-1 would be the row-1 value count ("Call Back") across all of the columns.
Result I Want
Any direction would be excellent. Thank you!
Relatively new to PBI and need a hand with counting totals of delimited values in a single column. So my source column looks something like:
ID Code
1 abc1|bcd2
2 def2|abc1|ghi3
3 bcd2
I've created a new table based on the same query that takes just this column and splits it into individual rows by the pipe delimiter:
Individual Codes
Now I'd like to plot the number of occurences of each individual code in the original code column. I had intended on doing this using a calculated column, but I don't know if that's even the best approach. So having something like:
Codes Counts
abc1 2
bcd2 2
def2 1
ghi3 1
If it's possible to relate the tables, I'm not sure how. I've tried filter approaches similar to this but that's caused crashes. The current source data has maybe 50k rows (with 8k individual codes), but potentially these values could be 10-100x larger so I imagine it's best to avoid something that's creating filters of the source data for each row of the Individual Code table.
Much appreciated!
Original Data
Then you can split Your code column into new rows using delimiter
and then you can group your rows based on Code and count rows as below
and when you come back to Visualizations you can have your desired output
I'm using the below array formula to count the unique occurrences of text in column C using the agent name in column G as the reference. This is giving me multiple issues.
=SUM( --(FREQUENCY(IF(G3:G100000 = J5,MATCH(C3:C100000,C3:C100000,0)),ROW(C3:C100000) - ROW(C3) + 1) > 0))
Depending on the data set I'm using multiple agents will return a #N/A result and I can't figure out why.
Each dataset I'm using is 20k to 30k lines, so the formulas take a long time to process.
Any ideas how I could do this faster or better? Also any ideas why some agents get bad returns?
I am assuming that you are looking for the number of unique combinations of columns C and G.
Create a pivot table and check the box to add this data to the data model.
Drag both column headers to the Rows section, also drag one (of those same two) into the the values section.
click on the the field in the values section > value field settings > summarize values by > choose Distinct Count. This removes all duplicates.
Click the Row Labels filter and uncheck the blanks.
You can drop in new data then right-click on the pivot and refresh to see the new results. See the image.
I'm attempting to copy a query result from SSMS to excel. I selected "copy with headers" and pasted it into Excel. My data set has 9 columns. When I paste the data into excel, information from column 9 ends spread across columns 9, 10 and 1 It looks like this:
A B C D E F G H I -Column Heading
A B C D E F G H I I -Data
(blank row)
I've reviewed the query results in SSMS and this is not occurring in the original data. When the value in column F is NULL the additional row and information in column 10 do not occur. Thus far I have tried the following:
-When I remove column 9 from the query then copy & paste, column 8 is spread across 8, 9, and 1.
-I've also created a brand new spreadsheet, made sure to clear any formatting and tried the copy & paste.
-I saved the query results as a .csv file and imported it into Excel. I still got the same result.
-I copied the columns individually one at a time. The the information in the 8th column ends up on two lines paired with the other columns of the next row. So each item in column 8 becomes another row offset downwards until there are many more values in column 8 than other columns. Where the value in column 8 is NULL, this does not occur.
-I removed all the other items from the query result so that only the values of columns 8 and 9 are returned. All information from column 9 ends up in column 8 followed by a blank row.
Returning 8 alone, each item returned ends up on two rows.
Returning 9 alone, the data is pasted correctly.
The headers are always in the right place. From what I can surmise, the data in column 8 is the culprit here. The data type is a varchar(max) which allows nulls. The information included is in the following format,
(TC Date & Time, Last Name, First Name) Comments
Moving SSMS query results into Excel to make tables is something I do frequently. However I have never before encountered this result. Hopefully my explanation is thorough enough so someone can tell me how to correct this error. Thanks!
Replace feed and Carriage returns from your dataset before you can paste into Excel, Try something like this on the columns you are having issues and then try to paste it in excel:
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(yourcolumnname, CHAR(13),' '), CHAR(10),' ')
FROM table
This is probably due to using 'Text to columns' recently in Excel. That splits columns using some rule. Columns need to be set back to 'tab delimited'.
For the offending column:
Data → Text to Columns
Original Data Type: Check Delimited
Click Next
Delimiters: check 'Tab', uncheck anything else.
Click Next
Click Finish
SSMS copy-paste does not preserve data types. Excel tries to parse the string and splits it into additional columns or even lines.
I develop SSMSBoost add-in and we have covered this in our video, which explains 3 different ways of exporting the data into Excel without data loss (data type information is preserved): (Copy-Paste in native excel format, XML export, .dqy Query) https://youtu.be/waDCukeXeLU