Fetching label value of switch in react native - reactjs

I want to achieve functionality of a checkbox with a switch in react-native, as checkbox isn't supported in ios devices. I am not getting on how can I fetch the label value associated with a particular switch.
So, the idea is, I have a bunch of options, say A,B,C and each is associated with a switch, and there is a submit button. On click of submit I want to get the labels of those options which are toggled on.
This is the code for selecting various options and each is associated with a switch,
onValueChange = {this.handleToggle}
value = {toggleValue}
onValueChange = {this.handleToggle}
value = {toggleValue}
onValueChange = {this.handleToggle}
value = {toggleValue}
And handleToggle code is this,
handleToggle = event => {
this.setState(state => ({
toggleValue: !state.toggleValue
Thanks a lot.

You are using the same function for different switches, clicking on one of them won't give you access to the label of that particular switch. To do so i would suggest to build it like this. This could be a working solution:
Starting with an array that looks like:
this.state = {
data = [
label: "firstSwitch",
checked: false,
label: "secondSwitch",
checked: false,
Then, in your render:
this.state.data.map((item, index) => <Fragment>
onValueChange = {() => this.handleToggle(index)}
The handleToggle will update the array in the position passed as argument:
handleToggle = index => {
let tempArr= this.state.data
tempArr[index].checked = !tempArr[index].checked
The submit button will then check for the checked switches:
onSubmit = () => {
let arrOfCheckedSwitches= []
this.state.data.forEach (item => item.checked && arrOfCheckedSwitches.push(item.label))
console.log("array of labels :", arrOfCheckedSwitches)
Let me know if there's something that's unclear


Set values of list of Material UI Autocompletes that fetch options dynamically

I have a Material UI Autocomplete combo-box child component class that fetches results as the user types:
fetchIngredients(query) {
this.sendAjax('/getOptions', {
data: {
q: query
}).then((options) => {
options: options
onChange={(e, val) => {
this.setState({value: val});
onInputChange={(event, newInputValue) => {
renderInput={(params) => {
// Hidden input so that FormData can find the value of this input.
return (<TextField {...params} label="Foo" required/>);
// Required for search as you type implementations:
// https://mui.com/components/autocomplete/#search-as-you-type
filterOptions={(x) => x}
This child component is actually rendered as one of many in a list by its parent. Now, say I want the parent component to be able to set the value of each autocomplete programmatically (e.g., to auto-populate a form). How would I go about this?
I understand I could lift the value state up to the parent component and pass it as a prop, but what about the this.state.options? In order to set a default value of the combo-box, I'd actually need to also pass a single set of options such that value is valid. This would mean moving the ajax stuff up to the parent component so that it can pass options as a prop. This is starting to get really messy as now the parent has to manage multiple sets of ajax state for a list of its Autocomplete children.
Any good ideas here? What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
If these are children components making up a form, then I would argue that hoisting the value state up to the parent component makes more sense, even if it does require work refactoring. This makes doing something with the filled-in values much easier and more organized.
Then in your parent component, you have something like this:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
values: [],
options: []
const fetchIngredients = (query, id) => {
this.sendAjax('/getOptions', {
data: {
q: query
}).then((options) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
[id]: options
const setValue = (newValue, id) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
[id]: newValue
render() {
return (
{arrOfInputLabels.map((label, id) => (

I want only one component state to be true between multiple components

I am calling components as folloews
{userAddresses.map((useraddress, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<Address useraddress={useraddress} />
Their state:
const [showEditAddress, setShowEditAddress] = useState(false);
and this is how I am handling their states
const switchEditAddress = () => {
if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
Well, it's better if you want to toggle between true and false to use the state inside useEffect hook in react.
useEffect will render the component every time and will get into your condition to set the state true or false.
In your case, you can try the following:
useEffect(() => { if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
} }, [showEditAddress])
By using useEffect you will be able to reset the boolean as your condition.
Also find the link below to react more about useEffect.
It would be best in my opinion to keep your point of truth in the parent component and you need to figure out what the point of truth should be. If you only want one component to be editing at a time then I would just identify the address you want to edit in the parent component and go from there. It would be best if you gave each address a unique id but you can use the index as well. You could do something like the following:
UserAddress Component
const UserAddress = ({index, editIndex, setEditIndex, userAddress}) => {
<button onClick={() => setEditIndex(index)}>Edit</button>
{editIndex === index && <div style={{color: 'green'}}>Your editing {userAddress}</div>}
Parent Component
const UserAddresses = () => {
const addresses = ['120 n 10th st', '650 s 41 st', '4456 Birch ave']
const [editIndex, setEditIndex] = useState(null)
return userAddresses.map((userAddress, index) => <UserAddress key={index} index={index} editIndex={editIndex} setEditIndex={setEditIndex} userAddress={userAddress}/>;
Since you didn't post the actual components I can only give you example components but this should give you an idea of how to achieve what you want.

How do I save a previous state in react?

With each onClick I am rendering a new react component. In each component I am submitting a different text value. Problem I am having is that when i type in a new text and click the button the newState is set but it updates all rendered components. So I was wondering if there was a way for me use previous states in react. Also the way I thought about handling this issue was by pushing each new state in an array, but it didn't work. What happened was the array would simply be updated with the new value. So how can I solve this issue. Examples would greatly be appreciated.
The problem you have is that you are linking all the components to the same state key.
What you actually need to do is have a state with multiple keys to hold the value for each component.
So here's an example using useState.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState({ val1: '', val2: '' })
return (
<Component1 value={val1} onChange={(value) => setState({ ...state, val1: value })} />
<Component2 value={val2} onChange={(value) => setState({ ...state, val2: value })} />
By the sounds of things you probably have an array, that gets updates, you so could adapt this concept to work for you.
It's tough to give you a great example without seeing your implementation. I can update mine to help you if you provide more information.
You are right, you need to use an array as state and update it but probably you were not doing it right. Try this:
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [itemsArray, setItemsArray] = useState([])
// Pass this method and use it in the child component
changeItem = (index, key, val) => {
const newArray = [ ...itemsArray ];
newArray[index][key] = val;
return (
itemsArray && 0 < itemsArray.length &&
itemsArray.map((item, key) => <Component changeItem={changeItem}/>)

(React-redux) BlueprintJs Suggest cannot backspace in input after making a selection

class MySuggest extends React.Component<Props, State> {
private handleClick = (item: string, event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement, Event>) => {
public render() {
const { loading, value, error} = this.props;
const { selectValue } = this.state;
const loadingIcon = loading ? <Icon icon='repeat'></Icon> : undefined;
let errorClass = error? 'error' : '';
const inputProps: Partial<IInputGroupProps> = {
type: 'search',
leftIcon: 'search',
placeholder: 'Enter at least 2 characters to search...',
rightElement: loadingIcon,
value: selectValue,
return (
inputValueRenderer={(item) => item.toString()}
noResults={'no results'}
onQueryChange={(query, event) => {
if (!event) {
itemRenderer={(item, { modifiers, handleClick }) => (
onClick={() => this.handleClick(item) }
Everything works fine, I am able to make a selection from drop-down list, however I cannot use backspace in input if I made a selection. I checked the official documentation(https://blueprintjs.com/docs/#select/suggest), it has the same issue in its example. Does anyone has the similar problems and solutions?
The reason for this is once you type something in the field, it becomes an element of the page, so once you make a selection, it assumes you highlighted an element, so will assume you are trying to send the page a command for that selection (backspace is the default page-back command for most browsers).
Create a new dialog input every time the user makes a selection, so the user can continue to make selections and edits.
It took forever.. post my solution here:
be careful about two things:
1. query = {.....} needed to control the state of the input box
2. openOnKeyDown flag, it makes the delete not working

How to target a specific item to toggleClick on using React Hooks?

I have a navbar component with that actual info being pulled in from a CMS. Some of the nav links have a dropdown component onclick, while others do not. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to target a specific menus index with React Hooks - currently onClick, it opens ALL the dropdown menus at once instead of the specific one I clicked on.
The prop toggleOpen is being passed down to a styled component based on the handleDropDownClick event handler.
Heres my component.
const NavBar = props => {
const [links, setLinks] = useState(null);
const [notFound, setNotFound] = useState(false);
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const fetchLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
// We are using the function to get a document by its uid
const data = props.prismicCtx.api.query([
Prismic.Predicates.at('document.tags', [`${config.source}`]),
Prismic.Predicates.at('document.type', 'navbar'),
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
return null;
const checkForLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
} else {
useEffect(() => {
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
if (links) {
const linkname = links.map(item => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={item.primary.link.url}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen}>
{item.items.map(subitem => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
) : (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={item.primary.link.url}>
// Render
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavContainer wide>
<StyledNavBar.NavWrapper row center>
<Logo />
if (notFound) {
return <NotFound />;
return <h2>Loading Nav</h2>;
export default NavBar;
Your problem is that your state only handles a boolean (is open or not), but you actually need multiple booleans (one "is open or not" for each menu item). You could try something like this:
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState({});
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
const currentID = e.currentTarget.id;
const newIsOpenState = isOpen[id] = !isOpen[id];
And finally in your HTML:
const linkname = links.map((item, index) => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink id={index} onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={item.primary.link.url}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[index]}>
// ... rest of your component
Note the new index variable in the .map function, which is used to identify which menu item you are clicking.
One point that I was missing was the initialization, as mention in the other answer by #MattYao. Inside your load data, do this:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
setIsOpen(navlinks.map((link, index) => {index: false}));
Not related to your question, but you may want to consider skipping effects and including a key to your .map
I can see the first two useState hooks are working as expected. The problem is your 3rd useState() hook.
The issue is pretty obvious that you are referring the same state variable isOpen by a list of elements so they all have the same state. To fix the problems, I suggest the following way:
Instead of having one value of isOpen, you will need to initialise the state with an array or Map so you can refer each individual one:
const initialOpenState = [] // or using ES6 Map - new Map([]);
In your fetchLink function callback, initialise your isOpen state array values to be false. So you can put it here:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
// init your isOpen state here
navlinks.forEach(link => isOpen.push({ linkId: link.id, value: false })) //I suppose you can get an id or similar identifers
In your handleClick function, you have to target the link object and set it to true, instead of setting everything to true. You might need to use .find() to locate the link you are clicking:
handleClick = e => {
const currentOpenState = state;
const clickedLink = e.target.value // use your own identifier
currentOpenState[clickedLink].value = !currentOpenState[clickedLink].value;
Update your component so the correct isOpen state is used:
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[item].value}> // replace this value
{item.items.map(subitem => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
The above code may not work for you if you just copy & paste. But it should give you an idea how things should work together.
