How to add custom attributes to an AAD user and include it the JWT token sent to the client application? - azure-active-directory

I am trying to create an AAD App Registration that includes additional claims in the JWT tokens that are returned to the client application.
The idea is that a SalesRepID fields need to be added to each of the AAD users. Then the SalesRepID be included in JWT claims through application manifest configuration.
Is this possible? What are the steps? An article or a code sample that shows how to do this would be a great help?

It's possible.
1) Add custom attribute by using Register an extension. (Please note that it only supports v1.0 application)
2) Set values for custom attributes.
3) Modify application manifest of the Azure AD application and return the extension property as claims.
Besides, Microsoft strongly recommends that you use Microsoft Graph instead of Azure AD Graph API to access Azure Active Directory resources. For how to add custom attribute to Azure AD user with Microsoft Graph API, please refer to: Add custom data to users using open extensions.


Permissions for SAAS in Azure AD

I am looking to develop a SAAS product where tenant from different organizations can log into my application and there are specific set of custom Permissions that I want to create for my application which will allow users to access different endpoints in my application.
Application is hosted in a inhouse server.
Can someone please help me to understand what would be my approach to do so?
I am doing App Registration in Azure AD. And in the redirect uri I am passing my application url.
I am stuck after that.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
To integrate the SaaS Application in Azure AD, Register an Application in Azure AD.
As you need tenant from different organizations log into the application, make sure to configure the Application as Multi-Tenant like below:
Based on your requirement you can select the API permission which you want the users to access like below:
For sample, I selected Microsoft Graph and added the required API permissions:
You can choose Delegated or Application API permissions based the Grant Flows.
For Client-Credentials, need to grant Application API permissions and for Authorization Code Flow need to grant Delegated API permissions.
For sample, I am using OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to generate the token for authentication.
I generated Auth-Code using below authorize endpoint:
This will authorize the request and redirect it to the application.
I generated the token using below parameters:
Using the above generated Access token, you can call Microsoft Graph API.
If you want B2B collaboration, refer to the document provided by bahrep in the comments.
Register a SaaS application - Azure Marketplace | Microsoft Learn
Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow - Microsoft Entra

Manage custom attributes for user and group in Azure AD

I have an app that is implementing SCIM 2.0.
I have connected this app to my Azure AD and I am succeeding to provision users and groups to my app from from Azure AD.
I want to add a custom attribute and manage the value of that attribute in Azure AD for every user or a group and add that data to my provisioning mapping - to send it to my app as part of the provisioning process.
I can't find where in Azure AD I can do that.
I have tried to add a custom security attributes, I have assigned it to my app. But when I go to the provisioning mapping - the attribute is not in the list of source attributes that I can choose from.
I have also tried to add a custom attribute (which I was able to choose in the provisioning mapping), but I did not find where I can manage the value of this attribute to a user in the Azure AD .It looks like it can only be filled in a user flow (login with SSO) - which is not my case.
I did not find a way to create a custom attribute for a group and manage its values in the Azure AD and then add to provisioning group mapping.
I saw that there are extension attributes, but where in Azure AD I can enter data to these attributes for a specific users or groups?
Can anyone help?
Is there a completely different way to add extra information to user / group and send it from Azure AD to my app using SCIM?
• When you provision an application in Azure AD through SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) for the purpose of provisioning the Azure AD users to the ‘Enterprise application’ created in Azure AD tenant, you enter the URL of the application’s SCIM endpoint as ‘’ and since it requires an OAuth bearer token from an issuer other than Azure AD as it can validate this token issued by the Azure AD itself. Therefore, in the ‘Mappings’ section of the ‘Provisioning’ section for the Azure AD enterprise application, you have the option for reviewing the attributes that are synchronized from Azure AD to the SCIM provisioned app. These attributes are selected as ‘Matching’ properties and are used to match the users and groups in your app for update operations.
Also, to add the extension attributes to the user in Azure AD for them to be exported to the SCIM provisioned application, you will need to create a dynamic group with members added to them via a dynamic query as shown below. Before that, you will have to synchronize the extension attributes through Azure AD connect utility from the on-premises AD that were created there already. Then, these already created extension attributes can be selected to be mapped with the SCIM provisioned app as below: -
Complete the expression to suit your requirements. As above, the rule is set to ‘(user.extension_9d98ed114c4840d298fad781915f27e4_division -eq "Sales and marketing")’.
• Secondly, you can also create extension attributes for users that are to be synchronized from Azure AD to the SCIM provisioned application through Microsoft Graph API as shown below: -
First, create a ‘GET’ request to the object ID of the SCIM provisioned application to check the request sent status success. Then, send a ‘POST’ request to the object ID of the SCIM provisioned application as shown below with the custom extension attribute in the body of the request: -
Now, since this custom extension attribute is created without any value, you will have to update this attribute with a value so that this attribute is synchronized to the SCIM provisioned application accordingly as shown below: -
Thus, as shown above, you can add custom extension attributes to any Azure AD user and synchronize these attribute values to the SCIM provisioned app.
For more detailed information on the above, please refer to the below links: -,settings%20default%20and%20click%20Register.

Azure AD B2C Custom Claims

I am using Aure AD B2C to connect a .Net core application with Azure AD Enterprise application for authentication using SAML protocol. I am using custom policies to enable SAML.
I have used custom policies starter pack given in Microsoft Docs, and authentication is working properly with given name, surname, name, IDP as claims and I want so additional claims that my application is using.
I need DOB and MemberID as claims for my application and there was no option to add custom claims to the active directory where my enterprise application is.
I have another IDP setup in Okta and luckily I could add custom claims like DOB and MemberID to user profile in Okta but still I am unable to get those claims after authentication.
This is an Azure AD question.
The problem is that DoB etc. is not part of the schema.
If you are using Azure AD Connect and these attributes are in AD, you can use directory extensions to synch them up.
You can synch them up to extensionAttributes that are in the SAML drop-down.
Then add them as outputs in B2C.
If not, you can add extension attributes to Azure AD and use a custom policy REST API that calls Graph API (either directly or via Azure function) to get them.
Also refer this.

Azure B2C IDP SAML for multiple service providers

I have configured Azure B2C as IDP via SAML successfully for a single Service Provider. There are many pieces that i don't understand in this setup even though its working.
I will describe what i have so far and then ask questions later.
Let's say I have two Service Providers,SP1/SP2 both require SAML and a page to signup/signin. SP1 requires loyality_id as custom attribute and SP2 requires product_name attribute.
Here's the source code that works.
Credit/Thanks to this blog
Below is the high level summary of the configuration.
SAML for SP1 (Service Provider 1):
Add signing and encryption keys to the B2C tenant
Register Identity Experience Framework applications
Create web app IdentityExperienceFramework in Azure Active Directory
Create native app ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework in Azure Active Directory
Start from starter pack for LocalAccounts as base
Add Saml2AssertionIssuer to the base policy
Add user journey SignInSaml to the base policy
In Extension Policy override "Local Account SignIn" claims provider and add substitute values for "client_id" and "IdTokenAudience" from apps that were created earlier
Policy file with RelyingParty for SP1
This describes the output claims that are added to the SAML response
Signup/signin policies for SP1:
Create built-in signup and sigin policy
Create Application in Azure B2C blade
So far with this setup, I have two Applications in Azure Active Directory for custom policies and one Application in Azure B2C blade for built-in policy.
According to,
Extension properties can only be registered on an Application object
even though they may contain data for a User. The property is attached
to the application. The Application object must be granted write
access to register an extension property.
What is the "Application" the above paragraph is referring to?
What is the purpose of the apps IdentityExperienceFramework/ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework
To setup for SP2, do I need to create separate Azure Active directory apps for IdentityExperienceFramework/ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework? Or can I use the same ones? How do custom attributes factor in this?
How do I setup custom attributes in this case where SAML is through Custom policy and Signin/Signup is builtin policy
In this case, under what App context are the custom attributes created?
I appreciate any pointers.
The application is the one created in the section "Creating a new application to store the extension properties".
The apps purpose is to enable sign-in using local accounts. The same apps can be used accross multiple policies.
Custom attributes are related to the application created in app registrations at Azure AD level, and with the permissions detailed in the configuration docs.
In my Github profile, you can find a different implementation of the B2C as SAML issuer scenario:
Tell me if you have more questions.

Azure Active Directory Premium MFA Attributes via Graph API?

How to programatically control the attributes that are attached to an AAD Premium user, related to MFA? Using the Graph API (C#, using the SDK), what calls can be made to make a user MFA or not, CRUD on phone numbers, etc?
As far as I know, there is no such API we can get the MFA attributes through Graph REST API, since there is no relative attribute in user entity.
However, we can using the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication SDK to build multi-factor authentication into custom Apps. More detail about this, you can refer here.
These attributes are now available in the Microsoft Graph Beta API. See the documentation at Azure AD authentication methods API overview.
