IdentityServer4 IDX20108 invalid as per HTTPS scheme - identityserver4

I'm new to IdentityServer4 (2.5) and certificate setup so please bear with me. I think that I've chased down everything I could. I am using it with ASP.Net Core 2.2.0 in a proof of concept app. I have OpenIdConnect with an authority app and a client using cookies with X509Certificate2. Works great on my local machine; however, when I deploy to IIS I get this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: ''. ---> System.ArgumentException: IDX20108: The address specified '' is not valid as per HTTPS scheme. Please specify an https address for security reasons. If you want to test with http address, set the RequireHttps property on IDocumentRetriever to false.
The problem is here - If I put that in the browser I get an error; however, if I change http to https I get the data. What setting controls this?

In most cases IdentityServer defers the base hostname/URI from the incoming request but there might be deployment scenarios which require enforcing it via the IssuerUri and/or PublicOrigin options as documented here.
More Info
The URL you are getting in your exception is part of the discovery lookup. It is necessary for validating tokens (e.g. in an applications auth middleware).
There should be a first request to .../.well-known/openid-configuration (the main discovery document) that refers to several other URIs and one of them should be the jwks (signing key sets). In most cases the other URIs in openid-configuration will point to the same primary hostname and protocol scheme your identity server is using. In your case it looks like the scheme changes to HTTP which might be unwanted in this day and age.
Is it possible, that the deployed IdentityServer lives behind a load balancer/SSL termination appliance? This could cause behavior.
I am not sure about IIS details but there might also be some kind of default hostname/URI thing at play.


AppEngine authentication through Node.js

I'm trying to write a VSCode extension where users could log into Google AppEngine with a google account, and I need to get their SACSID cookie to make appengine requests.
So I'm opening a browser window at
(generated by google.appengine.api.users.create_login_url)
The user logs in and is redirected to my local webserver at
Now I try to forward the request to my AppEngine app (since it knows how to decode the state parameter), so I do a request to{state}
basically just replacing localhost with the actual app.
but it doesn't work, presumably because the domain is different. I assume this is on purpose, for security.
Is there any way I can make this work ?
Not ideal, but the only solution I've found is to have an endpoint on my GAE instance that does the redirection. Then I can set that as the continue url, when I'm starting the authentication process
I think you should center the attention on the protocols you are using, since it’s known that the cookie name is based on the http protocol (HTTP : ACSID, HTTPS:SACSID), and that’s the security perspective till this point for me.
Having the error you are facing now would be helpful to understand the problem better. Also, how are you performing the call to the API and the code you are using would be helpful too.

silverlight accept invalid certificate

I'm doing https web requests in silverlight using "WebRequest"/"WebResponse" framework classes.
Problem is: I do a request to an url like:
I receive back a versign signed certificate which has as subject a domain name like:
Hence this results in a remote certificate mismatch error.
First question: Can I somehow accept the invalid certificate, and get the WebBresponse content ? (even if it involves using other libraries, I'm open to it)
Additional details: (for those interested on why I need this scenario)
I'm trying to give a client access to a silverlight app deployed on a test server.
Client accesses the silverlight app at:
Then I do some rest requests to:
Problem is I don't want to do requests on, since that is on our productive server. For this reason I use instead of
Client has some firewalls/proxies and if I simply change his hosts file and map to, web requests don't resolve to the mapped IP.
I say this because on his network webrequests fail if I try that, on my network I can use the hosts changing without problems.
UPDATE: Fixed the problem by deploying test releases to an alternative: and allowing the user to configure for test purposes, the base url to which I do requests to be:
Using an certificate that contained the IP in the subject or an alternative subject would've probably worked too, but would have cost some money to be issued by a certified provider and would not be so good because IP's might change.
After doing more research looks like Microsoft won't add this feature too soon, unless there's a scenario for non-testing/debugging uses.

Can DotNetNuke be used with a reverse proxy?

Can DotNetNuke be used with a reverse proxy server?
Reverse Proxy: A proxy server that appears to the client as if it is an origin server. This is useful to hide the real origin server from the client for security reasons, or to load balance (taken from Google's definition of the term).
Basically DNN will respond to a request using the same portal alias that the request was made on. What I need to do is tell DNN to always respond to a request with a specific domain name only, regardless of the domain name that the request contained.
Does anyone know if this is possible, or if it is possible to turn this effect off?
I found the answer: Yes! but you have to disable friendly urls.

Silverlight and SSL Client Certificates

Can anyone point me in the right direction of how I can use SSL client-side certificates with Silverlight to access a restful web service?
I can't seem to find anything on how to handle them, or even whether they are supported.
Slipjig mentioned this:
"The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.)."
If that is acceptable to you, look at how Microsoft themselves deal with this in some of their APIs using the custom X-HTTP-Method header, like how they do it for WCF and OData:
In MSDN, Microsoft also mentions this about using REST in conjunction with SharePoint 2010's WCF based REST API:
"In practice, many firewalls and other network intermediaries block HTTP verbs other than GET and POST. To work around this issue, WCF Data Services (and the OData standard) support a technique known as "verb tunneling." In this technique, PUT, DELETE, and MERGE requests are submitted as a POST request, and an X-HTTP-Method header specifies the actual verb that the recipient should apply to the request. For more information, see X-HTTP-Method on MSDN and OData: Operations (the Method Tunneling through POST section) on the OData Web site."
Don Box's also had some words about this, but regarding GData specifically:
"If I were building a GData client, I honestly wonder why I'd bother using DELETE and PUT methods at all given that X-HTTP-Method-Override is going to work in more cases/deployments."
There's an article about Silverlight and Java interop which also addresses this limitation of Silverlight by giving the same advice:
"Silverlight supports only the GET and POST HTTP methods. Some firewalls restrict the use of PUT and DELETE HTTP methods.
It is important to point out that true RESTful service can be created (conforming to all the REST principles listed above) only using the GET and POST HTTP methods, in other words the REST architecture does not require a specific mapping to HTTP. Google’s GData X-Http-Method-Override header is an example of this approach.
The following HTTP methods overrides may be set in the header to accomplish the PUT and DELETE actions if the web services interpret the X-HTTP-Method-Override header on a POST:
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE"
Hope this helps
It depends on whether you're using the browser HTTP stack or the client HTTP stack. The client stack does not support client certificates, period. The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.).
I have however been running into a problem using the browser stack with client certificates in an OOB scenario. Prism module loading fails under these conditions - the request gets to IIS, but causes a 500 server error for no apparent reason. If I set IIS to ignore client certs, or if I run the app in-browser, it works fine :-/
take a look at this.
just change your urls to https
hope this helps
Dim url As Uri = New Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebService.asmx")
Dim binding As New System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
If url.Scheme = "https" Then
binding.Security.Mode = ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport
End If
binding.MaxBufferSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
Dim proxy As New ServiceReference1.WebServiceSoapClient(binding, New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(url))
proxy.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)

Using a subdomain to identify a client

I'm working on building a Silverlight application whereas we want to be able to have a client hit a url like:
and login, where the {client} part is their business name. so for example, google's would be:
What I was wondering was if anyone has been able, in silverlight, to be able to use this subdomain model to make decisions on the call to the web server so that you can switch to a specific database to run a query? Unfortunately, it's something that is quite necessary for the project, as we are trying to make it easy for their employees to get their company specific information for our software.
Wouldn't it work to put the service on a specific subdomain itself, such as, and then setup a cross domain policy file on the service to allow it to access it?
As long as this would work you could just load the silverlight in the proper subdomain and then pass that subdomain to your service and let it do its thing.
Some examples of this below:
Silverlight Cross Domain Services
Silverlight Cross Domain Policy Helpers
On the server side you can check the HTTP 1.1 Host header to see how the user came to your server and do the necessary customization based on that.
I think you cannot do this with Silverlight alone, I know you cannot do this without problems with Javascript, Ajax etc. . That is because a sub domain is - for security reasons - treated otherwise than a sub-page by the browsers.
What about the following idea: Insert a rewrite rule to your web server software. So if is called, the web server itself rewrites the URL to something like (or better: Would that help?
That would help if it would be static, but alas, it's going to all be dynamic. My hope was to have 1x deployment for the application, and to use the idea to switch to the correct database for the user. I recall doing this once when we built an website, using the domain context to figure out what skin to use, etc.
Ates: Can you explain more about what you are saying... sounds like you are close to what I am trying to come up with. Have you seen such a tutorial for this?
The only other way I have come up with to make this work is to have a metabase that when the user logs in, it will switch them to the appropriate database as required... was just thinking as well that telling Client x to hit: would have been sweeter than saying to hit and login. It seemed as if they were to hit their name, and to show it personalized for them right from the login screen would have been much more appealing for the client base.
#Richard B: No, I can't think of any such tutorial that I've seen before. I'll try to be more verbose.
The server-side approach in more detail:
Direct * to the same IP in your DNS settings.
The backend app that handles login checks the Host HTTP header (e.g. the "HTTP_HOST" server variable in some platforms). That would contain the exact that the client used for reaching your server. Extract the subdomain part and continue...
There can also be a client-side-only approach. I don't know much about Silverlight but I'm assuming that you should be able to interface Silverlight with JavaScript. You could read document.location with JavaScript and pass it to your Silverlight applet, whereon further data fetching etc. logic would rely on the subdomain that was passed in by JavaScript.
That is what we did when we wrote the ASP.Net system... we pushed a slew of * hosts against the web server, and handled using the HTTP headers. The hold-up comes when dealing with WCF pushing the info between the client and the server... it can only exist in one domain...
So, for example, when you have {client} and {sandbox}, the WCF service can't be registered to both. It also cannot be registered to just * or, so that's where the catch 22 is coming in at. everything else I have the prior knowledge of handling.
I recall a method by which an application can "spoof" another domain name in certain instances. I take it in this case, I would need to do such a configuration? Much to research yet I believe.
