I'm using Apache Flink for stream processing.
After subscribing the messages from source(ex:Kafka, AWS Kinesis Data Streams) and then applying transformation, aggregation and etc. using Flink operators on streaming data I want to buffer final messages(ex:1000 in count) and post each batch in a single request to external REST API.
How to implement buffering mechanism(creating each 1000 records as a batch) in Apache Flink?
Flink pipileine: streaming Source --> transform/reduce using Operators --> buffer 1000 messages --> post to REST API
Appreciate your help!
I'd create a sink with state that would hold on to the messages that are passed in. When the count gets high enough (1000) the sink sends the batch. The state can be in memory (e.g. an instance variable holding an ArrayList of messages), but you should use checkpoints so that you can recover that state in case of a failure of some kind.
When your sink has checkpointed state, it needs to implement CheckpointedFunction (in org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint) which means you need to add two methods to your sink:
public void snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext context) throws Exception {
// HttpSinkStateItem is a user-written class
// that just holds a collection of messages (Strings, in this case)
// Buffer is declared as ArrayList<String>
checkpointedState.add(new HttpSinkStateItem(buffer));
public void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context) throws Exception {
// Mix and match different kinds of states as needed:
// - Use context.getOperatorStateStore() to get basic (non-keyed) operator state
// - types are list and union
// - Use context.getKeyedStateStore() to get state for the current key (only for processing keyed streams)
// - types are value, list, reducing, aggregating and map
// - Distinguish between state data using state name (e.g. "HttpSink-State")
ListStateDescriptor<HttpSinkStateItem> descriptor =
new ListStateDescriptor<>(
checkpointedState = context.getOperatorStateStore().getListState(descriptor);
if (context.isRestored()) {
for (HttpSinkStateItem item: checkpointedState.get()) {
buffer = new ArrayList<>(item.getPending());
You can also use a timer in the sink (if the input stream is keyed/partitioned) to send periodically if the count doesn't reach your threshold.
I am trying below scenario in Flink
Flink consume data from kafka topic and validate against avro schema
Converting the data into JSON payload in process function after some enrichments on the data
After enrichment of data of it should be written to Postgres database and upload data to Azure blob storage through Flink RichSinkFunction
I am stuck in one place in Sink function the process should happen in transactional way meaning if any exception while persisting data to postgres or any exception happens while uploading data to Azure blob storage the process should through exception and the it should rollback the data from database as well it should data from Azure blob storage. In case of exception the payload received Sink function should be put a kafka topic but i am not getting how to handle that i know that in processfunction it support a side through which we can send the data to different topic but Sink won't support side output.
Is there a way i can publish the payload received in Sink to Kakfa topic in case of any exception.
I am not sure about the programming language which you are using right now but you can do something like below using Scala inside a process function and call sink methods based on the output returned by the process function.
Try {
match {
case Success(x) => {
case Failure(err) => {
Your process element method will look something like below:
override def process(key: Int,context: Context, elements: Iterable[String], out: Collector[(String, String)]): Unit = {
for (i <- elements) {
println("Inside Process.....")
parseJson(i) match {
case Right(data) => {
context.output(goodOutputTag, data)
out.collect(data) //usually used to collect records and emits them to writer.and so on,collect be called when needs to write data.
case Left(err) => {
context.output(badOutputTag, dataTuple) // side outputs, when needed to split a stream of data. Emit data to side output and a new datastream can be created using .getSideOutput(outputTag)
Now, use these output tags from the Success and Failure cases and create a data stream out of it in your invoker object and call your respective sink methods.
I am trying to migrate from Flink 1.12.x DataSet api to Flink 1.14.x DataStream api. mapPartition is not available in Flink DataStream.
Our Code using Flink 1.12.x DataSet
.<few operations>
.mapPartition(new SomeMapParitionFn())
.<few more operations>
public static class SomeMapPartitionFn extends RichMapPartitionFunction<InputModel, OutputModel> {
public void mapPartition(Iterable<InputModel> records, Collector<OutputModel> out) throws Exception {
for (InputModel record : records) {
do some operation
if (/* some condition based on processing *MULTIPLE* records */) {
out.collect(...); // Conditional collect ---> (1)
// At the end of the data, collect
out.collect(...); // Collect processed data ---> (2)
(1) - Collector.collect invoked based on some condition after processing few records
(2) - Collector.collect invoked at the end of data
Initially we thought of using flatMap instead of mapPartition, but collector not available in close function.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14709 - Only available in case of chained drivers
How to implement this in Flink 1.14.x DataStream? Please advise...
Note: Our application works with only finite set of data (Batch Mode)
In Flink's DataSet API, a MapPartitionFunction has two parameters. An iterator for the input and a collector for the result of the function. A MapPartitionFunction in a Flink DataStream program would never return from the first function call, because the iterator would iterate over an endless stream of records. However, Flink's internal stream processing model requires that user functions return in order to checkpoint function state. Therefore, the DataStream API does not offer a mapPartition transformation.
In order to implement similar function, you need to define a window over the stream. Windows discretize streams which is somewhat similar to mini batches but windows offer way more flexibility
Solution provided by Zhipeng
One solution could be using a streamOperator to implement BoundedOneInput
An example code could be found here [1].
Flink user mailing link: https://lists.apache.org/thread/ktck2y96d0q1odnjjkfks0dmrwh7kb3z
We've built a Flink app to process data from Kinesis stream. The execution flow of the app contains basic operations for filtering data based on registered types, assigning watermarks based on event timestamps, map, process and aggregate functions applied on windows of data of 5 mins as shown below:
final SingleOutputStreamOperator<Object> inputStream = env.addSource(consumer)
// Processing flow
.aggregate(aggregateFunction, processWindowFunction);
// store processed data to external storage
Ref code for my watermark assigner:
public void onEvent(#NonNull final MetricSegment metricSegment,
final long eventTimestamp,
#NonNull final WatermarkOutput watermarkOutput) {
if (eventTimestamp > eventMaxTimestamp) {
currentMaxTimestamp = Instant.now().toEpochMilli();
eventMaxTimestamp = Math.max(eventMaxTimestamp, eventTimestamp);
public void onPeriodicEmit(#NonNull final WatermarkOutput watermarkOutput) {
final Instant maxEventTimestamp = Instant.ofEpochMilli(eventMaxTimestamp);
final Duration timeElaspsed = Duration.between(Instant.ofEpochMilli(lastCurrentTimestamp), Instant.now());
if (timeElaspsed.getSeconds() >= emitWatermarkIntervalSec) {
final long watermarkTimestamp = maxEventTimestamp.plus(1, ChronoUnit.MINUTES).toEpochMilli();
watermarkOutput.emitWatermark(new Watermark(watermarkTimestamp));
Now this app was working with good performance (in terms of latency in order of few seconds) sometime back. However, recently there was a change in the upstream system post which the data in Kinesis stream gets published to the stream in bursts (only for 2-3 hours every day). Post this change, we have seen a huge spike in latency of our app (measured using flink gauge method by recording start time in first filter method and then emitting the metric in Async method by calculating the diff in the timetamp at that point from the start timestmap). Wondering if there is any issue in using Flink apps with Kinesis stream for bursty traffic/non continuous stream of data?
Since the input stream is now idle for long periods of time, this is probably creating situations where the watermarks are held up. If this is the case, then I would expect to see a lot of variance in the latency, as it would (probably) only be the final windows for each burst whose results are delayed until the arrival of the next burst.
I have an Apache flink usecase that works as follows:
I have data events coming in through first stream. Part of each event is a foreign key for which I expect data from the second stream. E.g.: I am getting data for major cities in the first stream which has a city-code and I need the average temperature over time for this city code streamed through the second stream. It is not possible to have temperatures streamed for all possible cities, we have to request the city for which we need the data.
So we need some way to "notify" the second stream source that we need data for this city "pushed" when we encounter it the first time in the first stream.
This would have been easy if this notification could be done from the first stream. The problem is that the second stream is coming to us through a websocket part of which is a control channel through which we have to make the request - so the request HAS to be made from the second stream.
Check event in the first stream. Read city code x.
Have we seen this city code? If not, notify the second stream, we need data for city code x.
Second stream sends message to source for data for x.
Data starts flowing in for city x, which is used to join downstream.
If notification from the first stream was possible, this would be easy - I could have done it from step 2, so data starts flowing in the second stream. But that is not possible as the request needs to be send on the same websocket connection that feeds the second stream.
I have explored using CoProcessFunction or RichCoMapFunction for this - but it is not clear how this can be done. I have seen some examples of Broadcast State Pattern - but even that does not seem to fit the usecase.
Can someone help me with some pointers on possible solutions?
So I made it work using the suggestion of the side output stream. Thanks #whatisinthename and #kkrugler for the suggestions.
Still trying to figure out details, but here's a summary
From the notification stream (stream 1), create a side output stream (stream 1-1).
Use an extended class (TempRequester) of KeyedProcessFunction, to process the side output stream 1-1 and create Stream 2 from it. The KeyedProcessFunction has the websocket connection.
In the open method of the KeyedProcessFunction create the connection to websocket (handshaking etc.). Have a ListState state to keep the list of city codes.
In the processElement function of TempRequester, check the city code coming in from side output stream 1-1. If present in ListState, do nothing. Else, send a message through websocket control channel and request city data and add the code to ListState. Create a process timer (this is one time) to fire after 500 milliseconds or so. The websocket server writes the temp data very frequently and that is saved in a queue.
In the onTimer method, check the queue, read the data and push out (out.collect...). Create a timer again. So essentially, once the first city code gets in, we create a timer that runs every 500 milliseconds and dumps the records received out into the second stream.
Now the first and second streams can be joined downstream (I used the table API).
Not sure if this is the most elegant solution, but it worked. Thanks for the suggestions.
Here's the approximate main code:
DataStream<Event> notificationStream =
final OutputTag<String> outputTag = new OutputTag<String>("cities-seen"){};
SingleOutputStreamOperator<Event> mainDataStream = notificationStream.process(new ProcessFunction<Event, Event>() {
public void processElement(
Event value,
Context ctx,
Collector<Event> out) throws Exception {
// emit data to regular output
// emit data to side output
ctx.output(outputTag, event.cityCode);
DataStream<String> sideOutputStream = mainDataStream.getSideOutput(outputTag);
DataStream<TemperatureData> temperatureStream = sideOutputStream
.keyBy(value -> value)
.process(new TempRequester());
// set up the Java Table API and rest of SQL based joins ...
And the approximate code for TempRequester (ProcessFunction):
public static class TempRequester extends KeyedProcessFunction<String, String, TemperatureData> {
private ListState<String> allCities;
private volatile boolean running = true;
//This is the queue for requesting city codes
private BlockingQueue<String> messagesToSend = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(100);
//This is the queue for receiving temperature data
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<TemperatureData> messages = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<TemperatureData>();
private static final int TIMEOUT = 500;
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {
allCities = getRuntimeContext().getListState(new ListStateDescriptor<>("List of cities seen", String.class));
... rest of websocket client setup code ...
public void close() throws Exception {
running = false;
private boolean initialized = false;
public void processElement(String cityCode, Context ctx, Collector<TemperatureData> collector) throws Exception {
boolean citycodeFound = StreamSupport.stream(allCities.get().spliterator(), false)
.anyMatch(s -> cityCode.equals(s));
if (!citycodeFound) {
messagesToSend.put(.. add city code ..);
if (!initialized) {
ctx.timerService().registerProcessingTimeTimer(ctx.timestamp()+ TIMEOUT);
initialized = true;
public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext ctx, Collector<TemperatureData> out) throws Exception {
TemperatureData p;
while ((p = messages.poll()) != null) {
ctx.timerService().registerProcessingTimeTimer(ctx.timestamp() + TIMEOUT);
Hi, I'm trying to run a Flink job that it should process incoming data as below. In the process operator right after keyBy(), there should be a case that takes too much time according to some property in data. Even though incoming data have different ids (which is used to keyBy() the stream), long processing code in process function blocks other incoming data. I mean the entire stream.
SingleOutputStreamOperator<Envelope> processingStream = deviceStream
.map(e -> (Envelope) e)
.keyBy((KeySelector<Envelope, String>) value -> value.eventId) // key by scenarios
.process(new RuleProcessFunction());
In RuleProcessFunction.java:
public void processElement(Envelope value, Context ctx, Collector<Envelope> out) throws Exception {
//handleEvent(value, ctx, out);
if (value.getEventId().equals("I")) {
System.out.println("hello i");
for (long i = 0; i < 10000000000L; i++) {
I expect the long-running code block should not block the entire stream. I know there is AsyncFunction for blocking IO situations but I don't know that it's correct solution for this.
Since you aren't pulling data from an external database like Cassandra, I don't think you need to use an AsyncFunction.
What it could be that you are running the flink job with a single parallelism. Try increasing the parallelism so one core isn't responsible for all of the processing as well as receiving data. Granted, there can still be back pressure if you do this. Since if the core responsible for ingesting data from the source is reading in data faster than the core(s) that are running the processFunction Flink's back pressure handling will slow the rate of ingestion.