How to pass JSON Array {{this.row}} to submit() function to get posted using - arrays

this.row is Generating form input into JSON Array which I'm trying to post via submit function using Axios but unable to the value please help what's wrong ??
Axios postcode'/submit', this.rows).then(response => {
this.rows; //Clear input fields.
this.loaded = true;
Here is my complete code
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
{{ /* These are 3 buttons which are calling 3 different function to create input boxes */ }}
<div class="d-flex mt-5"><div>
<label>Add A</label>
<button type="button" #click="addRow">01</button>
<div> <label>Add B</label>
<button type="button" #click="addRow1">02</button>
<div> <label>Add c</label>
<button type="button" #click="addRow3">03</button>
{{ /* this section calls button-counter template from script code */ }}
<div v-for="row in rows" :key="">
<button-counter :name ="" :id="" :value.sync="row.value"></button-counter>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add Points</button>
<div v-if="success" class="alert alert-success mt-3">
Message sent!
Vue.component("button-counter", {
props: {
value: {
default: "",
/* This is my template which gets called fro the addition of new inputs ...guess here I need to add v-model so that dynamically generated fields will be posted but I'm unable to get it posted */
template: '<input class="form-control" id= id.row type="number" style="margin-top: 10px;" :value="value" #change="$emit(\'update:value\', $">'
export default {
props: ['gameId','userId'],
mounted() {
console.log('Component mounted.')
data() {
return {
gamex: this.gameId,
rows: [],
count: 0,
fields: {},
errors: {},
success: false,
loaded: true,
computed: {
total() {
if (this.rows.length) {
return this.rows.reduce((acc, row) => acc += parseInt(row.value), 0);
return 0;
methods: {
addRow: function() {
var txtCount = 1;
let id = "txt_" + txtCount;
this.rows.push({ name:'zero',value:100, description: "textbox1", id });
addRow1: function() {
var txtCount = 1;
let id = "txt2_" + txtCount;
this.rows.push({name:'one',value:200, description: "textbox2", id });
addRow3: function() {
var txtCount = 1;
let id = "txt3_" + txtCount;
this.rows.push({name:'two',value:300, description: "textbox3", id });
submit: function() {
if (this.loaded) {
this.loaded = false;
this.success = false;
this.errors = {};'/submit', this.rows).then(response => {
this.rows; //Clear input fields.
this.loaded = true;
this.success = true;
}).catch(error => {
this.loaded = true;
if (error.response.status === 422) {
this.errors = || {};
followUser() {'/chklet/' + this.userId)
.then(response => {
return ;
mounted () {

You can use JSON.stringify(array_to_convert_in_string_to_send_in_ajax) but you will have to json_decode it also in backend server
In server section for example laravel:
$result = json_decode($request->your_array);


How to use Tuple in JavaScript MVC5?

I'm trying for example: when selecting from the first dropdown list "Kia brand" I want to view just "kia models" in the second dropdown list (not to view all cars models), but it does not work. This is the code in cshtml :
#model Tuple< Dalili_2018.Models.Car_Model ,Dalili_2018.Models.Car_Brand >
ViewBag.Title = "Create";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_EmployeeLayout.cshtml";
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<div class="form-horizontal">
<hr />
<div class="form-group">
#if (ViewBag.CarBrandList != null)
#Html.DropDownListFor(Model => Model.Item2.ID, ViewBag.CarModelList
as SelectList, "---------", htmlAttributes: new { #class = "form-control" })
<div class="form-group">
#Html.DropDownListFor(Model => Model.Item1.ID, new SelectList(" "),
"---------", htmlAttributes: new { #class = "form-control" })
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#Item2.ID").change(function () {
$.get("/CarsController/GetModelCar", { ID_car_brand:
$("#Item2.ID").val() }, function (data) {
$.each(data, function (Create, row) {
$("#item1.ID").append("<option value='" + row.ID
+ "'>" + row.ModelName + "</option>")
Controller code is:
public ActionResult Create()
List<Car_Model> CarBrandList = db.Car_Brand.ToList();
ViewBag.CarBrandList = new SelectList(CarBrandList, "ID",
public JsonResult GetModelCar(int ID_car_brand)
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
List<Car_Model> CarModelList = db.Car_Model.Where(x =>
x.ID_car_brand == ID_car_brand).ToList();
return Json(CarModelList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

How can I make square-connect work with angularjs?

Basing myself on the example provided by the SquareUp documentation ( I am trying to integrate squareup to process payments with CC but I do not know what happens.
the view:
<div class="bg-light lter b-b wrapper-md">
<h1 class="m-n font-thin h3"></h1>
<div class="wrapper-md" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading font-bold">CC info</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="no-boot" ng-controller="PaymentController" ng-cloak>
<div id="successNotification" ng-show="isPaymentSuccess">
Card Charged Succesfully!!
<form novalidate id="payment-form" ng-hide="isPaymentSuccess">
<div id="card-errors" ng-repeat="error in card_errors">
<label>Card Number</label>
<div ng-model="data.card.card_number" id="sq-card-number"></div>
<div ng-model="data.card.cvv" id="sq-cvv"></div>
<label>Expiration Date</label>
<div ng-model="data.card.expiration_date" id="sq-expiration-date"></div>
<label>Postal Code</label>
<div ng-model="data.card.postal_code" id="sq-postal-code"></div>
<input ng-click="submitForm()" ng-disabled="isProcessing" type="submit" id="submit" value="Buy Now" class="btn btn-primary">
<button id="sq-apple-pay" class="button-apple-pay-block" ng-show="supportApplePay"></button>
the controller:
'use strict';
/* Controllers */
// signin controller
app.controller('PaymentController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
//for showing #successNotification div
$scope.isPaymentSuccess = false;
//for disabling payment button
$scope.isProcessing = false;
//for disabling apple pay button
$scope.supportApplePay = false;
$ = {
product_id: "001",
user: {},
card: {},
products: {
"001": {
"name": "Paper Origami 1:10,000 scale model (11 inch)",
"002": {
"name": "Plastic 1:5000 scale model (22 inch)",
"003": {
"name": "Metal & Concrete 1:1000 scale replica (9 feet)",
$scope.submitForm = function(){
$scope.isProcessing = true;
return false
var cardNumber = $ = 5409889944179029;
var cvv = $ = 111;
var expirationDate = $ = '02/21';
var postalCode = $ = 3311;
$scope.paymentForm = new SqPaymentForm({
applicationId: 'sandbox-sq0idp-IsHp4BXhhVus21G5JPyYpw',
locationId: 'CBASECJCvmqtoIL1fn3iReEjQRcgAQ',
inputClass: 'sq-input',
inputStyles: [
fontSize: '14px',
padding: '7px 12px',
backgroundColor: "transparent"
cardNumber: {
elementId: 'sq-card-number',
placeholder: '5409889944179029',
value: '5409889944179029'
cvv: {
elementId: 'sq-cvv',
placeholder: '111',
value: '111'
expirationDate: {
elementId: 'sq-expiration-date',
placeholder: '04/21',
value: '04/21'
postalCode: {
elementId: 'sq-postal-code',
placeholder: '33114',
value: '33114'
applePay: {
elementId: 'sq-apple-pay'
// cardNumber:''+cardNumber,
// cvv:''+cvv,
// expirationDate:''+expirationDate,
// postalCode:''+postalCode,
callbacks: {
cardNonceResponseReceived: function(errors, nonce, cardData) {
if (errors){
$scope.card_errors = errors
$scope.isProcessing = false;
$scope.$apply(); // required since this is not an angular function
$scope.card_errors = []
unsupportedBrowserDetected: function() {
// Alert the buyer
methodsSupported: function (methods) {
$scope.supportApplePay = true
$scope.$apply(); // required since this is not an angular function
createPaymentRequest: function () {
var product = $[$];
return {
requestShippingAddress: true,
currencyCode: "USD",
countryCode: "US",
total: {
label: product["name"],
amount: product["value"],
pending: false,
// Fill in these cases to respond to various events that can occur while a
// buyer is using the payment form.
inputEventReceived: function(inputEvent) {
switch (inputEvent.eventType) {
case 'focusClassAdded':
// Handle as desired
case 'focusClassRemoved':
// Handle as desired
case 'errorClassAdded':
// Handle as desired
case 'errorClassRemoved':
// Handle as desired
case 'cardBrandChanged':
// Handle as desired
case 'postalCodeChanged':
// Handle as desired
$scope.chargeCardWithNonce = function(nonce) {
var url = "libs/php_payment/process-card.php";
var data = {
nonce: nonce,
product_id: $,
name: $,
email: $,
street_address_1: $,
street_address_2: $,
city: $,
state: $,
zip: $
$, data).success(function(data, status) {
if (data.status == 400){
// display server side card processing errors
$scope.isPaymentSuccess = false;
$scope.card_errors = []
for (var i =0; i < data.errors.length; i++){
$scope.card_errors.push({message: data.errors[i].detail})
}else if (data.status == 200) {
$scope.isPaymentSuccess = true;
$scope.isProcessing = false;
$scope.isPaymentSuccess = false;
$scope.isProcessing = false;
$scope.card_errors = [{message: "Processing error, please try again!"}];
//build payment form after controller loads
var init = function () {
error: "Error: [$rootScope:inprog] $digest already in progress
I haven't done angular in a while, but I'm betting that your issue is in:
methodsSupported: function (methods) {
$scope.supportApplePay = true
$scope.$apply(); // required since this is not an angular function
You are calling $apply() after a non-asyc call, generally you apply new data that you got asynchronously. See Angular Docs

I push an object to my Array in mongoose, array only stores its length

I try to push an object into an Array in mongoose, but whenever i do it, it puts its length like this(mongoose, the attribute is schoolComment at the bottom), I am using for database.
"_id": {
"$oid": "58e17ee3e24dfb1f70d76460"
"schoolName": "Koc Universitesi",
"schoolIlce": "Sariyer",
"schoolSehir": "Istanbul",
"schoolId": 981299,
"__v": 5,
"schoolComments": [
this is my code in node JS (The comments are not appearing in html because of this reason)'/comment', function(req, res){
if(req.session.user && req.session){
User.findOne({email:}, function(err, user){
if(err) {
if(req.session.user.password === user.password){
var thisID = user.userid;
Universite.findOne({schoolName: req.body.collegeName}, function(err, college){
if(err) res.send('error');
college.set({schoolComments: college.schoolComments.push({thisID: req.body.comment})}).save(function(err){
res.render('errors', {error:'Error'});
}else{ = college;
res.locals.user = user;
res.render('login', {});
and this is HTML DOM Form for it. The comments are not appearing because of this reasons.
<form onkeypress="enterPress();" action="/comment" method="post">
<textarea maxlength="100" style="font-size: 25px;" name="comment" rows="3" cols="50" placeholder="Yorumunuzu yazin..."></textarea><br>
<input style="display: none; visibility: hidden;" type="text" name="collegeName" value="<%=college.schoolName%>"></input>
<button type="submit" name="commentSubmit">Comment Submit</button>
<div class="userCommentDisplay">
<%college.schoolComments.forEach(function(item, i){%>
<%var k = college.schoolComments[i]%>
<%for(key in k){%>
<%if(key === user.userid){%>
<li><%=k[key]%> Same</li>
You may want to use findOneAndUpdate and build your comment item dynamically (to set the dynamic field name) :
var item = {};
item[user.userid] = req.body.comment;
schoolName: req.body.collegeName
}, {
$push: {
"schoolComments": item
}, { new: true }, function(err, college) {
if (err) {
res.render('errors', { error: 'Error' });
} else { = college;
res.locals.user = user;
Note that I've aded { new: true } in order to return the modified document college instead of the unaltered one.
FYI, in your code, you have used JS method Array.prototype.push() that will return the new length of the array by using college.schoolComments.push

InfiniteScroll - AngularJS not working

Just for checking purposes, I also did a console.log inside the nextPage function, to check if it's being triggered:
$scope.nextPage = function() {
var captureLength = $scope.captures.length;
if($scope.busy) {
And it seems I'm getting a infinite loop, but I can't see why.
I'm trying to implement infinitescroll into a view but for some reason it's only loading the initial 4 images and not triggering the rest.
Here is my code:
/* ----------------------- Variables ----------------------- */
$scope.auth = auth;
$scope.captures = [];
$scope.following = [];
$scope.allData = [];
$scope.busy = true;
var page = 0;
var step = 4;
$scope.nextPage = function() {
var captureLength = $scope.captures.length;
if($scope.busy) {
$scope.busy = true;
$scope.captures = $scope.captures.concat($scope.allData.splice(page * step, step));
$scope.busy = false;
if($scope.captures.length === 0) {
$scope.noMoreData = true;
/* ----------------------- Process Data ----------------------- */
$q.all({follows: findFollow(), users: getUsers(), captures: getAllCaptures()}).then(function(collections) {
var follows = collections.follows;
var users = collections.users;
var captures = collections.captures;
follows.filter(function(follow) {
return follow.follower_id === auth.profile.user_id;
}).forEach(function(follow) {
users.filter(function(user) {
return user.user_id === follow.followed_id;
}).forEach(function(user) {
follows.filter(function(follow) {
return follow.follower_id === auth.profile.user_id;
}).forEach(function(follow) {
return follow.followed_id === capture.userId;
$scope.busy = false;
/* ----------------------- Retrieve Services - Data ----------------------- */
function findFollow() {
return userApi.findFollow().then(function(res) {
function getUsers() {
return userApi.getUsers().then(function(res) {
function getAllCaptures() {
return captureApi.getAllCaptures().then(function(res) {
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="well main-well">
<h3 class="page-header-h3">Following Dashboard:</h3>
<hr />
<h4 align="center" ng-show="!captures.length">
<strong>The people that you are following, have not posted anything yet.. Yikes!</strong>
<br /><br />
Quickly, go follow more people!</h4>
<div class="row" infinite-scroll="nextPage()" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy || noMoreData" infinite-scroll-distance="0.1">
<ul class="dynamic-grid" angular-grid="captures" ag-id="gallery">
<li data-ng-repeat="capture in captures | orderBy :'created_at':true" class="grid">
<a ui-sref="detail({id: capture._id})">
<img ng-src="{{capture.picture}}" class="grid-img" />
<span class="follow-capture-info">
<span class="follow-capture-name"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
<span class="following-capture-time">ยท
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span>
<span am-time-ago="capture.created_at"></span>
<div ng-show="busy">Loading more...</div>
Anyone know where I went wrong?

v-for and computed properties calling methods

I'm trying to update some properties on a VueJS object list, but I'm having some glitches.
Here's the HTML:
<div id="el">
<p>Total Chats: {{ chats.length }} ({{ unreadCount }} unread)</p>
<button v-on:click="__addChat(true)">Add a Chat</button>
<button v-on:click="__makeAllRead">Read All</button>
<pre>{{ $data | json }}</pre>
<li v-for="chat in chats">
Message {{ }}
<span v-if="chat.unread"><strong>(UNREAD)</strong></span>
And the Vue code:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
nextID : 2,
chats: {
'6fc5gh4j3kl_FIRST': {
id : 1,
unread : true,
body : Date(),
methods: {
__addChat: function (unread) {
var chat = {
id : this.nextID++,
unread : unread,
body : Date(),
this.chats[this.__makeHash()] = chat;
__makeAllRead : function() {
for ( var key in Object.keys(this.chats) ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
this.chats[key] = true;
__countUnread : function() {
var unread = 0;
for ( var key in Object.keys(this.chats) ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.chats[key].unread ) {
return unread;
__makeHash: function() {
return '6fc5gh4j3kl1AZ0' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
ready: function() {
computed: {
unreadCount: function () {
return this.countUnread();
Here's a Fiddle:
Things I cannot understand/fix on this code:
1) A computed property using a method to update the count
2) It displays only the object manually created, not the dynamically ones.
3) I cannot make all messages read by clicking a button.
This is Vue 1.0.0 RC2.
Could you, please, tell me what Am I doing wrong?
Answered on VueJS's Gitter
<div id="el">
<p>Total Chats: {{ totalChats }} ({{ unreadCount }} unread)</p>
<button v-on:click="__addChat(true)">Add a Chat</button>
<button v-on:click="__makeAllRead">Read All</button>
<pre>{{ $data | json }}</pre>
<li v-for="chat in chats">
{{ }}
<span v-if="chat.unread"><strong>(UNREAD)</strong></span>
Vue Code
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
nextID : 2,
chats: {
'6fc5gh4j3kl_FIRST': {
id : 1,
unread : true,
body : Date(),
methods: {
__addChat: function (unread) {
var chat = {
id : this.nextID++,
unread : unread,
body : Date(),
this.$set('chats.' + this.__makeHash(), chat);
__makeAllRead : function() {
for ( var key in this.chats ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
this.chats[key].unread = false;
__makeHash: function() {
return 'fc5gh4j3kl1AZ0' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
ready: function() {
computed: {
totalChats: function() {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in this.chats) {
if (this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
unreadCount: function () {
var unread = 0;
for ( var key in this.chats ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.chats[key].unread ) {
return unread;
