Azure SQL database: Error 18456 State 122 causes failed connections to database alert trigger - sql-server

we've recently set up alerts for failed connections to database using Azure Monitor. We started getting a bunch of failed connection alerts from all of our databases.
After some investigation in system log using etc query
FROM sys.event_log
WHERE event_type = 'connection_failed'
ORDER BY start_time DESC
I can see that there are lost of 'Login failed for user.' and 'Login failed for user '%.*ls'.%.*ls%.*ls' messages.
Now I was able to find that this seems to be specifically Error 18456 with State 122 which according to documentation is 'Failure due to empty user name or password.'
All of our applications seem to work in a correct way but the error occurs on all 4 databases including 'master' almost all the time. I'm not sure how to debug exactly what's causing this. I've looked at some potential reasons but nothing seems to be the case.
I just talked with some developers. They mentioned that sometimes when they login to SQL Azure Db from their local PC's using SQl management studio they have network issues after some time and they are logged out. I'm just not sure whether this is the real reason for these since logs don't tell that much.

Please enable Auditing on your Azure SQL Database to further investigate. After that you can click "View Audit logs" and search for Event type "Login" and action not successful.
Once you filter login events, make a click on any event, scroll the window that shows the detail of the event you just clicked on, and you will see important information like IP address of the host.
If you use the dashboard available on the "View Audit Logs" you can have details by type, by IP address and by principal. Just click on the type you would like to see details, and you will get all related events, each one will all details.
Make a click on the IP addresses that you don't recognize (left side on below image), make a click on the failed login attempts for each principal (right side on below image, where you see the Pie chart).


Matillion to Snowflake connection is showing error 'Default Database must not be empty'

I am trying to connect Snowflake to Matillion ETL using key-pair authentication.
I'm facing the error 'Default Database must not be empty'.
We have given a default database from Snowflake side as well.
click to see the error
In this environment, we are unable to see the dropdown for default database. We have even tried manually passing the default variables but it shows the error 'invalid JWT token' and our key-pair is correct since we have tested it in other environment where it is working.
When we try to establish the connectivity from another environment of ours, it is successful. We can see a list of options to select from in the dropdown of default database(which is how it should ideally be). click to see successful connection in the other environment
The Default Database, Warehouse and Schema are all set in the 3rd dialog in Matillion's Environment setup window.
According to this Matillion guide to Connecting Matillion ETL to Snowflake, these dropdowns can show no selectable values if there are any problems on the previous (2nd dialog).
If it is an account level problem (account not correct, or no network access) then the default database dropdown list will show a "Loading..." message for several seconds before rendering an empty list. I guess it tries to make network contact in the background, and eventually times out. You will see this if you go backwards and forwards between the 2nd and 3rd dialogs.
In contrast, if it is a user level problem (bad credentials, or not enough privileges) then the default database dropdown will be blank immediately when you enter the 3rd dialog.
According to this Matillion document on environments you can use either a password or a private key to authenticate into Snowflake. So - as per the comments - I agree that if you can connect to Snowflake using the same Account, username and private key using a different SQL client, then it should also work in Matillion ETL.

Email Router - when updating Mailbox's email address returns SQL timeout error

I have an on-premise CRM 2016 instance and I can't receive any incoming emails inside of it even though when I run the test access says everything is good.
First, I'm unable to change a queue record email address, because I keep getting a SQL timeout error (doesn't matter how much time you increase the timeout it will never change) but if I try to change any other field it works and saves (but not the email field of course).
The same with the Mailbox's records, when I try to change the email it returns a SQL timeout error.
So what I did was change these emails by SQL queries, but after that the emails still won't create inside CRM.
It shows the next warning log in the event viewer:
35241 - The recipients for the email message with subject "[x]" in mailbox [email address] did not match any known records.
I'm running out of choices here, when I run the diagnosis tool on my organization it's performance is good but there must be something obstructing the communication with the SQL? Any clues?
SQL timeout error:
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: SQL timeout expired.Detail:
SQL timeout expired.
I got the answer from Microsoft Community Forumns, thanks to Radu Chiribelea:
It's not enough to change the email address in SQL in it's base table for a record, so that this can be used for email tracking. There are other references as well - for example the EmailSearchBase. This is why you need to let the platform handle your changes.
You biggest issue here is the SQL Timeout and that is what you need to address. Since this occurs at a Create / Update I suspect there might be a deadlock somewhere. Do you have any plug-ins or workflows triggered at the time you create / update? If you disable those, do you still see the issue?
Can you enable a CRM Platform trace at a Verbose Level while reproducing the issue? This would give you a better overview of the actual timeout and you can then start from there to tackle it.

What SQL user is used by TFS to send alerts?

We are running into a few issues with our TFS installation (TFS 2013 Update 4, SQL 2014 Standard) as a result of email alerts. Most notably, Work Items cannot be created, because this triggers an email.
Any time a process or user attempts to create a Work Item, the error
TF30040: The database is not correctly configured. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.
is received. Further, when I check the Event Viewer on the server, I can see the error and it reports that the inner exception is:
Exception Message: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_send_dbmail', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'. (type SqlException)
I have worked with the DBA and we have enabled Email Alerts on the server. We have verified that, in general, the alerts work by using the test button on the administration console. I can also set up a check-in alert through the web interface and receive said alerts without issue. This seems to be specifically affecting Work Item creation alerts (which apparently are just automatically and irrevocably enabled).
Presumably, we could correct this by giving appropriate permissions to use that stored procedure. To do so, we need to know what user to give permissions to. So far we have tried giving execute permissions to my AD user, the service account used by the build service, and the Network Service account (which appears to be the TFS Service Account).
There is no indication in any error message as to what user is being used to execute that procedure. So, my question: What SQL user is used to send alerts when creating Work Items?
For the record, this started working of its own accord. We decided Monday to call Microsoft to get this fixed. Before that happened, failed builds magically created some work items (on Tuesday, a full day after we gave up), and we are now able to create work items. Everyone involved states not doing anything. We are baffled, but in a good way.
I'm going to advise you that a DBA should not be making changes to the TFS databases. I suggest opening a ticket with MSFT and getting assistance from the product support group.

Login failed for user 'sa' while trying to create datasource with Railo

So I'm trying to setup Railo and I want to add a datasource.
For the database I'm using Microsoft SQL server Management Studio.
But now I've run into the classical problem: "Login failed for user 'sa'. ClientConnectionId:afd80ac2-0744-4a7d-a9f7-083d93adee0d"
What I've done so far:
With the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the TCP/IP settings I enabled the IPs I had to.
I set the password for the user 'sa' in MSSQL and I added a user mapping for the table I want to use.
I made the user 'sa' the owner of the DB i want to connect to
Restarted the SQL service, my computer and Railo multiple times.
I'm pretty much out of ideas.
After Leigh mentioned in the comments to look at my logs it had the following message: "Login failed for user 'max'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'test'. [CLIENT:]"
I then tried to make a connection without mentioning a database and that worked.
I would also point to Leigh's answer here which explains how to turn Mixed-Mode authentication on, as this can also cause this error. Since the cause of this isn't on Railo/Lucee's end, this issue still arises in 2018.
I just don't want a useful answer to get lost to history, nor plagiarize an answer I barely found.

Where do I begin to learn about SQL Server alerts or notifications?

Just recently started having issues with an SQL Server Agent Job that contains an SSIS package to extract production data and summarize it into a separate reporting database.
I think that some of the Alerts/Notifications settings I tried playing with caused the problem as the job had been running to completion unattended for the previous two weeks.
So... Where's a good place to start reading up on SQL Agent Alerts and Notifications? I want to enable some sort of alert/notification so that I'm always informed:
That the job completes successfully (as a check to ensure that it's always executed), or
That the job ran into some sort of error, which should include enough info (such as error number) that I can diagnose the cause of the error
As always, any help will be greatly appreciated!
Books Online is probably a good place to start (or at least I like it and generally find it useful).
SQLMenace and bofe made some good points. Here's my additional two cents:
I'd recommend configuring Database Mail rather than SQL Mail (i.e. SMTP vs. MAPI, which I think is deprecated anyway). Once you get the mail profile configured, you'll have to also configure the SQL agent to use that mail profile (which is just a page of settings for the agent properties), or else your SSIS job notifications won't actually get sent, even though you can successfully send a test email from Management Studio.
I don't use alerts as often as job notifications, so the only tricky thing I can recall about them is that if you're raising an error and you want the alert to email you when that happens, you have to make sure that the raised error gets written to the log. I think that just boils down to "RAISERROR ... WITH LOG"; here's the BOL link for the syntax details.
In each step of the job click on advanced then from there you can log to a file or to a table, this will have all errorcodes and other things why the job failed
You should be able to see this also from the job history.
Right click on the job-->view history, click on the + sign to expand, the click on each step and it will be in the lower panel
To set up notifications you need to set up an operator and the in the job on the notification tab you pick it from the email dropdown
You'll want to have "When the job completes" marked in your notifications page on the job's properties.
Just go to that dropdown and switch it to job completion instead of failure (which is on the screenshot).
You'll also want to make sure that your server has e-mail configured. I think it's under SQL Surface Area Configuration for Features.
