How can i auto update a Kendo Grid? - angularjs

I have a Kendo Grid which I have bound a datasource in AngularJS. It has 10 rows.
In the MVC controller that is called I do some calculations and refetch the new datasource associated with that Grid and 5 of the lines no longer need to be on the grid.
The issue is that the rows are deleted from my model and database but I need to close my screen and come back to the Kendo Grid to see the change.
Is there a way I can make the grid update with that new data , so of like an Autorefresh ?

yep all sorted. using


c# telerik radgridview on update manually update other grid

I have a CustomerGrid and a ProjectGrid and in both there is a column ValidUntil.
If I change this column in the CustomerGrid, I want to update the same column in the ProjectGrid.
Is that possible?
Both Grids are bound with DataTables.
Assuming you are using the OnNeedDataSource event for binding, you should just be able to call the Rebind method for the other grid.
//after updating the database from CustomerGrid data

How to change value kendo grid row items using some data from external combobox?

I have a kendo grid in which I am using the roweditor function to allow user to change values of networks listed as network1, network2, network3 lets call it as gridNetwork.
I have a combobox on the same page having networks listed same as network1, network2, network3 what was there in grid. The user can select values from this combobox let us call it as comboNetwork.
Based on the selection made in the comboNetwork, the value of the selected row(s) network should also change in gridNetwork.
Any suggestions?
I have created a jsfiddle,give a try:
What you want is on-change function bound to your comboBox that will update your underlying data model that you have bound to your grid.
In that function, update the model, the refresh the grid's datasource that the model is populating.

record is not set as dirty when store is updated directly extjs

I have an mvc grid, and a store has been bind to the grid. The grid is collapsed on initial load, in once scenario we will be updating the model in controller and bind model back to the store again as below
StorePlanDetails.DataSource = Model.CorePlanningRows;
And while save If i try to get the modified records using Store.getModifiedRecords() method, it is not fetching the updated records.
But once if i expand the grid and if i try to get Store.getModifiedRecords() it is fetching the updated records.
After debugging i found that dirty flag is not set if i do not expand the grid.
Is there a way to overcome this issue.
i'm using Extjs 4.0 and Ext.Net MVC.

How to dehighlight the row when checkbox is checked in extjs grid

I am using extjs4.1 grid in aspnet mvc3 application.
I have used checkboxrowselection model.
the issue is :
once the checkbox is checked,the row should not get highlighted in the extjs grid.
How can i acheive this.
please help
The purpose of the checkbox selection model is to select rows. In extjs, selecting a row means to specifically highlight it, what you want is just a logical selection. You should be using the user extension: Ext.ux.CheckColumn that ships with the core library.
To gather the rows, you would need to do a query on the store where the models property is set to true for the data index you define on the checkcolumn.

newly added rows cannot be drag dropped in extjs gridpanel

I have a problem with extjs gridpanel dragdrop.
the scenario is as follows:
The gridpanel is initially rendered by loading a remote store.
Then, the rows are added, updated dynamically.
Drag drop feature is implemented on "render" event of gridpanel.
Drag drop works fine for the originally retrieved rows from the remote store.
but when i try to use drag drop for the newly added or edited rows, it doesn't work.
I am getting the following error on firebug:
Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1
This is may be because , the newly added rows are not taken as a part of the store . I tried changing the event to "click" but it doesnt work that way..
Please please suggest a solution for this fast.. Its needed urgently.
I know 2 methods for drag and drop in ext, one of them is only for grid rows, the other one that I'm using is with setting dragzones and dropzones. With that method, the only thing you have to do is catch an event which is fired when you add new rows to the grid. In that event, set every new row to be a dragzone (so it can be dragged). That's what I did in a similar situation. Hope this helps..
By the way grid rows don't have a .el (DOM element attached to the Ext component, which is the row in this case). So you'll have to create a div for each row component and then use the initializeDropZone(row[x]), where row[x] is the new added row.
