What is the proper url format to bring in the new (preview) Weather tile layer in Azure Maps? - azure-maps

Microsoft recently announced the preview of Azure Maps Weather Service (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-ca/blog/rain-or-shine-azure-maps-weather-services-will-bring-insights-to-your-enterprise/).
I'm trying to use the Weather Tile service but can't seem to find any documentation on how to access this. For example, to use the basic Azure Maps layer you can use: https://atlas.microsoft.com/map/tile/png?api-version=1.0&layer=basic&style=main&zoom={z}&x={x}&y={y}&subscription-key={key-goes-here}
Is it possible to retrieve the weather layer in a similar way? If so, what's the structure of the url?

Use the following url:
With the following URI parameters:
Weather Tile API: Fetches radar and infrared raster weather tiles
formatted to be integrated into the Azure Maps SDKs.
Use tilesetId=microsoft.weather.radar.main or tilesetId=microsoft.weather.infrared.main to fetch the desired weather tile.
Take a look at this sample Show weather overlays on a map by Ricky Brundritt.


Integrating Azure Traffic Incident Api in Azure maps

azure incidents api
how can i integrate this in azure maps.
Anyone can help?
If you are using one of the Azure Maps SDK's this API is already has a built in experience.
For Web: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/map-show-traffic
For Android: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/how-to-show-traffic-android?pivots=programming-language-java-android
For iOS: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/show-traffic-data-map-ios-sdk
In all three SDK's you set the maps traffic options and set the incidents option to true.
If you want to create a custom UI for incident's and/or have more control over what gets displayed, you can load the vector tile service in directly like these sample:

Is there a Google Map API which returns a polygon that maps the boundary for a specific location?

I want a set of coordinates representing a polygon around a region like given by OpenStreetMap. Does google map provide any similar API?
I found a similar implementation on OpenStreetMaps API which provides a polygon for a specific area like this example.
As mentioned by MrUpsidedown there is no Google API for automatic city/region boundaries as Polygon from Google Maps API but I integrated nominatim of OSM with Google Maps to get the desired functionality.

How to get the image of the reports & dashboard in salesforce using API?

I have the requirement to get the image of the dashboard to reproduce it in the another app connected to Salesforce. How can I able to get the image? Is there any API for that?
I have searched in the workbench for the similar API to meet my requirement. But I can't able to find anything that meets my requirement.
Thanks in advance
The API you need to interact with Salesforce reporting is the Reports and Dashboards REST API.
This API does not provide functionality to produce an image file. However, you can get the dashboard results, which your application can then interpret and render. Note that the "fact map" data structure returned by Salesforce is fairly complex.

Google Maps Embed API not showing traffic when using waypoints

I am building a web page where I can select a source and destination location and then show the distance, travel time (with current traffic) and actual traffic on a Google Map.
The Google Maps API documentation suggests to use the Google Maps Embed API, as so (route = Paris to Amsterdam):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions?origin=Paris&destination=Amsterdam&key=APIKEY"></iframe>
This works fine.
Now I want to add waypoints to the routes so that I am certain specific route will be selected and shown, as so (route = Paris to Amsterdam via Brussels):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions?origin=Paris&destination=Amsterdam&waypoints=Brussels&key=APIKEY"></iframe>
In this case no traffic is shown and the calculated travel time doesn't include the delays because of traffic. You can also see the effect on this page I built to show the issue.
I didn't find in the Google Maps Embed API documentation that traffic is not shown when using waypoints. Is this a bug or didn't I read it well enough? Are there alternatives to the Google Maps Embed API?

Is it possible to allow users to search for an address, and attach a pin to a location like in Google Maps using Leaflet? How do I do this?

I've read about how some sites use streets data and overlay it over their map tiles. Is this necessary in leaflet? I think the attaching of a marker is fairly well-covered in the Leaflet documentation, but I'm not sure whether there's a (ideally reasonably easy) way to give it the full search for address functionality in Google Maps.
Should be possible - you'll need a geocoding web service, like Google's, that you can hand an address and will give you back a lat/lon coordinate, which you can then plot onto Leaflet. I believe MapQuest has a free one; not sure if there's an API limit or anything along those lines: http://www.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/
In fact, I think this template site from MapBox, though it doesn't use Leaflet, hooks into MapQuest for it's geocoding. You might be able to use that as an example.
MapQuest offers two Geocoding Web Services, which will take an address and convert it to latitude and longitude coordinates.
MapQuest Geocoding Web Service (licensed data, meaning, the 'behind the scenes' geocoding data is commercially-available data)
MapQuest Open Geocoding Web Service (open data, meaning, the 'behind the scenes' data is open, generated by users of the OpenStreetMap community).
The Open Geocoding Web Service is brand new! For more information, check out the MapQuest Developer Network and Developer Network Forums.
