How do I change _Layout in _ViewStart ABP framework, - abp

I created a new project via Direct Download from and there is no _Layout page in the project. _Layout page inherited from the framework dll.
I created a _Layout page but _ViewStart page not working. In the below code example, link href is "/Account/Login" is specified but there is no Account or Login page in the project. All of them coming from Volo.Abp.Account
#if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
<a abp-button="Primary" href="/Account/Login" class="px-4"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> #L["Login"]</a>
How do I create my custom _Layout page in ABP v1.0
How do I run the _ViewStart page
How do I create a Login page or other UI stuff


Jhipster springboot angular1.x project with angular 9

Long back we have implemented jhipster springboot project with angularjs 1.5, but now we need to implement new module in angular 9 in the same project. like angular9 and angularJs side by side different apps in same project.
Project Structure
initially calling angularjs templates. while clicking on some button, page navigation, it will redirect to v2_app angular9 application.
Angularjs route -> http://localhost:9080/user/#/dashboard
If i click on any navigation it will redirect to v2_app (angular9)
URL should be http://localhost:9080/user/#/v2/users.

Cannot download react web page

I have a react web page localhost:8080/details/1. When I try curl localhost:8080/details/1, only index.html page gets downloaded. How can I download the specific page?

How to Serve a Static Blog inside a React App in Amazon Cloudfront

I have a react site and a jekyll blog. I want them to be hosted with Amazon cloud-front in following mannger -> serves the react site -> serves the static blog's index.html
I have built the react app and put it in to a s3 bucket. Then I have created a subdirectory called blog and uploaded all the blog content there. Then I have setup a cloud-front distribution for
If I visit it serves the react website.
If I visit by directly entering the url on the browser, in some browsers it works fine as well.
But if I click the anchor link on the react website which links to instead of redering the blog, it renders the same page with messed up css and assets. Seems like the react app rewrites the requests and renders a react page instead of sending the requests to the backend.
I do not use react-router. Here is the anchor that I use in the react app to link the blog
<a className="ml-nav-item"
rel="noopener noreferrer"

how to redirect a page in angular and using node js

I am checking a login and after that sending a status to angular controller, from controller I am redirecting to other pages and again checking route with angular route, everything working but content got inserted layout inside layout
i am using angular with node js
engine is jade and have a layout(master page)

Does Angular JS Pages should be requested from server

I was getting myself started with Angular JS.
I tried to put angular code in my html page and then I tried to open up browser but Angular JS didn't worked.
But when I requested the same page from server It did worked
A bit of mystry ...
as soon as angular need to load template code using a template url you have to serve the page via HTTP because angular can only load templates using HTTP.
one example would be :
<div ng-include="'templateA.htm'"></div>
<div ng-include="'templateB.htm'"></div>
Some directives of AngularJS use AJAX to load themselves and by default navigators like Chrome block AJAX request when they are local.
You can open your AngularJS app in any server e.g: http-server
