Path Routing: Application Load Balancer for React Application - reactjs

I'm trying to create path routing in AWS application load balancer.
Example: goes to instance1 port 80 and nginx routes it to /var/html/reactApp1/build/ goes to instance2 port 80 and nginx routes it to /var/html/reactApp2/build/
My configuration look something like this:
Also, for both /var/html/reactApp1/build/ and /var/html/reactApp2/build/, I have them hosted normally say and and they work just fine.
Problem Statement:
When the application is visited via path routing like or it reaches the correct machines/root but fails to load the sites as expected.
Upon inspecting the blank page, it does not load the node-modules:
Where am I going wrong?

I know this question was asked since almost 2 years, but I think I found the solution, so even if it is not usefull now, it can be important in the near future:
In the rules of your load balancer you must enable one rule to allow redirect the traffic to your app when it try to search /static/... because that is the bundle.js created by react:
I hope this will be as useful for you as it has been for me.


Dealing with the environment url in the "build" version of react

I'm trying to deploy a react-django app to production using digitalocean droplet. I have a file where I check for the current environment (development or production), and based on the current environment assign the appropriate url to use to connect to the django backend like so:
export const server = enviroment ? "http://localhost:8000" : "";
My app is working perfectly both on development and production modes in local system (I temporarily still used http://localhost:8000 in place of But I observed something rather strange. It's the fact that when I tried to access the site (still in my local computer) with "" ON THE BROWSER, the page is blank with a console error "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' ....".
When I changed it back to "http://localhost:8000", everything was back working. My worry is isn't the same as http://localhost:8000? From this I conclude that whatever you have in the place when you build your react frontend is exactly what will be used.
Like I said, I'm trying to deploy to a digital ocean droplet, and I plan to install ssl certificate so the site could be served on https. Now my question is given the scenario painted above, what should be the right way to write the url in production? Should it be "serverIP-address", "", "", "" ?.
I must mentioned that I had previously attempted to deploy to the said platform using the IP-address in the place. After following all the steps. I got a 502 (Bad gateway) error. However, I'm not saying using Ip address was responsible for the error in that case.
Please I would appreciate any help especially from someone who had previously deployed a react-django app to the said platform. Thanks
From this I conclude that whatever you have in the
place when you build your react frontend is exactly what will be used.
Not exactly true, the domain from which the react app is served will be used. If you build it local and upload it to the server and configure to serve it, then will be used for cors. The best idea is to allow all CORS until your project is deployment ready. Once done, whitelist the
The solution actually lies in providing the host(s) allowed to connect to the Back-end in the file like so: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = [, , ... ] etc. That way, you wouldn't be tied to using the url provided in the react environment variable. Though I have not deployed to the server, my first worry within the local machine is taken care off.

how to put backend and frontend together - returning react frontend from fastapi backend endpoint

Firstly, I just wanted to say that this is my first web application project. I've spent the past few days trying to find answers on how to essentially put the frontend and backend together. I have a lot of questions, but the main one I want answered is on how to return my frontend 'final product' from a backend endpoint.
This is what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong):
The frontend code is run by the client (browser).
When the client interacts with the webpage, the frontend makes API calls to the backend to retrieve/modify data, as necessary.
The backend and frontend is often developed separately, and could be hosted on separate servers.
It is, however, possible (and maybe simpler) to host it on a single domain/server. I am hoping to do this, in order to avoid a whole set of issues with CORS.
Then comes the following problem:
When I want to test out my front end and see how it's coming along, I just run npm run start. I then go to the given url (usually http://localhost:8080/) and I have access to the frontend that I've developed. And when I want to deploy it, I run npm run build, which gives me a dist folder (bundled together and minified).
If I want to run and test my backend locally, as I am using FastAPI, I simply run uvicorn main:app --reload.
How to put the two together? More specifically, in my backend code, how do I return the product of my frontend work (i.e., the dist folder?). I've tried the following (simplified):
#app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def root():
return open("../frontend/dist/index.html", "r").read()
but, of course, this only gives me the static html without the React components.
I realize this post may be loaded with incorrect assumptions and poor practices (in which case, my apologies! and I would appreciate any corrections/suggestions.) However, if the following questions could be answered, I would greatly appreciate it. These are questions I have that will hopefully help me test my whole web application locally on my computer.
How do I return the product of my frontend work for the GET request at the domain root endpoint?
If there is a page A, page B, and page C for my web app, each with url,, and do I have to create three separate React frontend projects? I.e., equivalent of having three dist folders? What is the standard way this is handled?
These are good questions and it is certainly possible. I will tell you what I do, with the caveat that there may be a better way...
I'm using Vue instead of React, but its build process also sends static html, js and css to a dist/ directory, so the process should be about the same.
First you can copy the dist/index.html file you mention into your FastAPI templates/ directory. You will use your FastAPI route to serve that file as a Template.
Then copy your js and css into a static/ directory and make sure FastAPI knows about both static and templates.
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
app = FastAPI()
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
async def serve_spa(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})
You may need to set something in React in order for your build to know that the js and css will live in a dir called static. For Vue, there is the assetsDir option within vue.config.js
For your question about handling different paths, like and, it depends how you want to handle those requests. Are you wanting your single react app to handle all of those routes?
If that is the case, you may want to see also: How to capture arbitrary paths at one route in FastAPI?
One option is to copy the serve_spa() route above and handle your routes, like /a, /b, etc.
Or use a catch-all route:
async def catch_all(request: Request, full_path: str):
print("full_path: "+full_path)
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})
The "traditional" approach to running a web application is to have a server that serves your web application (i.e. your React app). Usually you'll hear about nginx being used as the web server being used for modern day single page applications. When you run npm run start you start up a local server on your machine and it makes your app available at http://localhost:8080 (the port and hostname are of course configurable).
When it comes to your API, it should be it's own server available at a different endpoint/url, and then your web app will make API calls to that endpoint/url in order to fetch data.
The way you're describing things, it sounds like you're trying to use FastAPI to server render your web app, but I'm not sure how feasible that is, especially considering there is an entire framework solely dedicated to server rendering react applications.
I've also struggled with this and here's an approach that worked for me
import logging
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse
from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles
app = FastAPI()
async def index():
return RedirectResponse(url="/index.html")
app.mount("/", StaticFiles(directory="backend/ui/"), name="ui")
Note: Please observe that app.mount is called after registering the / route. From my experience if the mount is called before the registration then it will simply not redirect to index.html
Note: I use react-scripts to generate the app.
Dear hainabaraka
Your question resembles this one: How do I serve a React-built front-end on a FastAPI backend?. In that one, I contributed an answer, but I'd like to also refer you to Mike Chaliy's answer, which updates mine.
In any case, here are two thoughts on that solution (that I should really update) and the answers you get here:
the nginx approach: this removes responsibility from your code, meaning that it also removes control from you. DevOps love this kind of "you do your thing and let me worry about that" approach, but let's just say that this is a good solution... not for your case. You want to serve from your API.
By the way, "it should be it's own server" has no apostrophe!
the Jinja2 approach: I'm not sure this would work, and even if it did, it would be introdsucing a lot of CPU waste. Jinja2 is an excellent tool for Python based backend tremplate rendering. I used it extensively to generate HTML medical reports to be then PDF-rendered but in this case it always sounds like a "Yes, it works, but...". Rule of thumb for "but"-sentences: everything to the left of the "but" is irrelevant.
the FastAPI RTFM approach: I am a HUGE fan of FastAPI and I'm (extremely slowly) trasnslating its documentation to European Portuguese, but the examples there are very very limited. Referring you to the FastAPI docs is assuming you're an idiot that never thought of that.
other approaches: I saw a bungh of these that, while well intentioned, did not really work because they were either produced by that kinf of people here in SO that don't really test their answer before answering, or by pure back-end devs that have no clue how a React (or a SPA) app works. Some can even serve a home page but then routing kills it.
The solution I present works and has been working for me for years now, both with Vue and React SPAs. The caveat is that you either serve your app from a special endpoint (I suggest /my-spa, which is quite lame), or, if you want the app to come from /, you have to do the
app.mount('/', SPAStaticFiles(directory='folder', html=True), name='whatever')
after all other endpoints, and you cannot obviously have other endpoints conflicting with either / or any React route within it. This perhaps adds to why APIs are recommended to hang from an /api endpoints, and possibly versioned, like /api/v1/.... Please let me know if this works for you.
For that, there an excellent resource in Zalando RESTful API and Event Guidelines.

CDN serving private images / videos

I would like to know how do CDNs serve private data - images / videos. I came across this stackoverflow answer but this seems to be Amazon CloudFront specific answer.
As a popular example case lets say the problem in question is serving contents inside of facebook. So there is access controlled stuff at an individual user level and also at a group of users level. Besides, there is some publicly accessible data.
All logic of what can be served to whom resides on the server!
The first request to CDN will go to application server and gets validated for access rights. But there is a catch - keep this in mind:
Assume that first request is successful and after that, anyone will be able to access the image with that CDN URL. I tested this with Facebook user uploaded restricted image and it was accessible with the CDN URL by others too even after me logging out. So, the image will be accessible till the CDN cache expiry time.
I believe this should work - all requests first come to the main application server. After determining whether access is allowed or not, a redirect to the CDN server or access-denied error can be shown.
Each CDN working differently, so unless you specify which CDN you are looking for its hard to tell.

Custom domain http redirects to https when I don't want it to, why is it doing this?

I am trying to get a custom domain to work with Google App Engine 1.9.7 without SSL
I have done all the prerequisites;
Domain is verified with the proper TXT records.
Domain is configured in the GAE Cloud Console with the proper subdomain www.
Application is deployed the domain and works.
But when I try to got to it immediately redirects to and I get the following error:
I know that for SSL I need to set up a certificate.
I don't have any of my webapp modules configured to be secure.
I don't want SSL right now, I don't need it right now.
I found this little nugget after reading the instructions again and again:
It's okay for multiple domains and subdomains to point to the same
application. You can design your app to treat them all the same or
handle each one in a different way.
This is exactly what I want to do but I can't find any information on how to actually do this?
How do I get it to stop redirecting to the http to https?
I ran into the same problem. You say "I don't have any of my webapp modules configured to be secure." If that's the case, sorry, can't help you.
Otherwise the most likely cause for your problem would be: A "secure: always" flag for the respective handler in your app.yaml in the handlers section. Like so:
- url: /*
secure: always
Remove the line with the "secure: always". Details in the official Google docs here (table item "secure").
How to run into this problem? I ran into it, because I copied the app.yaml from one of my other apps that didn't need to run on a custom domain, yet needed the SSL always.
For a Django/Python GAE app, by the way, the same problem is caused like this:
- url: /.*
secure: always
Same answer here: Remove or change the "secure" line. Python version just tested as described. Always works on the domain, only without secure flag on a custom domain.
Just pointing out the above, as other people might run into this problem and come to this threat for help.
What I had to do was to shut down all instances and remove all versions, then do a fresh deployment from scratch, then I stopped having this problem.

CakePHP Application: some pages with SSL, some without

I have an application written with the CakePHP framework and it is currently located in httpdocs. I want a few pages to be redirected to https://
Basically this shouldn't be a problem to detect whether the user is already on https://... or not. My issue is a different one: In my opinion I would need to make a copy of the whole project and store it in httpsdocs, right? This sounds so silly but how should it work without duplicating the code? I think I miss something but I don't get it ...
I have never had to copy the code for ssl. You should specify in the vhost for the site what the path is.
On apache there is a vhost for each, ssl and non ssl. Both can have the same webroot path.
If your webhoster requires you to put the https part of your website in httpsdocs, then you will need to put something there. But not the whole project: maybe only the /web part (the part that is actually served up by the webhoster).
Something like
/cake/app/ --> your app code
/httpsdoc/.. --> index.php and possibly css stuff, images etc
/httpsdocs/.. --> copy of index.php and the rest as well
Of course, you could also use some internal redirect in .htaccess
One suggestion: now that google indexes https urls, you could also choose to make the whole site available through https.
