I have a directory with some subdirectories called *.data which contain a file named Ratio.img, a file called Ratio.hdr and a directory vector_data.
This is my setup:
I want a command-line solution to take the Ratio.img from each subdirectory, rename it to the name of the subdirectory (without .data) and move it to the directory itself.
I tried some stuff looking for .img images and move them, but I did not manage to include the renaming to the filename.
# Unfortunately all those .img file are named Ratio, so they ask me to overwrite, what I clearly do not want to.
FOR /R %G in ("*.img") DO Move "%G" "G:\GRD_TEst\Products"
#I tried Renaming the Ratio.img-files, since I think I could work with them even if they are named blah.data.img
FOR /D %G in ("*.data") DO Rename "G:\GRD_TEst\Products\"%G"\Ratio.img" "G:\GRD_TEst\Products\"%G"\"%G".img"
# I also tried some "nesting" of for loops, but this did not lead to the output I wanted, basically create the path to my Ratio.img-File
for /D %G in (.data) do
FOR /D %X in ("Ratio.img") DO echo %G\%X
I expect the output to be like
I might have found a solution (I have to reproduce my Ratio.img files since I did not make backup-copies :( )
`for /D %%G in ("*.data") do (
FOR /D %%I in (Ratio.img) DO Rename G:\GRD_TEst\Products\%%G\%%I %%G.img
FOR /D %%H in (Ratio.hdr) DO Rename G:\GRD_TEst\Products\%%G\%%H %%G.hdr)`
This did not work, it rename the files but I can not use them this way, they are not importable into ArcMap. Moving will be done in a 2nd step.
EDIT: After renaming the .hdr as well I can import the data in ArcMap finally, I updated the code-snippet above for my final solution.
Okay, I do not really know how to describe fully what I want and I feel bad for asking something so advanced. I do not know how to do anything other than move folders and delete files and folders using batch.
I am trying to make a batch file to delete certain Steam files and folders which are used to cache data. I could easily make this for myself and call it a day however I would like to share it and have it work for other people also. The problem is one of the cache folders is named with a unique Steam identifier. I will put what I have made so far below.
REM Makes a temporary folder.
mkdir %LocalAppData%\Temp\steam_cache
REM Deleted all none essential files in Steam's configuration folder.
move "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config\config.vdf" %LocalAppData%\Temp\steam_cache
move "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config\loginusers.vdf" %LocalAppData%\Temp\steam_cache
rmdir "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config" /s /q
mkdir "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config"
move %LocalAppData%\Temp\steam_cache\config.vdf "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config"
move %LocalAppData%\Temp\steam_cache\loginusers.vdf "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\config"
REM Delete all none essential files in Steam's userdata folder.
I will put what the file structure goes like below.
As you can see the number at the end is completely random and I do not know how to open that directory without knowing the number first. There are sometimes multiple of these folders with random names if you login with multiple account and I would like the batch file to go into them one by one and delete certain folder inside of them.
I will put below the folders that I would like to delete that are inside of the random numbered folder below.
Sorry if what I am asking it too much if so just ignore this post, thanks.
What you are looking for is the for /D loop, which enumerates directories:
rem // Enumerate all directories under `userdata`:
for /D %%I in ("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\userdata\*") do (
rem // Check if there is really a sub-directory called `ugcmsgcache`:
if exist "%%~I\ugcmsgcache\" (
rem // Do something with the full path, like echoing, for instance:
echo "%%~I\ugcmsgcache"
If you want to ensure that the name of the enumerated directory/-ies name consist(s) of decimal figures only, you could use dir and findstr, together with a for /F loop:
rem // Change into parent directory, because `dir /B` returns plain directory names:
cd /D "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\userdata"
rem // Enumerate all directories under `userdata`, whose names are pure numbers:
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('
dir /B /A:D "*" ^| findstr /I /X "[0123456789]*"
') do (
rem // Do something with the full path, like echoing, for instance:
echo "%%~fI\ugcmsgcache"
The cd command could also be replaced by pushd and popd.
The ~f modifier ensures that the full path is derived, related to the current working directory.
Note that the pipe (|) needs to be escaped here, because it is in the set of the for /F loop.
I am trying to replace over 400 audio files, in just about as many sub-folders, with a updated format required by the program. It's the same file in each location but its how they require it for their xml file. I found several similar post, replacing files in multiple sub-directories like this one Replacing a file into multiple folders/subdirectories this I assumed would meet my needs.
I want to find all AR33.mp3 files in SFX'x folders, and replace with the new required AR33.wem my issue is as follows:
FOR /R C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\GoldenEye\SFX %%I IN (AR33.mp3) DO echo COPY /Y C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\sfxwems\AR33.wem %%~fI
This does the reverse and copies the file I want to overwrite, ar33.mp3, all over the folder structure in every folder where there shouldn't be any. but it does say 1 file copied after each entry.
(AR33) creates extension-less copies. adding (*AR33.mp3) does nothing, same with (*AR33.mp3 *) does nothing, even with "1 item copied" pointed out in the console. At this point I'm trying what I can to get this to work randomly doing stuff. Changing COPY to replace give a invalid switch -/y. Am I using the wrong "script" to do what I want? Because even changing one of the AR33.mp3 over to a .wem didn't see any change after replacing the line .mp3 to .wem. I assume I need to fix what its searching for and what its copying.
Updated bat:
FOR /R "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\GoldenEye\SFX\" %%I IN (AR33.mp3) DO echo COPY /Y "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\sfxwems\AR33.wem" "%%~fI"
Output sample:
C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted>echo COPY /Y "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\sfxwems\AR33.wem" "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\GoldenEye\SFX\AAC0\ShipName__PASC045\isPlayer__False\AR33.mp3"
COPY /Y "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\sfxwems\AR33.wem" "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\GoldenEye\SFX\AAC0\ShipName__PASC045\isPlayer__False\AR33.mp3"
You want to replace .mp3 with .wem as well. For now you are simply copying the .wem file and naming it with a .mp3 extension. So we could just rename the .mp3, then copy the .wem file to it.:
#echo off
for /R "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\GoldenEye\SFX\" %%I in (*AR33.mp3) do (
echo ren "%%~fI" "%%~nI.wem"
echo copy /Y "C:\Users\trevo\Desktop\ProjectGoldenEYE\811converted\sfxwems\AR33.wem" "%%~dpnI.wem"
Please take note before continuing. The above will only echho the result, once you are happy that it does what you want, then only remove `echo from both strings in the code block.
It is also always a good idea to backup files before running a big copy process like this.
Long story short, I accidentally wiped my HDD the other day while trying to install a new SSD. I used a great program to undelete my partition; however, all the files were given an .efs extension. I am currently using:
RENAME *.extension.efs *.
I have tons of lines written for each file type, and this command works flawlessly. The only problem is that I have to manually paste this .bat into every folder and execute it in order for it to work.
Is there a way I can make it so when I run this .bat, it will go through all folders and subdirectories from a central directory? I'm anal about organization so all my music, albums, videos, TV shows, etc., are all in separate folders and it would take quite some time for me to run my original .bat from each.
Any help is appreciated!!
for /r /d %n in (.) do pushd "%n"&call "fullpathtoyourniftybatchfile"&popd
from the prompt will traverse the entire tree from wherever your current directory is.
You could also place your batch into any directory on your path and execute
for /r /d %n in (.) do pushd "%n"&call "yourniftybatchfilename"&popd
since windows searches the path for any executable it can't find in the current directory.
Here is a script that will rename files with extension efs in the current directory and all subfolders starting at the current directory. %%i is replaced by the full path to a folder or subfolders. Line 2 is needed because the for loop only does folders and subfolders.
#echo off
ren *.efs *.
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%i in (`dir/b/ad/s`) do (
cd %%i
ren *.efs *.
Apologies if this has been answered, the search gives something similar but not exactly what I'm after.
I use XBMC and a Western Digital TV Live as media centers. XBMC uses folder.jpg for movie box art. However, the WD uses both folder.jpg and moviename.jpg.
My folder structure is as follows:
Films\movie1\movie1.mkv(or avi etc...)
Films\movie2\movie2.mkv (etc...)
What I'm after is a .bat file that will scan the entire films directory, copy the folder.jpg and rename the new jpg using the name of the folder that folder.jpg is in. The original folder.jpg should remain.
Essentially from:
This should happen to each folder in Films.
I'm sure this must be possible but to be honest my knowledge of .bat files is very limited.
You can use a FOR /D loop to iterate over subdirectories of Films:
FOR /D %%I IN ("D:\Path\to\Films\*") DO (
COPY "%%I\folder.jpg" "%%I\%%~nxI.jpg"
In the loop, the subdirectory's full path is referenced as %%I and its name alone as %%~nxI (could be just %%~nI if the name never includes a .).
You could run the loop directly from the command prompt, but you'd need to replace the double % characters with single %:
FOR /D %I IN ("D:\Path\to\Films\*") DO COPY "%I\folder.jpg" "%I\%~nxI.jpg"
Please note also that if a moviename.jpg already exists, the COPY command will stop for confirmation of overwriting the file. If you just want to overwrite it anyway without manual confirmation, add the /Y switch:
COPY /Y ...
for /d %%a in (*) do if exist "%%~a\folder.jpg" echo copy /b "%%~a\folder.jpg" "%%~a\%%~na.jpg"
Remove the echo to get it working.
I have a large amount of JPEGs inside subfolders that I need to rename to their current name with an extra 1 at the end.
For example:
Want to rename to
I have over 900 files in this format that I need to rename.
Any help?
edit I added /r as I see you have a tree of files to modify. Type this command in the main holding folder of the JPG files.
Here's a cmd prompt command. Delete the echo if you like what you see on the console.
for /r %a in (*.jpg) do echo rename "%a" "%~na1%~xa"
There may not be a need for anything more than a simple REN command. See How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards?.
As long as none of your file names have multiple dots in the name, then the following should work for the current directory. Just make sure there are at least as many ? as the longest name.
ren *.jpg ??????????????????????????????????????1.jpg
Or to process the entire directory tree
for /r %F in (.) do #ren "%F\*.jpg" ??????????????????????????????????????1.jpg
Or you can iterate each file with a FOR or FOR /R loop and rename them one at a time as foxidrive does in his answer.
using renamer:
$ renamer --find '/(.*)\.JPG/' --replace '$11.JPG' *
to operate recursively, change the * at the end of of the command to **.