kotlin add elements in array as sections - arrays

Can anyone teach me how to initiate/add items in array as section?
something like - array[["john"],["daniel"],["jane"]]
tried a few like var d = ArrayList<CustomClass>(arrayListOf<CustomClass>())
that does not work.
for example, if i add "david" i want it look like array[["john"],["daniel", "david"],[“keith"]] by finding the index of array contains letter "d"
how can i display them on a custom base adapter / listview? currently using a viewHolder
val viewHolder = ViewHolder(row.name) to display.

If I am right, you're trying to create an ArrayList that contains other ArrayLists. So writing:
var d = ArrayList<CustomClass>(arrayListOf<CustomClass>())
Won't work because the type of the main ArrayList is not String, but ArrayList. So you need to write:
var names = ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>()
names.add(arrayListOf("jane", "john))
Regarding the second question, check out this course that has a section about RecyclerView: https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud9012 If you are a beginner, I strongly encourage you to follow the whole tutorial.


Sorting a 2 dimensional array of objects in Kotlin

I have a static 2 dimensional array of objects in a Kotlin project:
class Tables {
companion object{
lateinit var finalTable: Array<Array<Any?>?>
It is a little clearer in Java:
public class Tables {
public static Object[][] finalTable;
The third element in one row of objects in the table, is a string boxed as an object. In other words: finalTable[*][2] is a string describing the item. When I add an item to the array in Kotlin, I want to sort the entire array in alphabetical order of the description.
In Java this is easy:
Arrays.sort(Tables.finalTable, Comparator.comparing(o -> (String) o[2]));
When I try to use Android Studio to translate the Java code into Kotlin, it produces the following:
Arrays.sort( Tables.finalTable, Comparator.comparing( Function { o: Array<Any?>? -> o[2] as String }) )
This does not work, you have change the String cast as follows:
Arrays.sort( Tables.finalTable, Comparator.comparing( Function { o: Array<Any?>? -> o[2].toString() }) )
This version will compile and run, but it totally messes up the sorting of the table, so it does not work. I have tried variations on this theme, without any success. To get my project to work, I had to create a Java class in the Kotlin project with the functional Java code listed above:
public class ArraySort {
public void sortArray(){
Arrays.sort(Tables.finalTable, Comparator.comparing(o -> (String) o[2]));
This sorts the table like a charm, but I would prefer to keep my project "pure Kotlin". Can anyone suggest a pure Kotlin method to sort such an array? Thanks!
Unless I'm missing something, you can just do this:
Tables.finalTable.sortBy { it[2] as String }
which sorts your array in place. sortedBy will produce a new copy of the original if that's what you want instead, and might be why the comment suggestions weren't working for you.
But this whole unstructured array situation isn't ideal, the solution is brittle because it would be easy to put the wrong type in that position for a row, or have a row without enough elements, etc. Creating a data structure (e.g. a data class) would allow you to have named parameters you can refer to (making the whole thing safer and more readable) and give you type checking too

Ambiguous use of 'init' in Array mapped to String with chosen separators

As #vadian suggested, I am learning Xcode from Paul Hudson's 100 days of SwiftUI to better understand the basics (even though I am still struggling with time to deliver working GitHub repository search - no it is not for the job I am working on right now).
I am doing a lesson on Arrays, so pretty basic stuff right now and I struggle to map the String from array on the sorted array. I don't get why, but I get the:
Ambiguous use of 'init'
Here's the code:
let cities = ["London", "Tokyo", "Rome", "Budapest"]
let citiesSorted = cities.sorted()
let citiesSortedString = citiesSorted.map(String.init).joined(separator:", ")
And it's so really strange, since I pulled the similar thing out before in the same Playground but not with the sorted Array:
var schoolScoresString = schoolScores.map(String.init).joined(separator:", ")
And yes I tried changing let to var. It didn't help.
cities is already of type [String], so you're passing a String to String.init, which obviously won't work. If you want to join an array of Strings into a single String, remove the map and just call joined on the array.
let citiesSortedString = citiesSorted.joined(separator:", ")

Error when trying to set array in userdefaults: Thread 1: "Attempt to insert non-property list object

I have solved the issue now, thanks for your help. I shouldn't have tried to save arrays with UITextViews, but I should have saved their text as strings instead. Here was the original question:
I have tried a lot, and googled a lot, but I can't solve this problem on my own. Whenever I try to save an array in userdefaults, it just is not working. I get the following error:
Thread 1: "Attempt to insert non-property list object (\n "<UITextView: 0x14001f800; frame = (0 0; 355 180); text = 'D'; clipsToBounds = YES; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x600003f01d10>; layer = <CALayer: 0x6000031c83e0>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {355, 30}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 0, 0}>"\n) for key content"
I don't know what a non-property list object is. And I do not know how to solve the problem. Below is the lines of code that do not work.
var contentList: [Any] = []
let cl = defaults.array(forKey: "content")!
if cl.count != 0{
contentList += cl
defaults.setValue(contentList, forKey: "content")
If I take out the last line of code by turning it into a comment everything runs just fine. How should I replace that line of code? I essentially want to save an array of UITextViews and make it larger every time I call a fucntion (this code is part of a larger function). The reason why I have created another two lists (cl and contentList) is that it helps me with a problem down the line. What I cannot understand however, is why the last line of code doesn't work. If anyone has any ideas, please help me, it would be much appreciated.
Use only String as stated in comments :
var contentList: [String] = []
let cl = defaults.array(forKey: "content")!
if cl.count != 0{
contentList += cl
If lbText = label.text {
defaults.setValue(contentList, forKey: "content")
You can only store a very limited list of data types into UserDefaults, commonly referred to as "property list objects" (Since property list (or plist) files will only store the same data types.
To quote the Xcode docs on UserDefaults, in the section titled "Storing Default Objects":
A default object must be a property list—that is, an instance of (or for collections, a combination of instances of) NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary [or Data, String, NSNumber, Date, Array, or Dictionary types in Swift.] If you want to store any other type of object, you should typically archive it to create an instance of Data.
(I added the equivalent Swift types to the above quote in square brackets, since it looks like Apple hasn't updated it for Swift.)
That's worded a little awkwardly. The idea is that you can only store data of the types listed. Because the Array and Dictionary types are "container" types, you can store any combination of arrays and dictionaries that contain combinations of any of the above types. For example, you can store an array that contains a dictionary, 3 dates, 2 floats, a Double, some Data, and 2 arrays, and those dictionaries and arrays can contain other dictionaries and/or arrays.)
It is almost always wrong to archive UIView objects like UITextViews. You should save the text properties of your text views instead.
If you want to manage a vertical stack of UITextView objects, I suggest adding a vertical stack view to your user interface, and then writing code that adds or removes UITextView subviews to your stack view. You should be able to find plenty of examples of adding and removing objects from stack views online. (It's really easy.)
If you want to manage a scrolling list of feeds of arbitrary length, you might want to use a table view or collection view instead. Those require that you set up a data model and implement a "data source". That takes a little practice to get right, but is very powerful.

Is it possible to create an array of XYChart.Series on JavaFX?

I want to know if I can create an array of XYChart.Series<String, Number> on JavaFX?
Because I need to create a XYChart.Series for each person on database, and I tried to make an array of XYChart.Series<String, Number> for my LineChart but I couldn't.
This is what I tried:
List<XYChart.Series<String, Number>> seriesList = new ArrayList<XYChart.Series<String, Number>>();
Because I had no idea how to do it otherways.
Can you please help me?
You can create a array of the raw type and assign it to a variable declared with a generic type.
int size = ...
XYChart.Series<String, Number>[] seriesArray = new XYChart.Series[size];
Array elements still need to be initialized this way since arrays generated this way are filled with null elements.
Java 8 provides a way create & initilize a array using short code via streams API:
XYChart.Series<String, Number>[] seriesArray = Stream.<XYChart.Series<String, Number>>generate(XYChart.Series::new).limit(size).toArray(XYChart.Series[]::new);

Swift 3 - set the key when appending to array

I have this array where I set the keys on the creation. Now in some point in my view I load some more information based on ids (the keys).
var colors = [
"37027" : UIColor(red:150/255, green:57/255, blue:103/255, alpha:1),
"12183" : UIColor(red:234/255, green:234/255, blue:55/255, alpha:1),
"44146" : UIColor(red:244/255, green:204/255, blue:204/255, alpha:1)
I want to add more colors to this array dynamically. How can I insert new items in the array setting the key? Something like
colors["25252"] = UIColor(red:244/255, green:204/255, blue:204/255, alpha:1)
The line above doesn't work, it is just to illustrate what I need.
Thanks for any help
Update: the code above is an example. Below the real code:
var placedBeacons : [BeaconStruct] = []
BeaconModel.fetchBeaconsFromSqlite(completionHandler: {
beacons in
for item in beacons{
self.placedBeacons["\(item.major):\(item.minor)"] = item
Error: Cannot subscript a value of type '[BeaconStruct]' with an index of type String
To match the key subscripting
self.placedBeacons["\(item.major):\(item.minor)"] = item
you have to declare placedBeacons as dictionary rather than an array
var placedBeacons = [String:BeaconStruct]()
It requires that item is of type BeaconStruct
The code you wrote, it should work. I have used such kind of code and was able to implement successfully. I just tested your code in my end and it's working for me. I declared colors variable globally in my class file and in view did load method added the second code to add another item in my colors array. After printing it out. My output shows full list of array with 4 items and the number of array count return 4 as well.
Please let me know, more details of your scenario so i can help you to figure it out the issue. but looks like it should work.
