How to fix the responsive design from github page and broken images? - responsive-design

I have a portfolio site deployed at github pages and I used jekyll to create it. The issues that I have : 1)The responsive design at mobile it's not right and I also can't see footer, 2) I have broken images that doesn't load i have changed the path several times but still doesn't work i guess I'm out of options?Any suggestions to fix these issues? My site : and my repo : .

To make sure that the image urls are found, you can tell Jekyll where the image is before processing using the link tag. Jekyll will track the link of the image before and after processing, so you can rely on your repo's current structure instead of the structure after processing.
<img src="{% link images/CSS_3.png %}" class="background-image-right"/>
Docs on link tag
Another tip is to create a .gitignore, add the following files to the .gitignore and then delete them from being tracked by git. You don't need them in your source control.
// .gitignore
When I run your repo locally and make the browser mobile responsive, the images are not shrinking down. But, I can see your footer. I'm not familiar with the framekworks you're using, though.

Instead of using link, you can also do this:
<img src="{{ '/images/CSS_3.png' | prepend: site.baseurl }}" class="background-image-right"/>


Make a hugo static website site navigate correctly when browsing from the local file system

I understand that the normal workflow with hugo is to generate a static site using the "hugo" command, and then deploy your site by copying the public/ directory to your production web server. I don't want to do that: I just want the html files in the public/ directory to display correctly, and have links that work, when I open them in my web browser. I do not want to run the "hugo server" command.
Specifically, the links that are generated are all missing "index.html" at the end.
For example, a link to the About page will be:
file:///C:/Users/myusername/Documents/HugoTesting/quickstart/public/about/ which will open a view of that directory when I click on it. But it will display the web page properly if I can change the link to: .../public/about/index.html
How can I make that change throughout my site? I already set "relativeUrl" to true in my config file, as it says to do here: as it was necessary to get my index page to display properly. The documentation there says this helps to " make your site browsable from a local file system" so I know it must be possible.
I've tried using permalinks and using frontmatter to try and add "index.html" to all of my links, but hugo is adding an extra '/' to whatever I specify using permalinks, and while the "url" tag in the frontmatter works, it's not feasible for me to do for every url in every page.
I think ugly URLs configuration in Hugo might help you with this, (e.g.,
Set uglyurls = true or uglyurls: true in your site’s config.toml or config.yaml, respectively.

Deploying Angular Application to GitPages - Not Routing Properly

Disclaimer: I am not a frontend guy by trade. I am being asked to deploy an Angular application other engineers have created.
I have gone through the process of deploying an Angular application to GitPages and have also tried the handy Angular CLI GH Pages library. However, they both have the same issue, and I'm not sure if it's the application itself or how I am deploying it.
The base page loads fine, but all other resources (image/font files, links to other pages, etc.) do not load properly. This is because they are not using the proper base URL; our corporate GitHub makes us use<org>/<repo> as the URL. All resources outside of the base page are not prepending the /<org>/<repo>/ part to the URL, so they are all returning 404s.
My index.html file in docs/ contains the proper base href="/<org>/<repo>/" and the docs/ folder contains all needed images and font files in its assets/ subdirectory, so I'm not sure what gives. I have also copied index.html to 404.html.
Am I missing something? Or is it possible that this web application was not created correctly for GH Pages?
Thanks in advance :-)
Change the base href to index.html only and all will work from there
base href="index.html"
From there it will take the path properly

How do I make React App Page show showing on Github?

I need help on my react app portfolio that I've uploaded to Github. Link:
The pages doesn't show up, thoug it runs fine in my local computer.
The links to your content are broken.
In your source they are like:
They should be like:
You can open up your index.html and change them all manually but there is something wrong with your build step or site config that made them that way

Tags page in jekyll site working locally but not on GitHub pages, gives 404 error

Wanted to create a "tags page" that has all posts with a certain tag. I added it to the header of my website but I keep getting a 404 error. It looks like the tags page isn't building at all?
404 Error page:
Confused as to why it works locally but not on Github pages. Thought it might be an error with my nav links but messed around with header.html a lot and got nowhere. Any help with creating the tag page on remote server would be much appreciated
GitHub Pages only allows you to run a number of whitelisted plugins, and jekyll-tagging is not one of them. This means the plugin won't run, the tag pages won't exist and you'll get a 404 response.
The suggested workaround if you want to continue using GitHub Pages and custom plugins is to build the site locally and commit the output. You could commit it to the same repo in a subfolder and then select that folder as your base in GitHub. Alternatively, you could keep the result in a separate repo (i.e. my-website and my-website-output). This way the source git history isn't tied to your output - as well as keeping each repo's file size down.
Another way altogether would be to create the tag pages without the plugin. It would be a bit more manual but not always unmaintainable depending on your use case.
Check out the ruby gem update_tags, which does what you're looking for and works in GitHub pages.
Here's some more context about how and why that gem works.

Angular JS using Grunt: Display images from local folder using relative path from JSON

So I am using a JSON that returns a lot of data about the user including pictures. The problem I am facing is that I believe the relative path to the images folder is correct however for some reason it is saying in ng-source="relativePath" instead of the image. The only conclusion I can come to is either the path is wrong or there is some sort of import I must do for the images to be used in the project.
<div ng-repeat="results in userInfo.images">
<figure class="img">
<img data-ng-source="{{results.imageUrl}}" ng-alt="{{}}" ng-title="{{}}" />
I have tried source, ng-source, and data-ng-source. When I view in console and on the html for image src it shows the relative path /images/profilePicture.png.
My project has the following structure:
Repositry Name
Using best practices the index.htlm is the container for the single page application. We are using the home.tpl.html page that is injected into the index.html container page.
I have tried switching the path to go directly from index.html -> /images/profilePicture.png as well as from home.tpl.html -> ../images/profilePicture.png.
I could not find any posts relevant to my situation but I believe perhaps you need an app.use or some sort of injection method to add the folder of images to be able to be used?
Note: I am not sure if this is helpful however when I run grunt build instead of serve I check the dist folder and the image folder does in fact have all of the images.
Change your <img data-ng-source declaration to just use ng-src:
<img ng-src="{{results.imageUrl}}" ng-alt="{{}}" ng-title="{{}}" />
More details at w3schools: ng-src
