Failing to integrate Redux-saga with Redux - reactjs

I am trying to use Redux-saga for the first time, so I have the following sagas file:
import {all, call, fork, put, takeEvery} from "redux-saga/effects";
import {auth} from 'backend/backend';
import {
} from "constants/ActionTypes";
import {showAuthMessage, userSignInSuccess, userSignOutSuccess, userSignUpSuccess} from "actions/Auth";
const createUserWithUsernamePasswordRequest = async (username, password) =>
await auth.createUserWithUsernameAndPassword(username, password)
.then(authUser => {
console.log('authUser: '+authUser);
return authUser;
.catch(error => error);
const signInUserWithUsernamePasswordRequest = async (username, password) =>
await auth.signInWithUsernameAndPassword(username, password)
.then(authUser => authUser)
.catch(error => error);
const signOutRequest = async () =>
await auth.signOut()
.then(authUser => authUser)
.catch(error => error);
function* createUserWithUsernamePassword({payload}) {
const {username, email, password} = payload;
try {
const signUpUser = yield call(createUserWithUsernamePasswordRequest, username, email, password);
if (signUpUser.message) {
yield put(showAuthMessage(signUpUser.message));
} else {
localStorage.setItem('user_id', signUpUser.user.uid);
yield put(userSignUpSuccess(signUpUser.user.uid));
} catch (error) {
yield put(showAuthMessage(error));
function* signInUserWithUsernamePassword({payload}) {
const {username, password} = payload;
try {
const signInUser = yield call(signInUserWithUsernamePasswordRequest, username, password);
if (signInUser.message) {
yield put(showAuthMessage(signInUser.message));
} else {
localStorage.setItem('user_id', signInUser.user.uid);
yield put(userSignInSuccess(signInUser.user.uid));
} catch (error) {
yield put(showAuthMessage(error));
function* signOut() {
try {
const signOutUser = yield call(signOutRequest);
if (signOutUser === undefined) {
yield put(userSignOutSuccess(signOutUser));
} else {
yield put(showAuthMessage(signOutUser.message));
} catch (error) {
yield put(showAuthMessage(error));
export function* createUserAccount() {
yield takeEvery(SIGNUP_USER, createUserWithUsernamePassword);
export function* signInUser() {
yield takeEvery(SIGNIN_USER, signInUserWithUsernamePassword);
export function* signOutUser() {
yield takeEvery(SIGNOUT_USER, signOut);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
And this is the file where the asynchronous consult to an api is performed:
import axios from 'axios';
const backendServer = 'http://localhost:8000/';
const signInEndpoint = backendServer + 'api/token_auth/';
const signInWithUsernameAndPassword = (username, password) => {"api/token_auth/", {
username: username,
password: password
.then(Response => {
console.log('Response: '+Response)
return Response;
.catch(Error => Error);
export const auth = {
signInWithUsernameAndPassword: signInWithUsernameAndPassword
The ajax is well executed through axios, and the console.log() in backend.js is reached, but the console.log() in backendAuth is not, and I get the following error in the console:
index.js:1375 Invariant Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
I believe the problem lies in the way I am defining the return of the value of the then in the ajax of backend.js, but I am pretty new to frontend development, so I am not sure about it.

The root cause is a simple fix - you are using an explicit block for the body of your signInWithUsernameAndPassword arrow function, so you need to use an explicit return. Since you have no return statement that function returns undefined which is cascading to cause the overall issue.
The quick fix is just to update the function to:
const signInWithUsernameAndPassword = (username, password) => {
return"api/token_auth/", {
username: username,
password: password
.then(Response => {
console.log('Response: '+Response)
return Response;
.catch(Error => Error);
Now to understand the final error you're seeing due at the moment: since signInWithUsernameAndPassword returns undefined, you eventually enter the catch block of signInWithUsernamePassword in backendAuth.js due to the type error of calling undefined.then in signInUserWithUsernamePasswordRequest. The error in that catch block is an Error instance, not a plain string. I'm assume you're then displaying the error that is passed to showAuthError somewhere in a react component tree, but an Error instance is not something that is valid to be rendered. You could try calling toString() on it first to display future errors instead of causing a rendering error.


How To Know If Dispatch Is Success or No In Redux Saga

So i already create the createMonsterStart and it will hit my API, my API is returning response code, and I want to alert success when the response code is 00 otherwise it will alert failed, how can i achieve that? here is my code:
const onSubmitHandler = () => {
if(dispatch success){
And here is the redux saga code:
export function* createMonsterAsync({ payload: { monster } }) {
try {
const user = yield select(getUser)
const a = yield call(createMonster, user.user.token, monster)
if (a.error) {
yield put(createMonsterFailure(a.error))
return false
const monsters = yield call(fetchMonsterAsync)
yield put(createMonsterSuccess(monsters))
} catch (error) {
yield put(createMonsterFailure(error))

how to pass parameter to generator function in redux saga from jsx?

I have 3 generator function first is "loginUserStart" where the actual request comes then the second one is "LoginUserAsync" which is called in the "loginUserStart" and third is api call function
so I am trying to pass the parameter from my signin component to the loginUserStart function but whenever I console.log(arguments) it is showing nothing
const login = async () => {
arr.userEmail = "sample_email";
arr.userPassword = "sample_password";
const logSubmit = () => {
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
signinUserStart: (data) => dispatch(signinUserStart(data))
Action file code
export const signinUserStart = (data) => ({
type: UserActionTypes.Set_SigninUser_Start,
payload: data
saga File code
API generator function code
export async function fetchUser(info) {
const email = ''; //sample_email
// const passwords = info.userPassword;
const password = 'Admin#123'; //sample_password
try {
const user = await"http://localhost:5050/sign", {
data: {
email: email,
password: password,
return user;
} catch (error) {
return error;
LoginUserAsync function
export function* LoginUserAsync(data) {
console.log("in saga");
try {
let userInfo = yield call(fetchUser, data)
yield put(setUserId('62b1c5ee515317d42239066a')); //sample_token
yield put(setCurrentUserName(;
} catch (err) {
loginUserStart function
export function* loginUserStart(action) {
console.log(action.payload);//not logging anything for showing in console
yield takeLatest(UserActionTypes.Set_SigninUser_Start, LoginUserAsync(action));
I can't be sure without seeing more code, but assuming that loginUserStart is either root saga or started from root saga it means there is no action for it to receive.
The main issue I think is this line
yield takeLatest(UserActionTypes.Set_SigninUser_Start, LoginUserAsync(action));
In the second parameter you are calling the generator function which is wrong, instead you should be passing the saga itself (as reference).
So it should look like this:
yield takeLatest(UserActionTypes.Set_SigninUser_Start, LoginUserAsync);
This way, the Redux Saga library will then call LoginUserAsync when Set_SigninUser_Start is dispatched with first param correctly set to the action object.

await of generator completing in redux-saga

I have code in component,
I need to get updated authorizedError value in function, but i get old value authorized error
// login component
const authorizedError = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.user.authorizedError);
const onSignInPress = useCallback(async () => {
await dispatch(userActions.postLoginUser({username: email, password}));
if (authorizedError) {
setNotificationErrors(['Wrong login or password'])
}, [authorizedError, validate, email, password]);
// postLoginUserSaga.js
export default function* postLoginUserSaga({
}: PayloadAction<UserCredentialsPayload>) {
try {
yield put(setSignInError(false));
const {
data: {
payload: { access_token },
} = yield, payload);
if (status !== "Ok") {
throw new Error(status);
yield setItemAsync(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, access_token);
yield put(setSignIn(true));
} catch (error) {
console.error("User login failed", error);
yield put(setSignInError(true));
// sagaRoot file
export default function* userRootSaga() {
yield all([
takeEvery(actions.postLoginUser, postLoginUserSaga),
takeEvery(actions.postRegistrationUser, postRegistrationUserSaga),
takeEvery(actions.getProfileData, getProfileDataSaga),
Redux actions don't return a promise, you can't use them like this.
If you want to use the promise API you can use the redux-thunk middleware which supports it.
If you want to use sagas you can add a callback action property instead.
// in component callback
dispatch(userActions.postLoginUser({username: email, password, callback: (authorizedError) => {
if (authorizedError) {
setNotificationErrors(['Wrong login or password'])
// in saga
try {
} catch (err) {
Although that has its own issues.
Usually you communicate from sagas back to components by changing the redux state, so you can e.g. have a state for redux error, and based on that field show the error message or show different component if the login was succesful.

Redux saga yield call not waiting with firebase?

I create a saga to update user information. But yield console.log('waiting'); not waiting util my Fibase update complete
export function* handleUpdateUserInfo(action) {
yield put(updateUserInfoPending());
const { userInfo, userID } = action;
const currentUser = yield select(state => state.user.currentUser);
const newUser = {
try {
yield call(() => updateUserProfile(newUser, userID));
yield console.log('waiting');
} catch (error) {
yield put(updateUserInfoFailure(error));
export const updateUserProfile = (newUser, userID) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
throw error;
I want to ask how I fix it? and why it happen
If you return the call from updateUserProfile, you can await its result in the caller.
export const updateUserProfile = async (newUser, userID) => {
return firestore
Then you call it with:
yield call(() => await updateUserProfile(newUser, userID));
yield console.log('waiting');

How to make await work with redux Saga in React?

The await does not seem to work with Redux saga. I need to wait for my API call to finish and then execute the remaining code. What happens now is that AFTER CALL gets printed before the RESPONSE which means await does not seem to work at all. I'm using async calls but not sure what needs to be done extra from the redux saga side?
async componentWillMount() {
console.log("BEFORE CALL")
await this.props.getUserCredit()
console.log("AFTER CALL")
mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
getUserCredit: () => dispatch(getUserCredit()),
connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(MyComponent);
export const getUserCredit = () => {
return {
Redux Saga
const getUserCreditRequest = async () => {
const response = await Api.get(getCreditUrl)
return response
function* getUserCredits() {
try {
const response = yield call(getUserCreditRequest);
if (response.status === okStatus) {
yield put({
} catch (error) {}
export function* getUserCredit() {
yield takeLatest(GET_USER_CREDIT, getUserCredits);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([fork(getUserCredit)]);
Normally, init / fetching takes place during componentDidMount and don't use async or await inside components. Let the saga middleware do its thing via yield.
// In your component
componentDidMount() { // not async
this.props.getUserCredit(); // dispatch `GET_USER_CREDIT` action
mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
getUserCredit: () => dispatch(getUserCredit()),
connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(YourComponent);
You shouldn't be using async/await pattern. As redux-saga handles it by the yield keyword. By the time call is resolved you will have the value available in response.
in actions.js, you should have an action that will carry your data to your reducer:
export function getUserCredits(userCredit) {
return {
payload: userCredit
Your saga should handle the API call like so:
function* getUserCredits() {
try {
const response = yield axios.get(getCreditUrl); <--- This should work
// No need for if here, the saga will catch an error if the previous call failed
yield put(actions.getUserCredits(;
} catch (error) {
EDIT: example of using axios with redux-saga
