How to pass data in react js sever side rendering using redux - reactjs

I have created react application using redux that is working fine. But now I want to implement SSR. Although I have implemented SSR and that is working but on page load, I want to render that with data but its rendered without data.
How can I render my page with initial data in SSR?


How to check and load only visible components in react native and load remaining page in the background?

So I want to load a page that is content driven from CMS (I cannot use WebView)
Page rendering is taking time so want to only render visible things on screen first (even if we get all the data from CMS).
And then render the remainder of the page in the background once the visible content is rendered.
I cannot use React Suspense because React native with Hermes engine doesn't support.
Came across this old post - Is there some finished rendering event in react native? where there was no solution to detect rendered event on components.
Cannot use FlatList because each section in the page content is different.
Cannot use state updation as a sign that the component has rendered because the component is heavy and takes time to render after state updation.

React Hydration - How can we hydrate a dynamic page that not fully available at build time?

I am building a website using Express and React. I go with Server-side rendering
Now I am looking for a solution to hydrate my final HTML.
The issue is at the build time, the page is still not available. A page only started with a main component and Express middlewares can add/remove sub-components to that main component. It means we only know what is the final structure of the page at the end of the request
Is there any way I can hydrate that page and make React available in the client browser?
Thank you so much

Next.js SSR also render page props

Im trying to do SSR to my React + Next.js application. I have a proble with rendering dynamic modules. In _app.js I'm loading data and put them to my redux-saga. This is working fine but my SSR does not works for that data, because Im trying to render component with redux data instead of component props.
SSR only works, when I do api call inside getInitialProps, and put those requests via getInitialProps to my component. This is weird behaviour for me but let it be. It works by this but now I got another problem.
All those data that is responsible for my content are also listed in page view source. WTF - why there are in html content. Also because of that my page source view is loading few minutes.
Is there any option to not put those props into page source view ?

React SSR and ReactiveSearch

If I have a movie search application and am using ReactiveSearch with Elasticsearch. I'd like to integrate Server Side Rendering (SSR) into the app but am trying to make sure I understand implementation first before I start.
I want my Autocomplete component to be the home page of the website and I just want to render the search box as quickly as possible. I don't necessarily want to render results within milliseconds of user coming to the page - I just want to show them them content quickly.
Do I need to implement SSR for ReactiveSearch too?
Is React SSR enough?
The primary advantage of SSR in ReactiveSearch is the results are pre-fetched on the server and populated in the ReactiveSearch store which renders them instantly as soon as the page is fetched.
If your usecase does not need the results to be server rendered then just SSR for other react components would be fine.
Note that when you use SSR for reactivesearch the server takes slighly longer to respond since it has to fetch the data from elasticsearch. So, at times SSR might not be the perfect usecase (especially if you're not interested in server rendering the results).

rerendering page with react-loadable and hydrate in Reactjs

In my project, am using react-lodable plugin for lazyloading js files and hydrate for server side rendering. but after pagelayout completes, the webpage re-rendering whole page on client-side.
re-rendering problem comes while serving html from server to client.
is this problem with react-lodable or any other issue?
