Who can verify my implementation of react menu? - reactjs

I’m studying REACT on official documentation and on the course at Udemy. I want to create an online store, first I made a small template for the site menu. Who can check the code and give feedback so that I could make the menu and the online store better? Thanks.
https://github.com/Quintis1212/react-app-prod - production
https://quintis1212.github.io/react-build/build/index.html - build


Storybook in Salesforce Lightning or alternative

Recently I've joined a new job and they are working with Salesforce. They have all pages with APEX and I propose to migrate to Lightning components.
I've created the first 7 components and I'm using Atomic Design Methodology (https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-2/) to develop these components.
I want to implement stories (with Storybook) or another similar library to document and put examples of each web component.
My question is... Is it possible? I try to install Storybook in the project and isn't working. The question is simple, whether or not you can. And if not, if you know any alternative to it.
Thank you!
In order to use Storybook, you will need to follow the provided Storybook documentation for lightning "Web Component" rather than the other available options like React and configure your VS Code to work with your SF Environment. Also, you might want to look into downloading the lwc-services, lwc-webpack-plugin and mo-dx-plugin dependency.

How do you create an admin page in React?

I was wondering if there was a way to create an administration page that can then be used to publish content on a website. This administration page would be used by those who do not understand coding to add news articles or update research information. I was looking at React-admin which uses Material Design, but their admin pages seem more focused on user data and design elements, not contributing content.
Would react-admin still be the best to use or is there an easy way to create this elsewhere?
You can build a simple CMS using React + Firebase. I came across an article, which exactly fits in to your requirements.

React/Redux with Material UI Boilerplate

I am new in reactjs and got a new project to develop in react using redux. Client requirements are Reactjs+Material UI for frontend and Express+Mongo for backend API's. I have learned all these tech separately but I am now confused how do I put all these together to begin with the project.
Please help me, if anyone have developed the project in MERN stack recently please share the code, So I can follow the file structure and routes etc.
Haha, you just gave me a chance to show our demo project.
We are currently building a website using MERN and MUI, a coding assignment in our uni. You may use the git history to track how we built it. But i need to mention that it's not in a high quality because we are still learning this tech.
Any feedback is welcome~

Looking for reactjs vscode crud example code

I would like to build a simple web app and learn reactjs at the same time, using vscode. The web app I'd like to build is very simple- just one form with multiple sections, and in each section multiple elements can be added. An example would be a section called 'People' and there is a form element for a person (first name, last name etc.). If I add that person, it appears in a list under 'People' and I can add another Person. Another section could be 'Cars', and I add a new car, etc. etc. For each new person or car I add, it gets stored in a database and I can edit/update.
I've never build a reactjs app before but I've built many angularjs apps- but it's been a while. I'm looking for an example or demo that uses reactjs to create a UI like this, and uses MySQL (or aurora) on the backend.
Ultimate goal is to get this app onto AWS. Maybe using Serverless and graphql (also tools I've never used before).
Can anyone point me to an example or tutorial that might be a good fit for what I'm trying to learn?
And if there's a better place to post this, please let me know.
Not exactly what you are looking for but these are links to some CRUD tutorials with react.
Simple CRUD App by Sophie
Step by Step React CRUD
Full-Stack React-Graphql CRUD APP

Creating a webpage with a unique URL using react/firebase?

I'm pretty new to react and building out a little prototype using Firebase as a backend. One of the primary functionalities involves a user writing a post in an editor, which is saved to firebase. On submit in the editor, I am trying to create a new standalone page for the post with the firebase uid as the ending part of the new unique URL.
The problem I'm having is figuring out a way to create the new page on submit. I haven't been able to find any documentation for a similar problem like this specific to react or firebase, and was just wondering on a high-level what a good approach to executing this might be? Thanks
The newly launched Firebase Hosting + Cloud Functions integration can help here. The first bullet point in the documentation looks like it describes your use case exactly.
You also mentioned React. There is a handy sample project showing how to implement an isomorphic React app with Firebase.
