ReactJS where are Mouse events explained? - reactjs

This page of the docs lists all mouse events, but I can find anywhere what is what

These aren't React-specific. Any general JavaScript documentation will cover it, for example,


MapBox Building Footprints Calculate Area on Click events - 2D

I'm trying to create a Building footprints map for my Website.
I have styled it successfully but for some reason I can't seem to get the data under 'Tileset'.
If anyone can help, I'm willing to pay as well.
Here's the preview link:
The click event includes an array of all features under the mouse (from top-most down). Here is an example of how to access their properties when clicking:
If you want to get the details of any displayed feature on the map, you can use the queryRenderedFeatures function. This example uses the mousemove event, but you can simply change that to a click event:
Here is a similar example:

WPF MVVM Filter Bubbles

I'm not sure if bubbles is the proper terminology, but this what I am trying to do...
I have a list of clients. The user can click a filter button and a filter panel slides down. The user chooses the filters they want and clicks a little green checkbox to set the filter. (Or a red circle with line through it, to cancel.) Once they set the filter, the filter panel slides out of the view.
I'd like the user to see a series of small filter "bubbles" at the top the list, showing the filters they have selected. Each bubble would have a little 'x' button they could click to cancel that particular filter. I've seen this on many web sites where you can filter down products lists, for instance.
So my questions are:
Is there a proper terminology for this? I've searched on filter bubbles and
breadcrumbs, but I'm not getting anything.
Is there an established MVVM friendly coding pattern, or control for this? I have some ideas, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel, if I don't have to.
Thanks for any insight.
In Angular Material design there are Chips (scroll down to see an example with the 'x' to remove a chip).
And there seems to be an implementaion of the material design in XAML which is also available as a NuGet package:
It does implement chips, but the demo pictures don't show it. A simple search on the github page for 'chips' does show that they are present:

Bootstrap dropdown-menu keyboard navigability

I have a nice and big dropdown menu (world countries) in my angularjs+bootstrap app.
I would expect I could use a keyboard alphabetical key to faster scroll the menu.
For example, hitting J I'd like to scroll to Jamaica entry...
Does a way to implement exist already, or I should think forking dropdown-menu?
There is a good stackoverflow article, Using Bootstrap typeahead with Angular, that has an answer that would likely help your cause. Using some version of a typeahead would work. The top two answers should point you in the right direction. Hope this helps

Google Maps Android API v2 - InfoWindow with clickable buttons

I'm trying to put multiple buttons inside an GoogleMaps InfoWindos.
I know that: "Info window is not a live View, rather the view is rendered as an image onto the map. As a result, any listeners you set on the view are disregarded and you cannot distinguish between click events on various parts of the view. You are advised not to place interactive components — such as buttons, checkboxes, or text inputs — within your custom info window."
Soo I'm looking for an alternative.
Thanks for your help.
impliment the infowindowcliclistner.

Interface to have transition when button is pressed

i used the solution from Setting focus to a PanoramaItem and i managed to get the result - when a button is click, it jumps to a panorama item/page. However the transition is just a disappear/appear, rather than the "sliding effect".
My question is to how am I able to have the transition with the button being pressed. Thank you in advance!
The Silverlight Toolkit includes some transitions you can use.
Read more (including examples) at
Those (in the youtube link) look like the transitions created by Kevin Marshall and are also part of WP7Contrib.
