Any suggestions on the below, i am trying to use copy into to move parquet files from S3 into snowflake table. Col1 is a timestamp and the rest are strings.
copy into table1 from
(select $1:col1, $1:col2, $1:col3
from #stage/path)
file_format = (format_name = parquet_format);
and getting the following error
Failed to cast variant value "20050111 00:00:00" to TIMESTAMP_NTZ
I have tried
copy into table1 from
(select to_timestamp($1:col1, 'yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss'), $1:col2, $1:col3
from #stage/path)
file_format = (format_name = parquet_format);
but getting the error
Error: too many arguments for function [TO_TIMESTAMP(GET(STAGE.$1, 'col1'), 'yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss')] expected 1, got 2 (line 130)
Any ideas
What's happening is this in this expression:
(select to_timestamp($1:col1, 'yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss')
This part: $1:col1 is resolving to an object rather than a primitive data type. This is what's leading to the error message about getting 2 arguments instead of one.
Changing this part of the expression to $1:col1::string casts the expression as a primitive type - string or varchar. This is the type of parameter the to_timestamp function is expecting. The final statement should be:
copy into table1 from
(select to_timestamp($1:col1::string, 'yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss'), $1:col2, $1:col3
from #stage/path)
file_format = (format_name = parquet_format);
Sql server query shows error :
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
Here is the query:
WITH employee AS (
SELECT distinct vendoritemnumber,VendorItemId,
conceptwhereused,priceupdatedate,size_uom,pack_uom,isdeleted,'' as id,'' itemid,'' as oldprice,
'' as newprice,'' as dateupdated,'' as weekenddate,'' as lastpurdate
FROM VendorItems WHERE BrgItemId=6056)
SELECT * FROM employee
SELECT '' as ven,v.VendorItemId,
from [dbo].[VendorItems] v join PriceHistory ph
on ph.ItemId=v.VendorItemId join brgitems brg on
WHERE v.BrgItemId=6056
group by vendoritemnumber,v.VendorItemId,v.VendorItemDescription,v.VendorItemDescriptionAlias,v.VendorId,v.BrgItemId,v.itemconversionFactor,
I want to show single vendoritemnumber in duplicate rows..Any suggestion??
Where is the error??
SQL Server cannot convert an empty string to NUMERIC data type. For example, the following will yield the same error:
Replace empty strings ('') with 0 or NULL.
#manoj .Just FYI to know exact error point , double click on the error in message window .It shows the exact line of code on error, Also try to check if any empty values are there for that column and as mentioned by #Serge SQL throws error while any data type is converted to numeric and if its value is empty. Best solution is to add WHERE clause and filter those cases.
I cannot figure out what I am doing incorrect here. I have the following values for these variables.
my $sql = qq~
FROM tableName u
WHERE 1=1 AND u.ManufacturerPartNumber IN ('X','Y','Z')
AND CAST(u.InspectionStartDate AS DATETIME) > (GETDATE() - ?)
my $argsRef->{lookBack} = 30;
And when I try to run a selectrow_array on the sql like such:
my $qnCount = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, $argsRef->{lookBack});
I get the following error:
DBD::ODBC::db selectrow_array failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. (SQL-22007) [for Statement "
FROM tableName u
WHERE 1=1 AND u.ManufacturerPartNumber IN ('X','Y','Z')
AND CAST(u.InspectionStartDate AS DATETIME) > (GETDATE() - ?)
So, it is my understanding that the third parameter in the selectrow_array call from a database handle should be the bind variables. Yet, they seem not to be binding....
the database handle is created as such:
my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached("dbi:ODBC:$dsn", undef, undef, {
PrintError => 0,
RaiseError => 1,
ShowErrorStatement => 1,
LongReadLen => 500000,
$dsn is the correct DSN but not shown for various reasons, but we know it works due the error message coming back from SQL Server.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
First, a shout out to ThisSuitIsBlackNot for pointing out that the problem. I made the assumption that the DBI/driver would be able to determine the value type. That was wrong. So, I explicitly stated the type:
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->bind_param( 1, ($argsRef->{lookBack} * -1), { TYPE => SQL_INTEGER });
my $qnCount = $sth->fetchrow_array();
This allowed it to go through as an integer and the SQL ran without problem.
In case you were wondering why I am multiplying by -1, is because I changed the query to use DATEADD:
FROM tableName u
WHERE 1=1 AND u.ManufacturerPartNumber IN ('x')
AND CAST(u.InspectionStartDate AS DATETIME) > DATEADD(dd, ?, GETDATE())
Although there seems to be some continuing discussion in regards to its use, it is working here.
Thank you all for your help.
A large value in a column has caused my SQL to throw error msg:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric
I have isolated this to a particular row. Here is a simplified script that "works":
, CAST(convert(numeric(15,2),'1218300.00') as int) as TrialValue
FROM dbo.Processed_VA_From_Excel
where FipsStateCode='06'
and FipsCountyCode='013'
and GuarantyAmount = '304575'
which returns results as pasted here:
So when I try to "generalize" my test by adding a 3rd column as follows it fails to convert:
, CAST(convert(numeric(15,2),'1218300.00') as int) as TrialValue
, CAST(convert(numeric(15,2),MtgeLoanAmount) as int)
FROM dbo.Processed_VA_From_Excel
and FipsCountyCode='013'
and GuarantyAmount = '304575'
returns this:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
This may work for you:
CONVERT(INT, ROUND(MtgeLoanAmount, 0)) AS MtgeLoanAmountNoCents
FipsStateCode = '06' AND
FipsCountyCode = '013' AND
GuarantyAmount = '304575'
I have a database in PostgreSQL and I'm developing an application in PHP using this database.
The problem is that when I execute the following query I get a nice result in phpPgAdmin but in my PHP application I get an error.
The query:
SELECT t.t_name, t.t_firstname
FROM teachers AS t
WHERE t.id_teacher IN (
SELECT id_teacher FROM teacher_course AS tcourse
JOIN course_timetable AS coursetime
ON tcourse.course = coursetime.course
AND to_char(to_timestamp('2010-4-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'FMD') = ( +1)
AND t.id_teacher NOT IN (
SELECT id_teacher FROM teachers_fill WHERE date = '2010-4-12'
ORDER BY t.t_name ASC
And this is the error in PHP
operator does not exist: text = integer (to_timestamp('', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'FMD') =
(courset... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s).
You might need to add explicit type casts.
The purpose to solve this error is to use the ORIGINAL query in php with :
$date = "2010"."-".$selected_month."-".$selected_day;
AND to_char(to_timestamp('$date', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'FMD') = ( +1)
AND t.id_teacher NOT IN (
SELECT id_teacher FROM teachers_fill WHERE date = '$date'
The error message seems quite clear to me. You are mixing strings and numbers. More precisely, you are converting a string ('2010-4-12') to a timestamp, then to a string, then comparing to an int. This is a type mess, and postgresql is quite strict with typing (for good reasons). What are you trying to do here ?
to_char(to_timestamp('2010-4-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'FMD') = ( +1))
Further, you should use a TIMESTAMP, just a DATE.
If (I'm not sure) you are tring to compare the day of week from a date formated as 'YYYY-MM-DD' to a given value (as an integer), you should better use date_part. For example (not tested):
date_part('dow' , to_date('2010-4-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD') ) = + 1