Odoo SSO With Azure AD - azure-active-directory

We installed odoo 12 and try to connect with azure AD. Users are authenticated successfully via Azure AD OAuth but it showing error AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application.

This error usually occurs when the redirect_uri in the authorization request mismatch the redirect url configured in Azure portal.
You can find the redirect_uri in the authentication url:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/authorize? client_id=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e &response_type=code &redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A12345 &response_mode=query &resource=https%3A%2F%2Fservice.contoso.com%2F &state=12345
Copy the value of redirect_uri and paste it to Azure portal(Authentication->redirect URI).


How to implement AAD B2C and OKTA Integration?

We have a requirement to integrate ADB2C with OKTA as an external Identity Provider.
OKTA will hold the External users and these users needs to access the applications hosted on Azure.
How do I implement the Integration between AAD B2C and OKTA ?
Thanks for posting your query. In order to integrate OKTA as IDP, kindly follow: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/identity-provider-generic-saml?tabs=windows&pivots=b2c-custom-policy. It has to be added as a SAML IDP
You can configure Azure AD B2C to allow users to sign in to your application with credentials from external social or enterprise SAML identity providers (IdP). When Azure AD B2C federates with a SAML identity provider, it acts as a service provider initiating a SAML request to the SAML identity provider, and waiting for a SAML response. In the following diagram:
The application initiates an authorization request to Azure AD B2C.
The application can be an OAuth 2.0 or OpenId Connect application, or
a SAML service provider.
In the Azure AD B2C sign-in page, the user chooses to sign-in with a SAML identity provider account (for example, Contoso). Azure AD B2C
initiates a SAML authorization request and takes the user to the SAML
identity provider to complete the sign-in.
The SAML identity provider returns a SAML response. Azure AD B2C validates the SAML token, extracts claims, issues its own token, and
takes the user back to the application.
Yes, Azure Active Directory B2C has a free tier for your first 50,000 active users per month (MAU), which you can use for testing purposes. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/trial/get-started-active-directory-b2c/
Log in to the Azure portal by using your existing Azure subscription or by starting a free trial. On the left side, click on the New button and search for B2C. Click Create.
Click Create a new Azure AD B2C tenant and fill in all the fields.
Once you are ready click Create and wait for creation of your
directory to finish.
Once your directory is created, a prompt will appear notifying you
your new directory is ready. Click on the link in the prompt to
access your new directory.
The B2C settings blade appears, where you configure and manage your
Azure Active Directory B2C directory.

Okta as IDP Azure AD

has anyone successfully configured OKTA as Identity provider (IDP) in Azure Active Directory so that token recieved from OKTA can be leveraged by apps in Azure.
I have gone thru several stackoverflow queries but none has any step by step guidance on how to add it in Azure AD as an external IDP.
any help?
thank you
• Yes, you can configure Okta as an IDP in Azure as a federated identity provider but please ensure that it supports SAML 2.0 or WS-Fed protocol for direct federation to work. Therefore, to proceed further, ensure that organization using Okta as an IDP has its DNS records correctly configured and updated for the domain to be matched with the target domain or a host within the target domain in case of a passive authentication URL.
Once, the DNS records are setup correctly for an IDP’s domain name, then configure the partner IDP with the required claims and relying party trusts such that their SAML metadata file or URL is retrieved and uploaded for adding the Okta using IDP as an external identity as shown below in the snapshot: -
• Once, you have configured the SAML/WS-Fed supporting Okta IDP as a partner/external identity provider in the Azure AD tenant, ensure to configure specific attributes and claims to be configured at the third-party IDP such that these attributes are received in the SAML 2.0 response from the IDP itself when any user tries to login to the Azure AD using Okta identity.
Ensure that the below attributes and claims are received as information in the SAML token from the configured Okta IDP: -
AssertionConsumerService, Audience, Issuer, NameID and http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
From the above snapshot, ensure to fill the following details for configuring the Okta IDP as an external identity provider: -
a) Issuer URI - The issuer URI of the partner's IdP.
b) Passive authentication endpoint - The partner IdP's passive requestor endpoint.
c) Certificate - The signing certificate ID.
d) Metadata URL - The location of the IdP's metadata for automatic renewal of the signing certificate.
Thus, in this way, you can add an Okta based IDP in Azure through federated external identity. For more details regarding this, I would suggest you to please refer to the below links for more details: -
Okta as IDP in Azure AD

Troubleshooting header based single sign on in Azure AD Proxy

I have configured header based single sign on through Azure AD Proxy.
Post authentication, headers are received by integrated applications.
I am checking if I can also trace SSO headers passed from Azure AD proxy?

Required information for configure application with Azure AD SSO

We required to configure our application SSO with azure AD. Developer asking below information for configure SSO, could your please tell me where i find these information in Azure AD.
What we will need from the SSO Provider are the following details:
Issuer URL
Sign in URL
X.509 Certificate
Thanks in advance,

OpenId Connect accessing both graph api and on prem resource with single login

Trying to get a ASP.NET web application to access both a local resource and graph api using a single login.
The environment consists of a on prem adfs as well as a Azure AD instance that is synced and federated against on prem ad.
I have the following working.
Configure the application to use OpenId Connect authentication against Azure AD with a client configured in azure ad. The user authenticates and i receive a authentication code that i can use to get a token to call graph api successfully.
Configure the application to use OpenId Connect authentication against ADFS using a client_id configured in ADFS. The user authenticates and i get a authentication code that i use to get a bearer token to call the local resource.
However i cannot find a way to get access to both the local resource and graph api with a single login. Is this at all possible? Could someone point me in the right direction?
You can use a Delegated token which contains both a valid Client and User.
See the documentation and Stackoverflow thread.
If it is just read-access and not write-access then what you are describing should be possible.
