I'd like to make an ontology of the XML code below:
<Event Name="INIT" Comment="Initialization Request">
<With Var="MODE" />
<Event Name="REQ" Comment="Update Request">
<With Var="MODE" />
<Event Name="CNF" Comment="Update Confirmation">
<With Var="LED1" />
I built a superclass InterfaceList with the subclasses of EventInputs and EventOutputs but the problem occurs when it comes to subclasses: "Event" and "With".
since in the owl ontology it is not possible to create subclasses with the same name, what would be the suggestion about the subclass of "Event" and "With" that differs in EventInputs and EventOutputs
i need to load XML file into snowflake which is nested in many ways ,sample as below, i have loaded it in table with VARIANT datatype which comes as a XML format.
how to convert XML into table format and load .
<DocName>DC Batch Number</DocName>
<Date>20220728T164027.000 GMT</Date>
<DCReceivedDate>20220728T164027.000 GMT</DCReceivedDate>
<RouteTo>ROUTE ENGINE</RouteTo>
<rejectDesc />
<spouse />
<dependant />
<fullTimeStudent />
<workMissed days="0" />
</detail>`enter code here`
please advise how to use select statement in snowflake to get this code into table.
I have a page where users register and can make their personal diet plan etc.
I am trying to make some graphs with built-in VS dashboards.
I am using VS 2015 and SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18206.0 if that matters.
My problems are the following:
Automatic (SUM)
Dashboard values default to SUM function, which I am not able to change, as you see in the first picture, but I kind of managed to solve this problem with the help of SQL (SELECT DISTINCT, SELECT TOP(1) etc.)
Automatic (SUM)
Default year count
When I am trying to make a dashboard to show track of user's vitals and activity, which is the core of my statistics, time defaults to YEAR and the result end up like the second picture.
Default year count
There is nothing I can do to change these and I just made irrelevant graphs to fill the page, but it's a shame because I planned to make a lot of graphs with the table you see in the third picture.
User History table
If it helps, the XML code generated from the last dashboard is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Title Text="YearDashBoard" />
<SqlDataSource ComponentName="DataSource1">
<Connection Name="foodConnectionString" FromAppConfig="true" />
<Query Type="SelectQuery" Name="UserHistory1" Distinct="true">
<Table Name="UserHistory" />
<Column Table="UserHistory" Name="CaloriesDate" />
<Column Table="UserHistory" Name="DailyCalories" />
<Column Table="UserHistory" Name="UserID" />
<Filter>[UserHistory.UserID] = 17</Filter>
<ConnectionOptions CloseConnection="true" CommandTimeout="0" />
<Chart ComponentName="chartDashboardItem1" Name="Chart 1" DataSource="DataSource1" DataMember="UserHistory1">
<Measure DataMember="DailyCalories" DefaultId="DataItem0" />
<Dimension DataMember="CaloriesDate" DefaultId="DataItem1" />
<Argument DefaultId="DataItem1" />
<Pane Name="Pane 1">
<Value DefaultId="DataItem0" />
<LayoutGroup Weight="100">
<LayoutItem DashboardItem="chartDashboardItem1" Weight="100" />
Finally, with the help of DevExpress technical team, I found out that the whole time there was an invisible scroll bar, but you had to mouse over it (!) while being on the "BINDING" tab of the menu.
I want to achieve two-way binding on a array with Data Binding in Android.
This is a simplified version of the code I have:
type="Integer[]" />
android:text="#={Converter.toString(values[0])} />
But when I try to build this code I get a message as follows:
cannot find method setTo(java.lang.Integer[], int, java.lang.Integer) in class android.databinding.ViewDataBinding
How can I achieve two-way binding with an array, if at all possible?
How about trying the following way by using ArrayList.
<import type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
android:text="#={Converter.toString(values.get(0))} />
Can any one provide me simple example in camel with JAXB using spring XML? I searched on net but did not find anything.
I just want to create simple Student class with fields name, id and convert it into xml.
Not sure what in particular you're struggling with, but here are some snippets:
<util:map id="jaxbNamespacePrefixMap">
<!-- In my case, we dont want a prefix for our namespace; YMMV -->
<entry key="http://www.nmcourts.gov" value=""/>
<jaxb prettyPrint="true" contextPath="generated.gov.nmcourts.ecitation.shared.odyssey"
partClass="generated.gov.nmcourts.ecitation.shared.odyssey.NMCitationEFileBatch" partNamespace="EFileBatch"
<jaxb prettyPrint="true" contextPath="generated.gov.nmcourts.ecitation.shared.odyssey"
partNamespace="EFileBatch" namespacePrefixRef="jaxbNamespacePrefixMap" />
What do you need exactly?
http://camel.apache.org/jaxb shows perfectly well how to marshal to xml via spring.
Pretty straightforward question.
I have a table on a SQL Server Database that has an field with a DbType of XML.
I would like to write to that field using the format of Log4Net's XML layout WITHOUT writing a custom appender; using the in-the-box AdoNetAppender.
Below is my current code, however, when it attempts to log, it will insert a record, but the "Exception" field will be blank.
(I've simplified the code for the purpose of this question; it used to write to many other fields using the pattern layout. I've confirmed that the Appender does work and that log4net is configured properly, I'm just trying to log to a dbtype of XML using log4net's included XMLLayout.)
<appender name="AdoNetAppender_SqlServer" type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender">
<bufferSize value="1" />
<connectionType value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<ConnectionStringName value="CONNECTIONSTRING"/>
<commandText value="dbo.TestLog_Insert #Exception = #Exception" />
<parameterName value="#Exception"/>
<dbType value="XML"/>
<size value="4000"/>
<layout type="log4net.Layout.XMLLayout" value="%exception" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
<levelMin value="INFO"/>
<acceptOnMatch value="true"/>
<filter type="log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter"/>