Injecting dependencies in <head> vs package.json - reactjs

I have bootstrap dependency inside the "head" tag of html file which references physically added library files that i downloaded.
I also have a bootstrap dependency inside package.json added via npm.
I only need the dependencies in one place right? For example i can remove from "head" tag and keep inside package.json?

Adding dependencies inside your package.json does not means that dependencies are automatically used by your bundle: you have to import stuff inside your JS/SASS to make this happen.
You didn't said what is you bootstrap dependency, but let say is the default Bootstrap package. You have to do:
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"
To have the Bootstrap CSS bundled in your application.
The same for the JavaScript source... but I don't think you really want to have Bootstrap JS in a React app. Look at react-bootstrap instead.


Snowpack with React and CSS modules bundled into JavaScript

I’m having an issue with Snowpack and CSS modules. When I build the app it creates a .json file with the hashed and non-hashed class names but they are not loaded into index.js and all the classes show as undefined when inspecting the page. When I look at the source I can see an empty object that looks like it should have the JSON in and if I add it manually it works... is there something I need to configure to get this to work or should it just do it after importing the xxx.module.css file?
Additionally is there a way to bundle the css in with the JavaScript so it injects the styles at runtime rather than having a separate css file? Maybe using #snowpack/webpack to bundle them?
I just updated to the latest version of snowpack and it doesn’t even generate the .json file...

CSS-In-JS in React or merging the styling inside the JavaScript

In a React app, we usually import CSS files into the JavaScript components.
I thought this way we inject the CSS into the final JavaScript build.
However, it seems that React (at least create-react-app) still generates separate CSS files.
Why is that?
Is there any way to force CSS stylings to be part of the final r? Kind of CSS-In-JS?
You should eject the create-react-app and change webpack config file (style-loader similar question) to not create separate file for css bundle or use html-inline-css-webpack-plugin.

I want to integrate Bootstrap to my react project (can we add them through dependency)

I have a custom files like
- bootstrap.css
- bootstrap.js
- owl-carosel.min.css
- owl-carosel.min.js
etc. I want to add them locally from my assets folder inside src to my index.js
I have tried adding them to my index.html but the problem is i have to move my assets folder to public folder.
When i try adding them using import statement it Fails to compile
Failed to compile
./src/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-3-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./src/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css)
Module not found: Can't resolve '../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot' in '/home/cedex12/Gokul/food-day/src/assets/css'
Can we add them like
Step1:'bootstrap': 'file:/path/to/your/repo'
Step2:npm install
I want to integrate them to my index.js file.
With js you can use the function import() that allow you to import external js file in a js file ;) Just read the doc
try using react-bootstrap framework its build with react components! here a link:

Parcel-Bundler how to add SVG like how react does it

I am using parcel with typescript and out the box everything just works,
Now when I try to include svg it didn't work,
This is because I needed to change in typescript
declare module "*.svg"
This allows me to now compile my typescript.
Now the other thing that doesn't work is now I want to import my SVG component
and just use it like create-react-app 2
Import Icon from "./icon.svg"
function DisplayIcon(){
return <Icon/>
So this looked straightforward
yarn install and I get Can't resolve
<Typescript file>:<Line>:<Column>: Cannot resolve dependency './icon.svg' at '<Icon Location>'
So I think maybe it's the plugin and I try to use
I get the same issue.
What is it that I am missing?
I see some people have .babelrc files but the plugins should just work out the box atleast that is what the documentation says.
Using plugins in Parcel could not be any simpler. All you need to do
is install and save them in your package.json. Plugins should be named
with the prefix parcel-plugin- or #your-scope/parcel-plugin-, e.g.
parcel-plugin-foo or #your-scope/parcel-plugin-foo. Any dependencies
listed in package.json with these prefixes will automatically be
loaded during initialization.
It seems like the plugins boot, but nothing works.
Without the plugins I get the file in my public path with a string to it in my JavaScript runtime.
What am I missing and what am I doing wrong?

Integrating Angular 4 with an External Bootstrap HTML Template

I have been an Angular1 developer and recently considering using Angular4 for a new web application project.
With Angular1, I used to purchase an 'Bootstrap Admin Theme' which came with well done and consistent CSS and a lot of JS plugins put together which allowed me to focus on the application itself. I used to insert Angular1 code into it in the areas where there was data manipulation and I enjoyed doing that. So I had the best of both worlds.
Is there any way, this could be achieved in Angular2/Angular4, 1) without really missing out the JS plugins the Theme offers and 2) without having to copy the CSS everywhere ?
Yes it is possible but you will have to do 'some' tweaking.
First of all import all your js plug-ins through npm
npm install (plug in) --save
Then you will have to edit your angular-cli.json to include js plug-ins (js & css)
"styles": ["styles.css"],
"scripts": [],
Put the path to styles & scripts in to array
Then you should add main template css file in to predefined styles.css
Next you should break up your pages in to components (view components and 'tag' components).
Now about custom app dev:
Add your custom
- js in to *.component.js
- css in to *.component.css
- html in to *.component.html
(* stands for component name)
et voila...
