How to store refs in functional component properly - reactjs

I'm trying to create a component that tests english vocabulary.
Basically, there are 4 options with 1 correct.
When user chooses option, the right option is highlited in green, and the wrong one in red.
Then user can push the "next" button to go to the next batch of words.
I store refs in object (domRefs, line 68).
Populate it at line 80.
And remove all refs at line 115.
But it doesnt get removed, and leads to error (line 109)
So the question is - How to store these refs and what would be the better way to write this component?
Please help, Thanks.

You shouldn't keep refs for component in global variable, since it's making your component singleton. To apply some styles just use conditional rendering instead. Also, it's better to split your test app into several separate components with smaller responsibilities:
const getClassName(index, selected, rightAnswer) {
if (selected === null) {
if (index === rightAnswer) {
return classes.rightAnswer;
if (index === selected) {
return classes.wrongAnswer;
const Step = ({ question, answers, rightAnswer, selected, onSelect, onNext }) => (
<div ...>
<div>{ question }</div>
(answer, index) => (
key={ index }
onClick={ () => onSelect(index) }
className={ getClassName(index, selected, rightAnswer) }
) }
{ selected && <button onClick={ onNext() }>Next</button> }
const Test = () => {
const [ index, setIndex ] = useState();
const word = ..., answers = ..., onSelect = ..., onNext = ...,
return (
question={ word }
answers={ answers }
... />


React component not re-rendering on component state change

I am working on a sidebar using a recursive function to populate a nested list of navigation items.
Functionally, everything works except for the re-render when I click on one of the list items to toggle the visibility of the child list.
Now, when I expand or collapse the sidebar (the parent component with its visibility managed in its own state), the list items then re-render as they should. This shows me the state is being updated.
I have a feeling this possibly has something to do with the recursive function?
import React, { useState } from "react";
import styles from "./SidebarList.module.css";
function SidebarList(props) {
const { data } = props;
const [visible, setVisible] = useState([]);
const toggleVisibility = (e) => {
let value =;
if (visible.includes(value)) {
setVisible((prev) => {
let index = prev.indexOf(value);
let newArray = prev;
newArray.splice(index, 1);
return newArray;
} else {
setVisible((prev) => {
let newArray = prev;
return newArray;
const hasChildren = (item) => {
return Array.isArray(item.techniques) && item.techniques.length > 0;
const populateList = (data) => {
return => {
return (
onClick={(e) => toggleVisibility(e)}
{visible.includes( ? (
<ul id={}>
{hasChildren(object) && populateList(object.techniques)}
) : null}
let list = populateList(data);
return <ul>{list}</ul>;
export default SidebarList;
There are many anti patterns with this code but I will just focus on rendering issue. Arrays hold order. Your state does not need to be ordered so it's easier to modify it, for the case of demo I will use object. Your toggle method gets event, but you want to get DOM value. That's not necessary, you could just sent your's data unique key.
See this demo as it fixes the issues I mentioned above.

Remove text by clicking on it - React

I'm trying to start learning react but fail understanding basic logic.
I have a todo list page, which works fine with a strike-through, but if I try to change the strike through to REMOVE instead, my app disappears on click.
Here's my code, hopefully you can understand:
function Note({ notes, note, onClickSetter }) {
const { input, id } = note
const [strikeThrough, setStrikeThrough] = useState(false);
function onNoteClick(event) {
const { value, id } =
//setStrikeThrough((prev) => !prev) - the strike through which is canceled right now
onClickSetter(prev => prev.filter(aNote => !== id)) // why this doesn't work?
return (
<h1 style={ strikeThrough ? {textDecoration: 'line-through'} : { textDecoration: 'none' }} id={id} onClick={onNoteClick}>{input}</h1>
a little explanation on my props:
notes - literally the list of notes which comes from a useState on father component (we shouldn't touch this from my understanding of react)
note - self note information
onClickSetter - the other part of useState, the setter one.
So on another words, I have the notes which holds all notes, and onClickSetter which is in another words is setNotes - both part of useState
on top of that I have a note information, because this is a note component
the father component:
function Body() {
const [Notes, setNotes] = useState([])
return (
<div className='notes-body'>
<NewNote onClickSetter={setNotes}/>
{ => { return <Note key={} notes={Notes} note={note} onClickSetter={setNotes}/>})}
function NewNote({ onClickSetter }) {
const [input, setInput] = useState('')
function onInputChange(event) {
const { value } =
function onButtonClick(event) {
onClickSetter((prev) => {
try {
return [...prev, {input: input, id: prev[prev.length-1].id+1}]
return [{input: input, id: 0}]
return (
<Input placeholder="add new note" className='note-text' onChange={onInputChange} value={input}/>
<Button className='btn btn-primary add-note' onClick={onButtonClick} />
The reason is that is a string representing a number since all HTML attributes has the string type. Whilst in your data structure, the ID is a number. So, e.g. "1" vs 1. This can be hard to spot sometimes.
The easiest way to fix this is to add a parseInt to the right place to convert the string to a number:
onClickSetter((prev) => prev.filter((aNote) => !== parseInt(id)))
However, I also want to mention (and this is more advanced stuff but I like to get people on the right track :) ) that really, you shouldn't pass the whole setter down into the child component, but instead a callback called something like onRemoveNote that accept the note id and the actual filtering/removal would happen in the parent component.
This would be better placement of concerns. For now though, the above will work and I can help you out on stack overflow chat if needed :).

Applying state change to specific index of an array in React

Yo there! Back at it again with a noob question!
So I'm fetching data from an API to render a quizz app and I'm struggling with a simple(I think) function :
I have an array containing 4 answers. This array renders 4 divs (so my answers can each have an individual div). I'd like to change the color of the clicked div so I can verify if the clicked div is the good answer later on.
Problem is when I click, the whole array of answers (the 4 divs) are all changing color.
How can I achieve that?
I've done something like that to the divs I'm rendering :
const [on, setOn] = React.useState(false);
function toggle() {
setOn((prevOn) => !prevOn);
const styles = {
backgroundColor: on ? "#D6DBF5" : "transparent",
I'll provide the whole code of the component and the API link I'm using at the end of the post so if needed you can see how I render the whole thing.
Maybe it's cause the API lacks an "on" value for its objects? I've tried to assign a boolean value to each of the items but I couldn't seem to make it work.
Thanks in advance for your help!
The whole component :
import React from "react";
import { useRef } from "react";
export default function Quizz(props) {
const [on, setOn] = React.useState(false);
function toggle() {
setOn((prevOn) => !prevOn);
const styles = {
backgroundColor: on ? "#D6DBF5" : "transparent",
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
let temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
return array;
let answers = props.incorrect_answers;
const ref = useRef(false);
if (!ref.current) {
ref.current = true;
const cards =, key) => (
<div key={key} className="individuals" onClick={toggle} style={styles}>
return (
<div className="questions">
<div className="individuals__container">{cards}</div>
<hr />
The API link I'm using : ""
Since your answers are unique in every quizz, you can use them as id, and instead of keeping a boolean value in the state, you can keep the selected answer in the state, and when you want render your JSX you can check the state is the same as current answer or not, if yes then you can change it's background like this:
function Quizz(props) {
const [activeAnswer, setActiveAnswer] = React.useState('');
function toggle(answer) {
const cards =, key) => (
<div key={key}
onClick={()=> toggle(answer)}
style={{background: answer == activeAnswer ? "#D6DBF5" : "transparent" }}>

I want only one component state to be true between multiple components

I am calling components as folloews
{, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<Address useraddress={useraddress} />
Their state:
const [showEditAddress, setShowEditAddress] = useState(false);
and this is how I am handling their states
const switchEditAddress = () => {
if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
Well, it's better if you want to toggle between true and false to use the state inside useEffect hook in react.
useEffect will render the component every time and will get into your condition to set the state true or false.
In your case, you can try the following:
useEffect(() => { if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
} }, [showEditAddress])
By using useEffect you will be able to reset the boolean as your condition.
Also find the link below to react more about useEffect.
It would be best in my opinion to keep your point of truth in the parent component and you need to figure out what the point of truth should be. If you only want one component to be editing at a time then I would just identify the address you want to edit in the parent component and go from there. It would be best if you gave each address a unique id but you can use the index as well. You could do something like the following:
UserAddress Component
const UserAddress = ({index, editIndex, setEditIndex, userAddress}) => {
<button onClick={() => setEditIndex(index)}>Edit</button>
{editIndex === index && <div style={{color: 'green'}}>Your editing {userAddress}</div>}
Parent Component
const UserAddresses = () => {
const addresses = ['120 n 10th st', '650 s 41 st', '4456 Birch ave']
const [editIndex, setEditIndex] = useState(null)
return, index) => <UserAddress key={index} index={index} editIndex={editIndex} setEditIndex={setEditIndex} userAddress={userAddress}/>;
Since you didn't post the actual components I can only give you example components but this should give you an idea of how to achieve what you want.

react dynamically add children to jsx/component

I'm attempting to render a component based on template jsx pieces. Reason being because I have a few of these situations in my app but with subtle customizations and I'd rather leave the business logic for the customizations in the respective component, not the factory.
Parent Template
Child Template
In the render function I want to add n child components to the parent. So if n=4 then I would expect output like
I tried using parentTemplate.children.push with no avail because the group template is still JSX at this point and not yet a rendered component. How can I accomplish this task using jsx + react ?
Here is what my actual code looks like so far
render() {
let groupTemplate = <ListGroup></ListGroup>
let itemTemplate = (item) => {
return <ListGroup.Item>{}</ListGroup.Item>;
if (this.props.itemTemplate) itemTemplate = this.props.itemTemplate;
let itemsJsx;
this.props.navArray.forEach((item) => {
return (
From the parent:
const groupTemplate = <ListGroup className='custom-container-classes'></ListGroup>
const itemTemplate = <ListGroup.Item className='customized-classes'></ListGroup.Item>
<NavigationFactory groupTemplate={groupTemplate} itemTemplate={itemTemplate}>
You could use render props, which is the best way to achieve something like that:
The parent:
render={children => <ListGroup className='custom-container-classes'>
The Child:
render() {
this.props.render( => <ListGroup.Item key={}>
This will let you define the container on your calling function and enables you to create the chidlren as you want.
Hope this helps.
Unclear on your question but I have attempted to figure out based on your code on what you are trying to do, see if it helps, else I'll delete my answer.
The mechanism of below code working is that it takes in groupTemplate which in your case you'll be passing in as a prop which then takes children within it and returns them composed all together. There's default children group template which you can use if no related prop is passed and you have a mapper function within the render which determines which template to use and renders n number of times based on navArray length.
componentDidMount() {
// setup default templates
if (!this.props.navButtonContainerTemplate) {
this.prop.navButtonContainerTemplate = (items) => {
return <ListGroup>{items}</ListGroup>
if (!this.props.navButtonTemplate) {
this.props.navButtonTemplate = (item) => {
return (
render() {
const itemsJsx = => {
const itemJsx = this.props.navButtonTemplate(obj)
return itemJsx;
return this.props.navButtonContainerTemplate(itemsJsx);
Pass the contents as regular children to the ListGroup via standard JSX nesting:
render() {
let itemTemplate = (item) => {
return <ListGroup.Item>{}</ListGroup.Item>;
if (this.props.itemTemplate) itemTemplate = this.props.itemTemplate;
return (
{ => (
