WPF how to dispose a running operation with Task - wpf

I've a method which check if a directory exists or not.
public static bool FileExists(string path, int timeout = 500)
Func<bool> func = () => File.Exists(path);
using (Task<bool> task = new Task<bool>(func))
return task.Wait(timeout) && task.Result;
It works fine but when I close my wpf application, sometimes I had this exception:
A task may only be disposed if it is in a completion state (RanToCompletion, Faulted or Canceled)
Any hints how to detect the exception? I tried to wrap my code into try...catch block but I think there's more elegand solution,

There is an overload of the Wait method accepts a CancellationToken. If you use this one, you could cancel it using a CancellationTokenSource as described in the docs.
You don't really need to dispose the task though:
public static bool FileExists(string path, int timeout = 500)
Func<bool> func = () => File.Exists(path);
Task<bool> task = Task.Run(func);
return task.Wait(timeout) && task.Result;
Stephan Toub explains more about this in his blog post:
Do I need to dispose of Tasks?


MSTest where constructor leads to asynchronous method

I have a viewmodel whose constructor leads to some asynchronous calls and I'm having trouble testing their result.
public ExamAcquireImageViewModel(ICore coreInstance, ExamManager examManager, Action cancelHandler) : base(examManager)
TemplateVm.OnSelectionChanged += StartAcquiringImages;
SelectedLocationInTemplate = SelectedLocationInTemplate ?? FindNextLowest();
private void StartAcquiringImages(LocationViewModel nextLocation = null)
new Thread(() =>
// expensive operation
_recon = _coreInstance.AcquireImageSet(Exam, SelectedLocationInTemplate.LocationModel);
int width = 1000;
int height = 1000;
// (less) expensive operation
AcquiredImage = _recon?.RenderImageAndGetCurrentFrame().ToWriteableBitmap(width, height);
SelectedLocationInTemplate = GetNextLocation();
The constructor assigns the OnSelectionChanged and then changes the selection, setting off the image acquisition process. I want to test that AcquireImages has been assigned to.
public void TestAcquisition()
ExamAcquireImageViewModel acqVm = new ExamAcquireImageViewModel(mockCore.Object, examManager, () => { });
I have all my Moqs set up correctly. However because of the threaded/asynchronous operations, the test fails because the assertion runs before any AcquiredImage gets set (indeed, I imagine, before anything in the new Thread gets run).
I've tried ExamAcquireImageViewModel acqVm = await new ExamAcquireImageViewModel(mockCore.Object, examManager, () => { }); but that doesn't compile (no GetAwaiter etc).
How do I wait for this thread in my tests?
I'll also want to test that the SelectedLocationInTemplate "increments" automatically and each next image gets acquired (see last line in the Thread). I don't know where I'd intercept or "peek into" the whole process to see that happening.
For anyone who has a similar problem, I will answer my own question.
It's very very very simple. Thread.Sleep.
public void TestAcquisitionSucess()
ExamAcquireImageViewModel acqVm = GetAcqVm();

Awaiting IEnumerable<Task<T>> individually C#

In short, I have a Task enumerable, and I would like to run each Task within the array in an await fashion. Each Task will perform a slow network operation and from my end I simply need to update the WinForm UI once the task is finished.
Below is the code I'm currently using, however I think this is more of a hack than an actual solution:
private void btnCheckCredentials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// GetNetCredentials() is irrelevant to the question...
List<NetworkCredential> netCredentials = GetNetCredentials();
// This call is not awaited. Displays warning!
netCredentials.ForEach(nc => AwaitTask(ValidateCredentials(nc)));
public async Task<bool> ValidateCredentials(NetworkCredential netCredential)
// Network-reliant, slow code here...
public async Task AwaitTask(Task<bool> task)
await task;
// Dumbed-down version of displaying the task results
txtResults.Text += task.Result.ToString();
2nd line of btnCheckCredentials_Click() warning is shown:
Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'await' operator to the result of the call.
This actually works the way I wanted to, since I do not want to wait for the operation to complete. Instead I just want to fire away the tasks, and then do something as soon as each one of them finishes.
The Task.WhenAny() or Task.WhenAll() methods do function as I expect, since I would like to know of every task finishing - as soon as it finishes. Task.WaitAll() or Task.WaitAny() are blocking and therefore undesirable as well.
Edit: All tasks should start simultaneously. They may then finish in any order.
Are you looking for Task.WhenAll?
await Task.WhenAll(netCredentials.Select(nc => AwaitTask(ValidateCredentials(nc)));
You can do all the completion processing you need in AwaitTask.
The await task; is a bit awkward. I'd do it like this:
public async Task AwaitTask(netCredential credential)
var result = await ValidateCredentails(credential);
// Dumbed-down version of displaying the task results
txtResults.Text += result.ToString();
You can do this by using Task.WhenAny marking it as async (async void here is fine since you're inside an event handler):
private async void btnCheckCredentials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// GetNetCredentials() is irrelevant to the question...
List<NetworkCredential> netCredentials = GetNetCredentials();
var credentialTasks = netCredentials
.Select(cred => ValidateCredentialsAsync(cred))
while (credentialTasks.Count > 0)
var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(credentialTasks);
// Do stuff with finished task.
You can fire and forget each task and add callback when task is completed.
private async void btnCheckCredentials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<NetworkCredential> netCredentials = GetNetCredentials();
foreach (var credential in netCredentials)
ValidateCredentails(credential).ContinueWith(x=> ...) {
So instead of labda expression you can create callback method and know exactly when the particular task finished.

Why is my GUI freezing?

I'm new in TPL world, and I did that code:
var myItems = myWpfDataGrid.SelectedItems;
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
var scheduler = new LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler(5);
TaskFactory factory = new TaskFactory(scheduler);
foreach (MyItem item in myItems)
Task myTask = factory.StartNew(() =>
).ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Exception.InnerException != null)
}), null);
The only one access to gui is "var myItems = myWpfDataGrid.SelectedItems;"
and it is read only! The function "DoLoooongWork()" does access to serial ports, etc. It's a separated SDK function that doesn't access the GUI. I know that "Dispatcher.BeginInvoke" is a bit redundant, but I don't know what I can do, or what I'm doing wrong. The only reason to this code is to free the GUI while "DoLoooongWork()" executes, but the GUI is frozen!
What's wrong with that code?
Thanks to #Euphoric help, I discovered the problem that is similar to that post:
COM Interop hang freezes entire COM system. How to cancel COM call
I presume some objects inside DoLoooongWork require thread affinity and message pumping. Try my ThreadWithAffinityContext and see if helps, use it like this:
private async void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var staThread = new Noseratio.ThreadAffinity.ThreadWithAffinityContext(
staThread: true, pumpMessages: true))
foreach (MyItem item in myItems)
await staThread.Run(() =>
}, CancellationToken.None);
catch (Exception ex)
More info about ThreadWithAffinityContext.
[UPDATE] You mentioned in the comments that the code inside DoLoooongWork looks like this:
zkemkeeper.CZKEM axCZKEM1 = new zkemkeeper.CZKEM();
axCZKEM1.Connect_Net(ip, port);
I never heard of "zkemkeeper" before, but I did a brief search and found this question. Apparently, Connect_Net only establishes the connection and starts a session, while the whole communication logic happens asynchronously via some events, as that question suggests:
bIsConnected = axCZKEM1.Connect_Net("", Convert.ToInt32("4370"));
if (bIsConnected == true)
iMachineNumber = 1;
if (axCZKEM1.RegEvent(iMachineNumber, 65535))
this.axCZKEM1.OnFinger += new kemkeeper._IZKEMEvents_OnFingerEventHandler(axCZKEM1_OnFinger);
this.axCZKEM1.OnVerify += new zkemkeeper._IZKEMEvents_OnVerifyEventHandler(axCZKEM1_OnVerify);
// ...
That would be a whole different story. Leave a comment if that's the case and you're still interested in some solution.
I had a hunch that something working with serial port would try to use application's event loop to do it's work. So it actually bypasses the whole dispatcher and thread system and blocks the application. I'm not experienced in this field so I don't know how to solve it, but this is different question.

How to properly canalize multithreaded message flow in a single threaded service?

In a WPF application, I have a 3rd party library that is publishing messages.
The messages are like :
public class DialectMessage
public string PathAndQuery { get; private set; }
public byte[] Body { get; private set; }
public DialectMessage(string pathAndQuery, byte[] body)
this.PathAndQuery = pathAndQuery;
this.Body = body;
And I setup the external message source from my app.cs file :
public partial class App : Application
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
//handle message
These messages can be publishing from multiple thread at a time, making possible to call the event handler multiple times at once.
I have a service object that have to parse the incoming messages. This service implements the following interface :
internal interface IDialectService
void Parse(Message message);
And I have a default static instance in my app.cs file :
private readonly static IDialectService g_DialectService = new DialectService();
In order to simplify the code of the parser, I would like to ensure only one message at a time is parsed.
I also want to avoid locking in my event handler, as I don't want to block the 3rd party object.
Because of this requirements, I cannot directly call g_DialectService.Parse from my message event handler
What is the correct way to ensure this single threaded execution?
My first though is to wrap my parsing operations in a Produce/Consumer pattern. In order to reach this goal, I've try the following :
Declare a BlockingCollection in my app.cs :
private readonly static BlockingCollection<Message> g_ParseOperations = new BlockingCollection<Message>();
Change the body of my event handler to add an operation :
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
Create a new thread that pump the collection from my app constructor :
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Message message;
while (g_ParseOperations.TryTake(out message))
However, this code does not seems to work. The service Parse method is never called.
Moreover, I'm not sure if this pattern will allow me to properly shutdown the application.
What have I to change in my code to ensure everything is working?
PS: I'm targeting .Net 4.5
[Edit] After some search, and the answer of ken2k, i can see that I was wrongly calling trytake in place of take.
My updated code is now :
private readonly static CancellationTokenSource g_ShutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
g_ParseOperations.Add(message, g_ShutdownToken.Token);
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (!g_ShutdownToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var message = g_ParseOperations.Take(g_ShutdownToken.Token);
protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)
This code acts as expected. Messages are processed in the correct order. However, as soon I exit the application, I get a "CancelledException" on the Take method, even if I just test the IsCancellationRequested right before.
The documentation says about BlockingCollection.TryTake(out T item):
If the collection is empty, this method immediately returns false.
So basically your loop exits immediately. What you may want is to call the TryTake method with a timeout parameter instead, and exit your loop when a mustStop variable becomes true:
bool mustStop = false; // Must be set to true on somewhere else when you exit your program
while (!mustStop)
Message yourMessage;
// Waits 500ms if there's nothing in the collection. Avoid to consume 100% CPU
// for nothing in the while loop when the collection is empty.
if (yourCollection.TryTake(out yourMessage, 500))
// Parses yourMessage here
For your edited question: if you mean you received a OperationCanceledException, that's OK, it's exactly how methods that take a CancellationToken object as parameter must behave :) Just catch the exception and exit gracefully.

How to run batched WCF service calls in Silverlight BackgroundWorker

Is there any existing plumbing to run WCF calls in batches in a BackgroundWorker?
Obviously since all Silverlight WCF calls are async - if I run them all in a backgroundworker they will all return instantly.
I just don't want to implement a nasty hack if theres a nice way to run service calls and collect the results.
Doesnt matter what order they are done in
All operations are independent
I'd like to have no more than 5 items running at once
Edit: i've also noticed (when using Fiddler) that no more than about 7 calls are able to be sent at any one time. Even when running out-of-browser this limit applies. Is this due to my default browser settings - or configurable also. obviously its a poor man's solution (and not suitable for what i want) but something I'll probably need to take account of to make sure the rest of my app remains responsive if i'm running this as a background task and don't want it using up all my connections.
I think your best bet would be to have your main thread put service request items into a Queue that is shared with a BackgroundWorker thread. The BackgroundWorker can then read from the Queue, and when it detects a new item, initiate the async WCF service request, and setup to handle the AsyncCompletion event. Don't forget to lock the Queue before you call Enqueue() or Dequeue() from different threads.
Here is some code that suggests the beginning of a solution:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace MyApplication
public class RequestItem
public string RequestItemData { get; set; }
public class ServiceHelper
private BackgroundWorker _Worker = new BackgroundWorker();
private Queue<RequestItem> _Queue = new Queue<RequestItem>();
private List<RequestItem> _ActiveRequests = new List<RequestItem>();
private const int _MaxRequests = 3;
public ServiceHelper()
_Worker.DoWork += DoWork;
private void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
while (!_Worker.CancellationPending)
// TBD: Add a N millisecond timer here
// so we are not constantly checking the Queue
// Don't bother checking the queue
// if we already have MaxRequests in process
int _NumRequests = 0;
lock (_ActiveRequests)
_NumRequests = _ActiveRequests.Count;
if (_NumRequests >= _MaxRequests)
// Check the queue for new request items
RequestItem item = null;
lock (_Queue)
RequestItem item = _Queue.Dequeue();
if (item == null)
// We found a new request item!
lock (_ActiveRequests)
// TBD: Initiate an async service request,
// something like the following:
MyServiceRequestClient proxy = new MyServiceRequestClient();
proxy.RequestCompleted += OnRequestCompleted;
catch (Exception ex)
private void OnRequestCompleted(object sender, RequestCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null || e.Cancelled)
RequestItem item = e.Result;
lock (_ActiveRequests)
catch (Exception ex)
public void AddRequest(RequestItem item)
lock (_Queue)
Let me know if I can offer more help.
