Does React renders Component due to props? - reactjs

According to that link:
render() may be triggered with new props. Could someone give me a code example for that? I cannot see how props change invoke rendering! Please not by changing the props via the state; then it is setState() that invokes render()...

Look at shouldComponentUpdate() - this is it's signature - it returns a boolean. Props is there so you can compare and manually say whether the component should update.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

For function components React.memo is the replacement for shouldComponentUpdate which is used with class components.
const myComponent = React.memo(props => {
code of React.FunctionComponent
(prevProps, nextProps) => prevProps.propA === nextProps.propA
React.memo gets two arguments shown above: a React.FunctionComponent which will be wrapped around by memo and an optional function that returns a boolean.
When the function returns true, the component will not be re-rendered. If the function is omitted then its default implementation in React.memo works like the implementation of shouldComponentUpdate in React.PureComponent. E.g. it does shallow comparison of props, the difference is that only props are taken into account because state doesn’t exist for functional components.

Using hooks is neater to show. The new props data passed to ComponentB causes a re-rendering of ComponentB:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import ComponentB from '...'
const ComponentA = props => {
const [data, setData] = useState(0) // data = 0
handleChangeProp = item => setData(item) // data = 1
<button onClick{() => handleChangeProp(1)}
<ComponentB props={data} />

Yes, when you do a setState(newState) or when you pass in changed props the component will re render, this is why you can't mutate. The following will not work because you set state with mutated state.
export default function Parent() {
const [c, setC] = useState({ c: 0 });
console.log('in render:', c);
return (
onClick={() =>
setC(state => {
console.log('state is:', state);
return state;
<Child c={c.c} />
That code "won't work" because pressing + will not cause a re render, you mutated state and then set state with the same object reference so React doesn't know you changed anything.
This is how React detects changes, you may think that comparing {c:0} to {c:1} is a change but because you mutated there actually is no change:
const a = {c:1};
a.c++;//you "changed" a but a still is a
To indicate a change in React you have to create a new reference:
const a = {c:1};
const b = {...a};//b is shallow copy of a
a===b;//this is false, even though both a and b have same internal values
This means you can also have unintended renders because you create an object prop that may have the same value but still is a different reference than the last time you created it.
Note that even <Child prop={1} will cause Child to render if Child is not a pure component (see links at the end).
What you want to avoid is doing <Child prop={{c:value}} because every time you pass prop it'll force Child to render and React to do a virtual DOM compare even if value didn't change. The virtual DOM compare will probably still detect that Child virtual DOM is the same as last time and won't do an actual DOM update.
The most expensive thing you can do is <Child onEvent={()=>someAction(value)}. This is because now the virtual DOM compare will fail even if value and someAction did't change. That's because you create a new function every time.
Usually you want to memoize creating props in a container, here is an example of doing this with react-redux hooks. Here is an example with stateful components passing handlers.


How to access data of Child Component from parent component in react js

I am doing a project where i have a toast function which implements toast there i call the function of fetching data from api and updating my state so that whenever i click the update feed button fetching data from api function called, updation of state and toast of success appears. Now the question is i have a component of categories post displays seperate category post inside of all post component which has the function to display toast, how could i pass the updated state,fetching data from api function from child component that is category post component to parent component that is all post component to implement toast for category component.
If I understand your question correctly -- at a high level, you're trying to figure out how to update a state variable of a parent component from within a child component. Easiest way would be with the useState hook, and then by passing the setState function to the child component.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
// logic that will be executed every time the state variable changes
}, [state])
return <ChildComponent setState={setState} />
const ChildComponent = ({setState}) => {
const handleClick = () => {
setState((currentState) => currentState.concat(1))
return <Button onClick={handleClick} />
Edit: To answer your question from the comment -- a few things to point out here:
You can pass a value to useState which will be the starting value of the variable. In our example, it's an empty array
setState has access to the current state, so you can push a value to an array with this syntax: setState((previousState) => previousState.concat(val))
useEffect is a hook which is invoked whenever there's a change in the value of the dependency (or dependencies) passed in the second argument. So by including state in its dependency array, we can execute whatever logic we want every time the value of the state variable changes
I would also recommend looking into useMemo. It similarly allows you to have aspects of your component logic that are re-executed only when values of certain variables change. For example:
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
// logic that will be executed every time the state variable changes
}, [state])
const renderCards = useMemo(() => {
return => <SomeOtherComponent val={val}/>)
}, [state])
return (
<ChildComponent setState={setState} />
By wrapping the function inside renderCards in the useMemo hook, the evaluated result is "memoized". And so it won't be executed on every render, unless the variable in the dependency array changes.
Passing down setState to a child component in order to trigger a re-render in the parent component is straightforward when it's an immediate child. If the child component is nested deeper, or there are multiple components that need to react to a change in a variable (e.g. light/dark mode) -- that's when you want to look into a state management tool like Redux or Context.
There are two ways I can think of to achieve what you are trying to do here, i.e. get the child component's state in a parent component.
You can make use of refs. You should be familiar with React hooks to use this approach. The documentation is really good.
You can also make use of a global state using either Redux or Context.

Life cycle of props with state in react

I couldn't find any clear information or video about when the props are received in the react component life-cycle. Let's make an example:
export const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
console.log(A, count)
return (
<Component count={count} justText={'hello'} onClick={() => setState(state => state + 1)}/>
const Component = ({count, justText}) => {
const [count2, setCount2]=useState(0)
console.log("B ",count)
console.log("C ",justText)
useEffect(()=> {
console.log("F", count)
return (
I would like to know the execution order and why is that, because sometimes I found that when passing props with state down, the component which received them gets undefined but in the component where it is declared it is already initialized. Sometimes I need to wait the useEffect to get the value, so I am lost in what happens with the props during the lifecycle when mounting, and updating. I tried to find information about it but couldn't see anywhere where they explain the props lifecycle.
Thank you!
PD: Just setted random values for A,B,C...they don't follow any order.
You won't get undefined while console logging the props in the function or console logging the state :
import React from "react";
function Component() {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(false);
return <Other state={state}></Other>;
export default Component;
import React from "react";
function Other({ state }) {
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div>Other component</div>;
export default Other;
React components gets states and props before mounting so they will never be undefined when you want to use them .
Lifecycle of a props starts when it gets mount and stays until it gets called or re-rendered by the parent that is using it. When it re-rendered by the parent it gets the props again but it can be unchanged or changed.
Full story
The lifecycle of a props is very straight forward. When your component is being called from a Parent it's props is also passed at that time. Think props as the function parameter. Suppose you have a function like below
const fn = (param1, param2) => {
// your function implementation
Here when you call the function you call it with the params like this
fn(val1, val2)
So each time you call the function you pass the params. If any time calling the function any of the param is not passed it will get null
A component and it's props is also same. Here the Component is the function and the props are the params. Every time the components gets called or rendered it is called or rendered with the props.
Now, If your parent that is using the component, pass all the props then the component will get the value. But if it doesn't pass all the props it will get null.
Like function you can also define the initial value of a props like this
const Component1 = ({props1='val1', props2='val2',}) => {
In the code above even if you do not pass props1 and props2 from the parent. Still it will not be null, it will have the initial value.

React: How to pass state to child component and call function in child to use this state

I am implementing a component in functional components where there are several other child components in it passing data to each other. I need to pass data from parent to child component and call some function there to use it.
In class componenets we use componentdidupdate but could not understand how to do in functional component.
One idea is to use useEffect hook but could not do with it.
Im going to take a stab here, because we dont have context or code to go with.
useEffect accepts a dependency array to which it will react when a value or object reference changes
const ChildComponent = (props) => {
const {
} = props;
const actionFunction = (value) => {
//perform some tasks with value passed from parent when it changes
//this is similar to componentDidUpdate, but it reacts to changes in valuePassedFromParent though props since its in the useEffect dependency array
useEffect(() => {
//do something with valuePassedFromParent
return (
You cas use useEffect to reproduce the behavior of componentdidupdate like this :
const [myState,setMyState] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
The function use effect will run every time myState will be updated, like componentdiduptate would have do.
In your case, the state is given by the parent component if I understand well, so just replace the myState in the array dependency by the state given through the prop of your child component.

Child re-rendering because of function?

I'm having trouble navigating these concepts where a child keeps re-rendering because I'm passing it a function from the parent. This parent function references an editor's value, draftjs.
function Parent() {
const [doSomethingValue, setDoSomethingValue] = React.useState("");
const [editorState, setEditorState] = React.useState(
const editorRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const doSomething = () => {
// get draftjs editor current value and make a fetch call
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
// do something with userResponse
return (
<Child doSomething={doSomething} />
placeholder="Start writing..." />
<AnotherChild doSomethingValue={doSomethingValue}
My Child component is simply a button that calls the parent's doSomething and thats it.
doSomething does its thing and then makes a change to the state which is then passed to AnotherChild.
My problem is that anytime the editorState is updated (which is every time you type within the editor), my Child component re-renders. Isn't that unnecessary? And if so, how could I avoid this?
If I was passing my Child component a string and leveraged React.Memo, it does not re-render unless the string changes.
So what am I missing with passing a function to the child? Should my child be re-rendering everytime?
React works on reference change detection to re-render components.
Child.js: Wrap it under React.memo so it becomes Pure Component.
const Child = ({doSomething}) => <button onClick={doSomething}>Child Button Name</button>;
export default React.memo(Child);
Parent.js -> doSomething: On every (re)render, callbacks are also recreated. Make use of useCallback so that your function is not recreated on every render.
const doSomething = React.useCallback(() => {
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
}, [editorState]);
Side Note
On broader lines, memo is HOC and makes a component Pure Component. useMemo is something which cache the output of the function. Whereas useCallback caches the instance of the function.
Hope it helps.
If you do not want your component to be re-rendered every time your parent is re-rendered, you should take a look at useMemo.
This function will only recalculate its value (in your case, your component) whenever its second argument changes (here, the only thing it depends on, doSomething()).
function Parent() {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = React.useState(
const editorRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const doSomething = () => {
// get draftjs editor current value and make a fetch call
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
// do something with userResponse
const childComp = useMemo(() => <Child doSomething={doSomething} />, [doSomething])
return (
placeholder="Start writing..." />
If doSomething does not change, your component does not re-render.
You may also want to use useCallback for your function if it is doing heavy calculations, to avoid having it re-compiled every time your component renders:
Take a look into PureComponent, useMemo, or shouldComponentUpdate
I would also add, instead of passing down the function to do the rendering of a top level component, pass the value and define the function later down in the component tree.
if you want to avoid unnecessary re-renders, you can use React.memo and the hook useCallback. Take a look at the following sandbox.
The button1 is always re-rendered because it take a callback that is not memoized with useCallback and the button2 is just rendered the first time even if the state of the parent has changed (take a look at the console to check the re-renders). You have to use React.memo in the Child component that is the responsible to render the buttons.
I hope it helps.

How do I force a child component to rerender when given new props values?

I have tried this pattern.
return <ChildComponent newProps="newPropsValue />)
this.setState({"propsKey": "newPropsValue"})
As far as I understand the initial component rendering is triggered by the props change, and as setState is asynchronous (for some reason), the rendering with the new state update is not done on the first pass.
However what I don't understand is why when it finally decides to update the state, it doesn't rerender the component. I thought state changes that are caused by setState always trigger a rerender.
So in the end I have a component that uselessly rerenders before the state is actually changed, and then does nothing when/if(?) the state is updated. I don't understand this behaviour at all.
setState will trigger componentUdpate -> componentWillUpdate -> render. props change will trigger componentWillReceiveProps before this chain. You can have a look here at this image about React lifecycle. You can see the different how React behave on props and state.
However what I don't understand is why when it finally decides to update the state, it doesn't re-render the component.
Updating state by setState will trigger the render function (re-render). And props also trigger render as well.
Following your code:
render: as above, nothing change.
If any event of childComponent setting propsKey by setState (onClick, onChange ...). Assuming setState({propsKey: "anotherValue"}). Then render will be triggered again with this.state.propsKey="anotherValue and this.props.newProps="newPropsValue"
Now let's update your childComponent's props within parentComponent, assuming newProps="latestPropsValue":
Before componentWillReceiveProps:
After componentWillReceiveProps:
How do I force a child component to rerender when given new props values?
If your render is using state then setState inside render. And if you are using props inside render, it also being updated accordingly
I have found a nice solution using key attribute. If we changed key property of a child component or some portion of React Component, it will re-render entirely. It will use when you need to re-render some portion of React Component or re-render a child component depending on props or state. Here is a example. I will re-render the full component.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { PrEditInput } from "./shared";
const BucketInput = ({ bucketPrice = [], handleBucketsUpdate, mood }) => {
const data = Array.isArray(bucketPrice) ? bucketPrice : [];
const [state, setState] = useState(;
useEffect(() => {
}, [mood, bucketPrice]);
return (
<span key={state}>
{ => (
export default BucketInput;
