How to add a button to image gallery in Elementor - elementor

Need to add a button below every image in Elementor gallery lightbox.
This button must be a mailto: with name of the image in subject line.
This is an inquiry button for that image.
I have tried to add some css, but i'm not familiar with css.
[enter image description here][1]
[1]: ”example”

Adding a new button can't be achieved through CSS. You're gonna have to edit the widget and add a new field, that is done with PHP.


I need to edit the z-index overlay in woo slider

I'm using woocommerce storefront theme and want to edit the woo-slider overlay to a gradient instead of a black box. I also want to style the text overlay and add some padding. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Here's a link to the page in question:

Inline editing of image in Angularjs X-editable

I have many fields in my profile page. I am making my profile page inline editable with Angularjs X-editable. I am making progress using guide
With this I made all the fields editable except the image field. I have an image i.e. profile pic and I want it to be in place editable [clicking on the edit icon near by the image, the image should change into the image upload widget and after upload image, it should again change back to the show the new image].
Is X-editable having feature of in place editing the image field ?
Or is there any other alternative ?

onsenui adding a custom image in the navigation title

Would like to know how to set an image in the navigation bar instead of the title. I would still require the left hamburger menu icon though.
Can this be easily achieved?
This was done part of their documentation of "ons-toolbar-button"
See it here: ''
Click on the Images selection under "Toolbar Variants" to see how it looks.

how to hide K2 intro image in content page?

I am using Joomla 3.x and K2 extension. I'd like to hide the attached image of the item in intro text, and show another image instead in the content page (full page). (The image that shown in the main page replaced by another image in the article/content page). How can I do that?
In K2, you can associate an image with an item by uploading it to the Image tag for that item. You can also add images within the content of the item as well. To accomplish what you are trying to do it would probably be easiest to do this -
Configure the category view to display the image from the image tab
Configure the detail view to NOT display the image from the image tab
Use a template override for the category item view that strips out any images in the intro text
This way you will have the image tab image display in the category and the content image shown on the detail page.
Under the category, go to "Item view options" (on the right), and select "hide" for "image".
Make sure if your category inherits from another one, you make this change in the top category

Using lightbox2 to display text instead of images

I am trying to use lightbox2 to display a block of text after clicking a heading element:
something like
I have used lightbox for images with captions but this time I would like the caption to come up without an associated image after clicking a name on a webpage.
Thanks for any replies.
I don't think that lightbox2 is made for such a thing, why don't you try this one works 100%.
