Use execution trace on-chip buffer (ETB) on STM32H7 - c

I need to output the on-chip buffer (ETB) execution trace in some particular cases. I'm talking about an operational functionality, not about ETM trace during debugging phase.
I've read Arm® CoreSight™ ETM-M7 Technical Reference Manual but there is almost no detail about using this ETB feature.
There is also this link on ARM Information center, but I found it particularly unclear.
How can I use ETB ?
EDIT: I clarified a little bit the situation thanks to a presentation from STMicro. It states that "The ETF can be used as a trace buffer for storing traces onchip. The trace can be read by software, or by the debugger,
or flushed via the trace port. If configured as a circular buffer,
the trace will be stored continuously, so the most recent trace
will overwrite the oldest. Alternatively, the FIFO full flag can
be used to stop a trace when the buffer is full, and hence
capture a trace at a particular point in time." So what I need to access is not the ETB but the ETF, which is done through a register (the FIFO is apparently not memory mapped ?)

Yes, the CoreSight Architecture and ETM trace are designed to enable this sort of crash analysis, particularly in realtime systems where crashes can be difficult to reproduce and you may not able to have the target device hooked up to an external debug capture device all the time. ETM trace can be completely non-intrusive (except for the additional power consumption cost of having the logic active).
The architecture is quite generic, although each implementation will make different trade-offs about what is implemented. This unfortunately means that the documentation is quite spread-out. You might find this technical overview is useful for context (but not detail).
To achieve the crash analysis, you need to cover the following steps:
Configure ETF in circular buffer mode
Configure ETM to trace everything, with fairly frequent synchronisation
Disable the ETM after a crash (so the buffer is not overwritten)
Extract the trace from the crash (to SD card, for example)
Unpack any wrapping protocol added by the ETF
Decompress the trace (presumably offline)
With a circular buffer, trace decompression can only start from a synchronisation point. The ETMv4 protocol uses variable length packets, and rarely traces a full PC address value. You probably want 4 synchronisation points in the buffer, then only the first 25% is lost.
Trace decompression relies on having the code image which was running - this shouldn't be too much of a problem in this use case.
If you can't buffer far back enough after a crash, it is possible to use the filtering logic in the ETM to exclude any code you know is not interesting. Depending on the nature of any crash, you might want timing information. You can set this with a threshold to get a tick in the trace every 100 cycles or so - trace accuracy for cost, but it might be a great clue.
For programming the ETM, you want the ETMv4 architecture (it uses DWT comparators as 'processor comparator inputs' if you need filtering) and for the ETF I think it will be this technical reference manual. Check part_number in the Peripheral ID registers to make sure you have the right programmer's model.

Normally you use the ETB with a hardware debugger that supports ETB such as Segger J-Trace or Keil uLinkPro for example. It is something normally for the tool vendor to worry about and not directly usable within your application.
The necessary trace pins (TRACED0 to TRACED3 and TRACECLK) need to be available on your debug header, and not multiplexed to some other function by your application.
The STM32H7 Reference manuals contain a whole section on the "Trace and debug subsystem" (you have not specified the exact part, so you'll have to find it yourself). But in the RM0399 for STM32H745/755 and STM32H747/757 I am looking at it occupies over 100 pages of the manual.


How to manage devices that cannot access d-cache in ARM

I'm using an SPI device with DMA enabled in an STM32H7 SoC. The DMA periph. cannot access d-cache, so in order to make it work I have disabled d-cache entirely (for more info. about this, see this explanation). However, I would like to avoid disabling d-cache globally for a problem that only affects to a small region of memory.
I have read this post about the meaning of clean and invalidate cache operations, in the ARM domain. My understanding is that, by cleaning a cache area, you force it to be written in the actual memory. On the other hand, by invalidating a cache area, you force the actual memory to be cached. Is this correct?
My intention with this is to follow these steps to transmit something over SPI (with DMA):
Write the value you want on the buffer that DMA will read from.
Clean d-cache for that area to force it to go to actual memory, so DMA can see it.
Launch the operation: DMA will read the value from the area above and write it to the SPI's Tx buffer.
SPI reads data at the same time it writes, so there will be data in the SPI's Rx buffer, which will be read by DMA and then it will write it to the recv. buffer provided by the user. It could happen that an observer of such buffer can indeed access d-cache. The latter could not be updated with the new value received by SPI yet, so invalidate the recv. buffer area to force d-cache to get updated.
Does the above make sense?
Adding some more sources/examples of the problem I'm facing:
Example from the ST github:
Post in ST forums answring and explaining the d-cache problem:
Here the interconnection between memory and DMA:
As you can see, DMA1 can access sram1, 2 and 3. I'm using sram2.
Here the cache attributes of sram2:
As you can see, it is write back,write allocate, but not write through. I'm not familiar with these attributes, so I read the definition from here. However, that article seems to talk about the CPU physical cache (L1, L2 etc.) I'm not sure if ARM i-cache and d-cache refer to this physical cache. In any case, I'm assuming the definition for write through and the other terms are valid for d-cache as well.
I forget off hand how the data cache works on the cortex-m7/armv7-m. I want to remember it does not have an MMU and caching is based on address. ARM and ST would be smart enough to know to put cached and non-cached access to sram from the processor core.
If you are wanting to send or receive data using DMA you do not go through the cache.
You linked a question from before which I had provided an answer.
Caches contain some amount of sram as we tend to see a spec for this many KBytes or this many MBytes, whatever. But there are also tag rams and other infrastructure. How does the cache know if there is a hit or a miss. Not from the data, but from other bits of information. Taken from the address of the transaction. Some number of bits of that address are taken and compared to however many "ways" you have so there may be 8 ways for example so there are 8 small memories think of them as arrays of structures in C. In that structure is some information is this cache line valid? If valid what is the tag or bit of address that it is tied to, is it clean/dirty...
Clean or dirty meaning the overall caching infrastructure will be designed (kinda the whole point) to hold information in a faster sram (sram in mcus is very fast already so why a cache in the first place???), which means that write transactions, if they go through the cache (they should in some form) will get written to the cache, and then based on design/policy will get written out into system memory or at least get written on the memory side of the cache. While the cache contains information that has been written that is not also in system memory (due to a write) that is dirty. And when you clean the cache using ARM's term clean, or flush is another term, etc. You go through all of the cache and look for items that are valid and dirty and you initiate writes to system memory to clean them. This is how you force things out the cache into system memory for coherency reasons, if you have a need to do that.
Invalidate a cache simply means you go through the tag rams and you change the valid bit to indicate invalid for that cache line. Basically that "loses" all information about that cache line it is now available to use. It will not result in any hits and it will not do a write to the system for a clean/flush. The actual cache line in the cache memory does not have to be zeroed or put in any other state. Technically just the valid/invalid bit or bits.
How things generally get into a cache are certainly from reads. Depending on the design and settings if a read is cacheable then the cache will first look to see if it has a tag for that item and if it is valid, if so then it simply takes the information in the cache and returns it. If there is a miss, that data does not have a copy in the cache, then it initiates one or more cache line reads from the system side. So a single byte read can/will cause a larger, sometimes much larger, read to happen on the system side, the transaction is held until that (much larger) data (read) returns and then it is put in the cache and the item requested is returned to the processor.
Depending on the architecture and settings, writes may or may not create an entry in the cache, if a (cacheable) write happens and there are no hits in the cache then it may just go straight to the system side as a write of that size and shape. As if the cache was not there. If there is a cache hit then it will go into the cache, and the that/those cache lines are marked as dirty and then depending on the design, etc it may be written to system memory as a side effect of the write from the processor side, the processor will be freed to continue execution but the cache and other logic (write buffer) may continue to process this transaction moving this new data to the system side essentially cleaning/flushing automatically. One normally does not expect this as it takes away performance that the cache was there to provide in the first place.
In any case if it is determined that a transaction has a miss and it is to be cached, then based on that tag, the ways have already been examined to determine if there was a hit. One of the ways will be chosen to hold this new cache line. How that is determined is based on design and in some cases programmable settings. Hopefully if there are any that are invalid then it would go to one of those. But round robin, randomizer, oldest first, etc are solutions you may see. And if there is dirty data in that space then it has to get written out first, making room for the new information. So, absolutely a single byte or single word read (since they have the same performance in a system like this) can require a cache flush of a cache line, then a read from the system and then the result is returned, more clock cycles than if the cache was not there. Nature of the beast. Caches are not perfect, with the right information and experience you can easily write code that makes the cache degrade the performance of the application.
Clean means if a cache line is valid and dirty then write it out to system memory and mark it as clean.
Invalidate means if the cache line is valid then mark it as valid. If it was valid and dirty that information is lost.
In your case you do not want to deal with cache at all for these transactions, the cache in question is in the arm core so nobody but the arm core has access to that cache, nobody else is behind the cache, they are all on the system end.
Taking a quick look at the ARM ARM for armv7-m they do use address space to determine write through and cached or not. One then needs to look at the cortex-m7 TRM for further information and then, particularly in this case, since it is a chip thing not an arm thing anyway, the whole system. The arm processor is just some bit of ip that st bought to glue into a chip with a bunch of other ip and ip of their own that is glued together. Like the engine in the car, the engine manufacturer cant answer questions about the rear differential nor the transmission, that is the car company not the engine company.
arm knows what they are doing
st knows what they are doing
if a chip company makes a chip with dma but the only path between the processor and the memory shared with the dma engine is through the processors cache when the cache is enabled, and clean/flush and invalidate of address ranges are constantly required to use that dma engine...Then you need to immediately discard that chip, blacklist that company's products (if this product is that poorly designed then assume all of their products are), and find a better company to buy products from.
I cant imagine that is the case here, so
Initialize the peripheral, choosing to use DMA and configure the peripheral or dma engine or both (for each direction).
Start the peripheral (this might be part of 4)
write the tx data to the configured address space for dma
tell the peripheral to start the transfer
monitor for completion of transfer
read the received data from the configured address space for dma
That is generic but that is what you are looking for, caches are not involved. For a part/family like this there should be countless examples including the (choose your name for the quality) one or more library solutions and examples that come from the chip vendor. Look at how they others are using the part, compare that to the documentation, determine your risk level for their solution and use it or modify it or learn from it if nothing else.
I know that st products do not have an instruction cache they do their own thing, or at least that is what I remember (some trademarked name for a flash cache, on most of them you cannot turn it off). Does that mean they have not implemented a data cache on the products either? Possible. Just because the architecture for an ip product has a feature (fpu, caches, ...) does not automatically mean that the chip vendor has enabled/implemented those. Depending on the ip there are various ways to do that as some ip does not have a compile time option for the chip vendor to not compile in a feature. if nothing else the chip vendor could simply stub out the cache memory interfaces and write a few lines of text in the docs that there is no cache, and you can write control registers and see things appear to enable that feature but it simply does not work. One expects that arm provides compile time features, that are not in the public documentation we can see, but are available to the chip vendor in some form. Sometimes when you buy the ip you are given a menu if you will like ordering a custom burger at a fancy burger shop, a list of checkboxes, mayo, mustard, pickle. ... fpu, cache, 16 bit fetch, 32 bit fetch, one cycle multiply, x cycle multiply, divide, etc. And the chip vendor then produces your custom burger. Or some vendors you get the whole burger then you have to pick off the pickles and onions yourself.
So again, not our job to read the docs for you, so first off does this part even have a dcache? Look between the arm arm, the arm trm and the documentation for the chip address spaces (as well as the countless examples) and determine what address space or whet settings, etc are needed to access portions of sram in a non-cached way. If it has a data cache feature at all.
I have investigated a bit more:
With regards to clean and invalidate memory question, the answer is yes: clean will force cache to be written in memory and invalidate will force memory to be cached.
With regards to the steps I proposed, again yes, it makes sense.
Here is a sequence of 4 videos that explain this exact situation (DMA and memory coherency). As can be seen, the 'software' solution (doesn't involve MPU) proposed by the videos (and other resources provided above) is exactly the sequence of steps I posted.
The other proposed solution is to configure the cortex-m7 MPU to change the attributes of a particular memory region to keep memory coherency.
This all apart from the easiest solution which is to globally disable d-cache, although, naturally, this is not desirable.

Using interrupts during reading a file from disk

Assume that a large file is saved on disk and I want to run a computation on every chunk of data contained in the file.
The C/C++ code that I would write to do so would load part of the file, then do the processing, then load the next part, then do the processing of this next part, and so on.
If I am, however, interested to do so in the shortest possible time, I could actually do the following: First, tell DMA-controller to load first part of the file. When this part is loaded tell the DMA-controller to load the second part (in some other part of the memory) and then immediately start processing the first part.
If I get an interrupt from the DMA during processing the first part, I finish the first part and afterwards tell the DMA to overwrite it with the third part of the file; then I process the second part.
If I do not get an interrupt from the DMA during processing the first part, I finish the first part and wait for the interrupt of the DMA.
Depending of how long the processing takes in relation to the disk-read, this should be up to twice as fast. In reality, of course, one would have to measure. But that is not the question I am asking.
The question is: Is it possible to do this a) in C using some non-standard extension or b) in assembly? Or do operating systems not allow such things in general? The question is meant primarily in a single-thread context, although I also would be interested to know how to do it with two threads. Also, I am interested in specific code; this is more of a theoretical question.
You're right that you will not get the benefit of this by default, because a blocking read stops your thread from doing any processing. Hans is right that modern OSes already take care of all the little details of DMA and interrupt completion routines.
You need to use the architecture you've described, of issuing a request in advance of when you will use the data. Issue asynchronous I/O requests (on Windows these are called OVERLAPPED). Then the flow will go exactly as you envisions, but the DMA and interrupts are handled in the drivers.
On Windows, take a look at FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED (to CreateFile) and ReadFile (if you like events) or ReadFileEx (if you like callbacks). If you don't have to process the data in any particular order, then add a completion port to the mix, which queues the completion responses.
On Linux, OSX, and many other Unix-like OSes, look at aio_read. Or fadvise. Or use mmap with madvise.
And you can get these benefits without even writing native code. .NET recently added the ReadAsync method to its FileStream, which can be used with continuation-passing style in the form of Task objects, with async/await syntactic sugar in the C# compiler.
Typically, in a multi-mode (user/system) operating system, you do not have access to direct dma or to interrupts. In systems that extend those features from kernel(system) mode down to user mode, the overhead eliminates the benefit of using them.
Ignoring that what you're asking to do requires a very specialized environment to support it, the idea is sound and common: declaring two (or more) buffers to enable DMA to the next while you process the first. When two buffers are used they're sometimes referred to as ping-pong buffers.

Pushing code towards kernel or user space, for performance reasons?

Originally I thought to make code faster it would be better to try and reduce the transition between Kernel and user space- by pushing more of the code to run in the kernel. However, I have read in a few forums like SO that the opposite is actually done- more of the code is pushed into the user space. Why is this? It seems counter intuitive? Putting more of the code into the user space still requires kernel-user transitions, whereas putting the code in the kernel doesnt requite kernel-user transitions?
In case anyone asks- I am thinking about an application processing packet data.
So more details, I am thinking about when packet data arrives- I want to re-write the network stack and cut out code which isn't applicable for my packet processing and have zero copy- putting the packet data somewhere where the user program can access it as quick as possible.
The kernel is a time sensitive area, it’s where your ISRs, time tick routines, and hardware critical sections reside. Because of this, the objective is to keep kernel code small and tight, get in, get your work done, and get out.
In your case you're getting packets from the network, that's a hardware dependent task (you need to get data from the lower network layers), so get your data, clear the buffers, and send it via a DMA transfer to user space; then do your processing in user space.
From my experiences: The preformance gained by executing your code in ther kernel will not outweigh the preformance lost overall by executing more code in the kernel.
If you expect your code to go into the official kernel release, "shuffling user mode parts of it into the kernel" is probably a bad idea as a rule.
Of course, if you can prove that by doing so is the BEST (subjective, I know) way to achieve better performance, and the cost is acceptable (in terms of extra code in kernel -> more burden of maintenance on the kernel, bigger kernel -> more complaints about kernel being "too big" etc), then by all means follow that route.
But in general, it's probably better to approach this by doing more work in user-mode, and make the kernel mode task smaller, if that is at all an alternative. Without knowing exactly what you are doing in the kernel and what you are doing in usermode, it's hard to say for sure what you should/shouldn't do. But for example batching up a dozen "items" into a block that is ONE request for the kernel to do something is a better option than calling the kernel a dozen times.
In response to your edit describing what you are doing:
Would it not be better to pass a user-mode memory region to receive the data, and then just copy into that when the packet arrives. Assuming "all memory is equal" [if it isn't, you have problems with "in place use" anyway], this should work just as well, with less time spent in the kernel.
Transitions from user-mode to kernel-mode take some time and resources, so keeping the code in only one of the modes may increase performance.
As mentioned: in your case probably the best option you have is to fetch the data as fast as possible and make it available in user-land right away and do the processing in user-land... moving all the processing to kernel-level seems to me unnecessary... Unless you have a good reason to do so... with no further information it seems to me you have no reason to believe you'll do it faster in kernel-mode than user-mode, all you could spare is a mode transition now and then, which shouldn't be relevant.

Is it possible to use vtune on certain code snippets in a binary and not an entire binary?

I am adding usage of a small library to a large existing piece of software and would like to analyze (in finder detail than just in&out rdtsc() or gettimeofday calls) the overhead and it's attribution of the small library. Using things like rdtsc() I can get a sense of the latency that calling my libraries functions have, but I cannot do latency attribution unless I am also able to see whether branches are not being predicted well, caching isnt working properly, etc..I looked into PAPI as I imagined looking at a certain hardware events going into and out of a routine in my library within the context of the bigger binary but it seems I would need a specific kernel module for PAPI to work for me (Linux 2.6.18 && Intel Xeon 5570)...there is Vtune which is specifically geared for intel processors but it seems like it's something which would profile the entire binary for performance and not specific code snippets (the 3-4 calls into my library).
Is there a way for me to use Vtune for my goal, or possibly something which can give me access to such counters without having to patch my kernel?
Matias is right - you can start the profiling paused ("Start paused" in VTune-speak) and then in your program use __itt_pause / __itt_resume API from the VTune API to limit the data collection to the code region of interest.
You may also want to set the "Target duration type" to "Under one minute" in the project properties - this makes the sampling more fine grained (10 KHz instead of default 1 KHz frequency). Or manually adjust the Sample After value in the list of events to collect. The latter is often more useful when you want to profile something specific like mispredicted branches.
It's not possible to define an entry point in vtune to start recording.
However, what you can do, is to start the trace without recording and then when you expect to hit your library, you start the trace and let it record the calls. After the calls, you may stop it again and can now look up the library call using the top-bottom tab in vtune.
With it, you should be able to see all the information regarding the calls, and the time spent in each.
If you want to be sure that you only trace while the calls are active, you may start the application under gdb and insert breakpoints when accessing and leaving the functions you wish to examine and then start and stop the profiler appropriately.

What is a privileged instruction?

I have added some code which compiles cleanly and have just received this Windows error:
(MonTel Administrator) 2.12.7: MtAdmin.exe - Application Error
The exception Privileged instruction.
(0xc0000096) occurred in the application at location 0x00486752.
I am about to go on a bug hunt, and I am expecting it to be something silly that I have done which just happens to produce this message. The code compiles cleanly with no errors or warnings. The size of the EXE file has grown to 1,454,132 bytes and includes links to ODCS.lib, but it is otherwise pure C to the Win32 API, with DEBUG on (running on a P4 on Windows 2000).
To answer the question, a privileged instruction is a processor op-code (assembler instruction) which can only be executed in "supervisor" (or Ring-0) mode.
These types of instructions tend to be used to access I/O devices and protected data structures from the windows kernel.
Regular programs execute in "user mode" (Ring-3) which disallows direct access to I/O devices, etc...
As others mentioned, the cause is probably a corrupted stack or a messed up function pointer call.
This sort of thing usually happens when using function pointers that point to invalid data.
It can also happen if you have code that trashes your return stack. It can sometimes be quite tricky to track these sort of bugs down because they usually are hard to reproduce.
A privileged instruction is an IA-32 instruction that is only allowed to be executed in Ring-0 (i.e. kernel mode). If you're hitting this in userspace, you've either got a really old EXE, or a corrupted binary.
As I suspected, it was something silly that I did. I think I solved this twice as fast because of some of the clues in comments in the messages above. Thanks to those, especially those who pointed to something early in the app overwriting the stack. I actually found several answers here more useful than the post I have marked as answering the question as they clued and queued me as to where to look, though I think it best sums up the answer.
As it turned out, I had just added a button that went over the maximum size of an array holding some toolbar button information (which was on the stack). I had forgotten that
even existed!
First probability that I can think of is, you may be using a local array and it is near the top of the function declaration. Your bounds checking gone insane and overwrite the return address and it points to some instruction that only kernel is allowed to execute.
The error location 0x00486752 seems really small to me, before where executable code usually lives. I agree with Daniel, it looks like a wild pointer to me.
I saw this with Visual c++ 6.0 in the year 2000.
The debug C++ library had calls to physical I/O instructions in it, in an exception handler.
If I remember correctly, it was dumping status to an I/O port that used to be for DMA base registers, which I assume someone at Microsoft was using for a debugger card.
Look for some error condition that might be latent causing diagnostics code to run.
I was debugging, backtracked and read the dissassembly. It was an exception while processing std::string, maybe indexing off the end.
The CPU of most processors manufactured in the last 15 years have some special instructions which are very powerful. These privileged instructions are kept for operating system kernel applications and are not able to be used by user written programs.
This restricts the damage that a user-written program can inflict upon the system and cuts down the number of times that the system actually crashes.
When executing in kernel mode, the operating system has unrestricted access to both the kernel and the user program's memory.
The load instructions for the base and limit registers are privileged instructions.
