Writing 9-bit values to byte array (or EEPROM) without wasting remaining bit in the following byte - c

I could not found an answer with google so i went for it and programmed quite a few hours.
I want to save 9-bit values to eeprom without wasting the other 7 bits.
I save values that would be up to 500 and i have not much EEPROM left.
The same principle can be applied to arrays, which i did just to not waer down the EEPROM.
So I made this little program:
* Write only a certain number of bits to EEPROM.
* keeps the other bit in the byte of the eeprom as they are.
* Working version with 9 bits:
* 2019-10-03 15:57
* 2019-10-03 22:09 tested with chars too
* 2019-10-04 08:25 works with 7 bit chars also!
* 2019-10-04 12:27 fixed the combining of oldByte and new values in writeBitsToEEPROM(), because chars like 'รถ' altered previous bit (left side) that should not have been altered.
#include "arduino.h"
#include "EEPROM.h"
#include "math.h"
//TODO: change back to original value
byte fakeEEPROM[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
String byteToString(byte value){
char byteChar[9];
byteChar[8] = '\0'; //we need a terminator
for(int i=7; i>=0; i--){
byteChar[7-i] = (value & (1 << i)) ? '1' : '0';
return String(byteChar);
String byteToString(unsigned long value, byte bytesToRead){
String str1 = byteToString(value >> 8);
String str2 = byteToString(value & 0xFF);
return str1 + " " + str2;
int globBlockStartAdress = 0;
byte globNumberOfBits = 0;
int globBlockSizeBytes = 0;
bool initBitBlock(int blockStartAdress, int blockCount, byte numberOfBits) {
globBlockStartAdress = blockStartAdress;
globNumberOfBits = numberOfBits;
// calc needed number of bytes and roud up
int tempBlockSize = blockCount * numberOfBits / 8;
if(blockCount * numberOfBits % 8)
// make number of bytes even
if(tempBlockSize % 2)
globBlockSizeBytes = tempBlockSize;
if(blockStartAdress + globBlockSizeBytes > EEPROM_SIZE)
return false;
return true;
* Writes 1 to 9 bits to "internalAdress" within a designated block in eeprom
void writeBitsToEEPROM(unsigned int bitsToBeWritten, int internalAdress){
//TODO: check if value is not higher than what can be stored
// if(bitsToBeWritten){
// }
int trueEEPROMAdress = globBlockStartAdress + internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 >= ARRAY_SIZE || internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8 >= globBlockSizeBytes){
Serial.print("globBlockSizeBytes: ");
Serial.println("FEHLER writeBitsToEEPROMWTF: ");
Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress + 1);
Serial.println(internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8 );
byte startBitOfEEPROMByte = (internalAdress * globNumberOfBits) % 8;
unsigned int oldIntFromEEPROM = (fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] << 8) | fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1];
//Todo: change to eeprom
//filter out only the bits that need to be kept.
//EEPROM.get(trueEEPROMAdress, oldEEPROMByteBits);
// there might be bits in the byte that we dont want to change. left side and right side
unsigned int mask1KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF << (16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
unsigned int mask2KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + globNumberOfBits));
//if(16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte - numberOfBits > 0)
//mask2KeepFromEEPROM= (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + numberOfBits));
// masks combined
unsigned int maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM = mask1KeepFromEEPROM | mask2KeepFromEEPROM;
int newEEPROMInt = (oldIntFromEEPROM & maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM) | ((bitsToBeWritten << (16 - globNumberOfBits - startBitOfEEPROMByte) & ~maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM));
//Todo: change to eeprom
//EEPROM.update(trueEEPROMAdress, newEEPROMByteBitsA);
fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] = (newEEPROMInt >> 8);
fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1] = (byte) newEEPROMInt;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 > BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT){
Serial.println("FEHLER writeBitsToEEPROM");
Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress + 1);
// Serial.print("trueEEPROMAdress: ");
// Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress);
// Serial.print("internalAdress: ");
// Serial.println(internalAdress);
// Serial.print("globNumberOfBits: ");
// Serial.println(globNumberOfBits);
// Serial.print("bitsToBeWritten: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(bitsToBeWritten,2));
// Serial.print(" mask1KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask1KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("mask2KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask2KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("oldIntFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(oldIntFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("newEEPROMInt: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(newEEPROMInt,2));
// Serial.print("512: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(512, 2));
// Serial.print("65535: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(65535, 2));
unsigned int ReadBitsFromEEPROM(int internalAdress){
int trueEEPROMAdress = globBlockStartAdress + internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8;
byte startBitOfEEPROMByte = (internalAdress * globNumberOfBits) % 8;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 > BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT)
Serial.println("FEHLER readBits");
unsigned int oldIntFromEEPROM = (fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] << 8) | fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1];
//Todo: change to eeprom
//filter out only the bits that need to be kept.
//EEPROM.get(trueEEPROMAdress, oldEEPROMByteBits);
unsigned int mask1KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF << (16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
unsigned int mask2KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + globNumberOfBits));
unsigned int maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM = mask1KeepFromEEPROM | mask2KeepFromEEPROM;
unsigned int valueFromEEPROM = ~maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM & oldIntFromEEPROM;
// Serial.print("trueEEPROMAdress: ");
// Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress);
// Serial.print("internalAdress: ");
// Serial.println(internalAdress);
// Serial.print("numberOfBits: ");
// Serial.println(numberOfBits);
// Serial.print(" mask1KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask1KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("mask2KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask2KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("oldIntFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(oldIntFromEEPROM,2));
return (valueFromEEPROM >> (16 - globNumberOfBits - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
void setup() {
Serial.print(F("\n# Programversion: "));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println("Setup finished");
void printEEPROM(){
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
byte b;
//Todo: change to eeprom
//EEPROM.get(i, b);
b = fakeEEPROM[i];
Serial.print(" ");
void testNumbers() {
while( ! Serial.available());
String input = Serial.readString();
unsigned int value = input.toInt();
initBitBlock(1, 15, 9);
// Serial.print("value: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(value));
for(int i = 0; i < BIT_BLOCKS_COUNT;i++){
for(int j = 0; j < BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT; j++){
fakeEEPROM[j] = 0xFF;
Serial.println("FEHLER testNumbers");
// Serial.print("EEPROM before: ");
// printEEPROM();
writeBitsToEEPROM(value, i);
Serial.print("Returned: ");
// Serial.print("EEPROM after: ");
// printEEPROM();
// Serial.println();
#define CHAR_COUNT 16
void testChars() {
// Serial.println("bits?");
// while( ! Serial.available());
// String input = Serial.readString();
// unsigned int value = input.toInt();
initBitBlock(1, CHAR_COUNT, 7);
while( ! Serial.available());
String input = Serial.readString();
char testString[CHAR_COUNT] = {'\0'};
input.toCharArray(testString, CHAR_COUNT, 0);
for(int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++){
fakeEEPROM[j] = 0;//xFF;
for(int i = 0; i < CHAR_COUNT; i++){
Serial.print("EEPROM before: ");
writeBitsToEEPROM(testString[i], i);
Serial.print("EEPROM after: ");
Serial.println("Returned: ");
for(int i = 0; i < CHAR_COUNT; i++){
Serial.print((char) ReadBitsFromEEPROM(i));
void loop(){
which of course it not complete. Its just for saving those 9-bit values.
My question is: Has anyone else programmed a function like this - or knows where to find this - that is not limited to 9 bits (10 bits will span over 3 bytes)?

This function should take the number of bits given by bitsPerVal from each value in the input array pVals and pack them into the byte array pointed to by pOutBytes:
#include <stdint.h>
void pack_bits(uint32_t *pVals, size_t numVals, int bitsPerVal, uint8_t *pOutBytes)
uint32_t mask = ~(UINT32_MAX << bitsPerVal);
int outBitsLeft = 8;
int inBitsLeft = bitsPerVal;
while(numVals > 0)
if(inBitsLeft > outBitsLeft)
inBitsLeft -= outBitsLeft;
*pOutBytes |= (*pVals & mask) >> inBitsLeft;
mask >>= outBitsLeft;
outBitsLeft = 0;
outBitsLeft -= inBitsLeft;
*pOutBytes |= (*pVals & mask) << outBitsLeft;
mask = ~(UINT32_MAX << bitsPerVal);
inBitsLeft = bitsPerVal;
if(0 == outBitsLeft)
outBitsLeft = 8;
The array pointed to by pOutBytes must suitably sized (ie ((numVals*bitsPerVal) + 7) / 8) and initialised to zero before calling. You can write it to your EEPROM after.
Hopefully this works well, I have done much testing on it though.

Here is an example of how 10 bits (actually 16-bits when written...) from 2 different fields could write to 16-bits of output.
struct EEPROM_Output
uint16_t a : 9; // 0 - 511 can be stored here
uint16_t b : 1; // 0 or 1 here.
uint16_t pad : 6; // Future use - we place this here to make it obvious that there are bits remaining.
void foo()
struct EEPROM_Output save;
save.a = 100;
save.b = 1;
WriteToEEPROM(&save, sizeof(save));


How to write only 12 bits to a char array in C?

I'm trying to implement a FAT12 file system in which there's a FAT table data structure which is an unsigned char array. I need to write a function which given an array index would write a value to the next 12 bits (because it's FAT12) which is quite tricky because part of the value needs to go to one byte and the other part needs to go the half of the second byte.
This is the get value function I came up with:
//FAT is the unsigned char array
int GetFatEntry(int FATindex, unsigned char * FAT) {
unsigned int FATEntryCode; // The return value
// Calculate the offset of the WORD to get
int FatOffset = ((FATindex * 3) / 2);
if (FATindex % 2 == 1){ // If the index is odd
FATEntryCode = ((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[0] + (((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[1]) << 8));
FATEntryCode >>= 4; // Extract the high-order 12 bits
else{ // If the index is even
FATEntryCode = ((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[0] + (((unsigned char)(&FAT[FatOffset])[1]) << 8));
FATEntryCode &= 0x0fff; // Extract the low-order 12 bits
return FATEntryCode;
I'm struggling to come up with the function which would set a value given a FATindex. I would appreciate any suggestions.
This seems to work. The data that should be written should be in the first 12 bits of data
void WriteFatEntry(int FATindex, unsigned char * FAT, unsigned char data[2]) {
// Calculate the offset of the WORD to get
int FatOffset = ((FATindex * 3) / 2);
unsigned char d;
if (FATindex % 2 != 0){ // If the index is odd
// Copy from data to d and e, and shift everything so that second half of
// e contains first half of data[1], and first half of e contains second
// half of data[0], while second half of d contains first half of data[0].
// First half of d contains a copy of first four bits in FAT[FatOffset]
// so that nothing changes when it gets written
unsigned char e=data[1];
e|=(d<<4) & 0b11110000;
d |= FAT[FatOffset] & 0b11110000;
FAT[FatOffset+1] = e;
else{ // If the index is even
d = data[1] & 0b11110000;
d |= FAT[FatOffset+1] & 0b00001111;
FAT[FatOffset] = data[0];
FAT[FatOffset+1] = d;
#include <stdio.h>
#if 1 /* assuming MSB first */
#define MSB (idx)
#define LSB (idx+1)
#else /* assuming LSB first */
#define MSB (idx+1)
#define LSB (idx)
unsigned fat_getval(unsigned char * tab, unsigned num)
unsigned idx;
unsigned val;
idx = num + num/2;
val = (tab[MSB] <<8 ) + (tab[idx+1] ) ;
if (num %2 ==0) val >>= 4;
return val & 0xfff;
void fat_putval(unsigned char * tab, unsigned slot, unsigned val)
unsigned idx;
idx = slot + slot/2;
if (slot %2 ==0) { /* xyz_ */
val <<= 4;
val |= tab[LSB] & 0xf;
else { /* _xyz */
val |= (tab[MSB] & 0xf0) << 8;
tab[MSB] = val >>8;
tab[LSB] = val &0xff;
#undef MSB
#undef LSB
unsigned char fattable[] = "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab"; // 12 nibbles
int main(void)
unsigned idx, ret;
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) { // 6 bytes -> 12 nibbles */
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
fat_putval(fattable, 0, 0xabc);
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
fat_putval(fattable, 3, 0xdef);
for (idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
printf(" %02x", fattable[idx] );
printf("Get(0 to 4):\n");
for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { // 12 / 3 ~> 4 * 12bit entries
ret = fat_getval( fattable, idx);
printf("%u := %x\n", idx, ret );
return 0;

memcpy for bits instead of bytes

How can I do memcpy but for bits instead of bytes?
Here is a mockup function I wrote. It is probably not very efficient.
How would you do that ? Is there a better or more efficient way?
void * memcpyBits (
void * destination, // pointer to bytes array
size_t destinationStart, // start offset in bits
const void * source, // pointer to bytes array
size_t sourceStart, // start offset in bits
size_t length ) // length in bits
int i;
const uint8_t * sourceByte;
uint8_t * destinationByte;
uint8_t bit;
uint8_t destinationMask;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
sourceByte = source + (sourceStart + i) / 8;
bit = (*sourceByte) >> 7 - (sourceStart + i) % 8;
bit &= 0b00000001;
destinationMask = 1 << 7 - (destinationStart + i) % 8;
destinationByte = destination + (destinationStart + i) / 8;
if (bit) { // is 1
*destinationByte |= destinationMask; // set
} else {
*destinationByte &= ~destinationMask; // clear
Here is a sample call :
// headingAvg, 9 bits, 0-511
uint16_t packedHeadingAvg = (float)(headingAvg + 0.5);
memcpyBits(message->content, message->bits, packedHeadingavg, 16-9, 9);
message->bits += 9;

Include one character with two digit value

The code below show, to check the digital output at PORTB on the hardware. That PORTB have UI1-UI12.
When it is not shorted, the value will be 1.
So if nothing shorted, when i write UI5-UI7 in Hyperterminal it will show 0x03 (111bit in binary)
Here the code:
void decode(unsigned char* msg) {
AD1PCFGL = 0xFFFF; //set all analog pin to digital
int y, z, x;
unsigned char* lala[50];
if (strstr(msg, "UI") == msg) {//UI[2]-UI[6]
x = msg[2] - '0'; // char to integer
y = msg[6] - '0'; // char to integer
int start = x - 1; //get offset, start from zero
int end = y; // end
int pinValue; // each pin value
int output_value=0; // result
int j = 0, i; // j, start from 0
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
pinValue = ((PORTB & (1 << i)) > 0 )?1:0; // get current pin value from RB3, RB4, RB5, RB6, RB7->UI4, UI5, UI6, UI7, UI8
output_value |= (pinValue << j++);
sprintf(lala, "0x%X \r\n", output_value); //%02x(hex),%X(HEX)
sendString(lala);// send to Hyper-Terminal
How to include msg[2] and msg[6] with two digits number ?
Because, from the above code, there was problem when i write UI10-UI12, it give the wrong result.
If the input is always in the same format, it's simple to use e.g. strtok to split the input into the two parts, and then use strtol to convert the numbers to integers.
Something like this perhaps:
char *start_string = strtok(msg, "-");
char *end_string = strtok(NULL, "-");
int start = strtol(start_string + 2, NULL, 10);
int end = strtol(end_string + 2, NULL, 10);

conversion of a uint32_t hex value to an ascii decimal LCD using C

I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on how to convert a uint32_t hex value to a ascii decimal and display it to an LCD. An algorithm would help so I can program it using C code. The hex value i'm getting comes from an ADC that I take and convert to to LCD. The ADC data gives a 16 bit value and the lcd is 16x2
void Hex2DecToLCD(){
Algorithm goes here
void Hex_To_BCD_To_LCD(uint32_t ADCData)
char BCD[5];
uint32_t Dig_0, Dig_1, Dig_2, Dig_3, Dig_4;
int i = 0;
uint32_t temp = 0x0;
uint32_t bin_inp = ADCData;
bin_inp *= 0x8; // scale up the ADC value
temp = bin_inp;
Dig_4 = temp/10000;
BCD[4] = Dig_4 + 0x30;
temp = temp - (Dig_4 * 10000);
Dig_3 = temp/1000;
BCD[3] = Dig_3 + 0x30;
temp = temp - (Dig_3 * 1000);
Dig_2 = temp/100;
BCD[2] = Dig_2 + 0x30;
temp = temp - (Dig_2 * 100);
Dig_1 = temp/10;
BCD[1] = Dig_1 + 0x30;
temp = temp - (Dig_1 * 10);
Dig_0 = temp;
BCD[0] = Dig_0 + 0x30;
//Data to LCD
for (i =0; i < 5; i++){
The answer provided by Julien in 2015 probably works, but I think it's formatting and methodology could be improved a little bit.
My microcontroller relies on uint8_t for most integer values, including the transmission of ASCII bytes over UART.
I hope this answer helps whoever is looking for an easy drop-in uint32_t replacement for %lu in printf.
#include <stdint.h>
void putDwordDecimalValue(uint32_t value) {
if (value == 0) {
uint32_t valueCopy;
valueCopy = value;
int length = 0;
while (valueCopy != 0) {
valueCopy /= 10;
int i;
uint8_t asciiDigits[10]; // Max size of 4294967295 => 10 digits
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint8_t lastDigit = value % 10;
value /= 10;
asciiDigits[length - (i + 1)] = 0x30 + lastDigit; // 0x30 = 0 in ASCII
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)

What is a better method for packing 4 bytes into 3 than this?

I have an array of values all well within the range 0 - 63, and decided I could pack every 4 bytes into 3 because the values only require 6 bits and I could use the extra 2bits to store the first 2 bits of the next value and so on.
Having never done this before I used the switch statement and a nextbit variable (a state machine like device) to do the packing and keep track of the starting bit. I'm convinced however, there must be a better way.
Suggestions/clues please, but don't ruin my fun ;-)
Any portability problems regarding big/little endian?
btw: I have verified this code is working, by unpacking it again and comparing with the input. And no it ain't homework, just an exercise I've set myself.
/* build with gcc -std=c99 -Wconversion */
#define ASZ 400
typedef unsigned char uc_;
uc_ data[ASZ];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ASZ; ++i) {
data[i] = (uc_)(i % 0x40);
size_t dl = sizeof(data);
float fpl = ((float)dl / 4.0f) * 3.0f;
size_t pl = (size_t)(fpl > (float)((int)fpl) ? fpl + 1 : fpl);
printf("length of packed data:%z\n",pl);
for (i = 0; i < dl; ++i)
printf("%02d ", data[i]);
uc_ * packeddata = calloc(pl, sizeof(uc_));
uc_ * byte = packeddata;
uc_ nextbit = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < dl; ++i) {
uc_ m = (uc_)(data[i] & 0x3f);
switch(nextbit) {
case 1:
/* all 6 bits of m into first 6 bits of byte: */
*byte = m;
nextbit = 7;
case 3:
/* all 6 bits of m into last 6 bits of byte: */
*byte++ = (uc_)(*byte | (m << 2));
nextbit = 1;
case 5:
/* 1st 4 bits of m into last 4 bits of byte: */
*byte++ = (uc_)(*byte | ((m & 0x0f) << 4));
/* 5th and 6th bits of m into 1st and 2nd bits of byte: */
*byte = (uc_)(*byte | ((m & 0x30) >> 4));
nextbit = 3;
case 7:
/* 1st 2 bits of m into last 2 bits of byte: */
*byte++ = (uc_)(*byte | ((m & 0x03) << 6));
/* next (last) 4 bits of m into 1st 4 bits of byte: */
*byte = (uc_)((m & 0x3c) >> 2);
nextbit = 5;
So, this is kinda like code-golf, right?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static void pack2(unsigned char *r, unsigned char *n) {
unsigned v = n[0] + (n[1] << 6) + (n[2] << 12) + (n[3] << 18);
*r++ = v;
*r++ = v >> 8;
*r++ = v >> 16;
unsigned char *apack(const unsigned char *s, int len) {
unsigned char *s_end = s + len,
*r, *result = malloc(len/4*3+3),
lastones[4] = { 0 };
if (result == NULL)
return NULL;
for(r = result; s + 4 <= s_end; s += 4, r += 3)
pack2(r, s);
memcpy(lastones, s, s_end - s);
pack2(r, lastones);
return result;
Check out the IETF RFC 4648 for 'The Base16, Base32 and Base64 Data Encodings'.
Partial code critique:
size_t dl = sizeof(data);
float fpl = ((float)dl / 4.0f) * 3.0f;
size_t pl = (size_t)(fpl > (float)((int)fpl) ? fpl + 1 : fpl);
printf("length of packed data:%d\n",pl);
Don't use the floating point stuff - just use integers. And use '%z' to print 'size_t' values - assuming you've got a C99 library.
size_t pl = ((dl + 3) / 4) * 3;
I think your loop could be simplified by dealing with 3-byte input units until you've got a partial unit left over, and then dealing with a remainder of 1 or 2 bytes as special cases. I note that the standard referenced says that you use one or two '=' signs to pad at the end.
I have a Base64 encoder and decode which does some of that. You are describing the 'decode' part of Base64 -- where the Base64 code has 4 bytes of data that should be stored in just 3 - as your packing code. The Base64 encoder corresponds to the unpacker you will need.
Base-64 Decoder
Note: base_64_inv is an array of 256 values, one for each possible input byte value; it defines the correct decoded value for each encoded byte. In the Base64 encoding, this is a sparse array - 3/4 zeroes. Similarly, base_64_map is the mapping between a value 0..63 and the corresponding storage value.
enum { DC_PAD = -1, DC_ERR = -2 };
static int decode_b64(int c)
int b64 = base_64_inv[c];
if (c == base64_pad)
b64 = DC_PAD;
else if (b64 == 0 && c != base_64_map[0])
b64 = DC_ERR;
/* Decode 4 bytes into 3 */
static int decode_quad(const char *b64_data, char *bin_data)
int b0 = decode_b64(b64_data[0]);
int b1 = decode_b64(b64_data[1]);
int b2 = decode_b64(b64_data[2]);
int b3 = decode_b64(b64_data[3]);
int bytes;
if (b0 < 0 || b1 < 0 || b2 == DC_ERR || b3 == DC_ERR || (b2 == DC_PAD && b3 != DC_PAD))
if (b2 == DC_PAD && (b1 & 0x0F) != 0)
/* 3rd byte is '='; 2nd byte must end with 4 zero bits */
if (b2 >= 0 && b3 == DC_PAD && (b2 & 0x03) != 0)
/* 4th byte is '='; 3rd byte is not '=' and must end with 2 zero bits */
bin_data[0] = (b0 << 2) | (b1 >> 4);
bytes = 1;
if (b2 >= 0)
bin_data[1] = ((b1 & 0x0F) << 4) | (b2 >> 2);
bytes = 2;
if (b3 >= 0)
bin_data[2] = ((b2 & 0x03) << 6) | (b3);
bytes = 3;
/* Decode input Base-64 string to original data. Output length returned, or negative error */
int base64_decode(const char *data, size_t datalen, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
size_t outlen = 0;
if (datalen % 4 != 0)
if (BASE64_DECLENGTH(datalen) > buflen)
while (datalen >= 4)
int nbytes = decode_quad(data, buffer + outlen);
if (nbytes < 0)
outlen += nbytes;
data += 4;
datalen -= 4;
assert(datalen == 0); /* By virtue of the %4 check earlier */
Base-64 Encoder
/* Encode 3 bytes of data into 4 */
static void encode_triplet(const char *triplet, char *quad)
quad[0] = base_64_map[(triplet[0] >> 2) & 0x3F];
quad[1] = base_64_map[((triplet[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((triplet[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)];
quad[2] = base_64_map[((triplet[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((triplet[2] >> 6) & 0x03)];
quad[3] = base_64_map[triplet[2] & 0x3F];
/* Encode 2 bytes of data into 4 */
static void encode_doublet(const char *doublet, char *quad, char pad)
quad[0] = base_64_map[(doublet[0] >> 2) & 0x3F];
quad[1] = base_64_map[((doublet[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((doublet[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)];
quad[2] = base_64_map[((doublet[1] & 0x0F) << 2)];
quad[3] = pad;
/* Encode 1 byte of data into 4 */
static void encode_singlet(const char *singlet, char *quad, char pad)
quad[0] = base_64_map[(singlet[0] >> 2) & 0x3F];
quad[1] = base_64_map[((singlet[0] & 0x03) << 4)];
quad[2] = pad;
quad[3] = pad;
/* Encode input data as Base-64 string. Output length returned, or negative error */
static int base64_encode_internal(const char *data, size_t datalen, char *buffer, size_t buflen, char pad)
size_t outlen = BASE64_ENCLENGTH(datalen);
const char *bin_data = (const void *)data;
char *b64_data = (void *)buffer;
if (outlen > buflen)
while (datalen >= 3)
encode_triplet(bin_data, b64_data);
bin_data += 3;
b64_data += 4;
datalen -= 3;
b64_data[0] = '\0';
if (datalen == 2)
encode_doublet(bin_data, b64_data, pad);
else if (datalen == 1)
encode_singlet(bin_data, b64_data, pad);
b64_data[4] = '\0';
return((b64_data - buffer) + strlen(b64_data));
I complicate life by having to deal with a product that uses a variant alphabet for the Base64 encoding, and also manages not to pad data - hence the 'pad' argument (which can be zero for 'null padding' or '=' for standard padding. The 'base_64_map' array contains the alphabet to use for 6-bit values in the range 0..63.
Another simpler way to do it would be to use bit fields. One of the lesser known corners of C struct syntax is the big field. Let's say you have the following structure:
struct packed_bytes {
byte chunk1 : 6;
byte chunk2 : 6;
byte chunk3 : 6;
byte chunk4 : 6;
This declares chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, and chunk4 to have the type byte but to only take up 6 bits in the structure. The result is that sizeof(struct packed_bytes) == 3. Now all you need is a little function to take your array and dump it into the structure like so:
dump_to_struct(byte *in, struct packed_bytes *out, int count)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < (count / 4); ++i) {
out[i].chunk1 = in[i * 4];
out[i].chunk2 = in[i * 4 + 1];
out[i].chunk3 = in[i * 4 + 2];
out[i].chunk4 = in[i * 4 + 3];
// Finish up
switch(struct % 4) {
case 3:
out[count / 4].chunk3 = in[(count / 4) * 4 + 2];
case 2:
out[count / 4].chunk2 = in[(count / 4) * 4 + 1];
case 1:
out[count / 4].chunk1 = in[(count / 4) * 4];
There you go, you now have an array of struct packed_bytes that you can easily read by using the above struct.
Instead of using a statemachine you can simply use a counter for how many bits are already used in the current byte, from which you can directly derive the shift-offsets and whether or not you overflow into the next byte.
Regarding the endianess: As long as you use only a single datatype (that is you don't reinterpret pointer to types of different size (e.g. int* a =...;short* b=(short*) a;) you shouldn't get problems with endianess in most cases
Taking elements of DigitalRoss's compact code, Grizzly's suggestion, and my own code, I have written my own answer at last. Although DigitalRoss provides a usable working answer, my usage of it without understanding, would not have provided the same satisfaction as to learning something. For this reason I have chosen to base my answer on my original code.
I have also chosen to ignore the advice Jonathon Leffler gives to avoid using floating point arithmetic for the calculation of the packed data length. Both the recommended method given - the same DigitalRoss also uses, increases the length of the packed data by as much as three bytes. Granted this is not much, but is also avoidable by the use of floating point math.
Here is the code, criticisms welcome:
/* built with gcc -std=c99 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char *
pack(const unsigned char * data, size_t len, size_t * packedlen)
float fpl = ((float)len / 4.0f) * 3.0f;
*packedlen = (size_t)(fpl > (float)((int)fpl) ? fpl + 1 : fpl);
unsigned char * packed = malloc(*packedlen);
if (!packed)
return 0;
const unsigned char * in = data;
const unsigned char * in_end = in + len;
unsigned char * out;
for (out = packed; in + 4 <= in_end; in += 4) {
*out++ = in[0] | ((in[1] & 0x03) << 6);
*out++ = ((in[1] & 0x3c) >> 2) | ((in[2] & 0x0f) << 4);
*out++ = ((in[2] & 0x30) >> 4) | (in[3] << 2);
size_t lastlen = in_end - in;
if (lastlen > 0) {
*out = in[0];
if (lastlen > 1) {
*out++ |= ((in[1] & 0x03) << 6);
*out = ((in[1] & 0x3c) >> 2);
if (lastlen > 2) {
*out++ |= ((in[2] & 0x0f) << 4);
*out = ((in[2] & 0x30) >> 4);
if (lastlen > 3)
*out |= (in[3] << 2);
return packed;
int main()
size_t i;
unsigned char data[] = {
12, 15, 40, 18,
26, 32, 50, 3,
7, 19, 46, 10,
25, 37, 2, 39,
60, 59, 0, 17,
9, 29, 13, 54,
5, 6, 47, 32
size_t datalen = sizeof(data);
printf("unpacked datalen: %td\nunpacked data\n", datalen);
for (i = 0; i < datalen; ++i)
printf("%02d ", data[i]);
size_t packedlen;
unsigned char * packed = pack(data, sizeof(data), &packedlen);
if (!packed) {
fprintf(stderr, "Packing failed!\n");
printf("packedlen: %td\npacked data\n", packedlen);
for (i = 0; i < packedlen; ++i)
printf("0x%02x ", packed[i]);
