I have a project which should be located in certain folder on server (site.com/folder/), and locally on site.com. I'm using Webpack, React, and React Router.
When I upload all of the files to specific folder on server, it cannot resolve the paths to js files, images, and all of the routes mentioned without that folder.
Is there any way to manage paths within configs without server access?
In my opinion, you should create a PUBLIC folder (example: /public) on server side and the structure /public folder is looked like a router.
I want to setup already created react app in my local for further updation. I only have files uploaded to the server public_html.
Directory view
You can view the files in my root folder here.
Is it possible to setup react project like that. If so someone please help.
This command should work if everything is set up correctly and you have all the requirements installed locally. npm start
I have been trying to run my react application on a subdirectory .
I am using a load balancer (ALB) to and redirecting my application on "directory" from "https://mydomain/directory".
But static file of the build was not being found by my application
added direcctory on package.json. "homepage": "/directory"
added basename on react-router-dom
in my networks index.html is looking for ".#####/directory/static/js" and css in the same way
i am only able to run my react build by redirecting static request to my react build, but this is not the good solution because i want to run 3 applications on my ALB and this will cause me change my assets folder name manually in the build, obviously don't want to do that.
I have been applying multiple solutions but couldn't find a proper solution please someone help in this.😑
ALB doesn't do redirects, and it doesn't do any sort of request path rewriting, it simply forwards the request to the target. You need to setup your server so it is actually serving the website from that folder, in other words change your assets folder name in the build.
If you don't want to do that, you would need to look at other AWS solutions like CloudFront which can proxy the request to a different path on the origin server.
I had a scenario of publishing react app with nginx inside docker with ci/cd. It took me setup a separate express server to serve app files and resolved the issue. Here is the repository synopsis of server.js that might help:
I have developed a reactjs application and have hosted in azure cloud. Now we want to implement the CI/CD process through Azure pipelines. I am quiet new in both the platforms. Need to know the process.
Currently, I have one file index.js where I have used the axios and have set the base URL to connect to the server. All my web services in different components class access this axios settings for accessing data from server. We have four environments, DEV,SIT, UAT and PROD. So for now I use to manually change the axios base URL and create the build and zip it and host it to the respective environments.
I need to understand for CI/CD what steps should I take. Most of the google finding suggested to have a config file. But how I can change my current implementation is a big challenge for me. For example my axios base URL, how it will take the value from the config file, or where I should create the config file, because when I create the build, all the js files are minified into one file and are put in the static folder. Apart from the static folder, the app icons and the files in the public folder of the project directory are listed (in the build folder). So shall I include a config file in the public folder or something else.
There are also webpack.config.dev.js and webpack.config.prod.js in the config folder of the project directory. Will it help. Because the requirement is first through Azure pipelines, the code will go to the DEV environment, then from DEV to SIT and from SIT to UAT and then to PROD. So subequently my axios Base URL should also change accordingly.
Can anyone suggest anything?
I'm not sure I fully understand your question but you could create a json file and put your config data in there, i.e. server_config.json. It would not be minified as it is not a js file. Then you will need to read the json in your code to get all the settings. Your CI/CD can also read this fille should it need to.
You should also make sure that the json config file is ignored from version control so that each environment has to have its own file.
I understand that in react you cannot import files outside src folder.
But what is the reason for it exactly and can I disable it?
In my project react web app is only part of the whole thing, and different parts share some files (configs, build output), so folder structure looks like this
Sure, you can copy files or create symlinks, but that's duplication and inconvenient.
This is a restriction of Create React App only.
This tool exists to get new users up and running with the react framework as fast as possible by abstracting away the tooling. The part of tooling that is limiting you in this instance is their webpack configuration, which is preset to only look for javascript files in your src directory.
That explains the why? but to answer the other half of your question:
how can I disable it?
Is that you would need to eject from Create React App and then modify your webpack config to allow it to search directories other than src/
First - this has nothing to do with react itself.
If you refer to importing javascript modules (for now using module loaders like systemjs, require, etc.) then the answer is:
It depends what directory is being served by web server. If you have set up your web server to serve WebApp/src folder only - then no, browser will not be able to get access to the files outside and so module loaders. If you will serve all ProjectRoot directory - then yes, you can.
If you prepare your web application for deployment using some sort of bundlers (webpack, browserify) - it depends on how you will configure them and instruct to include the required files in the resulting bundle.
I am wondering if it is possible to deploy react.js web app that I've built to a share hosting site that does not have node.js installed?
I use webpack to build the application and it creates normal html, js, css file. I uploaded the static folder that includes all those html, js(bundle.js) and css files, but when I request the site, the server reply with 404 bundle.js not found response.
Use npm run build, you should get a folder with the index html file inside that will run your app. Try this with xampp first before you actually deploy to your server.
Here is everything step by step
npm run build
yarn run build
it will generate a build folder that looks like this:
Copy everything and move it to the htdocs in xampp or ftp upload the directory to the public_html file in your hosting
Yes you sure can put react on a shared hosting provider.
Seeing as you're getting a 404 error (not found), you are probably referencing your react file/bundle incorrectly. It might not even be named bundle.js if you're using a boilerplate to create your application.
Can you give more information? What does your index.html file look like? What does your directory structure look like? If you are able to post these files I can tell you what the issue is.
The answer below should be accepted. (Although this would assume that you have the ability to make a build which you have not verified or not.)
Make a build using the build command through whatever boilerplate you used. Deploy those files on your shared hosting server. Make sure that index.html is at the root of where your server is expecting the root to be and your app should be live.
For deploying a react app on a shared hosting you need to create a production build. Production build is a pack of all your react code and its dependencies.
in most shared hosting we put our site/app inside a public_html directory so if we hit www.yourdomain.com it serves the code from public_html directory.
so if your react app is ready to go, edit your package.json file add a new key value:
then create a build using following command:
npm run build
after running the command you will see a new directory named build in your app root. It will contain js and css for the app and a index.html file. You need to upload all the content inside build directory to public_html directory, and that's all, go to your domain and your app will be working just fine.