Is it possible to read a file after receiving an event? - apache-camel

I'm using a ActiveMQ Broker with built-in Camel Routes. I want to read a file after an Event received.
from Event A
read File XY
to Event B with Body from File XY
I simple tried moving files from a temporary directory based on an event but only event B is written. In the Log file are no Exceptions or Error messages.
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
<!-- You can use Spring XML syntax to define the routes here using the <route> element -->
<description>Example Camel Route</description>
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<from uri="file://tmp/a?delete=true"/>
<to uri="file://tmp/b?overruleFile=copy-of-${file:name}"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
Update with working solution for single file:
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
<!-- You can use Spring XML syntax to define the routes here using the <route> element -->
<description>Example Camel Route</description>
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<log message="file content ${body}"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>

You need to use Content Enrichers for this. This is exactly what you are looking for.
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
Please be aware that for camel version 2.15 or older
pollEnrich does not access any data from the current Exchange which
means when polling it cannot use any of the existing headers you may
have set on the Exchange. For example you cannot set a filename in the
Exchange.FILE_NAME header and use pollEnrich to consume only that
file. For that you must set the filename in the endpoint URI.


Camel blueprint <setHeader headerName="CamelHttpPath" id="_setHeader1"><el>${header.uriPattern}</el></setHeader> waiting for dependencies

I have the following Camel Context.
<camelContext id="_camuatomicservicecontext" xmlns="">
<route id="_camuatomicserviceroute1">
<from id="_from1" uri="direct-vm:camuatomicservice">
<description>accepts vm messages directly </description>
<log id="_log1" message="Camu Atomic Service body = ${body}, header= ${header.uriPattern}"/>
<!-- <to id="_to1" uri="restlet:protocol:localhost:8189/"/> -->
<setHeader headerName="api.key" id="_setHeader1">
<constant>replace later with properties api.key Does not matter for this poc</constant>
<setHeader headerName="CamelHttpPath" id="_setOutHeader1">
<to id="_to1" pattern="InOut" uri="netty4-http:http:localhost:8189/path"/>
<log id="_log2" message="CamuAtomicService Response body ${body}"/>
From the documentation I expect the CamelHttpPath header to override the endpoint configuration "/path" such that calling Facade Services can pass the header.uriPattern in and dynamically change the resource they want to access. The bundle worked fine until I added the setHeader for CamelHttpPath and now getting "Waiting for dependencies." I assume I need to install a feature, but Simple EL in other bundles on that server work already so not sure what feature I need to install.
Instead of I used and it worked fine. The choice was farther down in the options.

How can I fail a camel-route when exec returns nonzero?

I'm processing files with a Camel route like this:
<from uri="file:inbox?delete=true"/>
<log message="processed ${file:name}: ${body.stdout} ${body.stderr}"/>
Now I'd like the route to fail when finishes with nonzero exit-code. I found ${headers.CamelExecExitValue} but don't really know what to do with it.
In the example above, the file should not get deleted when fails. In my actual use-case, the route consumes files from a JMS queue and I want the file to stay in the queue. I think this can be done with <transacted/> but need to know how to fail the route.
I found How to define exception to be thrown through ref in Apache Camel which in combination with CamelExecExitValue lets me abort this way:
<from uri="file:inbox?delete=true"/>
<to uri="exec://"/>
${headers.CamelExecExitValue} != 0
<throwException exceptionType="java.lang.RuntimeException" message="failed importing ${file:name}: ${body.stdout} ${body.stderr}"/>
<log message="processed ${file:name}"/>
A bit verbose for my taste but works fine.

Is it possible to create depedent route in camel

I have created multiple routes(say department, Employee) which takes input from file system folders(say department, Empployee) and process those files.
Now, I want to make them dependent. So, if I upload both emp.csv and dept.csv in those folders then it will process department file first and once complete it will start processing file for employee.
is there any way in camel to achieve this.
I looked at Route startupOrdering and AutoStartup feature, but it will work only for the first time when starting routes. However, I need same behavior for entire route life.
<route id="b" xmlns="">
<from uri="file:/home/dev/code/Integration/RunCamleExample/src/main/resources/csv/Department?repeatCount=1&noop=true&delay=10000"/>
<log message="Department data is : ${body}"/>
<route id="employee" xmlns="">
<from uri="file:/home/dev/code/Integration/RunCamleExample/src/main/resources/csv/Employee?noop=true&delay=10000"/>
<log message="Employee data is : ${body}"/>
I suggest to use other logic to handle the task. Two simple ways to go:
Use pollEnrich
Use pollEnrich to collect extra resource (e.g. a file with known name in file system) once at the middle of a route
Flow: Collect department files (From Endpoint) --(for each department file from file system) -> collect single employee file (trigger pollEnrich once with known name) ----> do anything else (if any)
Use ControlBus
Use ControlBus component to control the status of routes (only one of the route in 'start' status)
Flow: Start route A --(when route A complete its goal)-> Suspend route A ---> Start route B --(when route B complete its goal)-> Suspend route B ---> Start route A [loop back to head]
Dependent route execution first can be achieved in Camel using "RouteContext".
Example: If route 'A' is executed before route 'B' then route 'A' should be defined as 'RouteContext' and route be is defined inside "camelContext" like below:
<routeContext id="A" xmlns="">
<route id="A">
<from uri="file:/home/dev/code/Integration/RunCamleExample/src/main/resources/csv/Department?repeatCount=1&noop=true&delay=10000"/>
<log message="Department data is : ${body}"/>
Then regular "camelContext" should be defined with reference to this routeContext first.
<camelContext id="test" xmlns="">
<routeContextRef ref="A"/>
<route id="B">
<from uri="file:/home/dev/code/Integration/RunCamleExample/src/main/resources/csv/Employee?noop=true&delay=10000"/>
<log message="Employee data is : ${body}"/>

Apache Camel unzip, process and aggregate not completing

I am trying to process a zip file, which contains several files inside (all small, so working in memory is not a problem) that need to be transformed and zipped together again.
I managed to unzip, transform the files, but for some reason, the splitter is not completing, only using completionTimeout makes the aggregator to create the final zip archive.
Here's the route:
<route id="ZipFile">
<from uri="file:{{}}?move=.done&moveFailed=.error&readLock=rename"/>
<setProperty propertyName="OriginalZipName">
<zipFile usingIterator="true"/>
<split streaming="true">
<log message="************ CamelSplitComplete = ${property.CamelSplitComplete}"/>
<to uri="direct:ProcessUnzippedFile"/>
<setHeader headerName="CamelFileName">
<!-- Aggregate to zip -->
<aggregate strategyRef="zipAggregationStrategy" eagerCheckCompletion="true">
<setHeader headerName="CamelFileName">
<to uri="file://{{file.path.out}}"/>
Any idea what could be the issue?
The Camel Splitter provides a built- in aggregator, which makes it even easier to
aggregate split messages back into single outgoing message
You have to define the aggregation strategy in the split definition
<split strategyRef="zipAggregationStrategy">
Haven't tried it in XML but in Java DSL this is one of my examples that does exactly that.
.split(bodyAs(Iterator.class),new ZipAggregationStrategy(true,true))

Camel File Endpoint - Getting the file name

I have a camel route:
Later on in the route I need to access the origin file name. How do I get that information? All of the headers contain information in like ${file:name}, but not the actual file name.
Thanks in advance!
The base problem is that simple language is not being evaluated correctly in while running Camel with grails. This is being discussed further on the Camel user list.
there is a header called "CamelFileName" that stores this
see camel-file2 headers section for more details...
If your simple language is not working it would be because you are not using <simple> tag try something like below.
<route id="movedFailedFileForRetry">
<from uri="file:///opt/failed?delete=true" />
<log loggingLevel="INFO" message="Moving failed file ${header.CamelFileName} for retry" />
<simple>${headers.CamelFileName} == 'file1.txt'</simple>
<to uri="file:///opt/input1" />
<to uri="file:///opt/input2" />
Hope it helps!!
${headers.CamelFileName} will provide you with the CamelFileName that is read for processing. We have many other header properties that you can find from the Camel Documentation.
