call AngularJS service method based on the response from bootstrap popover - angularjs

I have a bootstrap popover which has 2 buttons Yes or No. Based on the response from the user i need to call AngularJS service function. How do i do that??
Popover is created only if it meets a certain criteria (like existence of duplicate records)
HTML code looks something like below, but currently doesn't have 2 buttons & still need to work on it
$(document).ready(function () {
if (DuplicateRecord) {
<button href="#" data-toggle="popover" title="Popover Header"
data-content="Some content inside the popover" data-trigger="click"
data-html="false" data-placement="left">
Toggle popover

Looks like you are mixin concepts (or maybe I'm not getting your question), you can have a popover but the data-trigger="click" makes showing the popover on the click event and you wanna use that event to call the service method. Change the popover trigger to hover and then use the click event to call your service. Something like this just as an idea, the snippet is not tested.
title="Popover Header"
data-content="Some content inside the popover"
Toggle popover
You can take a look to UI Bootstrap lib which has a directives for the Bootstrap's components equivalents.


angular ui tooltip triggers ng-disabled of other buttons when hover on button

I using ui bootstrap tooltip plugin with something like this:
<button type="button" uib-tooltip="new item">
new item
<button ng-disabled="vm.testDisabled()">
angular.module('rgh').controller('CourseController', CourseController);
function CourseController () {
function testDisabled() {
console.log('testDisabled called')
return false;
but the problem is that when i hover on new item button, i see the testDisabled called logs in chrome console, i think its inappropriate behavior from uib-tooltip.
how can i resolve this problem?
It's not inappropriate, it's how angular works! when you pass over your button and the tooltip shows the digest loop runs, because you've provided your ngDisabled with a function, that function will run on each digest cycle (even when it is not needed) because it's returned result will be used to tell angular if it should disable the input or not!!
To avoid this, pass ngDisabled with a variable that will be changed in your controller on certain conditions
<button ng-disabled="vm.isTestDisabled">

Angular input type submit don't prevent form submit on ng-click

All I want to accomplish is to show a "loading ..." when the submit button is clicked using AngularJS.
I figured that should be quite easy using
<form ng-if="!export.buttonClicked">
... various input values without ng-model
<input type="submit" value="Start export" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="export.buttonClicked=true;">
<div ng-if="export.buttonClicked">
How could I be so wrong. Seems like Angular prevents the default form submission like this. Showing the loading div works quite fine, but I need the form to be submitted (The server has to calculate a lot so it responds slowly and I would like to show loading... instead of the Button once it has been clicked)
I can't use ng-submit because I have to combine AngularJS with Razor and I don't want no ng-form or ng-model...
Any ideas?
If you have an angular controller tied to the page or div, just use a function in your ng-click like this:
<div ng-controller="sampleController" style="text-align:center">
<button ng-click="buttonClickedFunction()">Submit</button>
Then in your controller:
yourAppName.controller('sampleController', function($scope) {
$scope.buttonClickedFunction = function() {
$scope.message = "Loading...";
// Whatever else you wish to do with your button/function.
This puts loading on the screen once button is clicked, if this is what you were shooting to do?

Adding modal when clicking a hyperlink

I want to load a modal using custom directive when a hyperlink is clicked. but the thing is that hyperlink already defined a ng-click function. Current ng-click function also should work my requirement. How can I do it without changing the ng-click function? Below is my hyperlink.
<a href="#" class="book-btns add-to-cart" data-ng-click="service.addToCart(hotel)" >Add to cart & Continue> </a>
href="javascript:;" should work to disable the default link behaviour.
Create the custom directive so that it binds to "click" on the element.

Rending a Modal in AngularJS

I'm attempting to learn AngularJS (background in BackboneJS). I have a div with some content inside, and I hope to render this div as a modal upon clicking inside of it:
<div class="stickynote"> Content here </div>
My thinking is to add a modal class that I can style in CSS. However, I'm not too sure how to add the modal class upon clicking (and conversely, removing the modal class upon clicking after the modal is rendered). Would I have to use ng-click and somehow set the class property from the JavaScript (myApp.js) file?
If you want to use your own modal styling and if you simply want to achieve adding an extra item to class attribute of your element, you can use a combination of ng-class and ng-click:
<div class="stickynote"
ng-class="{yourModalCSSClass: isModalOpen}"
ng-click="isModalOpen = true">
And somewhere else, you need another ng-click to turn it off:
<button ng-click="isModalOpen = false">Close modal</button>
Beware that both div and button must be in the same scope hierarchy to be able to use the same isModalOpen value. And by the way, I haven't tried this code but this should give you an idea. If you have a controller/directive, you can set isModalOpen from there by introducing functions in the scope:
// controller
$scope.toggleModal = function () {
$scope.isModalOpen = !$scope.isModalOpen;
<div ...
<button ng-click="toggleModal()">...
If you're open to using a third-party solution, ng-dialog is an outstanding solution for modals+Angular.

AngularJS with ui-router ng-hide not working after initially working

I've been struggling with a ng-hide issue in combination with using ui-router. Simple app. Index.html shows some data via the "notes" route, you click on "detail" and you go to the sub route "notes.note" to view the detail just below the other records. The "detail" html has a "Save" & "Cancel" button.
Now there is an "Add New" button when you are not viewing the detail with the attribute ng-hide="HideAddNew". "HideAddNew" is a $scope variable in the controller. When I click "detail" on a row I have this ng-click="toggleAddNew()" on the link which in turn calls this
$scope.toggleAddNew= function()
$scope.HideAddNew=($scope.HideAddNew ? false : true);
That works perfectly, my detail shows and my "Add New" button has disappeared. Now on the detail when I click "Cancel" it fire off the ng-click="hideData()" which calls the function:
And now my "Add New" has disappeared even though the variable is set to false, i.e. Don't hide. I've tried $timeout in that "hideData" function and in the "toggleAddNew" function. I've tried putting "$scope.toggleAddNew();" after the "$state.go('notes');" too. I don't want to resort to manually adding and removing classes. AngularJS ver: v1.3.15 , ui-router ver: v0.2.13 Thanx all :)
Would the below work Tony?
<button ng-if="HideAddNew" ng-click="SelectRoute('notenew')" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus -glyphicon-align-left"></span>Add New</button>
Perhaps you could simplify and use ng-switch instead.
Something like this:
<ul ng-switch="expression">
<li ng-switch-when="firstThing">my first thing</li>
<li ng-switch-when="secondThing">my second thing</li>
<li ng-switch-default>default</li>
Alternatively, maybe you could use ng-if or ng-show instead of ng-hide, eg:
<p ng-if="HideAddNew">it's here!</p>
<p ng-if="!HideAddNew">it's not here.</p>
If I understand what you're trying to achieve exactly, I would use ng-show with an ng-click:
$scope.addNew = false;
<button ng-show="!addNew" ng-click="addNew = true">Add New</button>
<button ng-show="addNew" ng-click="save()">Save</button>
<button ng-show="addNew" ng-click="addNew = false">Cancel</button>
