Refresh issue in react routing - reactjs

I developed a react based application and the router is working fine but when i am doing refresh the route which is not rendering same page which goes to error page or login page.
Tried with React router


react native with firebase

solve me a problem which is it about
I have a project which is it a register page and home page the home page is empty and these are connected with firebase
I have an app with multiple features I want it to work in the home page and be able to connected with firebase

Why does React app served by cloudfront doesn't render component

I am pretty new to React and front end world.So ignore mistakes.
So i am using auth0 for authentication in my react app. Login button is a component which redirecta to auth0 authentication button and upon login user can go to /profile component. Using react router for going to profile component.
All this works perfectly in localhost.
But the moment i deployed on s3 and cloudfront. it shows profile key not found so based on various solution ( stack now add i can see my go to profile component however the page is entirely blank nothing is being render on profile component.
UPDATE :- the error is definitely related to cloudfront, because if i directly access my s3 bucket website endpoint,it renders everything works.
I solved it by add error response 403 404 for cloud front.

Persister Login Without Navbar Flickering in ReactJS

I'm using ReactJS for my next project and am using JWT and storing it in LocalStorage for persistent login. The issue occurs whenever I refresh my website, the navbar flickers between auth links and guest links. Can anyone help with the flickering/flashing between states while using persistent login?

How to integrate passport.js POST server-side login routes with react client-side navigation and routing?

I'd like to implement a redux action that triggers the passport.js authentication.
Passport's implementation is server-side and is POST route at /login on the express server.
I am using react starter kit with isomorphic rendering.
React starter kit uses client-side and isomorphic routing, but the passport.js authentication routes are not exposed to the react-starter-kit routing.
How do I:
trigger the server side POST /login route from a redux action client-side?
Is there a way for me to keep the client-side routing integrated with the passport.js server side login routes so that it renders isomorhpically? It seems odd to have a set of server-side routes for login that the client has no knowledge of.
I currently have a client-side route for /login that just has a big button that says Login which triggers a form post. Is it a hack to keep that page but just auto-trigger the form post on render?

AngularJS SPA application Browser refresh or F5

In my angularJS application, I have five routes and dashboard route. After login into my application, dasbhoard is the first route from which all other routes starts. When I am in any one of five routes and hits F5 or browser refresh, my route is changing to default route. Can anyone help me. thanks
