How to establish adb connection between local mobile device and remote ubuntu server to run android automation scripts? - adb

I have deployed automation script in remote ubuntu-server and i want to execute those script on my local mobile device or emulator.
I have googled for the answer but all the solutions work only if both the device are connected to same wifi network below is the syntax
adb connect ip address:port
when i run the adb connect in my remote server i should be able to access my local emulator or device connected in some other network


Connecting to SQL Server in Parallels from Docker on Mac

I'm currently having a Macbook Pro M1 as my development machine, running Docker on Mac for my containerised applications and Windows 11 VM using Parallels as my development environment. In this Windows VM lies the SQL Server database that Docker needs to connect to. To those who may be unaware, no, the M1 chip doesn't support nested virtualisation.
Therein lies my question: how do I establish a connection from Docker through the MacOS host to SQL Server in Windows VM?
Points that I'm aware of:
There is no direct connection between Docker and Windows
Docker has its own subnet assigned by default e.g.
Parallels uses shared network by default, which places the Windows VM in an invisible subnet e.g. 10.211.55.x
Parallels support bridged network but ideally would like the corporate VPN to just be in the MacOS host
Inside Mac's host file, an entry exists to resolve the private IP of the Windows VM to a hostname e.g. 10.211.55.x windows-11.shared
Docker uses a specific hostname to establish a connection to the MacOS host i.e. host.docker.internal
SQL Server is configured to accept TCP connections through port 1433
Using the connection string Server=windows-11.shared;Database=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx throws the "Server not found" error because no direct connection
Advice greatly appreciated!

Connect to android 7 with adb over WIFI without ever connecting via USB

I want to connect to an android phone using adb over WIFI. When I do (either by using WIFI Adb or the buildin ADB over Network in android) I get:
$ adb connect
failed to authenticate to
and adb devices shows the same result:
List of devices attached unauthorized
The solution I find everywhere is: Connect the device via USB and authorize the PC, then connect via WIFI.
Unfortunately I cannot do that, because:
I have installed android-x86 (newest version is android 7.1.2) inside libvrt-manager (KVM).
I have no Idea how I would connect this virtual machine with android via USB to my PC.
So is there a way to authorize a PC for adb usage without every connecting the android Device via USB?
True wireless adb is available only on Android version 11 and above. All version below you have to connect the USB cable and forward the tcp/ip port 5555 and then connect this is called adb over WiFi.
More details are here
I would recommend using a Android 11 emulator if possible if you can't have a USB connection

How to connect to a mariadb database hosted on raspberry over the internet?

I have a web server hosted on a personal raspberry pi 3. It has MariaDB as its database. I want MariaDB database to be accessible from anywhere in the world. I use python script to connect to the MariaDB server. I don't have any idea of how to do it. I have tried the following things :
MariaDB database was bound to so i replaced it with
I tried looking if my raspberry was accepting connections on port 3306. I used Telnet for that :
telnet 3306
But i got this response :
My python script works fine when i replace the URL with my raspberry's local network IP address. I don't know what else to try to connect to remote MariaDB database using my same python script.

Unable to establish connection to server on a static ip

Objective : I am trying to establish a test environment with a test server instance running on a static machine. I wish to be able to connect/make use/test code against this server running from all other machines on the same local network.
Problem :
I am unable to establish a connection to the appserver that is running on a machine with static ip. It's an appengine server and runs without errors ( tested ). Connection can be established from the browser on the local machine but when trying to connect from any browser on another machine in the same network then no connection is established.
The same setup is made available for jenkins server and jenkins dashboard can be accessed from all other machines in the network.
If you are running a local version of app engine, you can use the --host option. --host= myapp
The host address to use for the server. You may need to set this to be able to access the development server from another computer on your network. An address of allows both localhost access and hostname access. Default is localhost.
For java, use the --address option instead.

Does Nokia X allow ADB over network?

Due to space limitations in my office, I'd like to deploy my apps via network instead of via usb. Both the phone and the PC are in the same network.
I'm hoping for something similar to Ouya: a checkbox in the settings and then "adb connect "
Connect with USB cable and run:
adb tcpip 5555
Disconnect USB cable and run:
adb connect
Change the IP to the actual IP of the device.
