SAS do loop with if statement - loops

I am trying to group by dataset in three month groups, or quarters, but as I'm starting from an arbitrary date, I cannot use the quarter function in sas.
Example data below of what I have and quarter is the column I need to create in SAS.
The start date is always the same, so my initial quarter will be 3rd Sep 2018 - 3rd Dec 2018 and any active date falling in that quarter will be 1, then quarter 2 will be 3rd Dec 2018 - 3rd Mar 2019 and so on. This cannot be coded manually as the start date will change depending on the data, and the number of quarters could be up to 20+.
The code I have attempted so far is below
data test_Data_op;
set test_data end=eof;
%let j = 0;
%let start_date = start_Date;
if &start_Date. <= effective_dt < (&start_date. + 90) then quarter = &j.+1;
This works and gives the first quarter correctly, but I can't figure out how to loop this for every following quarter? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

No need for a DO loop if you already have the start_date and actual event dates. Just count the number of months and divide by three. Use the continuous method of the INTCK() function to handle start dates that are not the first day of a month.

Based on the comment by #Lee. Edited to match the data from the screenshot.
The example shows that May 11 would be in the 3rd quarter since the seed date is September 3.
data have;
input mydate :yymmdd10.;
format mydate yymmddd10.;
%let start_date='03sep2018'd;
data want;
set have;
If you want the number of quarters to extend beyond 4 (e.g. September 4, 2019 would be in quarter 5 rather than cycle back to 1), then remove the "mod" from the function:

The traditional use of quarter means a 3 month time period relative to Jan 1. Make sure your audience understands the phrase quarter in your data presentation actually means 3 months relative to some arbitrary starting point.
The funky quarter can be functionally computed from a months apart derived using a mix of INTCK for the baseline months computation and a logical expression for adjusting with relation to the day of the month of the start date. No loops required.
For example:
data have;
do startDate = '11feb2019'd ;
do effectiveDate = startDate to startDate + 21*90;
format startDate effectiveDate yymmdd10.;
data want;
set have;
qtr = 1
+ floor(
( intck ('month', startDate, effectiveDate)
(day(effectiveDate) < day(startDate))
/ 3
format qtr 4.;
Comparing my method (qtr) to #Tom (qtr_number) for a range of startDates:
data have;
retain seq 0;
do startDate = '01jan1999'd to '15jan2001'd;
seq + 1;
do effectiveDate = startDate to startDate + 21*90;
format startDate effectiveDate yymmdd10.;
data want;
set have;
qtr = 1
+ floor( ( intck ('month', startDate, effectiveDate)
- (day(effectiveDate) < day(startDate))
) / 3 );
format qtr: month: 4.;
options nocenter nodate nonumber;title;
ods listing;
proc print data=want;
where qtr ne qtr_number;
dm 'output';
-------- OUTPUT ---------
effective month_ qtr_
Obs seq startDate Date qtr number number
56820 31 1999-01-31 1999-04-30 1 4 2
57186 31 1999-01-31 2000-04-30 5 16 6
57551 31 1999-01-31 2001-04-30 9 28 10
57916 31 1999-01-31 2002-04-30 13 40 14
58281 31 1999-01-31 2003-04-30 17 52 18
168391 90 1999-03-31 1999-06-30 1 4 2
168483 90 1999-03-31 1999-09-30 2 7 3
168757 90 1999-03-31 2000-06-30 5 16 6
168849 90 1999-03-31 2000-09-30 6 19 7
169122 90 1999-03-31 2001-06-30 9 28 10
169214 90 1999-03-31 2001-09-30 10 31 11
169487 90 1999-03-31 2002-06-30 13 40 14
169579 90 1999-03-31 2002-09-30 14 43 15
169852 90 1999-03-31 2003-06-30 17 52 18
169944 90 1999-03-31 2003-09-30 18 55 19
280510 149 1999-05-29 2001-02-28 7 22 8
280875 149 1999-05-29 2002-02-28 11 34 12
281240 149 1999-05-29 2003-02-28 15 46 16
282035 150 1999-05-30 2000-02-29 3 10 4
282400 150 1999-05-30 2001-02-28 7 22 8
282765 150 1999-05-30 2002-02-28 11 34 12


sum values across any 365 day period

I've got a dataset that has id, start date and a claim value (in dollars) in each row - most ids have more than one row - some span over 50 rows. The earliest date for each ID/claim varies, and the claim values are mostly different.
I'd like to do a rolling sum of the value of IDs that have claims within 365 days of each other, to report each ID that has claims that have exceeded a limiting value across each period. So for an ID that had a claim date on 1 January, I'd sum all claims to 31 December (inclusive). Most IDs have several years of data so for the example above, I'd also need to check that if they had a claim on 1 May that they hadn't exceeded the limit by 30 April the following year and so on. I normally see this referred to as a 'rolling sum'. My site has many SAS products including base, stat, ets, and others.
I'm currently testing code on a small mock dataet and so far I've converted a thin file to a fat file with one column for each claim value and each date of the claim. The mock dataset is similar to the client dataset that I'll be using. Here's what I've done so far (noting that the mock data uses days rather than dates - I'm not at the stage where I want to test on real data yet).
data original_data;
input ppt $1. day claim;
a 1 7
a 2 12
a 4 12
a 6 18
a 7 11
a 8 10
a 9 14
a 10 17
b 1 27
b 2 12
b 3 14
b 4 12
b 6 18
b 7 11
b 8 10
b 9 14
b 10 17
c 4 2
c 6 4
c 8 8
proc sql;
create table ppt_counts as
select ppt, count(*) as ppts
from work.original_data
group by ppt;
select cats('value_', max(ppts) ) into :cats
from work.ppt_counts;
select cats('dates_',max(ppts)) into :cnts
from work.ppt_counts;
%put &cats;
%put &cnts;
data flipped;
set original_data;
by ppt;
array vars(*) value_1 -&cats.;
array dates(*) dates_1 - &cnts.;
array m_vars value_1 - &cats.;
array m_dates dates_1 - &cnts.;
if first.ppt then do;
do over m_vars;
do over m_dates;
if first.ppt then do:
vars(i) = claim;
if last.ppt then output;
retain value_1 - &cats dates_1 - &cnts. 0.;
data output;
set work.flipped;
max_date =max(of dates_1 - &cnts.);
max_value =max(of value_1 - &cats.);
This doesn't give me even close to what I need - not sure how to structure code to make this correct.
What I need to end up with is one row per time that an ID exceeds the yearly limit of claim value (say in the mock data if a claim exceeds 75 across a seven day period), and to include the sum of the claims. So it's likely that there may be multiple lines per ID and the claims from one row may also be included in the claims for the same ID on another row.
type of output:
ID sum of claims
a $85
a $90
b $80
On separate rows.
Any help appreciated.
If you need to perform a rolling sum, you can do this with proc expand. The code below will perform a rolling sum of 5 days for each group. First, expand your data to fill in any missing gaps:
proc expand data = original_data
out = original_data_expanded
from = day;
by ppt;
id day;
convert claim / method=none;
Any days with gaps will have missing value of claim. Now we can calculate a moving sum and ignore those missing days when performing the moving sum:
proc expand data = original_data
out = want(where=(NOT missing(claim)));
by ppt;
id day;
convert claim = rolling_sum / transform=(movsum 5) method=none;
ppt day rolling_sum claim
a 1 7 7
a 2 19 12
a 4 31 12
a 6 42 18
a 7 41 11
b 9 53 14
b 10 70 17
c 4 2 2
c 6 6 4
c 8 14 8
The reason we use two proc expand statements is because the rolling sum is calculated before the days are expanded. We need the rolling sum to occur after the expansion. You can test this by running the above code all in a single statement:
/* Performs moving sum, then expands */
proc expand data = original_data
out = test
from = day;
by ppt;
id day;
convert claim = rolling_sum / transform=(movsum 5) method=none;
Use a SQL self join with the dates being within 365 days of itself. This is time/resource intensive if you have a very large data set.
Assuming you have a date variable, the intnx is probably the better way to calculate the date interval than 365 depending on how you want to account for leap years.
If you have a claim id to group on, that would also be better than using the group by clause in this example.
data have;
input ppt $1. day claim;
a 1 7
a 2 12
a 4 12
a 6 18
a 7 11
a 8 10
a 9 14
a 10 17
b 1 27
b 2 12
b 3 14
b 4 12
b 6 18
b 7 11
b 8 10
b 9 14
b 10 17
c 4 2
c 6 4
c 8 8
proc sql;
create table want as
select a.*, sum(b.claim) as total_claim
from have as a
left join have as b
on a.ppt=b.ppt and between and
group by 1, 2, 3;
/* between and intnx('year',, 1, 's')*/;
Assuming that you have only one claim per day you could just use a circular array to keep track of the pervious N days of claims to generate the rolling sum. By circular array I mean one where the indexes wrap around back to the beginning when you increment past the end. You can use the MOD() function to convert any integer into an index into the array.
Then to get the running sum just add all of the elements in the array.
Add an extra DO loop to zero out the days skipped when there are days with no claims.
%let N=5;
data want;
set original_data;
by ppt ;
array claims[0:%eval(&n-1)] _temporary_;
if first.ppt then call missing(of lagday claims[*]);
do index=max(sum(lagday,1),day-&n+1) to day-1;
running_sum=sum(of claims[*]);
drop index lagday ;
OBS ppt day claim sum
1 a 1 7 7
2 a 2 12 19
3 a 4 12 31
4 a 6 18 42
5 a 7 11 41
6 a 8 10 51
7 a 9 14 53
8 a 10 17 70
9 b 1 27 27
10 b 2 12 39
11 b 3 14 53
12 b 4 12 65
13 b 6 18 56
14 b 7 11 55
15 b 8 10 51
16 b 9 14 53
17 b 10 17 70
18 c 4 2 2
19 c 6 4 6
20 c 8 8 14
Working in a known domain of date integers, you can use a single large array to store the claims at each date and slice out the 365 days to be summed. The bookkeeping needed for the modular approach is not needed.
data have;
call streaminit(20230202);
do id = 1 to 10;
do date = '01jan2012'd to '02feb2023'd;
date + rand('integer', 25);
claim = rand('integer', 5, 100);
format date yymmdd10.;
options fullstimer;
data want;
set have;
by id;
array claims(100000) _temporary_;
array slice (365) _temporary_;
if then call missing(of claims(*));
claims(date) = claim;
call pokelong(
addrlong (claims(date-365))
, 8*365)
rolling_sum_365 = sum(of slice(*));
if dif1(claim) < 365 then
claims_out_365 = lag(claim) - dif1(rolling_sum_365);
if then claims_out_365 = .;
Note: SAS Date 100,000 is 16OCT2233

Counting the ID and assigning a Year

I have a dataset that looks like this:
data have;
input ID P1 P2 P3 P4;
ID P1 P2 P3 P4
12 10 15 20 30
12 - 20 5 3
12 - - 25 33
12 - - - 30
19 10 15 20 30
19 - 10 17 30
19 - - 5 30
19 - - - 30
I am trying to build in a variable called Year which then can be used to identify that the ID and P1-P4 is an array with each row representing a year. Such that the dataset would look like.
data want;
set have;
input ID P1 P2 P3 P4;
ID P1 P2 P3 P4 Year
12 10 15 20 30 2017
12 - 20 5 3 2018
12 - - 25 33 2019
12 - - - 30 2020
19 10 15 20 30 2017
19 - 10 17 30 2018
19 - - 5 30 2019
19 - - - 30 2020
I originally used to use this code:
Data Year;
do ID = 1 to 8;
do Year = 2017 to 2020;
data Final;
set have;
Merge Year;
But now that I am working with a different dataset each time and I don't know the structure of the ID, I can't keep changing ID=1 to 8 to suit the dataset each time.
My question: Is there a way to do this through the dataset, possibly a count?
Count ID = 2017;
Year = count + 1;
There is no need to create a second data set that will be merged with the first.
You do need to make assumptions about the grouping in the have data set. The assumptions are the data is already sorted or arranged in a manner that allows a monotonic year value to be assigned to each sequential row in each group.
data want;
set have;
by id;
then year = 2017; %* initial year for a group;
else year + 1; %* increment year for subsequent rows of a group;

Working with an upper-triangular array in SAS (challenge +2 Points)

I'm looking to improve my code efficiency by turning my code into arrays and loops. The data i'm working with starts off like this:
ID Mapping Asset Fixed Performing Payment 2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020
1 Loan1 1 1 1 90 30 30 30
2 Loan1 1 1 0 80 20 40 20
3 Loan1 1 0 1 60 40 10 10
4 Loan1 1 0 0 120 60 30 30
5 Loan2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
So For each ID (essentially the data sorted by Mapping, Asset, Fixed and then Performing) I'm looking to build a profile for the Payment Scheme.
The Payment Vector for the first ID looks like this:
PaymentVector1 PaymentVector2 PaymentVector3 PaymentVector4
1 0.33 0.33 0.33
It is represented by the formula
The above is fine to create in an array, example code can be given if you wish.
Next, under the assumption that every payment made is replaced i.e. when 30 is paid in 2018, it must be replaced, and so on.
I'm looking to make a profile that shows the outflows (and for illustration, but not required in code, in brackets inflows) for the movement of the payments as such - For ID=1:
Payment2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020
17 (+90) -30 -30 -30
18 N/A (+30) -10 -10
19 N/A N/A (+40) -13.3
20 N/A N/A N/A (+53.3)
so if you're looking forwards, the rows can be thought of what year it is and the columns representing what years are coming up.
Hence, in year 2019, looking at what is to be paid in 2017 and 2018 is N/A because those payments are in the past / cannot be paid now.
As for in year 2018, looking at what has to be paid in 2019, you have to pay one-third of the money you have now, so -10.
I've been working to turn this dataset row by row into the array but there surely has to be a quicker way using an array:
The Code I've used so far looks like:
Data Want;
Set Have;
Array Vintage(2017:2020) Vintage2017-Vintage2020;
Array PaymentSchedule(2017:2020) PaymentSchedule2017-PaymentSchedule2020;
Array PaymentVector(2017:2020) PaymentVector2017-PaymentVector2020;
Array PaymentVolume(2017:2020) PaymentVolume2017-PaymentVolume2020;
do i=1 to 4;
I'll add code tomorrow... but the code doesn't work regardless.
data have;
ID Mapping $ Asset Fixed Performing Payment2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020; datalines;
1 Loan1 1 1 1 90 30 30 30
2 Loan1 1 1 0 80 20 40 20
3 Loan1 1 0 1 60 40 10 10
4 Loan1 1 0 0 120 60 30 30
data want(keep=id payment: fraction:);
set have;
array p payment:;
array fraction(4); * track constant fraction determined at start of profile;
array out(4); * track outlay for ith iteration;
* compute constant (over iterations) fraction for row;
do i = dim(p) to 1 by -1;
fraction(i) = p(i) / p(1);
* reset to missing to allow for sum statement, which is <variable> + <expression>;
call missing(of out(*));
out(1) = p(1);
do iter = 1 to 4;
p(iter) = out(iter);
do i = iter+1 to dim(p);
p(i) = -fraction(i) * p(iter);
out(i) + (-p(i)); * <--- compute next iteration outlay with ye olde sum statement ;
p(iter) = .;
format fract: best4. payment: 7.2;
You've indexed your arrays with 2017:2020 but then try and use them using the 1 to 4 index. That won't work, you need to be consistent.
Array PaymentSchedule(2017:2020) PaymentSchedule2017-PaymentSchedule2020;
Array PaymentVector(2017:2020) PaymentVector2017-PaymentVector2020;
do i=2017 to 2020;

Qquery to fetch the data in the required format in SQL table

I have some columns as shown below,
1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 4th Month 5th Month 6th Month Current_Month
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
And i need output like this,
Feb March April May June July August
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
And the data varies every month, So current month column should be replaced by the Name of the Month and accordingly the last months data with Names of the month.
Please note i'm a beginner.
Thanks in advance.

Sql command: How to get rows from specified value?

Please advise SQL command.
I have a table with 3 columns: Data, Quantity, Price
But number of rows about thousand.
I have exact number of rows (for example only 5), which I want to pickup from this table (see below).
So I want to collect data after "06.02.2013" (if this date not in table, possible to take next nearest date after this date, it will be 11.02.2013),
and collect 5 rows after this date (result see below)
Date Qty Price
01.02.2013 24 1025
06.02.2013 26 1150
11.02.2013 47 2014
16.02.2013 5 1025
21.02.2013 7 1023
26.02.2013 8 1025
03.03.2013 95 1203
08.03.2013 63 1203
13.03.2013 25 2012
18.03.2013 48 1032
23.03.2013 105 1253
28.03.2013 48 1452
Desired result:
06.02.2013 26 1150
11.02.2013 47 2014
16.02.2013 5 1025
21.02.2013 7 1023
26.02.2013 8 1025
select top 5 *
from table_Prices
where Date > cast('06-02-2013' as datetime)
order by Date asc
