How to trigger validation in formik after rendering? - reactjs

I have one question with formik. Basically, I will have a table which list all the Id of the forms which have errors. When user click on the Id of a form, it will show up the form itself. The requirement is the errors should be showing also when the form is rendered. Does anyone know how to do that with Formik ? Also, if user edit the field the field validation should works as normal.
I put the codesandbox link here. Basically I want that when the form show up I should see the errors, not just when user move away from the field or changing it. Thank you.
import { Formik, Field, Form } from "formik";
import { TextField } from "formik-material-ui";
class Post0 extends React.Component {
validateEmptyName(value) {
if (!value) {
return "Invalid Name";
render() {
return (
email: "",
animal: ""
onSubmit={values => {
render={({ values, isSubmitting }) => (
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

I made a basic demo version using a custom input component. Formik has no built-in options to do this so unfortunately you need to create your own field components to integrate with Formik's props and bypass the logic that won't show validations if the form's not touched.
const Input = ({ field, form }) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
border: form.errors[] ? "1px solid red" : "1px solid #ccc"
{form.errors[] && (
<span style={{ color: "red" }}>{form.errors[]}</span>
And then pass this as the component prop on your <Field/>.
Formik does provide an isInitialValid prop which you could set to false on the main Formik component, but again the library TextFields you're using won't display anything without the touched prop.

2021 update:
Use validateOnMount prop:

validateOnMount works if you also add initialTouched, but it has limitation (...or better say bug) when it shows validation issues after submit which doesn't lead to different view or component.
I have found pretty elegant workaround which works as expected.
const formikRef = React.useRef(null);
React.useEffect(() => formikRef.current.validateForm(), []);
return (
initialTouched={mapObject(props.customer, true)}
onSubmit={values => {

you can use isInitialValid or initialErrors to valid initial values.
check their official docs here.

I accomplished this using Yup's validateAtSync function while populating the initial values of my form from the querystring.
function generateInitialValues(tabs: TabType[], router: any, validationSchema: any) {
const initialValues: { [key: string]: number | string } = {};
_.forEach(tabs, (tab: TabType) => {
_.forEach(tab.formFields, (f: FormField) => {
let isFieldValid;
try {
console.log('validation schema validateAt: ', validationSchema.validateSyncAt(, router.query[]));
isFieldValid = validationSchema.validateSyncAt(, router.query[]);
} catch (e) {
// do nothing on purpose to stop exception from being thrown
// TODO: Consider doing something here, such as recording a metric
initialValues[] = isFieldValid ? router.query[] : f.defaultValue;
return initialValues;


Passing value to hidden input from dropdown menu in react

I have react-select dropdown menu and hidden input which I pass to form when submiting...
using useState hook I created variable which tracks changes to react-select dropdown menu.
Hidden input has this variable as value also. I thought this would be enough.
But when I submit the form, console. log shows me that value of input is empty despite that variable that was selected from dropdown menu is actually updated.
I mean variable that I have chosen console logs some value, but hidden input thinks that it is still empty.
Does it means I have to rerender manually page each time I change that variable so input gets it's new value using useEffect ? Which is bad solution for me, I don't like it, thought it would be done automatically.
Or instead of useState I must create and use variable via Redux ? Which I also don't like, use redux for such small thing fills overcomplicated.
Isn't there any nice elegant solution ? :)
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
const [someVar,setSomeVar]=useState('');
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm({ mode: 'onBlur' });
const handleFormSubmit = (data) => {
const handleErrors = (errors) => {
const options = {
hiddenInput: {
required: t('hiddenInput is required'),
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleFormSubmit, handleErrors)}>
options='...some options list'
onChange={(value) => setSomeVar(value)}
{...register('hiddenInput', options.hiddenInput)}
Its because getElementsByName returns an array of elements.
You probably want
I should add that really you should use a ref attached to the input and not access it via the base DOM API.
const hiddenRef = useRef(null)
// ...
cosnt handleSubmit =(e)=>{
// ...
However as you are using react-hook-form you need to be interacting with its state store so the library knows the value.
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm({ mode: 'onBlur' });
// ...
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleFormSubmit, handleErrors)}>
options='...some options list'
onChange={(value) => setValue('hiddenInput', value)}
{...register('hiddenInput', options.hiddenInput)}
You can remove const [someVar,setSomeVar]=useState('');
However, this hidden input is not really necessary as you mention in comments. You just need to bind the dropdown to react hook form.
// controller is imported from react hook form
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleFormSubmit, handleErrors)}>
control={control} // THIS IS FROM useForm return
rules={{required: true}}
field: { onChange, value, name, ref }
}) => (
value={options.find(c => c.value === value)}
onChange={val => onChange(val.value)}

latest react-hook-form error handling with material-ui TextField

I have difficulties, using react-hook-form with material-ui.
I prepared a codesandbox example.
import { TextField } from "#material-ui/core";
import React from "react";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
import "./styles.css";
interface IMyForm {
vasarlo: string;
export default function App() {
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm<IMyForm>();
const onSubmit = (data: IMyForm) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
<label>First Name</label>
{...register("vasarlo", {
required: "error text"
error={errors?.vasarlo ? true : false}
helperText={errors?.vasarlo ? errors.vasarlo.message : null}
<input type="submit" />
How can I properly use the register function, to get error message, write to input field, also the onSubmit function to work?
I couldn't find answer in the documentation for this scenario.
In react-hook-form v7, this is how you register an input:
<input {...register('name')} />
Calling register() will return necessary props for your input like onChange, onBlur and ref. These props make it possible for react-hook-form to keep track of your form data. Now when you use register with Material-UI TextField like this:
<TextField {...register('name')} />
You pass the ref property directly to the TextField while the correct place to put it is in the inputRef:
<TextField inputRef={ref} />
So you have to modify your code like this:
const { ref: inputRef, ...inputProps } = register("vasarlo", {
required: "error text"
<TextField inputRef={inputRef} {...inputProps} />
How can I properly use the register function, to get error message
There is nothing wrong with your error handling code. Though you can shorten you code a bit more using Typescript's optional chaining operator ?.:
Live Demo
You're misusing Controller. react-hook-form's default functionality is using uncontrolled inputs. Remove <Controller/> and put this on your TextField
required: 'This is required',
validate: (data) => myValidationFunction(data)
You'll only want to use a controller if you NEED to modify/intercept/format a value that is being displayed in the TextField that is different from what a user is typing, i.e a phone number getting shown as (xxx)-xxx-xxxx when only typing the digits.

How can I dynamically tie my form into Formik, in React functional component

I'm building a React component which loads form data dynamically from an external API call. I'll need to submit it back to another API endpoint after the user completes it.
here it is:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import TextField from "#material-ui/core/TextField";
import { useFormik } from "formik";
const FORM = () => {
const [form, setForm] = useState([]);
const [submission, setSubmission] = useState({});
const formik = useFormik({
initialValues: {
email: "",
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const formData = await axios.get("");
}, []);
return (
{, index) => {
if (value.fieldType === "text") {
return (
if (value.fieldType === "select") {
return (
{ => (
<option key={option.value} value={option.value}>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default FORM;
The API call is coming in ok (yeah i now i need some error handle on that) and I am able to populate the fields and get the form on the page. Where I am having trouble (and im newer to Formik so bear with me) is i need to do validation and submission. I do not really know how to handle the values, usually i'd write some type of static code for the variables, test them and then submit.
usually i'd set a field for "name" and one for "email" for example. In this case i can't write those fields in because they come from the API and we have no idea what they are until we get the call response.
My code handles the field creation but i need to wire for validation and submission and want to use Formik.
How can i accomplish a dynamic form (thru formik) which is wired for validation and submission?
I had the same problem, and I solved it with <Formik> component instead of useFormik() hook. not sure why useFormik fails on dynamic validation, but anyway, after switching to <Formik>, below is the code which worked for me. please check key points after the below code snippet as well.
initialValues={request || emptyRequest //Mostafa: edit or new: if request state is avaialble then use it otherwise use emptyRequest.
onSubmit={(values) => {
validate={(data) => {
let errors = {};
if (!data.categoryId) {
errors.categoryId = 'Request Category is required.';
//Mostafa: Dynamic validation => as the component is re-rendered, the validation is set again after request category is changed. React is interesting and a lot of repetitive work is done.
if (requestCategoryFields) => {
if (rcField.fieldMandatory) { //1- check Mandatory
if (!data.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName]) {
if (!errors.dynamicAttrsMap) //Mostafa: Need to initialize the object in errors, otherwise Formik will not work properly.
errors.dynamicAttrsMap = {}
errors.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName] = rcField.fieldLabel + ' is required.';
if (rcField.validationRegex) { //2- check Regex
if (data.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName]) {
var regex = new RegExp(rcField.validationRegex); //Using RegExp object for dynamic regex patterns.
if (!regex.test(data.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName])) {
if (!errors.dynamicAttrsMap) //Mostafa: Need to initialize the object in errors, otherwise Formik will not work properly.
errors.dynamicAttrsMap = {}
if (errors.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName]) //add an Line Feed if another errors line already exists, just for a readable multi-line message.
errors.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName] += '\n';
errors.dynamicAttrsMap[rcField.fieldPropertyName] = rcField.validationFailedMessage; //Regex validaiton error and help is supposed to be already provided in Field defintion by admin user.
return errors;
}) => (
<form autoComplete="off" noValidate onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="card">
<div className="grid p-fluid mt-2">
<div className="field col-12 lg:col-6 md:col-6">
<span className="p-float-label p-input-icon-right">
<Dropdown name="categoryId" id="categoryId" value={values.categoryId} onChange={e => { handleRequestCategoryChange(e, handleChange, setFieldValue) }}
filter showClear filterBy="name"
className={classNames({ 'p-invalid': isFormFieldValid(touched, errors, 'categoryId') })}
itemTemplate={requestCategoryItemTemplate} valueTemplate={selectedRequestCategoryValueTemplate}
options={requestCategories} optionLabel="name" optionValue="id" />
<label htmlFor="categoryId" className={classNames({ 'p-error': isFormFieldValid(touched, errors, 'categoryId') })}>Request Category*</label>
{getFormErrorMessage(touched, errors, 'siteId')}
//Here goes the dynamic fields
requestCategoryFields && => {
return (
<DynamicField field={rcField} values={values} touched={touched} errors={errors} handleBlur={handleBlur}
handleChange={handleChange} isFormFieldValid={isFormFieldValid} getFormErrorMessage={getFormErrorMessage}
crudService={qaCrudService} toast={toast} />
<div className="p-dialog-footer">
<Button type="button" label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" className="p-button p-component p-button-text"
onClick={() => {
}} />
<Button type="submit" label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" className="p-button p-component p-button-text" />
Key points:
My dynamic fields also come from a remote API, by selecting the categoryId DropDown, and are set into the requestCategoryFields state.
I store the dynamic fields' values in a nested object called dynamicAttrsMap inside my main object which is called request as I have static fields as well.
I used validate props which includes one static validation for categoryId field, and then a loop (map) that adds dynamic validation for all other dynamic fields. this strategy works as with every state change, your component is re-rendered and your validation is created from scratch.
I have two kinds of validation, one checks the existence of value for mandatory fields. And the other checks a regex validation for the contents of the dynamic fields if needed.
I moved the rendering of dynamic fields to a separate component <DynamicField> for better modularization. please check my DynamicField component
you can move the validation props to a const for better coding; here my code is a bit messy.
I used two const, for better coding, for error messages and CSS as below:
const isFormFieldValid = (touched, errors, name) => { return Boolean(getIn(touched, name) && getIn(errors, name)) };
const getFormErrorMessage = (touched, errors, name) => {
return isFormFieldValid(touched, errors, name) && <small className="p-error">{getIn(errors, name)}</small>;
please check out my complete component at my GitHub Here for better understanding. and comment for any clarification if you need. because I know how tricky Formik can sometimes be. we have to help out each other.
Adding enableReinitialize to formik
initialValues: initialData,
enableReinitialize: true,
onSubmit: values => {
// Do something

How to make invisible react-google-recaptcha, Formik and yup work together?

I'm trying to make invisible react-google-recaptcha, Formik and yup to work together. The documentation says we should call recaptchaRef.current.execute() on form submission, but if we use Formik and yup together, it will trigger the submission logic only after all fields passed the validation schema.
Basically, we need to call the execute method, update the recaptcha value and submit the form with the same trigger event. My problem is exactly that: I'm having to use two events (one for the execute method and update the recaptcha + one to submit the form).
Check this sandbox:
As you can see, the form is submitted only with the second click in the submit button...
With Formik, there are some ways to do background work for your form's. This basically could be achieved with handleChange or handleBlur props being passed to the form component.
For instance, I am sure you would have other inputs in your form elements and not just a captcha (if it's just a captcha in the form, then do let me know! - this can also be solved)
So when you have other elements, you can ensure to use some of the Formik's API to handle the automatic trigger:
handleBlur event to trigger the ReCaptcha
isSubmitting to control the submit button's state
setSubmitting event to manipulate the button's state
As I see, there are a lot of ways to handle this through their API's:
The way I tried to achieve it is by adding a listener for onBlur on all fields and then checking if reCaptcha value is present or not. Based on that I trigger the execute the captcha and ensure to set the submitting value as true:
const handleBlur = (e) => {
console.log("$$$$", props.isSubmitting);
if (!props.values.recaptcha) {
Here is the CodeSandbox Link:
This shows the working model of handling onBlur of a field and triggering it in the background. If you notice, you can also disable and enable the submit button using isSubmitting and setSubmitting.
Also setting validateOnChange={false} and validateOnBlur={false}, because there is no need to validate on change or blur for captcha.
Pasting code here just in case for you to glance:
import React, { Component, createRef } from "react";
import ReCAPTCHA from "react-google-recaptcha";
import { Formik } from "formik";
import * as yup from "yup";
export default class MyForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this._validationSchema = yup.object().shape({
recaptcha: yup.string().required(),
name: yup.string().required(),
address: yup.string().required()
this._initialValues = { recaptcha: "", name: "", address: "" };
this._reCaptchaRef = createRef();
render() {
return (
onSubmit={(values) => console.log(values)}
{(props) => {
const handleBlur = (e) => {
console.log("$$$$", props.isSubmitting);
if (!props.values.recaptcha) {
return (
<form onSubmit={props.handleSubmit}>
<label>Name: </label>
<label>Address: </label>
onChange={(value) => {
console.log("$$$$", props.isSubmitting, value);
props.setFieldValue("recaptcha", value);
<button type="submit" disabled={props.isSubmitting}>
{ && <div>{}</div>}

React-final-form - input losing focus after every keystroke

import React from "react";
import { Field, Form } from "react-final-form";
export function LogInDialog(props: { open: boolean; onClose: () => void }) {
const onSubmit = vals => {
return (
render={({ handleSubmit, form, submitting, pristine, values }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} key="unique_key_1" id="unique_id_1">
component={({ input: { onChange, value }, label }) => (
The input is losing its focus after every keystroke. In devtools, I can see the HTML form is created anew every time (it flashes pink). The React component itself however goes through rendering only once.
There are similar questions, however all of them suggest using unique keys. Such a solution doesn't seem to be working here.
Why is the input losing its focus over and over again? How do I fix it?
Since an inline lambda is used for the component, its identity changes every render.
While according to many other questions an unique key should be enough, moving the component function outside the master component fixes it altogether.
