SQL Report Builder: Adding <All> option to drop down - sql-server

I found this question on SO elsewhere, but the answer included a part that doesn't pertain to me, so I must ask this question with my specifics.
I need to simply add an option in my dropdown menu. Here's my SQL query to be used for the salesperson only (debug mode):
declare #user varchar(30)
set #user = 'DOMAIN\ppelzel'
select SalesPerson_Name
from Salesperson
where salesperson_id = case
when #user in ('DOMAIN\Brandyj',
'DOMAIN\ppelzel','DOMAIN\bmurray')then salesperson_id
else SUBSTRING(#user,14,20)
order by 1
Per my previous mention of another question like this asked, it said to not use a WHERE clause. I, however, must use a WHERE clause because I need it to determine if the person logged in matches what's in the dataset, then that is the only name they'll see, outside of a handful of 'Admin' users who need to see everyone.
For these same Admin users, I need to add an option to select all salespeople. I tried simply using the "allow multiple values" but it doesn't like that and gives me an error: Incorrect syntax near ','. even when I take out the WHERE clause in my query of sp.salesperson_name = #salesperson. Anyway, what's my best course of action for adding an All option for this report?
EDIT: I just realized I might need to add the main dataset query for context:
SELECT sp.SalesPerson_Name
,sum(isnull(sales_qty, 0)) AS 'total gallons'
,sum(isnull(Ext_Retail_Base, 0) + isnull(Ext_Retail_Freight, 0)) - sum(isnull(Ext_Cost_Base, 0) + isnull(Ext_Cost_Freight, 0)) 'Sales GM'
,(sum(isnull(Ext_Retail_Base, 0) + isnull(Ext_Retail_Freight, 0)) - sum(isnull(Ext_Cost_Base, 0) + isnull(Ext_Cost_Freight, 0))) / sum(isnull(sales_qty, 0)) 'cpg'
FROM Fuel_Wholesale_Sales_Fact fwsf
JOIN calendar c ON fwsf.Calendar_key = c.calendar_key
JOIN Salesperson sp ON sp.SalesPerson_Key = fwsf.Salesperson_Key
JOIN Customer cu ON fwsf.Customer_Key = cu.Customer_Key
WHERE sp.SalesPerson_Name = #SalesPerson
AND c.Day_Date BETWEEN #Start
AND #End
and isnull(fwsf.sales_qty,0) != 0
GROUP BY sp.SalesPerson_Name, c.Calendar_Month_Name
UPDATE 1: I attempted to use the STRING_SPLIT function, but even using the simple example from Microsoft's website (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-split-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2016) resulted in me getting an error: Invalid object name 'STRING_SPLIT'. I am running SQL 2016. Thoughts?
Figured it out. Compatibility level issue. My DB is set on 110. I may need to ask some questions if there's a reason it's set on that as opposed to the default 130.
UPDATE 2: I finally sorted out what I needed. I just used the "Allow multiple values" option in the Parameter Properties. It wasn't working before because I foolishly did not use an IN operator nor surround the parameter with parentheses.
So I had the following: select salesperson where id = #salesperson
When what I needed was: select salesperson where id in (#salesperson) because Report Builder will pass a string of parameter values as 'Bob','Mary','John' which require that they be put inside the parentheses. This is for others who come looking for answers.


SSRS: Pulling report only for user currently logged in

I was needing to be able to pull a report based on who was logged in. For example, out of a group of salespeople, if Bob goes into this report and clicks on the Salesperson drop-down, I need him to only be able to see Bob as an available salesperson, not anyone else. I solved this by using the =User!UserID function in SSRS and it works beautifully.
Where I'm now having trouble is giving this functionality a CASE statement to allow an "Admin" view for managers to be able to go in and see Bob as well as everyone else. My current query looks like this and works as intended for only selecting that user's name from the Salesperson drop-down:
select SalesPerson_Name
from Salesperson
where salesperson_id = SUBSTRING(#user,14,20)
Here is what I'm attempting to use to override and give an 'All' type view for Admin level:
select Salesperson_name
from Salesperson
where case
when #user in ('DOMAIN\Brandyj','DOMAIN\jwilson') then 1=1
else SalesPerson_id = SUBSTRING(#user,14,20)
It does not like what I'm trying to do and gives me a
Incorrect syntax near '='.
Maybe I've been looking at this too long. Can someone spot something obvious?
You are close... just a minor change. You need the CASE expression to be evaluated on your operand of your SalesPerson_id column. CASE doesn't provide logical flow as you attempted to use it. Remember, it evaluates a set of boolean expressions to determine the result (which must be a single datatype).
I also opted for OR but you can still use IN if you'd like.
select Salesperson_name
from Salesperson
SalesPerson_id =
when #user = 'DOMAIN\Brandyj' or #user = 'DOMAIN\jwilson' then SalesPerson_id
else SUBSTRING(#user,14,20)

Report builder - using different queries according to parameter

I am trying to make a report, where I can select a multiple values from a parameter - and then make a query, where i state "where in (#partner)"
However, my problems occours, when I want to make a value, that will not do the "where in (#partner)", but will simply select all from the same query, without the where in clause - as not all rows in my db table, have the specific values set, so I want to catch them too.
All the values for the parameter is selected from a query, and I have a union on it, to create a value for the one, where I need to select all - not using the where in.
It actually works, if only one value from the parameter list is chosen - but as soon as I try to select 2 or more, I get the error "query execution failed for dataset1......"
The value of the parameter value, that is used for selecting all is 0, as you see in the code - and it does work as I can execute both select statements below, but not when I select more then 1 value from the parameter list.
IF #partner = 0
thedata = 3
thedata = 3
and partner in (#partner)
Hope there is some clever guys out there:) Thanks
Just do:
SELECT thedata
FROM thetable
WHERE thedata = 3
AND (partner IN (#partner) or #partner = 0)

"The column prefix '*' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query." while using a temp table

In a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure, I'm trying to perform an update statement to a table variable. It is currently giving me the error: "The column prefix 'WST' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query."
WST.QtySold = (SELECT SUM(II.QtyShipped)
FROM #InvoiceItems II
WHERE II.InvoiceDate >= WST.StartDate
AND II.InvoiceDate <= WST.EndDate),
WST.TotalSales = (SELECT SUM(ISNULL(II.QtyShipped, 0) * ISNULL(II.UnitPrice, 0))
FROM #InvoiceItems II
WHERE II.InvoiceDate >= WST.StartDate
AND II.InvoiceDate <= WST.EndDate),
WST.TotalCost = (SELECT SUM(ISNULL(II.QtyShipped, 0) * ISNULL(II.UnitCost, 0))
FROM #InvoiceItems II
WHERE II.InvoiceDate >= WST.StartDate
AND II.InvoiceDate <= WST.EndDate)
FROM #WeeklySalesTrend WST
WHERE WST.WeekNo = 1
This error only appeared after I created the temp table #InvoiceItems and replaced the Inner Join of two tables with the temp table. Why would changing the two-table inner join out for a temp table cause this error and how do I fix/get around it?
I don't have a SQL 2000 box to test this on but I think your query syntax is correct. I suspect there may be invisible control characters that's messing up the parsing. This used to happen from time to time but I haven't seen the issue for a while. Try typing the query into a new query window from scratch.
The answer boils down to this, SQL Query Analyzer gave me the wrong location for the error. The error was actually because of an Insert statement 17 lines higher in the code where I was trying to use WST when I never aliased it up there. I don't know if this was a glitch/bug on Query Analyzer's side or if the stored procedure optimized to more lines and there its location was off. Either way, the problem has been fixed. Thanks for the suggestions and quick responses though and sorry for wasting your time.

Update on linked server with nested subquery

I want to update on a linked server the result of a query as well from a linked server.
The first sql snippet gives me the value to be updated:
SELECT mmdb_vessel.IMONo, mmdb_vessel.DeathDate
From OPENQUERY(MMDB, 'SELECT FunctionalLocation, IMONo, VesselStatus, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DeathDate, 102) AS DeathDate
WHERE VESSEL.VesselStatusID <> 42 AND VESSEL.DeathDate is not null') as mmdb_vessel
, eb_all_v
eb_all_v.IMO_No = mmdb_vessel.IMONo
AND eb_all_v.status = 'in service'
the second is actually what I'm not able to implement, it should show what I want to achieve:
, LIQUIDATION_DATE = [result from snippet above].DeathDate
Where EPI2..EPI.PLANT.IMONo = [result from snippet above].IMONo
I'm not so sure if my explanation is sufficient, please feel free to ask for additional information!
Thanks, already in advance,
I would recommend to select the data from the remote server first and store the required data e.g. in a temptable, because LinkedServer and updates can have some sideeffects (e.g. performing a tablescan on the remote table, altough you would not expect it if an updaet is involved, etc) - but this depends on your exact usage/scenario.
Select data you need to update
Perform the update on local server

TSQL to insert an ascending value

I am running some SQL that identifies records which need to be marked for deletion and to insert a value into those records. This value must be changed to render the record useless and each record must be changed to a unique value because of a database constraint.
SET Username = 'Deleted' + (ISNULL(
Cast(SELECT RIGHT(MAX(Username),1)
FROM Users WHERE Username LIKE 'Deleted%') AS INT)
,0) + 1
a.Username = 'AVSOMPOL\' + b.sAMAccountName
WHERE (b.sAMAccountName is NULL
AND a.Username LIKE 'AVSOMPOL%') OR b.userAccountControl = 514
This is the important bit:
SET Username = 'Deleted' + (ISNULL(
Cast(SELECT RIGHT(MAX(Username),1)
FROM Users WHERE Username LIKE 'Deleted%') AS INT)
,0) + 1
What I've tried to do is have deleted records have their Username field set to 'Deletedxxx'. The ISNULL is needed because there may be no records matching the SELECT RIGHT(MAX(Username),1) FROM Users WHERE Username LIKE 'Deleted%' statement and this will return NULL.
I get a syntax error when trying to parse this (Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
I'm sure there must be a better way to go about this, any ideas?
If your Users table already has an integer PK column, you can simply use this column to generate 'Deleted'+PK usernames.
Btw, would the SELECT RIGHT(MAX(Username),1) not fail after 10 users? Better to use SUBSTRING().
Is it strictly necessary to use incremental 'xxx' values? Couldn't you just use random values?
SET Username = Username + '_deleted_' + CAST(NEWID() AS char(36))
Additionally, it might be a bad idea to overwrite the login completely. Given that you disable the record, not delete it entirely, I assume that you need it for audit purposes or smth. like that. In this case, records with IDs like 'Deleted1234' might be too anonymous.
I suspect this would work better as a multi-step SQL statement, but I'm unsure if that's reasonable.
The error you're seeing is because you're trying to concatenate an int to a string, you're also adding 1. Your order of operations is all screwy in that set statement. This does what you're asking, but it will fail the minute you get more than 9 deleted entries.
FROM #Users WHERE username LIKE 'DELETED%')
, 0) + 1 )
edit: sorry for the horrible formatting. Couldn't figure out how to make it readable.
