Use Arduino to generate sin wave modulated by gold code - c

I am trying to use Arduino to generate sin wave and gold code is used to determine when the wave will have a phase shift. However, the output is not performed as I expected. Sometimes, it does not occur any phase shift for consequent ten cycles, which should not happen according to our definition of gold code array. Which part of the code could I try to fix the problem?
int gold_code[]={1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1, 1,1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1, -1, 1, 1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1};
void loop()
int n = sizeof(gold_code)/sizeof(gold_code[0]);
byte bsin[128];
int it;
unsigned long tm0;
unsigned int tm;
for(int i=0;i<128;i++)
bsin[i] = 8 + (int)(0.5 + 7.*sin( (double)i*3.14159265/64.));
int count=0;
int count1=0;
tm0 = micros();
tm = micros() - tm0;
if(tm > 511)
tm0 = tm0+512;
tm -= 512;
tm = (tm >> 2) ;
PORTB = bsin[tm];
PORTB = 16-bsin[tm];

The variable count eventually overflows and becomes negative. This, in conjunction with the modulo operation is a sign (pun intended) of a disaster waiting to happen.
Use a different method for limiting the value of count to the bounds of your gold_codearray.
You should expect a significant increase in frequency after removing the modulo operation, so you may need to add some pacing to your loop.
The pacing in your loop is wrong. Variable count increments 4 times as fast as your phase counter.
Also, #Edward Karak raises a valid point. To do a proper phase shift, you should add (or subtract) from tm, not from the sin value.
[EDIT] I was not quite happy with the way the phase shift is handled. It just doesn't feel right to advance the gold counter at the same pace as the phase counter. So I added a separate timer for that. Advances in the gold_code array every 8 microseconds for now, but you can change it to whatever you're supposed to have.
as in:
unsigned char tm0 = 0;
unsigned char tm0_gold = 0;
const unsigned char N = sizeof(gold_code) / sizeof(gold_code[0]);
unsigned char phase = 0;
// pacing for a stable frequency
unsigned char mic = micros() & 0xFF;
if (mic - tm0_gold >= 8)
tm0_gold = mic;
// compute and do the phase shift
if (++count >= N)
count -= N;
if (gold_code[count] > 0) // you have == 0 in your code, but that doesn't make sense.
phase += 16; // I can't make any sense of what you are trying to do,
// so I'll just add 45° of phase for each positive value
// you'll probably want to make your own test here
if (mic - tm0 >= 4)
tm0 = mic;
// advance the phase. keep within the LUT bounds
if (++phase >= 128)
phase -= 128;
// output
PORTB = bsin[phase];
For frequency stability, you will want to move the sine generator to a timer interrupt, after debugging. This will free up your loop() to do some extra control.
I don't quite understand why count increments as fast as the phase counter.
You may want to increment count at a slower pace to reach your goal.


Track Minimum Value of a Signal In Real Time

I'm currently tracking the analog value of a photodetector coming into my system. The signal itself is cleaned, filtered (low pass and high pass), and amplified in hardware before coming into my system. The signal has a small amount of DC walk to it, which is giving me some trouble. I've attempted to just move the min up by 1% every 50 reads of the ADC,but it adds more noise than I'd like to my signal. Here's a snapshot of what I'm pulling in below (blue = signal, max/min average = green, red = min) The spikes in the red signal can be ignored that's something I'm doing to say when a certain condition is met.
Right now my function for tracking min is this:
//Determine is value is outside max or min
if(data > max) max = data;
if(data < min) min = data;
//Reset function to bring the bounds in every 50 cycles
max = max/1.01;
min = min*1.01;
if(min <= 1200) min = 1200;
if(max >= 1900) max = 1900;
That works fine except when I do that 1% correction to make sure we are still tracking the signal it throws other functions off which rely on the average value and the min value. My objective is to determine:
On the negative slope of the signal
Data coming in is less than the average
Data coming in is 5% above the minimum
It is really #3 that is driving everything else. There is enough slack in the other two that they aren't that affected.
Any suggestions for a better way to track the max and min in real-time than what I'm doing?
EDIT: Per comment by ryyker: here is additional information and reproducible example code
Need more clearly described: I'm reading an analog signal approximately once every 2ms and determining whether that signal has crossed a threshold just above the minimum value of the analog signal. The signal has some DC walk in it which doesn't allow me to simply set the lowest value seen since power-on as the minimum value.
The question: On a reading-by-reading basis, how can I track the min of a signal that doesn't have a consistent minimum value?
int main(void) {
while (1)
//** Process analog sensor data, calculate HR, and trigger solenoids
//** At some point this should probably be moved to a function call in System.c,
//** but I don't want to mess with it right now since it works (Adam 11/23/2022)
//Read Analog Data for Sensor
data = ADC1_ReadChannel(7);
//Buffer the sensor data for peak/valley detection
for(int buf=3;buf>0;buf--){
dataBuffer[buf] = dataBuffer[buf-1];
dataBuffer[0] = data;
//Look for a valley
//Considered a valley is the 3 most recent data points are increasing
//This helps avoid noise in the signal
uint8_t count = 0;
for(int buf=0;buf<3;buf++) {
if(dataBuffer[buf]>dataBuffer[buf+1]) count++;
if(count >= 3) currentSlope = true; //if the last 3 points are increasing, we just passed a valley
else currentSlope = false; //not a valley
// Track the data stream max and min to calculate a signal average
// The signal average is used to determine when we are on the bottom end of the waveform.
if(data > max) max = data;
if(data < min) min = data;
if(rstCntr>=50){ //Make sure we are tracking the signal by moving min and max in every 200 samples
max = max/1.01;
min = min*1.01;
if(min <= 1200) min = 1200; //average*.5; //Probably finger was removed from sensor, move back up
if(max >= 1900) max = 1900; //Need to see if this really works consistently
average = ((uint16_t)min+(uint16_t)max)/2;
trigger = min; //Variable is only used for debug output, resetting each time around
if(data < average &&
currentSlope == false && //falling edge of signal
data <= (((average-min)*.03)+min) && //Threshold above the min
return 1;
Here is what I'm seeing using the code posted by ryyker below. The green line is what I'm using as my threshold, which works fairly well, but you can see max and min don't track the signal.
Update with edited min/max code. Not seeing it ever reach the max. Might be the window size is too small (set to 40 in this image).
Just for extra clarity, I'm restating my objectives once again, hopefully to make things as clear as possible. It might be helpful to provide a bit more context around what the information is used for, so I'm doing that also.
I have an analog sensor which measures a periodic signal in the range of 0.6Hz to 2Hz. The signal's periodicity is not consistent from pulsewave to pulsewave. It varies +/- 20%. The periodic signal is used to determine the timing of when a valve is opened and closed.
The valve needs to be opened a constant number of ms after the signal peak is reached, but the time it physically takes the valve to move is much longer than this constant number. In other words, opening the valve when the peak is detected means the valve opens too late.
Similar to 1, using the valley of the signal is also not enough time for the valve to physically open.
The periodicity of the signal varies enough that it isn't possible to use the peak-to-peak time from the previous two pulsewaves to determine when to open the valve.
I need to consistently determine a point on the negative sloped portion of the pulsewave to use as the trigger for opening the valve.
My approach is to measure the minimum and maximum of the signal and then set a threshold above the minimum which I can use to determine the time the open the valve.
My thought is that by setting some constant percentage above the minimum will get me to a consistent location on the negative sloped which can be used to open the valve.
"On a reading-by-reading basis, how can I track the min of a signal that doesn't have a consistent minimum value?"
By putting each discrete signal sample through a moving window filter, and performing statistical operations on the window as it moves, standard deviation can be extracted (following mean and variance) which can then be combined with mean to determine the minimum allowed value for each point of a particular waveform. This assumes noise contribution is known and consistent.
The following implementation is one way to consider.
in header file or top of .c
//support for stats() function
#define WND_SZ 10;
int wnd_sz = WND_SZ;
typedef struct stat_s{
double arr[10];
double min; //mean - std_dev
double max; //mean + std_dev
double mean; //running
double variance;//running
double std_dev; //running
} stat_s;
void stats(double in, stat_s *out);
in .c (edit to change max and min)
// void stats(double in, stat_s *out)
// Used to monitor a continuous stream of sensor values.
// Accepts series of measurement values from a sensor,
// Each new input value is stored in array element [i%wnd_sz]
// where wnd_sz is the width of the sample array.
// instantaneous values for max and min as well as
// moving values of mean, variance, and standard deviation
// are derived once per input
void ISL_UTIL stats(double in, stat_s *out)
double sum = 0, sum1 = 0;
int j = 0;
static int i = 0;
out->arr[i%wnd_sz] = in;//array index values cycle within window size
//sum all elements of moving window array
for(j = 0; j < wnd_sz; j++)
sum += out->arr[j];
//compute mean
out->mean = sum / (double)wnd_sz;
//sum squares of diff between each element and mean
for (j = 0; j < wnd_sz; j++)
sum1 += pow((out->arr[j] - out->mean), 2);
//compute variance
out->variance = sum1 / (double)wnd_sz;
//compute standard deviation
out->std_dev = sqrt(out->variance);
//EDIT here:
//mean +/- std_dev
out->max = out->mean + out->std_dev;
out->min = out->mean - out->std_dev;
//prevent overflow for long running sessions.
i = (i == 1000) ? 0 : ++i;
int main(void)
stat_s s = {0};
bool running = true;
double val = 0.0;
//read one sample from some sensor
val = someSensor();
stats(val, &s);
// collect instantaneous and running data from s
// into variables here
if(some exit condition) break
return 0;
Using this code with 1000 bounded pseudo random values, mean is surrounded with traces depicting mean + std_dev and mean - std_dev As std_dev becomes smaller over time, the traces converge toward the mean signal:
Note: I used the following in my test code to produce data arrays of a signal with constant amplitude added to injected noise that diminishes in amplitude over time.
void gen_data(int samples)
int i = 0;
int plotHandle[6] = {0};
stat_s s = {0};
double arr[5][samples];
memset(arr, 0, sizeof arr);
for(i=0; i < samples; i++)//simulate ongoing sampling of sensor
s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%100;
if(i<.20*samples) s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%100;
else if(i<.40*samples) s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%50;
else if(i<.60*samples) s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%25;
else if(i<.80*samples) s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%12;
else s.arr[i%wnd_sz] = 50 + rand()%6;
stats(s.arr[i%wnd_sz], &s);
arr[0][i] = s.mean;
arr[1][i] = s.variance;
arr[2][i] = s.std_dev;
arr[3][i] = s.min;
arr[4][i] = s.max;
Plotting algorithms deleted for brevity.

PWM for LED dimming unusual behavior

I made a function, where PWM signal is generated at the output (PORTD) without usage of PWM control registers inside PIC microcontroller (PIC18F452). In order to slowly dim LED connected at the output, I was trying to increase the time needed for pulse to advance from 0% of one period to 100% of one period of square wave, while having square wave frequency constant. Everything should go as planned, except that second parameter being passed into pwm function, somehow resets, when going from 655 to 666 (that is, when duty cycle is at 65%). After this event, value being passed to pwm function proceeds from 0. Where as it should not reset at transition from 655 to 656 but at transition from 1000 to 1001.
void main(void) {
TRISD = 0x00; //port D set as output
LATD = 0x00; //port D output set LOW
unsigned int width = 1000; // length of T_on + T_off
unsigned int j;
unsigned int res;
for (j = 1; j <= width; j++){
res = (unsigned int)((j*100)/width);
pwm(&LATD, res);
void pwm(volatile unsigned char *lat, unsigned int cycle){
if(cycle > 100){ // reset the "cycle"
cycle = 100;
unsigned int i = 1;
while(i<=(cycle)){ // T_on
*lat = 0x01;
unsigned int j = 100-cycle;
while(j){ // T_off
*lat = 0;
As for the program itself, it should work like so:
second parameter passed into pwm function is the duty cycle (in %) which changes from 0 to 100
with variable "width" the time needed for duty cycle to advance from 0% to 100% is controlled (width = 100 represents fastest time and everything above that is considered gradually slower time from 0% to 100%)
expression ((j*100)/width) serves as step variable inside "while" loop inside pwm function:
if width = 100, step is increased every increment of "j"
if width = 1000, step is increased every 10 increments of "j",
PORTD is passed into function as its address, whereas in function pwm, this address is operated via pointer variable lat
As for the problem itself, I could only assume two possibilities: either data type of second parameter of function pwm is incorrect or there is some unknown limitation within PIC microprocessor.
Also, here are definitions of configuration bits (device specific registers) of PIC, located int header file included in this program:
This is, how the program should operate:
This is, how the program currently operates:
The problem is a 16 Bit overflow:
res = (unsigned int)((j*100)/width);
if j is greater then 655 the result of the calculation j*100 is greater 16 Bit. Switch this to 32 Bit. Or easier make your loop from 0...100 for res.
for (res = 0; res <= 100; res++){
pwm(&LATD, res);

AVR interrupt's variable updated in main

Using a 8-bit AVR micro, I arrived to a simple situation which might not be that easy to solve.
Consider the following snippet:
static volatile uint8_t counter;
//fires often and I need all the values of the counter.
void isr(void) {
int main (void) {
while(1) {
counter = 0;
delay_ms(1000); //1 sec pause
return 0;
1.) It can happen that send_uart is followed by an isr which increases the counter, and then the next statement zeroes it out.
Therefore I'll miss one data from the counter.
2.) If I use ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_RESTORESTATE) in the main fn, I can avoid the problems declared in (1), but it can happen that I miss an ISR because in this case INTs are disabled for a short time.
Is there a better way to pass information from the main fn to ISR?
If the counter is sampled rather than reset, there won't be any timing issues. Increments happening while sending will be accounted for in the next iteration. The unsigned data type of the counter variables will guarantee well-defined overflow behavior.
uint8_t cs = 0; // counter sample at time of sending
uint8_t n = 0; // counter as last reported
while (1) {
cs = counter; // sample the counter
send_uart((uint8_t)(cs - n)); // report difference between sample and last time
n = cs; // update last reported value

Preventing torn reads with an HCS12 microcontroller

I'm trying to write an embedded application for an MC9S12VR microcontroller. This is a 16-bit microcontroller but some of the values I deal with are 32 bits wide and while debugging I've captured some anomalous values that seem to be due to torn reads.
I'm writing the firmware for this micro in C89 and running it through the Freescale HC12 compiler, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent them on this particular microcontroller assuming that this is the case.
Part of my application involves driving a motor and estimating its position and speed based on pulses generated by an encoder (a pulse is generated on every full rotation of the motor).
For this to work, I need to configure one of the MCU timers so that I can track the time elapsed between pulses. However, the timer has a clock rate of 3 MHz (after prescaling) and the timer counter register is only 16-bit, so the counter overflows every ~22ms. To compensate, I set up an interrupt handler that fires on a timer counter overflow, and this increments an "overflow" variable by 1:
static volatile unsigned long _timerOverflowsNoReset;
// ...
#ifndef __INTELLISENSE__
__interrupt VectorNumber_Vtimovf
void timovf_isr(void)
// Clear the interrupt.
TFLG2_TOF = 1;
// ...
I can then work out the current time from this:
unsigned long MOTOR_GetCurrentTime(void)
const unsigned long ticksPerCycle = 0xFFFF;
const unsigned long ticksPerMicrosecond = 3; // 24 MHZ / 8 (prescaler)
const unsigned long ticks = _timerOverflowsNoReset * ticksPerCycle + TCNT;
const unsigned long microseconds = ticks / ticksPerMicrosecond;
return microseconds;
In main.c, I've temporarily written some debugging code that drives the motor in one direction and then takes "snapshots" of various data at regular intervals:
// Test
for (iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
nextWait += SECONDS(secondsPerIteration);
while ((_test2Snapshots[iter].elapsed = MOTOR_GetCurrentTime() - startTime) < nextWait);
_test2Snapshots[iter].position = MOTOR_GetCount();
_test2Snapshots[iter].phase = MOTOR_GetPhase();
_test2Snapshots[iter].time = MOTOR_GetCurrentTime() - startTime;
// ...
In this test I'm reading MOTOR_GetCurrentTime() in two places very close together in code and assign them to properties of a globally available struct.
In almost every case, I find that the first value read is a few microseconds beyond the point the while loop should terminate, and the second read is a few microseconds after that - this is expected. However, occasionally I find the first read is significantly higher than the point the while loop should terminate at, and then the second read is less than the first value (as well as the termination value).
The screenshot below gives an example of this. It took about 20 repeats of the test before I was able to reproduce it. In the code, <snapshot>.elapsed is written to before <snapshot>.time so I expect it to have a slightly smaller value:
For snapshot[8], my application first reads 20010014 (over 10ms beyond where it should have terminated the busy-loop) and then reads 19988209. As I mentioned above, an overflow occurs every 22ms - specifically, a difference in _timerOverflowsNoReset of one unit will produce a difference of 65535 / 3 in the calculated microsecond value. If we account for this:
A difference of 40 isn't that far off the discrepancy I see between my other pairs of reads (~23/24), so my guess is that there's some kind of tear going on involving an off-by-one read of _timerOverflowsNoReset. As in while busy-looping, it will perform one call to MOTOR_GetCurrentTime() that erroneously sees _timerOverflowsNoReset as one greater than it actually is, causing the loop to end early, and then on the next read after that it sees the correct value again.
I have other problems with my application that I'm having trouble pinning down, and I'm hoping that if I resolve this, it might resolve these other problems as well if they share a similar cause.
Edit: Among other changes, I've changed _timerOverflowsNoReset and some other globals from 32-bit unsigned to 16-bit unsigned in the implementation I now have.
You can read this value TWICE:
unsigned long GetTmrOverflowNo()
unsigned long ovfl1, ovfl2;
do {
ovfl1 = _timerOverflowsNoReset;
ovfl2 = _timerOverflowsNoReset;
} while (ovfl1 != ovfl2);
return ovfl1;
unsigned long MOTOR_GetCurrentTime(void)
const unsigned long ticksPerCycle = 0xFFFF;
const unsigned long ticksPerMicrosecond = 3; // 24 MHZ / 8 (prescaler)
const unsigned long ticks = GetTmrOverflowNo() * ticksPerCycle + TCNT;
const unsigned long microseconds = ticks / ticksPerMicrosecond;
return microseconds;
If _timerOverflowsNoReset increments much slower then execution of GetTmrOverflowNo(), in worst case inner loop runs only two times. In most cases ovfl1 and ovfl2 will be equal after first run of while() loop.
Calculate the tick count, then check if while doing that the overflow changed, and if so repeat;
#define TCNT_BITS 16 ; // TCNT register width
uint32_t MOTOR_GetCurrentTicks(void)
uint32_t ticks = 0 ;
uint32_t overflow_count = 0;
overflow_count = _timerOverflowsNoReset ;
ticks = (overflow_count << TCNT_BITS) | TCNT;
while( overflow_count != _timerOverflowsNoReset ) ;
return ticks ;
the while loop will iterate either once or twice no more.
Based on the answers #AlexeyEsaulenko and #jeb provided, I gained understanding into the cause of this problem and how I could tackle it. As both their answers were helpful and the solution I currently have is sort of a mixture of the two, I can't decide which of the two answers to accept, so instead I'll upvote both answers and keep this question open.
This is how I now implement MOTOR_GetCurrentTime:
unsigned long MOTOR_GetCurrentTime(void)
const unsigned long ticksPerMicrosecond = 3; // 24 MHZ / 8 (prescaler)
unsigned int countA;
unsigned int countB;
unsigned int timerOverflowsA;
unsigned int timerOverflowsB;
unsigned long ticks;
unsigned long microseconds;
// Loops until TCNT and the timer overflow count can be reliably determined.
timerOverflowsA = _timerOverflowsNoReset;
countA = TCNT;
timerOverflowsB = _timerOverflowsNoReset;
countB = TCNT;
} while (timerOverflowsA != timerOverflowsB || countA >= countB);
ticks = ((unsigned long)timerOverflowsA << 16) + countA;
microseconds = ticks / ticksPerMicrosecond;
return microseconds;
This function might not be as efficient as other proposed answers, but it gives me confidence that it will avoid some of the pitfalls that have been brought to light. It works by repeatedly reading both the timer overflow count and TCNT register twice, and only exiting the loop when the following two conditions are satisfied:
the timer overflow count hasn't changed while reading TCNT for the first time in the loop
the second count is greater than the first count
This basically means that if MOTOR_GetCurrentTime is called around the time that a timer overflow occurs, we wait until we've safely moved on to the next cycle, indicated by the second TCNT read being greater than the first (e.g. 0x0001 > 0x0000).
This does mean that the function blocks until TCNT increments at least once, but since that occurs every 333 nanoseconds I don't see it being problematic.
I've tried running my test 20 times in a row and haven't noticed any tearing, so I believe this works. I'll continue to test and update this answer if I'm wrong and the issue persists.
Edit: As Vroomfondel points out in the comments below, the check I do involving countA and countB also incidentally works for me and can potentially cause the loop to repeat indefinitely if _timerOverflowsNoReset is read fast enough. I'll update this answer when I've come up with something to address this.
The atomic reads are not the main problem here.
It's the problem that the overflow-ISR and TCNT are highly related.
And you get problems when you read first TCNT and then the overflow counter.
Three sample situations:
TCNT=0x0000, Overflow=0 --- okay
TCNT=0xFFFF, Overflow=1 --- fails
TCNT=0x0001, Overflow=1 --- okay again
You got the same problems, when you change the order to: First read overflow, then TCNT.
You could solve it with reading twice the totalOverflow counter.
uint16_t overflowsA=totalOverflows;
uint16_t cnt = TCNT;
uint16_t overflowsB=totalOverflows;
uint32_t totalCnt = cnt;
if ( overflowsA != overflowsB )
if (cnt < 0x4000)
totalCnt += 0x10000;
totalCnt += (uint32_t)overflowsA << 16;
If the totalOverflowCounter changed while reading the TCNT, then it's necessary to check if the value in tcnt is already greater 0 (but below ex. 0x4000) or if tcnt is just before the overflow.
One technique that can be helpful is to maintain two or three values that, collectively, hold overlapping portions of a larger value.
If one knows that a value will be monotonically increasing, and one will never go more than 65,280 counts between calls to "update timer" function, one could use something like:
// Note: Assuming a platform where 16-bit loads and stores are atomic
uint16_t volatile timerHi, timerMed, timerLow;
void updateTimer(void) // Must be only thing that writes timers!
timerMed += (uint8_t)((timerLow >> 8) - timerMed);
timerHi += (uint8_t)((timerMed >> 8) - timerHi);
uint32_t readTimer(void)
uint16_t tempTimerHi = timerHi;
uint16_t tempTimerMed = timerMed;
uint16_t tempTimerLow = timerLow;
tempTimerMed += (uint8_t)((tempTimerLow >> 8) - tempTimerMed);
tempTimerHi += (uint8_t)((tempTimerMed >> 8) - tempTimerHi);
return ((uint32_t)tempTimerHi) << 16) | tempTimerLow;
Note that readTimer reads timerHi before it reads timerLow. It's possible that updateTimer might update timerLow or timerMed between the time readTimer reads
timerHi and the time it reads those other values, but if that occurs, it will
notice that the lower part of timerHi needs to be incremented to match the upper
part of the value that got updated later.
This approach can be cascaded to arbitrary length, and need not use a full 8 bits
of overlap. Using 8 bits of overlap, however, makes it possible to form a 32-bit
value by using the upper and lower values while simply ignoring the middle one.
If less overlap were used, all three values would need to take part in the
final computation.
The problem is that the writes to _timerOverflowsNoReset isn't atomic and you don't protect them. This is a bug. Writing atomic from the ISR isn't very important, as the HCS12 blocks the background program during interrupt. But reading atomic in the background program is absolutely necessary.
Also, have in mind that Codewarrior/HCS12 generates somewhat ineffective code for 32 bit arithmetic.
Here is how you can fix it:
Drop unsigned long for the shared variable. In fact you don't need a counter at all, given that your background program can service the variable within 22ms real-time - should be very easy requirement. Keep your 32 bit counter local and away from the ISR.
Ensure that reads of the shared variable are atomic. Disassemble! It must be a single MOV instruction or similar; otherwise you must implement semaphores.
Don't read any volatile variable inside complex expressions. Not only the shared variable but also the TCNT. Your program as it stands has a tight coupling between the slow 32 bit arithmetic algorithm's speed and the timer, which is very bad. You won't be able to reliably read TCNT with any accuracy, and to make things worse you call this function from other complex code.
Your code should be changed to something like this:
static volatile bool overflow;
void timovf_isr(void)
// Clear the interrupt.
TFLG2_TOF = 1;
overflow = true;
// ...
unsigned long MOTOR_GetCurrentTime(void)
bool of = overflow; // read this on a line of its own, ensure this is atomic!
uint16_t tcnt = TCNT; // read this on a line of its own
overflow = false; // ensure this is atomic too
/* calculations here */
return microseconds;
If you don't end up with atomic reads, you will have to implement semaphores, block the timer interrupt or write the reading code in inline assembler (my recommendation).
Overall I would say that your design relying on TOF is somewhat questionable. I think it would be better to set up a dedicated timer channel and let it count up a known time unit (10ms?). Any reason why you can't use one of the 8 timer channels for this?
It all boils down to the question of how often you do read the timer and how long the maximum interrupt sequence will be in your system (i.e. the maximum time the timer code can be stopped without making "substantial" progress).
Iff you test for time stamps more often than the cycle time of your hardware timer AND those tests have the guarantee that the end of one test is no further apart from the start of its predecessor than one interval (in your case 22ms), all is well. In the case your code is held up for so long that these preconditions don't hold, the following solution will not work - the question then however is whether the time information coming from such a system has any value at all.
The good thing is that you don't need an interrupt at all - any try to compensate for the inability of the system to satisfy two equally hard RT problems - updating your overflow timer and delivering the hardware time is either futile or ugly plus not meeting the basic system properties.
unsigned long MOTOR_GetCurrentTime(void)
static uint16_t last;
static uint16_t hi;
volatile uint16_t now = TCNT;
if (now < last)
last = now;
return now + (hi * 65536UL);
BTW: I return ticks, not microseconds. Don't mix concerns.
PS: the caveat is that such a function is not reentrant and in a sense a true singleton.

C changing variable is being stepped over

My issue arises with the variable total. The debugger steps over like it's not even there, or if you get rid of the *, it runs and runs and provides a weird number. The idea of the program is to add dimes (or 10) to the total until it is greater than the goal which is 10000.
I'm writing this in C with IAR Embedded Workbench and am using a MSP430G2553.
#include <msp430g2553.h>
#include <stdio.h>
volatile unsigned int i;
int dime=0;
int goalz =10000;
int main( void )
// Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset
P1DIR |= 0x00;
P1OUT =0x01;
if((BIT4 & P1IN))
P1OUT |= 0x01;
int *total = 0;
*total = &dime;
P1OUT |= 0x00;
int *total = 0;
*total = &dime;
that is wrong, because you're trying to store the address of dime (not its value) in the location pointed by total, i.e. zero => not what you want (someone suggests this is the location of a register, so even if it doesn't crash, it's not valid. Writing the INTENA register is not good!).
The debugger probably optimizes out this statement, writing directly in zero.
not completely sure of what you want to achieve, but you have to declare total as a global variable and add dime to it. No need to use pointers or variable addresses here.
Probably, the debugger is steps over since the compiler is not even generating the code. You are creating the variable total (pointer or integer) in the stack (i.e., you add an item), you assign a value, and then you are out of scope so the variable is not there anymore.
I think that what you are trying to achieve is:
if (...) {
static int total = 0;
total = dime
but, then again, the variable total is completely useless, since it will always be the same value as dime. How should be total and dime different?
